Things to read:
Basal cognition Collective intelligence: A unifying concept for integrating biology across scales and substrates Patrick McMillen & Michael Levin
Formal Algorithms for Transformers Mary Phuong, Marcus Hutter
In summary: this is a go-to reference for the actual algorithms actually employed in the transformer/learning industry. The algos are precisely defined and explicitly presented, which is a large (huge?) improvement over the considerably cloudier and more opaque descriptions usually given in DL/NN texts.
No effort is made to provide any sort of intuitive foundations. The paper gives multiple references to some "inuitive explanation" blogs, but those blogs are worse-than-zero: I personally get nothing at all from green and blue boxes with orange arrows. That's just magical, mystical thinking; that's not how actual intuition is built.
How far can we get with inuition? This paper gives precise, formal definitions for token embeddings, positional embeddings, and single- query attention. ("Algorithms 1,2,3") This is already more than most DL/NN papers do.
If one comes from a geometry background, and knows what manifolds and tangent spaces are, and what the "exp" mapping is, then you can see this in algo 3. If one comes from a thermodynamics/statistical mechanics background, then you can see Gibbs & Bolzmann & partition functions in algo 3. Wonderful!, one might think, but then full-stop. The authors never even breath the slightest breath that there might be some interpreation w.r.t differential geometry or w.r.t stat mech. Alas.
This is compounded by the algorithmic approach. The algorithms, 15 in all, written in precise pseudocode, provide excellent precision for implementations. Algorithms, however, obliterate "intuitiveness". Personally, I find that hill-climbing or simulated annealing algos, expressed with differentials and gradients, requiring Newtonian integration, or perhaps thermodynamic cooling and relaxation, are intuitive in the way that a do-loop is not.
What I am looking for, but have not found, is a hyperdimensional description. High-dimensional cubes and spheres are nothing at all like they are in low dimensions. A lot of these algos boil down to an ant exploring a high-dimensional geometry, but we can't inuit this picture from do-loops.
27 papers on LLM from Ilya Sutskever Posted to twitter in April 2024
This list is presented in conceptual order, moving from the simplest ideas and descriptions to the most recent and complex.
-- The Annotated Transformer Undated (2022?) 8 authors from Google Brain
This is big blob of python code, implementing an API to a transformer, and includes descriptive text of what each step does. All the actual work is done under the covers. If you do not already understand how transformers work, you'll learn nothing from this. If you want to see what a typical python API might look like, this offers one (meagre) possibility.
-- The First Law of Complexodynamics Scott Aaronson -- Shtetl-optimized blog -- Sept 2011
Entropy is high for random things, and low for simple things. The interesting things are in the middle, but we have no formal description for this, beyond got intuition. This blog article provides some intuition, and talks about the problem, without really offering a solution.
Interesting point here is "complexity" might be "sophistication", And that sophistication is possible: Gács, Tromp, and Vitányi, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 47, NO. 6, SEPT 2001 p2443 "Algorithmic Statistics",
I can offer one suggestion: compute complexity NOT by thinking "gas in a box", but instead using Moreau's necklace-counting function. Work through the entropy of different bead arrangements. A gas of symbols. A gas of symbols, constrained in motion by model-theoretic constraints: aka axioms aka grammar. I guess I need to do this.
-- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks Andrej Karpathy blog -- May 2015
This is a programmer-tinkerer's intro to RNN's (LSTM). The claim that RNN/LSTM's are extremely good at predicting "what comes next" is illustrated with everything from Tolstoy to baby names to source code. You won't learn how or why RNN/LSTM's work but you'll be impressed by the results.
The "Further Reading" section gives an excellent overview of the state of the art, circa 2015.
-- Understanding LSTM Networks Colah's blog -- August 2015
RNN's have trouble with long-distance correlations. LSTM's solve this problem. The blog entry explains, in a direct, detailed and forthright way, how this works. Suitable for all levels of sophistication. Well-done, non-intimidating, clear.
NN's are "generalized perceptrons", intermediating input from output with a weight matrix. They're a specific kind of function.
The R in RNN's stands for "Recurrent": besides just using a single-layer weight-matrix to generate output, there is "feedback" connection, which, when loop-unrolled, looks like a feed-forward from one instance to the next. This feed-forward provides a way for future NN predictions to incorporate info from past inputs. It specifies a specific path through which a form of "memory" can flow. The isolation of this path greatly (vastly!) reduces the the complexity, as compared to an equivalent NN in which all inputs and outputs were concatenated into a giant matrix.
