diff --git a/man/grid.init.Rd b/man/grid.init.Rd index 1f09aef..fc38601 100644 --- a/man/grid.init.Rd +++ b/man/grid.init.Rd @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ grid.init(confFile=NULL, localTmpDir=NULL, verbose=TRUE, sshRemoteIp=NULL, \item{remoteRPath}{Path to R, if needed} \item{schedulerIp}{If a scheduler should be used, add his IP here} \item{schedulerPort}{Port of the scheduler, if used} + \item{remotePackages}{For \code{bosco.direct} service, a list of source packages to be installed on the remote R instance before executing the user function. This should be the full path to the source packages.} + \item{Rurl}{For \code{bosco.direct} service, a string URL from which to download the R binaries from.} } \details{The easiest way to use GridR is to use a config file.\cr The name of the config file is "gridr.conf" and it should be placed inside the user home directory or the directory from where R is executed. if another path is used, please specify it with the value \"configFile\"\cr