A Local Leader
brings the vision of #OMA to their city - with the mission to establish an open marketplace and to build up a local team, to fulfill the cities needs.
A Local Leader
acts as a speaker and manager for the representative region.
Setup a local marketplace
The most obvious objective is to set up a local marketplace and maintain it. In the best case you empower your region to be it's own platform provider, which means you might need some infrastructure and technical knowledge to do so. Since most Local Leaders
might not have any technical skills, the second objective build a team
can be a precondition to do so.
Build a local OMA team A good starting point for a local team is having a developer, a designer, a marketer and a trustworthy person to manage finances. But there is no limit to the amount of team members a local team can have. It also depends heavily of the size of your region.
Increase public awareness In order to succeed against competitors like amazon, the biggest hurdle is to convince the people from the advantages of a decentralized marketplace.
Collect local data Most importantly we need extensive data about shops, to empower the local shops to compete against other e-commerce platforms. But there is lots of other data like public places, free-time activities, flora, fauna or even the weather that could provide valuable information.
Provide Feedback It is really important to communicate problems, solutions and requirements from your region to the global OMA team.
Verify new Local Leaders
Our aspiration is to create a self-sustained management framework for Local Leader
world wide. This is why you as a Local Leader
can verify other local leaders. To verify a new Local Leader
, two verified Local Leaders
are required. They do the onboarding together and act as contact persons for questions.
Every open marketplace in a city begins with one Local Leader
, while there is no limit, because cities might need many Local Leader
to manage the scope.
To become a Local Leader
you need to go through the onboarding process:
If you are interested to become a local leader these are your first steps:
- Read role description Local Leaders
Post your introduction in the Discord channel #local-leader-requests. The message should contain: City, Touchpoint - How you found OMA, Why you want to join
- Local Leader verification
First a Local Leader will contact you and invite you to the first step of the onboarding process. This will be a short conversation (chat/video - up to you) with you to introduce you to the role and answer your questions. After you have been verified by the Local Leader he will hand you over to a trusted local leader for the actual onboarding.
- Trusted Local Leader verification For now you will just be added to the #local-leaders-intern group by a trusted local leader. The trusted local leader will ask you for personal information (name, email) to add you to the list of local leaders. But soon we will have another step here: After that he will set up the marketplace for your city with you together and introduce you to the system.
As a local leader you can verify new applicants.
- Give the applicant a warm welcome 👋
- Invite him/her to a conversation to clarify questions and motivation
- After you are convinced of the applicants trustworthiness post this message in the #local-leaders-intern channel: “@applicant is ready for the final onboarding @trusted-local-leaders”