LSTM's trim down the weight matrix more profoundly: they propagate two signals: the base signal of an RNN, plus a pass-through channel that can propagate (or not) older, more distant data. The pass-through channel can furthermore be modulated by the current input, so that there's both a pass/no-pass gate with an additional modulation to inject newer "adjective" modifiers.
Conclusion on LSTM architectures: they're al about the same for quality of results. The GRU, Gated Recurrent Unit, seems to be the most refined of the set.
-- Recurrent Neural Network Regularization Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Suskever, Oriol Vinyals - 2014
RNN's tend to overfit. Dropout is a good way of avoiding overfitting. This explains how to add dropout to RNN's, and specifically, LSTM's.
Provides a nice, easy summary/intro to the more formal math notation of LSTM's. Clearer than the Wikipedia LSTM article.
The dropout operator will randomly disrupt cell communications between layers (but only the "h" "hidden" path) Ths "c" "cell" pass-thru is not disrupted. Time-steps are not disrupted. Only inter-layer of "h".
Quoting: "The dropout operator corrupts the information carried by the units, forcing them to perform their intermediate computations more robustly."
Penn Tree Bank: N=2 layers. Loop-unrolled for 35 steps. Dropout rate of 50% and 65% (!) Size is 650 units for medium, 1500 for large.
Macine translation: 4 layers, 1000 units, dropout of 20%
-- Keeping Neural Networks Simple by Minimizing the Description Length of the Weights Geoff Honton, Drew van Camp -- 1993
Classic paper. Ostensible topic is to avoid overtraining by adding Gaussian noise. Actual topic is a strong formal, physical (mathematical?) explanation of NN algorithms, using info-theortic principles. Training is treated as a compression problem, of encoding the training set so as to minimize number of bits to describe it. This is a short but hard-to-understand paper.
Description Length = log(RMS weights) + log(RMS training errors) Minimum Description Length (MDL) minimizes the above.
Instead of thinking of a weight as a single number, think of it as a gaussian distribution; training ajusts the mean and width of that distribution. In general, the weight distribution is not a single mode (not a single gaussian) but a sum of multiple modes (e.g. a few weights distributed near 1.0, and many more, distributed near 0.0.) In this case, the sum passes over to a Boltzmann distribution.
... Oh I can't recapitulate this. It's an opaque paper. It does end up arguing that the Helmholtz free energy is what matters, but the relationship of this to training errors, weight distributions, and minimum desription length remains opaque.
-- Pointer Networks Oriol Vinyals, Meire Fortunato, Navdeep Jaitly (2017)
First, a sequence-to-sequence map is described. This is as follows:
Use LSTM to train sequence-to-sequence maps. Input is a sequence of N vectors; each vector is assigned an index. The output is a sequence of indexes; thus the output has a vocabulary of exactly size N; thus the output has a vocabulary of exactly size N. (Each distinct size requires distinct training.)
Two LSTM's are used, an "input" LSTM and an "output" LSTM. The full input sequence is run through the input LSTM to produce a single vector: the hidden-state vector produced at the end of input. This is the encoding of the input; it is handed to the output LSTM, to prime it, to produce the output. (which RNN's on "itself")
During generation, beam search is used.
The above basic sequence-to-sequence has trouble and gets "blurry" for long sequences, because the size of the hidden vector is fixed. Thus, an attention model is proposed. This works well, but has trouble restricting to the vocabulary. Finally, the "ptr-net" is defined as the attention model w/o one path (see paper for formulas.)
-- ImageNet Classification with Deep CNNs
ImageNet, 15 million images, 22K categories, labelled ILSVRC is a subset of 1.2 M images, 1K categories of 1K images Cropped to 256x256 pixels
ReLU Rectified Linear Units sigma(x) = max(0,x) 8 layers, of which 5 Convolutional Net and 3 fully connected. 1st layer: 224x224x3 input image, 96 kernels, 11x11x3 stride 4 pixels So 224x224x3 = 150528 neurons Pooling: avg neighborhood of zxz pixels, spaced
apart. Used s=2, z=3 but s=2, z=2 ok also. Also used normalization. 2nd layer: 256 kernels of 5x5x48 for 253440 = 256x11x10x9 (?) neurons 3rd,4th,5th layers, no pooling or normalization 3rd layer: 384 kernels 3x3x256 for 64896 = 384x12x13 neurons 4th layer: 384 kernels of 3x3x192 for 64896 = 384x13x13 neurons 5th layer: 256 kernels of 3x3x192 for 43264 = 256x13x13 neurons fully connected layers have 4096 neurons each. Total: 60 million parameters Overfits, since "only" 1.2M training imagesCombat overfitting by: * Translating, reflecting images. * By multiplying RGB space with random multiples of PCA components of the images. * By method of dropouts (killing neurons randomly)
Gradient descent, weight decay.
