The content is, most of the time, written using [M↓]
Markdown and served by nanoc
This website is available at using 🔥 Firebase hosting.
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec nanoc compile
$ npm install
$ ./node_modules/.bin/firebase deploy --only hosting
- export data from SC/Babelio instead of scrapping
- clean JS (use const & let instead of var, normalize quotes, colon etc)
- book release date
- og:title improvement & prez in WhatsApp & Slack demo (test with or or
- desc Recommended length: 150 - 160 characters
- image Recommended dimension: 1200 x 630 pixels (+ not simple cover, ideally fancy rendering (with cover) and text for attractiveness)
- emoji book redundant with favicon, only keep it in index/home page title
- no index etc. (see
- image multi res & responsive (
- clean CSS
- stars themed with CSS and value tweak, maybe custom star formatter to make it styleable or submit a feature request or a PR to tabulator
- avatar picture with real photo
- Add span for serie prefix "(.+), tome \d+:" + In responsive compact mode, hide it.
Scraps Sens Critique and Babelio readings to generate a static site with fetch & consolidated data.
- Kotlin
- Coroutines
- Kodein-DI for dependency injection.
- Ktor HTTP client.
- Kotlin first class
- Coroutines
- Gson for Json/Object marshalling/un-marshalling.
- JUnit for unit & integration tests.
Authentication with OAuth 2.0. Alternatively, use an API Key
Add credentials (Web, to allow customizing redirect URI and in particular port)
- Store resulting JSON file in the resources of the project
Enable Google Books API Library
-<MY_PROJECT>&q=books%20api or directly
API reference