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Maziyar AlirezaMaranaki
Senior Database Administrator Senior business intelligence
Lasaro Ameida LasaroAlmeida
Bacharel em Ciência da Computacao pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF

Relational Athens, Greece

Hasan Buttar hassanbuttar
Well I am nerd 😁

Netsol Lahore


Shaver Foods, LLC.

Inon Eliraz tmura-inon

Washington M. Lourenço | AZ-900 washingtonmlourenco
I love technology and innovation, graduated in Systems Analysis by (UNINTER). Currently I study hard everything related to Data | Cloud and DevOps.

Database Analyst I Jundiaí - SP

Mahmoud Saeed mhmodsaid

Nile University Egypt

Arjun Azure4Arjun
Senior SQL DBA and AzureSQL DBA Never stop learning about #SQLServer and #AzureSQL.
Hemant K Chitale hemantkchitale
Oracle DBA with other interests I am highlighting some gists as pinned on my profile page


Firetom5900 firetom5900
More code than human
Matt Bowler MattSQL

Z Energy Wellington, New Zealand

Amadou Barry amsbarry
Currently a full time SQL database administrator and aspiring data scientist. I am pursuing a degree in data science at the University of Texas San Antonio.


Evan Coffey EvanCoffey
Database Normalizer

Orange County, CA