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Road indicators

Bocher edited this page May 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

GeoClimate offers a processing chain to compute road traffic data based on the table Tool 2.5 (WG-AEN method) described in Good Practice Guide for Strategic Noise Mapping and the Production of Associated Data on Noise Exposure Version 2 13th January 200. The chain uses the GeoClimate road layer and a configuration file that contains informations to establish relations between the WG-AEN referential and the road layer features :

  • a mapping from WG-AEN road types to the road layer types (WG type)
  • the CNOSSOS-EU pavement codes according the surface values available in the road layer (WG pavement)
  • the Tool 2.5 flow data by WG-AEN road types for the 3 periods day, night, evening (WG data flow)
  • the maximum speed value according the WG-AEN road types (WG maxspeed)

GeoClimate road traffic processing

Figure 3. Processing steps to compute a road traffic flow based on WG-AEN referential

For each road geometry, the row values are wrapped to the WG-AEN referential to identify the WG type, pavement and direction.Those values are then are intersected with the WG data flow to compute the number of light and heavy vehicles per hour for the 3 time periods : day (06:00-18:00), evening (ev) (18:00-22:00) and night (22:00-06:00).

The result is stored in a new layer (Road traffic) that contains for each road :

  • the WG-AEN road type,
  • the pavement code,
  • the direction of the road section. 1 = one way road section and the traffic goes in the same way that the slope definition you have used, 2 = one way road section and the traffic goes in the inverse way that the slope definition you have used, 3 = bi-directional traffic flow, the flow is split into two components and correct half for uphill and half for downhill,
  • the number of light vehicles per hour for day,
  • the number of heavy vehicles per hour for day,
  • the light vehicles speed for day,
  • the heavy vehicles speed for day,
  • the number of light vehicles per hour for night,
  • the number of heavy vehicles per hour for night,
  • the light vehicles speed for night,
  • the heavy vehicles speed for night,
  • the number of light vehicles per hour for evening,
  • the number of heavy vehicles per hour for evening,
  • the light vehicles speed for evening,
  • the number of heavy vehicles per hour for evening,
  • the slope (in %) of the road section
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