From the python prompt, the following should list the opencog python modules
The contents of a single module can be viewed by using
function. For example,import opencog.atomspace print(dir(opencog.atomspace))
You can run the examples from your shell. For example,
python3 storage_tutorial.py
A relatively simple all-in-one tutorial introducing basic concepts, a practical example, and the use of the store-to-disk backend.
Simple examples of how to create atoms in an atomspace. These demonstrate two different ways in which the API can be used; one creates atoms according to their types, the other creates them directly.
Simple example to show how to access the outgoing set of a link.
A simple example of a "behavior tree" implemented in Atomese, the API for manipulating AtomSpace contents.
Atomese has both scheme and python bindings, and the two programming langauges and styles can be freely intermixed. That is, you can call scheme from python, and python from scheme, and everything "just works".
The examples below show how this can be done.
Example of how to obtain atom type names and atom type IDs.
Example of how to use the pattern matcher BindLink functionality.
Simple measurement of the performance of invoking the scheme (guile) interpreter.