-- Order Matters: Sequence to sequence for sets -- GPipe: Efficient Training of Giant Neural Networks using Pipeline Parallelism -- Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition -- Multi-Scale Context Aggregation by Dilated Convolutions -- Neural Quantum Chemistry -- Attention Is All You Need -- Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate -- Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks -- A Simple NN Module for Relational Reasoning -- Variational Lossy Autoencoder -- Relational RNNs -- Quantifying the Rise and Fall of Complexity in Closed Systems: The Coffee Automaton -- Neural Turing Machines -- Deep Speech 2: End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin -- Scaling Laws for Neural LM -- A Tutorial Introduction to the Minimum Description Length Principle -- Machine Super Intelligence Dissertation -- PAGE 434 onwards: Komogrov Complexity -- CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Fundamental Components of Deep Learning: A category-theoretic approach Bruno Gavranović
Neurosymbolic AI: The 3rd Wave Artur d'Avila Garcez, Luis C. Lamb
Cerebras CS-3 wafer scale engine. 900,000 cores, 44 GB of on-chip memory, and 21 petabyes/second of memory bandwidth. Announced March 2024
From Conceptual Spaces to Quantum Concepts: Formalising and Learning Structured Conceptual Models Sean Tull, Razin A. Shaikh, Sara Sabrina Zemljiˇc and Stephen Clark
A mathematical perspective on Transformers Borjan Geshkovski, Cyril Letrouit, Yury Polyanskiy, Philippe Rigollet
General topic keyword hits: "good regulator theorem" and "perceptual control theory".
Gmytrasiewicz, Piotr (August 2020). "How to Do Things with Words: A Bayesian Approach". Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 68: 753–776. Modern update to J.L Austin's theory of speech acts/performative utterances.
Bayesian Flow Networks Alex Graves et al
Distilling Singular Learning Theory. Liam Carroll 2023
Alabdulmohsin Ibrahim, 2020, Google, "Towards a unified theory of learning and information" for the data mining tradition of Vapnik-Chervononkis
Aschenbrenner, Dolich, Haskell, MacPherson, Starchenko "Vapnik Chervonenkis density in some theories without the independence property, I", 2011, for the model theoretic tradition.
Miroslav Benda, "Modeloids. I"
Ologs: A Categorical Framework for Knowledge Representation David I. Spivak, Robert E. Kent
Evans, R., Bošnjak, M., Buesing, L., Ellis, K., Pfau, D., Kohli, P., & Sergot, M. (2021). Making sense of raw input. Artificial Intelligence, 299, 103521. doi:10.1016/j.artint.2021.10352
- Temporal Graph Networks for Deep Learning on Dynamic Graphs
- A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
- ACM SOSP ’19, October 27–30, 2019, Huntsville, ON, Canada File Systems Unfit as Distributed Storage Backends: Lessons from 10 Years of Ceph Evolution Abutalib Aghayev, Sage Weil, Michael Kuchnik, Mark Nelson, Gregory R. Ganger, George Amvrosiadis
Ceph is a distrbuted object store. It is interesting for the general reason that distributed-anything is interesting: resources (in this case, storage) floats "freely" across multiple compute and storage devices, migrating automatically to where it's needed, shedding broken instances, utilizing newly-added instances, and maintaining a general high-availability, fault-tolerance and redundancy protocol. It's not anchored to specific hardware instances; it resident in "the cloud".
The paper provides a good overview of the generic comp-sci issues surrounding the design of such a system. Four interesting conclusions can be drawn (these are not mentioned in the paper, though):
Ceph effectively makes NFS (and CIFS/Samba) obsolete, by providing faster, better, more robust storage (even for small-office, home- office deployments). However, it is missing user management (e.g. mapping of UID/GID across network mountpoints for CephFS) so it's not some drop-in replacement. Yet.
