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vest.js is a simple templating library that is both light-weight and very flexible, as it relies on Javascript as its templating language. Unlike other templaintg libraries that introduce their own language and syntax, in vest.js there is nothing to learn - if you know Javascript you know vest.js.

vest.js is light-weight and low footprint. The core funcionality is inspired by John Resig's great post on [Javascript Micro-Templating[(


Download the package. All you realy need is the vest.js file to be included in your web pages. That's it.


vest.js is released under the MIT license.

Writing Templates

vest.js templates use Javascript as the templating language, so anything you can do in Javascript you can do in the template. The templates use three types of templating tags:

Code execution tag

<% %>

Inside these tags you can write any valid Javascript code.


<% if (condition){ doSomething(); } %>

<% for (var key in obj){ print(key); } %>

<% var x=5, y=7; print(x*y); %>

Output tag

<%= %>

Output tags are used to output a value to the template result string. You can still run any Javascript code here but it should return a string (or something with a toString).


<%= book.title %>

<%= namesArray.join(', ') %>

<%= str.replace(/blue/i, 'red') %>

Comment tag

<%-- --%>

Write comments in your template that will be strriped away from the output string.

Example: <%-- This is a comment --%>

Alternate tags style

vest.js supports alternate tags style. It comes pre configured with mustache style tags:

Code execution tag: {{ }}

Output tag: {{{ }}}

Comment tag: {{! }}

To switch to mustache style tags set the tag property to 'mustache' in the vest.js options.

You can also define your own tags. See tags in the Options section.

Important Notes

  • All block statements that output fixed content must have opening and closing curly brackets. Good code: <% if (condition){ %>content<% } %> Bad code: <% if (condition) %>content

  • You can output values to the template result from the code execution tags using the built-in print function. Note that in such case you must end the statement with a semicolon. <% if (condition) print('content'); %>


Note: Some code examples use jQuery for succinctness.


vest.compile(template, [data], [options])

Compiles a template. Returns a Javascript function that is ready to use. The template is an html string. If data is given it will be bound to the template. The returned function will need no parameters for execution, though it can still receive a data object upon execution, which will override the pre-bound data. Optionally, you can pass in an options object which is described later.

Compile a template with no data. Add the data parameter on execution:

var template = $('#book-details-template');
var fn = vest.compile(template);
var html = fn(BookDetails);	// execute with data

Compile a template with pre-bound data:

var template = $('#book-details-template');
var fn = vest.compile(template, BookDetails);
fn();	// no need to send the data, it's already bound

Compile a template with pre-bound data, later execute with a different data:

var template = $('#book-details-template');
var fn = vest.compile(template, BookDetails);
var html = fn();	// will execute with pre-bound data

html = fn(AnotherBook);	// execute with another data

run, data, [options]) or, data)

This is two step shortcut. run will first compile a template and then execute it with the given data returning the resulting html code. It receives as the first parametereither the template string or an ID of a previously cached template. See options section for details on caching templates.

Run a template with given data:

var template = $('#book-details-template');
var html =, BookDetails);


vest(template, data, [options]) or vest(templateId, data, [options])

Basically, this is just a shorthand form of



initialize lets you configure options any way you prefer for all subsequent calls to compile and run. It also allows to pre-compile all the templates found in your page. By default pre-compile is off. If you wish to pre-compile, then the second parameter $ is required. This is a reference to the jQuery object or equivalent (e.g. Zepto). Note that jQuery (or equivalent) is a dependancy only if you wish to pre-compile your templates, otherwise the library has no dependancies.

Set templates default tag style to mustache:

vest.initialize({ tagstyle : 'mustache' });


vest.extend(destination, *sources)

Copy all of the properties in the source objects over to the destination object, and return the destination object. It's in-order, so the last source will override properties of the same name in previous arguments.


var safeVest = vest.noConflict();

Give control of the vest variable back to its previous owner. Returns a reference to the vest function.


Options can be set at initialize or compile. Some options make sense being set one or the other.


Sets the style of the templating tags. vest comes build in with two tag styles: 'erb' (default), and 'mustache', but you can add your own. See the section on Writing Templates for details on using the template tags.


Sets a new tagstyle (or override an existing one). It is very important to note that the template lives in an HTML environment and is compiled into Javascript, so if defining your own tags, care must be exercised. See the following which defines and sets a new tag style:

	tagstyle : 'emoticon',
	tags : {
		emoticon : {
			tag		: { open : '(-:', close : ':-)' },
			print	: { open : '(=:', close : ':=)' },
			comment	: { open : '(-:#', close : '#:-)' }


Pass and Id for storing the compiled template in vest.templates. This option only makes sense in compile or run.

Store compiled template in vest.templates.myTemplate: vest.compile(template, data, { cache : 'myTemplate' });


Normally templates process the given data obejct using the Javascript with operator. This option lets you set a root variable and thus avoid using with which is supposed to be a little better performance-wise. The root variable's default is: 'arg'. The following examples which produce the same reuslt, show the differences:

No variable - direct access to the data's properties: vest.compile('Hello <%= name %>!', { name: 'Kermit' })

Using variable - access properties through the variable: vest.compile('Hello <%= %>!', { name: 'Kermit' }, { variable : 'frog' })

No variable, but can still access the data through the default 'arg': vest.compile('Hello <%= %>!', { name: 'Kermit' })


Every compiled template's context is vest.templateAPI - an object that can be used to expose useful methods for the template to use. this will access the context from within the template code. The templateAPI has just one built-in method 'htmlEscape' which will esacpe html significat characters.

Output some html escaped content: <%= this.htmlEscape('<p>paragraph</p>') %>

Extend the templateAPI object to expose all compiled templates to a new method: vest.extend(vest.templateAPI, { trim : function(str){ return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '') } })

Use the new method inside a template: Hello, <%= this.trim(user.fullName) %>.

Happy Coding ☺


A light-weight yet powerful Javascript templating library







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