diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 592b2645d..12123b456 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Please refer to the [Flint Index Reference Manual](./docs/index.md) for more inf * For additional details on Spark PPL commands project, see [PPL Project](https://github.com/orgs/opensearch-project/projects/214/views/2) +* Experiment ppl queries on local spark cluster[PPL on local spark ](docs/ppl-lang/local-spark-ppl-test-instruction.md) + ## Prerequisites Version compatibility: @@ -75,7 +77,9 @@ To build and run this PPL in Spark, you can run (requires Java 11): ``` sbt clean sparkPPLCosmetic/publishM2 ``` -then add org.opensearch:opensearch-spark-ppl_2.12 when run spark application, for example, + +Then add org.opensearch:opensearch-spark-ppl_2.12 when run spark application, for example, + ``` bin/spark-shell --packages "org.opensearch:opensearch-spark-ppl_2.12:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT" \ --conf "spark.sql.extensions=org.opensearch.flint.spark.FlintPPLSparkExtensions" \ @@ -83,6 +87,10 @@ bin/spark-shell --packages "org.opensearch:opensearch-spark-ppl_2.12:0.7.0-SNAPS ``` +### PPL Run queries on a local spark cluster +See ppl usage sample on local spark cluster[PPL on local spark ](local-spark-ppl-test-instruction.md) + + ## Code of Conduct This project has adopted an [Open Source Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). diff --git a/docs/img/spark-ui.png b/docs/img/spark-ui.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc2606272 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/spark-ui.png differ diff --git a/docs/ppl-lang/README.md b/docs/ppl-lang/README.md index d72c973be..9df9f5986 100644 --- a/docs/ppl-lang/README.md +++ b/docs/ppl-lang/README.md @@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ For additional examples see the next [documentation](PPL-Example-Commands.md). ### Example PPL Queries See samples of [PPL queries](PPL-Example-Commands.md) +--- + +### Experiment PPL locally using Spark-Cluster +See ppl usage sample on local spark cluster[PPL on local spark ](local-spark-ppl-test-instruction.md) + --- ### TPC-H PPL Query Rewriting See samples of [TPC-H PPL query rewriting](ppl-tpch.md) diff --git a/docs/ppl-lang/local-spark-ppl-test-instruction.md b/docs/ppl-lang/local-spark-ppl-test-instruction.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..537ac043b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ppl-lang/local-spark-ppl-test-instruction.md @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +# Testing PPL using local Spark + +## Produce the PPL artifact +The first step would be to produce the spark-ppl artifact: `sbt clean sparkPPLCosmetic/assembly` + +The resulting artifact would be located in the project's build directory: +```sql +[info] Built: ./opensearch-spark/sparkPPLCosmetic/target/scala-2.12/opensearch-spark-ppl-assembly-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.jar +``` +## Downloading spark 3.5.3 version +Download spark from the [official website](https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html) and install locally. + +## Start Spark with the plugin +Once installed, run spark with the generated PPL artifact: +```shell +bin/spark-sql --jars "/PATH_TO_ARTIFACT/opensearch-spark-ppl-assembly-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.jar" \ +--conf "spark.sql.extensions=org.opensearch.flint.spark.FlintPPLSparkExtensions" \ +--conf "spark.sql.catalog.dev=org.apache.spark.opensearch.catalog.OpenSearchCatalog" \ +--conf "spark.hadoop.hive.cli.print.header=true" + +WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable +Setting default log level to "WARN". +To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel). +WARN HiveConf: HiveConf of name hive.stats.jdbc.timeout does not exist +WARN HiveConf: HiveConf of name hive.stats.retries.wait does not exist +WARN ObjectStore: Version information not found in metastore. hive.metastore.schema.verification is not enabled so recording the schema version 2.3.0 +WARN ObjectStore: setMetaStoreSchemaVersion called but recording version is disabled: version = 2.3.0, comment = Set by MetaStore +Spark Web UI available at http://*.