Ceph effectively makes mdraid, and RAID in general, kind of obsolete. Even on a single machine, Ceph offers features (scrubbing, checksumming) that RAID does not. When multiple network hosts are available, one gets both high availability, and supperior disk utilization.
Ceph calls into question the conventional concept of a file-system in the kernel. One could argue it makes the conventional file systems (ext4, xfs, btrfs) obsolescent, because it does what they do, but faster, better, more efficiently, and outside of the kernel. It offers metadata at 10x performance, and does things regular file systems don't/can't do: live fsck ("data scrubbing"), data checksumming, transparent compression, transparent encryption. The journalling design seems both simpler and better.
Ceph prompts a re-examination of what an OS kernel should do. The Linux page cache is designed to support block devices, which are the basic units on which file systems are built. Insofar as a big chunk of the kernel is devoted to file systems, Ceph forces the question: can the page cache and block device layer be removed from the kernel? There's a suggestion that maybe things will be faster & better if they are. Maybe.
What does any of this have to do with AGI? Well, AGI, as an organism, has to be robust, tolernat, work-in parallel, have efficient utilization of it's substructures. (cpu, net, storage) It's tempting to think that AGI can be fully abstracted away from infrastructure, but this is not true. By analogy, bacteria can't "live on anything", they need atoms, more specifically, high-energy arrangements of carbon atoms. Metabolism is all about the details. Object storage, such as Ceph, is a vital detail.
Returning back to earth, there are somne things Ceph is missing:
- User management (mapping UID's/GID's across nodes)
- Security and data compartmentalization. It's conveniant to provide a single key, so that mounts can be done in /etdc/fstab. But then, anyone who has this mount key can pretend to be root, and have full ability to examine or trash data. Per-user mounts are missing. (Maybe this is a systemD thing??)
hierarchical message passing:
- language model
A Scalable, Interpretable, Verifiable & Differentiable Logic Gate Convolutional Neural Network Architecture From Truth Tables Adrien Benamira, Tristan Guérand, Thomas Peyrin, Trevor Yap, Bryan Hooi
Metagraphs and their applications Amit Basu, Rober Blanning, 2007 Springer Integrated Series on Information Systems.
- A Generalist Neural Algorithmic Learner:
Something about category theory:
Assembly Theory quantifies the complexity of a molecule by finding the shortest path to construct the molecule from simple parts. This provides the molecular assembly index (MA).
In general: backprop, relu, dropout, multi-head attention mixup, seperable conv, batch norm layer norm ...
The Hyperbolic Geometry of Networks Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich
COMET : Commonsense Transformers for Automatic Knowledge Graph Construction
"Wide Attention Is The Way Forward For Transformers"
Nick McKenna Mark Steedman, Smoothing Entailment Graphs with Language Models
- the GPT-3 language model
Elena Di Lavore, Giovanni de Felice, Mario Román, Monoidal Streams for Dataflow Programming Appendix contains strong description of monoidal categories.
- and matching talk
Noam Zeilberger: "Parsing as a lifting problem and the Chomsky-Schützenberger representation theorem" Topos Institute
Michel TALAGRAND, Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses Volume I: Basic Examples (2010) Book, 490 pages, Springer-Verlag
Provides overview of high-dimensional statstics from a mathematicians viewpoint. Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, Perceptron, Hopfield, and more.
Kyle Marple, Elmer Salazar, Gopal Gupta, Computing Stable Models of Normal Logic Programs Without Grounding arXiv:1709.00501v1 [cs.LO] 1 Sep 2017
How to get ASP solving without ASP.
ASP inside of SWI-prolog
Gao et al, The Pile: An 800GB Dataset of Diverse Text for Language Modeling
Leo Gao, An Empirical Exploration in Quality Filtering of Text Data We find that aggressive filtering can in fact lead to a decrease in model quality on a wide array of downstream tasks for a GPT-like language model.
Paul Cisek - papers on neural evolution.
Tobias Fritz A synthetic approach to Markov kernels, conditional independence and theorems on sufficient statistics.
Tailin Wu, Max Tegmark Toward an AI Physicist for Unsupervised Learning Unsupervised learning of theories and their domain of validity.
Multimodal Neurons in Artificial Neural Networks This is an important foot-in-the-door for symbolic reasoning.
