This is a sample multi-tenant service containing split across two containers one Web API and one worker.
Depending on the configuration this service can be deployed in one of the three possible multi-tenancy options:
- shared deployment in a multi-tenant environmentMonoTenant
- dedicated deployment without tenant-speciffic functionality
You can configure the tenancy hosting options in appsettings.json:
"MultiTenancy": {
"TenancyType": "MultiTenant", // "MultiTenant" "MonoTenant"
"Defaults": {
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection" : "Server=YOUR_SERVER;Database=NBB_Invoices;User Id=YOUR_USER;Password=YOUR_PASSWORD;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
"Tenants": [
"TenantId": "f7bfa571-4067-4167-a4c5-dafb71ccdcf7",
"Code": "tenant1"
"TenantId": "a7bfa571-4067-4167-a4c5-dafb71ccdcf7",
"Code": "tenant2"
You need to configure your NATS server URL like this:
"Messaging": {
"Nats": {
"natsUrl": "<your NATS URL>"
To migrate the database you need to execute the migrations project
dotnet run --project .\samples\MultiTenancy\NBB.Todo.Migrations\NBB.Todo.Migrations.csproj
You need to start both the API and Worker projects.
Currently there are two use cases:
- query the todo list
- create a todo task
you can use the following Postman collection to execute the requests: TODO sample