*.*.*:4040 +Spark master: local[*], Application Id: local-1731523264660 + +spark-sql (default)> +``` +The resulting would be a spark-sql prompt: `spark-sql (default)> ...` + +### Spark UI Html +One can also explore spark's UI portal to examine the execution jobs and how they are performing: + +![Spark-UX](../img/spark-ui.png) + + +### Configuring hive partition mode +For simpler configuration of partitioned tables, use the following non-strict mode: + +```shell +spark-sql (default)> SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict; +``` + +--- + +# Testing PPL Commands + +In order to test ppl commands using the spark-sql command line - create and populate the following set of tables: + +## emails table +```sql +CREATE TABLE emails (name STRING, age INT, email STRING, street_address STRING, year INT, month INT) PARTITIONED BY (year, month); +INSERT INTO emails (name, age, email, street_address, year, month) VALUES ('Alice', 30, 'alice@example.com', '123 Main St, Seattle', 2023, 4), ('Bob', 55, 'bob@test.org', '456 Elm St, Portland', 2023, 5), ('Charlie', 65, 'charlie@domain.net', '789 Pine St, San Francisco', 2023, 4), ('David', 19, 'david@anotherdomain.com', '101 Maple St, New York', 2023, 5), ('Eve', 21, 'eve@examples.com', '202 Oak St, Boston', 2023, 4), ('Frank', 76, 'frank@sample.org', '303 Cedar St, Austin', 2023, 5), ('Grace', 41, 'grace@demo.net', '404 Birch St, Chicago', 2023, 4), ('Hank', 32, 'hank@demonstration.com', '505 Spruce St, Miami', 2023, 5), ('Ivy', 9, 'ivy@examples.com', '606 Fir St, Denver', 2023, 4), ('Jack', 12, 'jack@sample.net', '707 Ash St, Seattle', 2023, 5); +``` + +Now one can run the following ppl commands to test functionality: + +### Test `describe` command + +```sql +describe emails; + +col_name data_type comment +name string +age int +email string +street_address string +year int +month int +# Partition Information +# col_name data_type comment +year int +month int + +# Detailed Table Information +Catalog spark_catalog +Database default +Table emails +Owner USER +Created Time Wed Nov 13 14:45:12 MST 2024 +Last Access UNKNOWN +Created By Spark 3.5.3 +Type MANAGED +Provider hive +Table Properties [transient_lastDdlTime=1731534312] +Location file:/Users/USER/tools/spark-3.5.3-bin-hadoop3/bin/spark-warehouse/emails +Serde Library org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe +InputFormat org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat +OutputFormat org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat +Storage Properties [serialization.format=1] +Partition Provider Catalog + +Time taken: 0.128 seconds, Fetched 28 row(s) +``` + +### Test `grok` command +```sql +source=emails| grok email '.+@%{HOSTNAME:host}' | fields email, host; + +email host +hank@demonstration.com demonstration.com +bob@test.org test.org +jack@sample.net sample.net +frank@sample.org sample.org +david@anotherdomain.com anotherdomain.com +grace@demo.net demo.net +alice@example.com example.com +ivy@examples.com examples.com +eve@examples.com examples.com +charlie@domain.net domain.net + +Time taken: 0.626 seconds, Fetched 10 row(s) +``` + +```sql + source=emails| parse email '.+@(?.+)' | where age > 45 | sort - age | fields age, email, host; + +age email host +76 frank@sample.org sample.org +65 charlie@domain.net domain.net +55 bob@test.org test.org + +Time taken: 1.555 seconds, Fetched 3 row(s) +``` + +### Test `grok` | `top` commands combination +```sql +source=emails| grok email '.+@%{HOSTNAME:host}' | fields email, host | top 3 host; + +count_host host +2 examples.com +1 demonstration.com +1 test.org + +Time taken: 1.274 seconds, Fetched 3 row(s) +``` + +### Test `fieldsummary` command + +```sql +source=emails| fieldsummary includefields=age, email; + +Field COUNT DISTINCT MIN MAX AVG MEAN STDDEV Nulls TYPEOF +age 10 10 9 76 36.0 36.0 22.847319317591726 0 int +email 10 10 alice@example.com jack@sample.net NULL NULL NULL 0 string + +Time taken: 1.535 seconds, Fetched 2 row(s) +``` + +### Test `trendline` command + +```sql +source=email | sort - age | trendline sma(2, age); + +name age email street_address year month age_trendline +Frank 76 frank@sample.org 303 Cedar St, Austin 2023 5 NULL +Charlie 65 charlie@domain.net 789 Pine St, San Francisco 2023 4 70.5 +Bob 55 bob@test.org 456 Elm St, Portland 2023 5 60.0 +Grace 41 grace@demo.net 404 Birch St, Chicago 2023 4 48.0 +Hank 32 hank@demonstration.com 505 Spruce St, Miami 2023 5 36.5 +Alice 30 alice@example.com 123 Main St, Seattle 2023 4 31.0 +Eve 21 eve@examples.com 202 Oak St, Boston 2023 4 25.5 +David 19 david@anotherdomain.com 101 Maple St, New York 2023 5 20.0 +Jack 12 jack@sample.net 707 Ash St, Seattle 2023 5 15.5 +Ivy 9 ivy@examples.com 606 Fir St, Denver 2023 4 10.5 + +Time taken: 1.048 seconds, Fetched 10 row(s) +``` +### Test `expand` command + +```sql + +source=emails | eval array=json_array(1, 2 ) | expand array as uid | fields uid, name, age, email; + +uid name age email +1 Hank 32 hank@demonstration.com +2 Hank 32 hank@demonstration.com +1 Bob 55 bob@test.org +2 Bob 55 bob@test.org +1 Jack 12 jack@sample.net +2 Jack 12 jack@sample.net +1 Frank 76 frank@sample.org +2 Frank 76 frank@sample.org +1 David 19 david@anotherdomain.com +2 David 19 david@anotherdomain.com +1 Grace 41 grace@demo.net +2 Grace 41 grace@demo.net +1 Alice 30 alice@example.com +2 Alice 30 alice@example.com +1 Ivy 9 ivy@examples.com +2 Ivy 9 ivy@examples.com +1 Eve 21 eve@examples.com +2 Eve 21 eve@examples.com +1 Charlie 65 charlie@domain.net +2 Charlie 65 charlie@domain.net + +Time taken: 0.495 seconds, Fetched 20 row(s) +``` + +## nested table + +```sql +CREATE TABLE nested (int_col INT, struct_col STRUCT, field2: INT>, struct_col2 STRUCT, field2: INT>) USING JSON; +INSERT INTO nested SELECT /*+ COALESCE(1) */ * from VALUES ( 30, STRUCT(STRUCT("value1"),123), STRUCT(STRUCT("valueA"),23) ), ( 40, STRUCT(STRUCT("value5"),123), STRUCT(STRUCT("valueB"),33) ), ( 30, STRUCT(STRUCT("value4"),823), STRUCT(STRUCT("valueC"),83) ), ( 40, STRUCT(STRUCT("value2"),456), STRUCT(STRUCT("valueD"),46) ), ( 50, STRUCT(STRUCT("value3"),789), STRUCT(STRUCT("valueE"),89) ); +``` + +### Test `flatten` command + +```sql +source=nested | flatten struct_col | flatten field1 | flatten struct_col2; + +int_col field2 subfield field1 field2 +30 123 value1 {"subfield":"valueA"} 23 +40 123 value5 {"subfield":"valueB"} 33 +30 823 value4 {"subfield":"valueC"} 83 +40 456 value2 {"subfield":"valueD"} 46 +50 789 value3 {"subfield":"valueE"} 89 +30 123 value1 {"subfield":"valueA"} 23 + +Time taken: 2.682 seconds, Fetched 6 row(s) +``` + +```sql +source=nested| where struct_col.field2 > 200 | sort - struct_col.field2 | fields int_col, struct_col.field2; + +int_col field2 +30 823 +50 789 +40 456 + +Time taken: 0.722 seconds, Fetched 3 row(s) +``` + +## array table + +```sql +CREATE TABLE arrayTable (int_col INT, multi_valueA ARRAY>, multi_valueB ARRAY>) USING JSON; +INSERT INTO arrayTable VALUES (1, array(STRUCT("1_one", 1), STRUCT(null, 11), STRUCT("1_three", null)), array(STRUCT("2_Monday", 2), null)), (2, array(STRUCT("2_Monday", 2), null), array(STRUCT("3_third", 3), STRUCT("3_4th", 4))), (3, array(STRUCT("3_third", 3), STRUCT("3_4th", 4)), array(STRUCT("1_one", 1))), (4, null, array(STRUCT("1_one", 1))); +``` + +### Test `expand` command + +```sql +source=arrayTable | expand multi_valueA as multiA | expand multi_valueB as multiB; + +int_col multiA multiB +1 {"name":"1_one","value":1} {"name":"2_Monday","value":2} +1 {"name":"1_one","value":1} NULL +1 {"name":null,"value":11} {"name":"2_Monday","value":2} +1 {"name":null,"value":11} NULL +1 {"name":"1_three","value":null} {"name":"2_Monday","value":2} +1 {"name":"1_three","value":null} NULL +2 {"name":"2_Monday","value":2} {"name":"3_third","value":3} +2 {"name":"2_Monday","value":2} {"name":"3_4th","value":4} +2 NULL {"name":"3_third","value":3} +2 NULL {"name":"3_4th","value":4} +3 {"name":"3_third","value":3} {"name":"1_one","value":1} +3 {"name":"3_4th","value":4} {"name":"1_one","value":1} + +Time taken: 0.173 seconds, Fetched 12 row(s) +``` + +### Test `expand` | `flattern` command combination + +```sql +source=arrayTable | flatten multi_valueA | expand multi_valueB; + +int_col multi_valueB name value col +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] 1_one 1 {"name":"2_Monday","value":2} +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] 1_one 1 NULL +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] NULL 11 {"name":"2_Monday","value":2} +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] NULL 11 NULL +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] 1_three NULL {"name":"2_Monday","value":2} +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] 1_three NULL NULL +2 [{"name":"3_third","value":3},{"name":"3_4th","value":4}] 2_Monday 2 {"name":"3_third","value":3} +2 [{"name":"3_third","value":3},{"name":"3_4th","value":4}] 2_Monday 2 {"name":"3_4th","value":4} +2 [{"name":"3_third","value":3},{"name":"3_4th","value":4}] NULL NULL {"name":"3_third","value":3} +2 [{"name":"3_third","value":3},{"name":"3_4th","value":4}] NULL NULL {"name":"3_4th","value":4} +3 [{"name":"1_one","value":1}] 3_third 3 {"name":"1_one","value":1} +3 [{"name":"1_one","value":1}] 3_4th 4 {"name":"1_one","value":1} +4 [{"name":"1_one","value":1}] NULL NULL {"name":"1_one","value":1} + +Time taken: 0.12 seconds, Fetched 13 row(s) +``` +### Test `fillnull` | `flattern` command combination + +```sql +source=arrayTable | flatten multi_valueA | fillnull with '1_zero' in name; + +int_col multi_valueB value name +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] 1 1_one +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] 11 1_zero +1 [{"name":"2_Monday","value":2},null] NULL 1_three +2 [{"name":"3_third","value":3},{"name":"3_4th","value":4}] 2 2_Monday +2 [{"name":"3_third","value":3},{"name":"3_4th","value":4}] NULL 1_zero +3 [{"name":"1_one","value":1}] 3 3_third +3 [{"name":"1_one","value":1}] 4 3_4th +4 [{"name":"1_one","value":1}] NULL 1_zero + +Time taken: 0.111 seconds, Fetched 8 row(s) +``` +## ip table + +```sql +CREATE TABLE ipTable ( id INT,ipAddress STRING,isV6 BOOLEAN, isValid BOOLEAN) using csv OPTIONS (header 'false',delimiter '\\t'); +INSERT INTO ipTable values (1, '', false, true), (2, '', false, true),(3, '', false, true),(4, '', false, true), (5, '192.168.2.', false, false),(6, '2001:db8::ff00:12:3455', true, true),(7, '2001:db8::ff00:12:3456', true, true),(8, '2001:db8::ff00:13:3457', true, true), (9, '2001:db8::ff00:12:', true, false); +``` + +### Test `cidr` command + +```sql +source=ipTable | where isV6 = false and isValid = true and cidrmatch(ipAddress, ''); + +id ipAddress isV6 isValid +2 false true +3 false true + +Time taken: 0.317 seconds, Fetched 2 row(s) +``` + +```sql +source=ipTable | where isV6 = true and isValid = true and cidrmatch(ipAddress, '2001:db8::/32'); + +id ipAddress isV6 isValid +6 2001:db8::ff00:12:3455 true true +8 2001:db8::ff00:13:3457 true true +7 2001:db8::ff00:12:3456 true true + +Time taken: 0.09 seconds, Fetched 3 row(s) +``` + +--- \ No newline at end of file