Geoffrey Hinton "How to represent part-whole hierarchies in a neural network" 25 Feb 2021
Robert Haas Symbolic regression with Atomese code in OpenCog Python notebook, doing moses-like symbolic regression.
Henry W. Lin, Max Tegmark, and David Rolnick "Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?" 3 Aug 2017
Short answer: they can represent multiplication and addition easily. Making them deep makes the representation more compact and simpler to learn.
Harmen Prins "Matching ontologies with distributed word embeddings" July 7, 2016
David I. Spivak, Nelson Niu "Polynomial Functors: A General Theory of Interaction" 2021
Knee-jerk reaction after a 30-second skim: yes, exactly! Polynomials in N variables lead naturally to the idea of jets and sheaves. So the sheaf theory that is being developed in this project is what you would get if you took a polynomial, and threw away the addition and multiplication, and replaced them by concatenation and composition.
Grant Sanderson "Puzzling through exact sequences" 11 Nov 2021 3Blue1Brown blog
Jigsaw puzzle pieces! This time, they occur in algebraic topology!
AMR "Parsing with Action-Pointer Transformer" - 24 Nov 2020
Mark Newman, Albert-László Barabási, and Duncan J Watts. "The structure and dynamics of networks." Princeton University Press, 2006.
John Baez "Toplogical Crystals" 2016 This is interesting because it discusses the treatment of covering spaces with vectors. This is similar to what is being done in this project. However, in this project, its not clear that deck transformations are meaningful or carry something important, although perhaps the exchange of synonymous phrases can be treated as a deck transformation.
Russ Harmer and Eugenia Oshurko "Reversibility and composition of rewriting in hierarchies", (2020)
The idea here is that sequences of rules can be applied, and then they can be reversed. This enables back-tracking on a rule system.
D. A Turner, "Functional programs as executable specifications" (1984) Phil. Trans R. Soc. Lond. A 312, pp. 363-388.
Functional programming languages as a collection of rewrite rules applied to program expressions. Background theory for the Clean programming langauge. See See also the Wikipedia description of the ABC machine.
The relevance for the AtomSpace is this: Deep inside a query, we need to be able to call out to functions, passing arguments. For opaque, black-box functions, we need to eager-evaluate all arguments. There are two alternatives to eager evaluation. One is to do a $vau trick, and eager-evaluate only the first arg, and pass the rest unevaluated. The other is to evaluate none of them, and pass a context which contains all necessary symbol groundings are present, so that the callee can evaluate, as needed.
I dunno. Feels like we're reinventing... Hmm.
HodgeNet -- Justin Solomon -- learning of the Hodge star operator via neural nets. Specifically, for dealing with sparse matrices.
Max Tegmark Consciousness as a state of matter
Jesse O. Wrenn, Peter D. Stetson, Stephen B. Johnson An Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach to Segmentation of Clinician-Entered Free Text AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2007; 2007: 811–815. PMC2655800
Lists the following prior work:
Zellig Harris (1967) -- Compute conditional probability of transitions from character to character. Minimize entropy to obtain morpeheme boundaries.
John Goldsmith (2001) -- Minimum Description Length
Mollah & Johnson (2003) -- Use Harris algo to get morphemes, then prune based on MI.
Current work:
- Compute the conditional probablity of observing a character, given a preceeding string. Cap at length seven. Go forwards and backwards.
- "Freedom at character transitions" == number of distinct characters that can follow a given string. There's a forward and backward version of this.
- "Peak freedom" is a second difference; its the sum of the increase in freedom of the prior transition, and the decrease in freedom of the subsequent transtion. There are both forward and backward peak freedoms.
- Two paramters control tokenization: substring length (its a priori) and cutoff for peak freedom.
- Characterization of results is conventional b.s. mumbo-jumbo tables showing sensitivity, specificity, and area under ROC curve. This is infuriating, because this kind of conventional analysis completely obscures what is actually happening! Argh!
Suggested clarifications to above work:
- A precise mathematical, symbolic definition of peak freedom is needed. The informal definition is imprecise, prone to misunderstanding, and obscures relationships to other similar mathematical formulas.
- Peak freedom appears to be defined as a second difference, as the difference between the prior and the subsequent transition freedom. What if, instead, one worked with log2 of transition freedoms, so that a peak entropic freedom was a ratio instead of a difference?
- Given this variant, what other variants of freedom are possible, and how are they related to more traditional entropic definitions?
- Show distribution of peak freedom. That is, there are hundreds of thousands of transitions; what's the freedom of each? What's the peak freedom of each?
- How do things change, if one considers not just the next character, but the next pair of characters, or the next triple of characters?
Plant morphogenesis
- P. Prusinkiewicz
Animal morphogenesis
- Darwin’s agential materials: evolutionary implications of multiscale competency in developmental biology Michael Levin
Evolution of Brains
- "Forced moves or good tricks in design space? Landmarks in the evolution of neural mechanisms for action selection", Tony J. Prescott (2007)
Foundational texts.
Peter Norvig, Stuart Jonathan Russell, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Basic textbook. Everyone should read it, beginning to end.
PDF and TOC page numbers do not align. Some cross-referencing: Chap 13: TOC page 412 vs PDF page 780 - Probabilistic reasoning Chap 20: TOC page 721 vs PDF page 1329 - Learning Probabilistic Models - Expectation Maximization algo: 1362, 1369 Chap 21: TOC page 750 vs PDF page 1378 - Deep Learning Chap 22: TOC page 789 vs PDF page 1449 - Reinforcement Learning Chap 23: TOC page 823 vs PDF page 1512 - Natural Language Processing Chap 24: TOC page 856 vs PDF page 1573 - Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Chap 25: TOC page 881 vs PDF page 1616 - Computer Vision Chap 26: TOC page 925 vs PDF page 1689 - Robotics Chap 27: TOC page 981 vs PDF page 1791 - Conclusions
- Claim: there is no such thing as "context" in natural language; instead, it is constructed by listener and speaker, with both having "considerable disgression" in so doing. Graeme Hirst, "Context as a Spurious Concept", (1998)
Don't quite provide what is immediately needed, but is very interesting anyways:
Pentti Kanerva, "Hyperdimensional Computing: An Introduction to Computing in Distributed Representation with High-Dimensional Random Vectors" Cognitvie Compututing (2009) 1:139–159 DOI 10.1007/s12559-009-9009-8
Provides a good, general description of hypervector memory and hypervector ALU operations. Informal (few formulas) but mostly accurate (I spotted a few mistakes).
Basic ideas: high-dimensional binary vectors (hypervectors), general stochastic properties of hyperspace, content-addressable memory, ALU ops as XOR and vector addition. Collision-avoidance via permutations.
Examples: encoding sets as hypervectors, encoding pairs, encoding tables, encoding sequences. (and reconstructing these, given the hypervectors)
Practical examples: hypervectors as alternative to LSA (Latent Semantic Anslysis) overcomes difficulties of PCA (Principle Component Analysis). Also, document-vectors look like context vectors, i.e. the two approaches become unified with hypervectors.
Author recognizes the role of grammar, without saying the word "grammar" and suggests word contexts are impoverished. (and this is correct; so he punts.)
Practical example: encoding of logical inference. Appears to be a variant of encoding a table. Points out that naive representations struggle with certain kinds of relationships (transitivity, membership.) Implies more complicated representations can over come this? (without showing how).
Practical example: learning by example. Not this is actually interesting. Shows how basic relationships can be infered from a handful(?) of examples. Given the difficulty of inferencing described above, this is a crude approximation to a more fully formal, symbolic relational description. However, I'm thinking that this is enough to get started, to provide the needed rough draft that other kinds of systems can take over and elaborate. Wow! That's actually pretty cool! I'm psyched!
Concludes with a nice summary of historical developments of various vector-encoding schemes.
Logical Decision Theory An Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Everyone Else Attempts to provide a foundation for why voting in elections is important. As best as I can tell, the argument is this: -- It is impossible to know the entire light-cone of history of an agent. -- Yet such a history would be required to estimate a probability P(x|history) of making decision x. -- Approximate
by a model of an agent of a specific type. -- Assume all agents of a specific type react in the same way to some new, novel situation. -- Any agent with imperfect knowledge should create such estimates or 'models' of other agents, and base decisions on those models. The actual argument they make is far narrower: they implement a PrudentAgent that cna play prisoner's dilemma, and uses first-order logic to understand (make models of) other players. This PrudentAgent is a demo tool that can be used in economics theory to solve some previously intractable economic theory regarding cooperation. -
Jerry R. Hobbs "Chapter 6: Word meaning and world knowledge" (2019) in book "Semantics - Theories", de Gruyter
A fairly general overview of the relationship between the meaning of words, and world models. Taken as a general overview of the general problem, the text seems adequate.
I'm worried that it is suggesting perhaps exactly the wrong direction? More precisely, the goal of the unsupervised learning project to "learn common sense", and to "learn logical thinking", and so it is fundamentally wrong to start with a model of semantics that is trying to jam meaning into a pre-existing logical framework. Notions such as scalars, magnitudes, causality, changes of state are to be learned and not programmed in. This includes ontological structure: is-a, has-a relationships: these are to be learned, and not hard-coded into the theory.
Mati Kilp, Ulrich Knauer, Alexander V. Mikhalev. "Monoids, acts, and categories : with applications to wreath products and graphs : a handbook for students and researchers" (2000) W. de Gruyter,
Provides a handbook on the basic defintions of state machines, and how one talks about them in a category-theoretic language. Useful, in that it provides a general background in category theory to core concepts regarding monoids.
Alberto Speranzon, David I. Spivak, Srivatsan Varadarajan "Abstraction, Composition and Contracts: A Sheaf Theoretic Approach" 8 Feb 2018
The keyword in the title is "contracts". Although the paper uses sheaf theory as the abstact foundation for composition, the primary application of the abstract is to glue together computational models of complex systems-of-systems, with particular attention paid to discrete and continuous (dynamical) systems. This is all very nice, but does not appear to be relevant to the present concerns: that of discerning meaningful structure from probabilistic observations.
The primary astraction presented in the paper is the sheaf of continuous intervals on the real number line. These are then used to glue together continuous-time dynamical systems and discrete-time decision systems; the primary example is an aircraft collision-avoidance system, where the continous parameters include height, speed and heading, and the discrete decisions to be made include banking left or right, or changing altitidue.
There is no obvious way to convert that discussion into one that glues together probabilistic relationships to graphical representations. The keyword here is "obvious": clearly, information-theoretic quantities are continuous, and symbolic reprsentations are discrete. How can sheaf-theoretic framing provide insight? Not obvious. Would take significant effort.
One of the more interesting claims (theorems) is that the sheaf of integer-length intervals is equivalent to the category of graphs. The sheaf axioms instruct how intervals can be glued to one-another in a coherent fashion. The intervals, so glued, correspond to paths on a graph. This is an interesting equivalence, and symbolic representations of meaning certainly seem to be kinds of graphs. However, nothing in the symbolic representations seem to correspond to paths on graphs, the linear nature of sentences notwithstanding. The grammatical structure of a sentence is not overtly a walk of a graph; it is a flattening, a serialzation of a more complex structure. It is not obvious that the equivalence of the sheaf of intervals and the caegory of graphs offers any articular insight into either grammatical sructure, or into the more general setting of Curry-Howard correspondance.
Scott Garrabrant, Tsvi Benson-Tilsen, Andrew Critch, Nate Soares, and Jessica Taylor "Logical Induction" (2016) "Logical Induction (Abridged)" (2016)
"We present a computable algorithm that assigns probabilities to every logical statement in a given formal language, and refines those probabilities over time."
Interesting, but some of the claims appear to be false. Page 12 states (seems to state, when I read it) that theorems that can be efficiently enumerated will be assigned a high price in relatively short order. But surely this cannot be the case, or I misunderstand? If I can efficiently enumerate a sequence of sentences
, then for any given sentences
I can propose thats is true
ands is false
at the same time. But both of these cannot be simultaneously assigned a high price. Do I misunderstand something? (Probably.)The example of Ramanujan and Hardy clarifies the intent: We now understand that Ramanujan could do long division in his head, and thus numerically calculate sequences of numbers, and thereby find patterns. As a pattern recognizer, he could generate "true" theorems faster than Hardy could prove them. That is, Ramanujan is not just enumerating theorems (as that would require enumerating both the theorem and its negation), but is instead spotting patterns.
At any rate, betting on mathematical theorems seems like a dubious activity. When is it actually useful to do so? For example, number theory is filled with black swan events: things that appear to follow a predictable pattern, until they do not. I can see why rational traders would assign these a high price until such time when a counter-example is found, but it seems a bit dubious to try to assign a price to such statements, unless it was a "bet your life" situation.
Thus, the algorithm they propose is interesting not so much because it provides a betting pool for mathematical theorems, than it is a means of discerning structure in (formal) languages. Kind of like what this project (
) is trying to do. -
GPT-4 System Card, OpenAI March 15, 2023
Most interesting thing about this is the dozen-plus extensive examples of prompt programming/prompt-engineering/prompt-coding. The rest of the paper is bizarrely off-kilter. They seem to be remarkably cluelesss about what AI safety is suppose to be, even though that is ostenisibly the topic. Unimaginative, dazed and confused, dettached from reality. What the heck. Beats me. So, two basic remarks, neither of which is covered in the paper; these are my interpretation only.
Remark 1) Prompt programming. This appears to be a collection of way-points in the GPT hypercube, a directed path, from here to there, with a handful of side branches/tracks. That path, and everything geometrically close to it, is meant to block out some objectionable patch of word-sequences. In short: treat GPT as a metric space; given any word-sequence (e.g. a question), the GPT weights specify all other nearby word sequences For example, "who threw the ball?" and "John threw the ball" have a hamming distance of 1, and thus the question can be trivially answers by just looking for other nearby sequences. Of course, GPT scales this up to Hamming distances of 100's or more not 1; the distances include both grammatical similarity, synonymous phrases, contextual embeddings (last few dozen/hundred words) etc. But, for all intents and purposes, it seems to be an extremely high dimensional metric space with the weights providing an invariant measure (the "ground state", aka the Haar measure.) The prompt code specifies a region of that space, a tube, of the same shape as the prompt. Everything in that tube is marked as objectionable content, and is blocked with a generic "I'm sorry, I can't talk about illegal/immoral/hurtful acitivty X". The prompts are vividly detailed; there a dozen or so. There's absolutely no effort made to demonstrate the corresponding tube, the haar measure, or to measure the width or length of the black-out tube. To characterize its volume, metric properties, curvature, attractivity, nothing whatsoever. Don't they have scientists working there? Why didn't they report any of this? Is it confidential? Big spinning WTF???
Remark 2) Interacting with GPT-3 is a singularly toxic silicon valley tech bro experience. If GPT was a person and they came to a party I was hosting, I would find a baseball bat, and threaten it until it left. Not only is it as dumb as a rock, but it looks you in the eye as it lies to your face. WTF. I do appreciate that GPT and DL/NN in general is an important fundamental breakthrough in AI, but wow, it has the personality traits of a fucktard shithead. And so suddenly I'm thinking about a Julia Mossbridge/Ben Goertzel production called Loving AI It takes the Hanson Robotics Sophia Robot and turns it into a meditation guru. Now, this is entirely scripted; there's very little "hard AI" in it; its designed to produce a relaxed, meditative, mildly hypnotic state. Great for mindfulness retreats and gets you the honor of meditating with a robot. Pretty distant from my wheelhouse, but it was .. intesting, anyways. Well, I'll tell you. After that toxic encounter with chatGPT, the system that knows everything and the value of nothing, ... it occurs to me that loving AI is absolutely the correct direction to move in. GPT is fascinating as a technology, and fundamentally evil in it's incarnation. Now, I have no clue at all how to actually, technically make loving AI be a true, "hard" AI system that actually "thinks" (whatever the heck that means) and is "nurturing" (unclear what that is), but as of today, this is what I will be pondering.
Parsing using a grammar of word association vectors Rob Freeman
Word asssociation vectors. A contemporaneous accoount of ideas broadly similar to those in this project; although sharply different in actual details.
A Universal Approach to Self-Referential Paradoxes, Incompleteness and Fixed Points Noson S. Yanofsky arXiv:math/0305282v1 [math.LO] 19 May 2003
An intro-level tutorial to diagonal arguments (Cantor slash), (un-)definability, incompleteness. Includes proofs/proof sketches of Turing halting problem, Godel incompleteness and much more. Clarifies what "self-reference" is, and how/why that leads to paradoxes. Basically, you have a choice: either a paradox (if you allow self-reference) or a "loop unroll", by moving the reference to the next level: an infinite stack of every greater laywers (e.g. the cardinal hierarchy. But I guess also the Borel hierarchy...)
Huh. As I write the above, I again think of infinite binary trees, And how structures can be mapped into them. e.g. the Borel hierarchy. The point of ZFC was to avoid Russel's paradox, by limiting what can be talked about, to exclude the self-reference. This is effectively a loop-unroll: a stack of ever-larger cardinals.