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Benjamin thebennos
Search Evangelist, Data scientist, Entrepreneur

Fuxx Group Germany

Nobin Sarwar smsnobin77
PhD student (CS) Working on Generative AI.
Shubh Pundir ShubhPundir
Sophmore engineering student. Captivated by NLP and Data Science projects. Future works include LLM Models, CV projects and ML automation of Industry problems.

Gurgaon, Haryana

JungSu Kim zzragida

NHN 대한민국

Cason A Konzer casonk
University of Michigan - Flint \\ MS in Computer Science \\ BS in Applied Mathematics, minors in Computer Science + Economics & Data Analytics

Robert Bosch LLC USA

Tom Matthews tomukmatthews
MLOps Engineer

Unitary London

ana URL anaURL
Software Developer | MERN stack | @recursecenter alum

#100devs Berlin

Kostis Kostis-S-Z
AI Engineer @mozilla-ai - ML, Privacy, Ethics

Mozilla AI

Cristian CristianPip3
Developer :D

Colombia (Cauca -Popayán)

Sissy Themeli sissythem
💻 Software Engineer @unitaryai

@unitaryai Athens, Greece

Krutik Patel krutikpatel28
Solving real-life problems with Tech & Design
