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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Peter Etherington viopeth

@FindHotel Ilkley, United Kingdom

Natanem Yimer 1natanem
We need to understand that if we all work on inclusion together, it's going to be faster, broader, better, and more thorough than anything we can do on our own.
Rohit Kumar kumar111222rohit
Senior Software engineer Amsterdam

Daiana Marasquin dmarasquin
Software Engineer Joinville, Brazil

Pavel Buchinchik Bychin
Software Engineer @              Master of CS @ BMSTU Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Armin Basirian arbasirian
Experienced Frontend Developer with 5+ years architecting and building large-scale enterprise web applications using Javascript, Typescript, and ReactJs.

@FindHotel Amsterdam, Netherlands

idiin idin-khayami
| Front End Developer 💻

Vio Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ivan Malovanyi Koshqua
Software Engineer. Working mostly with Go.


willy ngeno willyngeno
Software Engineer/DevOps Engineer

Global technologies Nairobi

Gael 오사마 ওসামা 阿克苏 zoro9483
WordPress speed optimization / Front-end web developer / LINUX clean code is what i'm seeking for


Dmitri Skliarov dskliarov-vio

Windsor, Ontario Canada

Guilherme Neves guilhermeasn

Cerâmica Marrecas Ltda RJ - Brasil

rauan rauann
Software Developer Brazil

Burc Turkoglu burcturkoglu
Data Analyst📊 | Ex-Product Manager💼 | AI Enthusiast🧠 | Passionate about NLP & Language Models🗣️ | Transforming data into insights & actions🚀 Amsterdam

Rahul Bansal rahulbansal3005

Siemens Bengaluru, Karnataka

Melih Mert mlhmert

@FindHotel Amsterdam

Oguzhan Yediel oguzhanyediel
As much as possible, I raise people's awareness about the power of data.
Gerrit Burger Gerrit88

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim prodis
Software Engineer and Basketball Player

@Viodotcom Netherlands

Antonio Lorusso zekus Bęczyn (Poland)

Felipe Vieira nvieirafelipe

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Iñigo Hernáez inigofh Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain