We welcome contributions to python-zvm-sdk!
The repository for python-zvm-sdk on GitHub:
If you are a user and you find a bug, please submit a bug. Please try to provide sufficient information for someone else to reproduce the issue. One of the project's maintainers should respond to your issue within 24 hours. If not, please bump the issue and request that it be reviewed.
Review the bug list and find something that interests you.
We are using the GerritHub process to manage code contributions.
To work on something, whether a new feature or a bugfix:
git clone https://github.com/openmainframeproject/python-zvm-sdk.git
git remote add gerrit ssh://<username>@review.gerrithub.io:29418/openmainframeproject/python-zvm-sdk
Where <username>
is your GerritHub username.
And, you should add the public key of your workstation into your GerritHub SSH public keys.
Create a descriptively-named branch off of your cloned repository
cd python-zvm-sdk
git checkout -b fix-bug-xxxx
Commit to that branch locally
Commit messages must have a short description no longer than 50 characters followed by a blank line and a longer, more descriptive message that includes reference to issue(s) being addressed so that they will be automatically closed on a merge e.g. Closes #1234
or Fixes #1234
Run checks via issue:
tox -v
git review <branch-name>