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Shree 0Shree005

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Soham Pujari sohp2005
Passionate about learning new things.
Rahul Sunil UrAvgRahul
A student at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus


itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Vaiebhav Shreevarshan R BlazingFire27
Interested in Computer Softwares and Hardwares
TEJAL REDDY tejalreddy27
I am inevitable

Hyderabad, India

Shivendra Thakur shiv-0101
Full Stack Developer | System Design
Deep Appasaheb Desai DEEP130905

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

Soham Das sohamdasx
Student at BITS Pilani Goa Campus
Aryan Choudhary Arceuzz23

Bits Pilani Goa Campus NH 17B, Bypass, Road, Zuarinagar, Sancoale, Goa 403726

Khushraj Rathod khrj
19 y.o. programmer and designer

BITS Pilani, Goa Mumbai, India

Anshuman Nigam AnshumanNigam
"Coding my way through a byte-sized universe 🌌"

Bits Goa India

Priyansh Rawat prwt888
Namaste! I am an avid learner, constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences. My passion for physics and web development is deep-rooted!
Raj Joshi rajjoshi2012
Freshman in BSc CS@BITS PILANI | Freshman in ECE'27 BVM | Open Source | Web Development | Finance Enthusiast

Vallabh Vidhyalaya,Gujarat

Raj Joshi rajjoshi2009
I am ECE undergrad at Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya and BSc CSE @bits Pilani.

Vallabh Vidhyalaya,Gujarat

Prakhar Bhandari Darelife
CSE Student, currently in BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus. CGPA lite, just code

BITS Pilani, Goa Campus

Prakhar Pradhan prakhar-pradhan
Math+CS at BITS Pilani(Goa Campus)
Anant Jain Anant1909
Senior Developer at DevSoc, BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa campus.
Shreyas Vinaya shreyasvinaya
ML Researcher | NLP | CS + Chemistry Undergrad @bitspilani, Goa


Rishi Deshmukh 26rishiii
Junior Developer At DevSoc BITS Goa