A terraform module which provides the custom addon for grafana-k8s-monitoring to be used together with opzkit/k8s/aws.
Secrets must be created manually and contain the following information
For metrics:
Secret name: prometheus
"username": "122345",
"password": "password",
and password
can be overridden with the variables metrics_<key>_key
For logs (loki):
Secret name: loki
"username": "122345",
"password": "password",
and password
can be overridden with the variables logs_<key>_key
For traces (tempo):
Secret name: tempo
"username": "122345",
"password": "password",
and password
can be overridden with the variables traces_<key>_key
The name of the secrets can be overridden with the <type>_secret
Update the chart-versions in grafana/kustomization.yaml. Also update versions output.tf.
Remove any existing downloaded charts:
rm -rf grafana/charts
Run the kustomizations like below
kubectl kustomize . -o k8s-monitoring.yaml.tftpl --enable-helm
Check the changes and if everything looks correct, update version, commit, push and PR.