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Nicholas St. Germain dirtycajunrice
Chief Technology Officer @kortstrid Partner @ValsogardEnterprise Owner @Cajun-Pro-LLC Lead Solidity & Web3 Developer @thecosmicuniverse

@Cajun-Pro-LLC Austin, TX

Lê Châu Công Thành Thanhlcc

Bach Khoa Ho Chi Minh University Vietnam

Mark Graham MarkDGraham
Programmer with knowledge of C, C++, C#, Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Services LLC Fremont, CA

Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack

Bonnia House

Bawer BawerMY
Front-end, Back-end and Python Developer

Turin (Italy)

Chris B. QuantumArchive
I am a senior software engineer with a primary focus in Java, Go, Python and Node.js. I work in the cloud, helping to build faster, more reliable services.

Los Angeles, CA

AiPals (Jesus C) AiPals

@AiPals United States

Pravakar pravakarp98
Transforming ideas into code. Crafter of clean, efficient, and scalable solutions. Always up for a challenge.


kit kit-died
I'm a full stack engineer specializing in Node.js web and software development for the past 9 years, with a total 14 years of experience building websites.


notanerd notanerd314
I code stuff in python and do useless stuff that nobody actually asked!

Mom's Basement

Noah_Dave DavisNoah02
FullStack-Web Developer || AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner || ReactJS || Cloud nerd || Firebase || MERN Stack

Chuka KE

Manoj Kumar manojkumarcrazy

Free launcher TamilNadu

Janair JanairAlves
Formado em análise e desenvolvimento de sistemas. Atualmente trabalho como tester, e estudando Delphi

Softplan São Paulo - SP

Nick Gambirasi nickgambirasi

Colorado, USA

Humaira Parveen parveenhumm

NED University of Engineering and Technology Pakistan

Ritesh Sharma RiteshS1
Full-Stack Dev💻
Julian BadlyWrittenStylesheet
Foolish by modern standards
Nuclear Pasta voidwyrm-2
Developer and pixel artist with an irrational obsession with creating languages


Aditi Shinde Aditys018
Computer Science Engineer, Google_DSC Android Developer Lead


Chethana S V Chethana-22
DevOps Engineer 🚀 | Streamlining automation, securing deployments, and optimizing cloud infrastructure within Agile teams.

Bangalore, India

Paul Tucker PaulDavidTucker
Third year Comp. Sci @QMUL, SW Test engineer @CyberSource . Building useless projects one commit at a time.

Cybersource Belfast

Harshavardhan Patare Harshawardhan2209
I am a Full Stack Developer | Open Source Contributor..


Akhilesh akhilesh-w

Hyderabad, India

Emmanuel Arias eamanu
Debian Maintainer & Open Source Contributor

Onapsis Argentina