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Osma Suominen edited this page May 9, 2018 · 19 revisions

Supported CLI commands in Annif

These are the command line commands of Annif, with REST API equivalents when applicable.

Most of These methods take a projectid parameter. Projects are identified by alphanumeric strings (A-Za-z0-9_-).

Project administration

List available projects

annif list-projects

REST equivalent:

GET /projects/

Show a list of currently defined projects. Projects are defined in a configuration file, normally called projects.cfg.

Show project information

annif show-project <projectid>

REST equivalent:

GET /projects/<projectid>

Subject index administration

Load all subjects from a directory

annif load <projectid> <directory>


  • directory: path to a directory containing text files in the corpus format

This will load all the subjects from the given directory in a single batch operation. It is equivalent to executing create-subject on each file separately.

REST equivalent: N/A

Automatic subject indexing

annif analyze <projectid> [--limit=MAX] [--threshold=THRESHOLD] <document.txt

This will read a text document from standard input and suggest subjects for it.


  • limit: maximum number of subjects to return
  • threshold: minimum score threshold, below which results will not be returned

REST equivalent:

POST /projects/<projectid>/analyze

Evaluate on a directory of manually indexed files

annif evaldir <projectid> [--limit=MAX] [--threshold=THRESHOLD] directory

First you need to place the documents as text files in a directory and store the subjects in TSV files with the same basename. This command will read each .txt file from the directory, assign subjects to it, and compare them with the gold standard subjects given in the corresponding .tsv file. The output is a list of statistical measures.


  • limit: maximum number of subjects to return
  • threshold: minimum score threshold, below which results will not be returned

REST equivalent: N/A

Find the optimum limit and threshold for a directory of manually indexed files

annif optimize <projectid> directory

As with evaldir, you need to place the documents as text files in a directory and store the subjects in TSV files with the same basename. This command will read each .txt file from the directory, assign subjects to it using different limit and threshold values, and compare the results with the gold standard subjects given in the corresponding .tsv file. The output is a list of parameter combinations and their scores.

Parameters: N/A

REST equivalent: N/A

Running a REST service

annif run

This will start a development web server on http://localhost:5000/ .

REST equivalent: N/A