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Ivan Raikov iraikov

Stanford University Belmont, CA, USA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Camilo Andres Ramirez Villegas LuxVitaeFacultatem
Software Developer, Engineer

HV GROUP Colombia

Jie Li lijiebio
HPC R&D Engineer

@singleparticle Suzhou

Kang Wang wk1984

@permamodel, @csdms, University of Colorado Boulder United States

Max Ilyin skazo4nick
I'm a Human and AI world discoverer. I used to live and study in Kaliningrad, Moscow, and now Riga. I like french cuisine, italian fashion and indian festivals

TSI Riga

Matt Snyder maatthias

Brookhaven National Lab Upton, NY

finch finch-f
Research in psycholinguistic and neuroscience
David Champion xdgc
Agile distributed devops fullstack cloud CM/CI/CD synergy-leveraging infrastructure orchestrator and a bag of chips.

Seattle + Chicago

Dmitri Smirnov plexoos
Scientific Software Developer, Physicist, PhD
Phani Ravi Teja Nunna PhnRvTjN

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Shorewood, WI, USA

Arnaud Becheler Becheler
A creative problem solver, passionate learner and determined programmer. And a geneticist!

Becheler Paris