- Title: Google Drive
- Documentation: https://openfga.dev/docs/modeling/advanced/gdrive
- Playground: https://play.fga.dev/sandbox/?store=gdrive
Note: This is only a contrived subset of Google Drive's permissions meant to showcase how a system like Google Drive could be modeled
- There are users, groups, folders and documents
- Users can be members of groups
- Folders have owners
- Folders can have parent folders
- Folders have viewers, a folder's viewers are whoever has been directly granted viewer access, the viewers of the document's parent folders, or the owners of the document
- Users need to have the create file permission on a folder in order to create a file inside it (only the folder owner has this permission)
- Documents have owners
- Documents can have parent folders
- Documents can have viewers
- Only a document's direct owner can change ownership
- A document's owner or owners of the document's parent folder can share the document
- A document's owner or owners of the document's parent folder can write to the document
- The users who can read a document are those with viewer access to the document, those with viewer access to the document's parent folder or the document's owner
- Anne is a member of the Contoso group
- Beth is a member of the Contoso group
- Charles is a member of the Fabrikam group
- The "Product 2021" folder contains the "Public Roadmap" document
- The "Product 2021" folder contains the "2021 Roadmap" document
- Members of the Fabrikam group are viewers of the "Product 2021" folder
- Anne is an owner of the "Product 2021" folder
- Beth is a viewer of the "2021 Roadmap" document
- Every user is a viewer of the "Public Roadmap" document
- Anne can write to the "2021 Roadmap" document
- Beth cannot change the owner of the "2021 Roadmap" document
- Charles can read the "2021 Roadmap" document
- Charles cannot write to the "2021 Roadmap" document
- Daniel cannot read the "2021 Roadmap" document
- Daniel can read the "Public Roadmap" document
- Anne can write to the "Public Roadmap" document
- Charles cannot write the "Public Roadmap" document
# We are using the 1.1 schema with type restrictions
schema 1.1
# There are users
type user
# there are groups
type group
# a group can have members who are of type user
define member: [user]
# there are folders
type folder
# folders can have owners (of type user)
define owner: [user]
# folders can have parent folders
define parent: [folder]
# folders can have viewers; viewers are:
# - those with whom the folder has been directly shared, these can be
# - objects of type user
# - all users (the special `type:*` syntax means all objects of that type)
# - members of groups (`group#member` is specifying that sets of users who are related to groups as members can be related as viewers),
# e.g. group:marketing#member, means members of the marketing group
# - those who are ownwers of the folder (owner)
# - those who are viewers of the parent of the folder (viewer from parent)
define viewer: [user, user:*, group#member] or owner or viewer from parent
# folders have the create file permissions; only owners can have this permission and it cannot be directly granted
define can_create_file: owner
# there are documents
type doc
# documents have owners (of type user)
define owner: [user]
# documents have parent folders
define parent: [folder]
# documents have viewers
define viewer: [user, user:*, group#member]
# documents have the change owner permission; only owners can have this permission and it cannot be directly granted
define can_change_owner: owner
# documents have the share permission; only owners or the owners of the parent folder (owner from parent) have this permissions and it cannot be directly granted
define can_share: owner or owner from parent
# documents have the write permission; only owners or the owners of the parent folder (owner from parent) have this permissions and it cannot be directly granted
define can_write: owner or owner from parent
# documents have the read permission; only direct viewers, direct owners or viewers of the parent folder have this permissions and it cannot be directly granted
define can_read: viewer or owner or viewer from parent
See the tuples and tests in the store.yaml file.
Make sure you have the FGA CLI
In the
directory, runfga model test --tests store.yaml