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Mola [MASTER] molamaster999
I like game. :)

MolaMASTER999 Aceh, Indonesia

Eric Han eric-vader
Computing is in the business of truth, and it will set you free!

National University of Singapore Singapore

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd



Los Angeles, CA

Grant Bartlett GrantBartlett
Freelance Software Developer, London, Surrey, UK

Freelance United Kingdom

Kevin Pereira hotelmah
Professional Software Developer interested in Windows Desktop Applications written in C#/.NET and Web Applications written in PHP/HTML/CSS/Javascript.

Dallas, Texas USA

Andy Wan andwan0
Secret Programmer
小生化 skylark0712

生化反应炉 浙江杭州

Chase Mills kapturner
Web Developer / DevOps by Trade and Game Programmer / Automator by Night

Kansas City

Saeed Hasanzade NetHun73r
Security consultant, Threat intelligence, Malware analyst, Reverse engineer, Exploit developer, Low-Level System programmer


Ahmed Hashem AhmedvHashem
Software Engineer by day, Indie Game Developer by night.

@bevy Egypt

Anyways anyways

@ucress Beijing,China

Rnz Brngn (zxreign) zorenkonte

TigerGraphics Inc. Philippines

HAAI TEAM haai-team
Use hands to mine, to code, to create in AI times.

Beijing, China

☭КомСоМолец 1173710137
Faculty of Computing, HIT

@ComputerScienceHIT 中国 黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区 西大直街92号 哈尔滨工业大学


@microsoft Jiangsu Suzhou China

Tong HackingGate
Building products

Tokyo, Japan

Bartłomiej Moroz MortonPL
Computer Science M.Sc. @CnCNet staff member. Most things here are C&C related or archived assignments.


Haikal sayang minji Yujinism
jangqn lupa sholat dan jadi penjilat dosen

djuanda university

Rayan Sarieddine Rayan-Sarieddine
Full Stack Developer🛠️

Beirut, Lebanon

Noval Agung Prayogo novalagung
World of Warcraft Loremaster | CTO | FOSS Contributor | Technology, LEGO, and Game enthusiast

CTO @ KangarooHealth Inc. Malang, Indonesia

wu rohsyl
Full-Stack Web Developer | Laravel Certified

@CnCNet @studer-innotec Switzerland

Seaton Jiang seatonjiang
Open Source Software Engineer & Open Source Maintainer.

Vtrois Inc. Hebei, China

Eric EGbox
Just another brain looking to making another brain, but with computers. They're kind of the same thing... Right?