similarity index 95%
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index 57dff0a2f9..585bdf8bc9 100644
@@ -135,18 +135,23 @@ import { useLocation } from '@docusaurus/router';
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On the most pages you can use just `` component imported from `'@theme/DocCardList'`
@@ -173,12 +178,13 @@ import { useLocation } from '@docusaurus/router';
!isSamePath(item.href, useLocation().pathname))}/>
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@@ -225,9 +231,11 @@ Writing links in your documents is easy if you follow this rule-of-thumb: If it
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@@ -243,12 +251,32 @@ Available types:
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## Content Validation
Content is validated each time a PR is submitted to the `docs` repository.
diff --git a/docs/evm/cadence/vm-bridge.md b/docs/evm/cadence/vm-bridge.md
index bf4b029200..d45d3358ac 100644
--- a/docs/evm/cadence/vm-bridge.md
+++ b/docs/evm/cadence/vm-bridge.md
@@ -87,129 +87,16 @@ Below are transactions relevant to onboarding assets:
-```cadence title="onboard_by_type.cdc"
-// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/onboarding/onboard_by_type.cdc
-import "FungibleToken"
-import "FlowToken"
-import "ScopedFTProviders"
-import "EVM"
-import "FlowEVMBridge"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
-/// This transaction onboards the asset type to the bridge, configuring the bridge to move assets between environments
-/// NOTE: This must be done before bridging a Cadence-native asset to EVM
-/// @param type: The Cadence type of the bridgeable asset to onboard to the bridge
-transaction(type: Type) {
- let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
- prepare(signer: auth(CopyValue, BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
- /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
- //
- // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
- if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
- let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
- /storage/flowTokenVault
- )
- signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
- }
- // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
- let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
- from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
- ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
- let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(FlowEVMBridgeConfig.onboardFee)
- self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
- provider: providerCapCopy,
- filters: [ providerFilter ],
- expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
- )
- }
- execute {
- // Onboard the asset Type
- FlowEVMBridge.onboardByType(
- type,
- feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
- )
- destroy self.scopedProvider
- }
- post {
- FlowEVMBridge.typeRequiresOnboarding(type) == false:
- "Asset ".concat(type.identifier).concat(" was not onboarded to the bridge.")
- }
+```cadence onboard_by_type.cdc
+!from https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/onboarding/onboard_by_type.cdc
-// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/onboarding/onboard_by_evm_address.cdc
-import "FungibleToken"
-import "FlowToken"
-import "ScopedFTProviders"
-import "EVM"
-import "FlowEVMBridge"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
-/// This transaction onboards the NFT type to the bridge, configuring the bridge to move NFTs between environments
-/// NOTE: This must be done before bridging a Cadence-native NFT to EVM
-/// @param contractAddressHex: The EVM address of the contract defining the bridgeable asset to be onboarded
-transaction(contractAddressHex: String) {
- let contractAddress: EVM.EVMAddress
- let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
- prepare(signer: auth(CopyValue, BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
- /* --- Construct EVMAddress from hex string (no leading `"0x"`) --- */
- //
- self.contractAddress = EVM.addressFromString(contractAddressHex)
- /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
- //
- // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
- if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
- let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
- /storage/flowTokenVault
- )
- signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
- }
- // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
- let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
- from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
- ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
- let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(FlowEVMBridgeConfig.onboardFee)
- self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
- provider: providerCapCopy,
- filters: [ providerFilter ],
- expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
- )
- }
- execute {
- // Onboard the EVM contract
- FlowEVMBridge.onboardByEVMAddress(
- self.contractAddress,
- feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
- )
- destroy self.scopedProvider
- }
+```cadence onboard_by_evm_address.cdc
+!from https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/onboarding/onboard_by_evm_address.cdc
@@ -234,26 +121,10 @@ You may also retrieve the type associated with a given EVM contract address usin
-```cadence title="get_associated_type.cdc"
-// source: https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/scripts/bridge/get_associated_type.cdc
-import "EVM"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
-/// Returns the Cadence Type associated with the given EVM address (as its hex String)
-/// @param evmAddressHex: The hex-encoded address of the EVM contract as a String
-/// @return The Cadence Type associated with the EVM address or nil if the address is not onboarded. `nil` may also be
-/// returned if the address is not a valid EVM address.
-fun main(addressHex: String): Type? {
- let address = EVM.addressFromString(addressHex)
- return FlowEVMBridgeConfig.getTypeAssociated(with: address)
+```cadence get_associated_type.cdc
+!from https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/scripts/bridge/get_associated_type.cdc
Alternatively, given some onboarded Cadence type, you can retrieve the associated EVM address using the following
@@ -263,28 +134,8 @@ script:
-```cadence title="get_associated_address.cdc"
-// source: https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/scripts/bridge/get_associated_evm_address.cdc
-import "EVM"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
-/// Returns the EVM address associated with the given Cadence type (as its identifier String)
-/// @param typeIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier String
-/// @return The EVM address as a hex string if the type has an associated EVMAddress, otherwise nil
-fun main(identifier: String): String? {
- if let type = CompositeType(identifier) {
- if let address = FlowEVMBridgeConfig.getEVMAddressAssociated(with: type) {
- return address.toString()
- }
- }
- return nil
+```cadence get_associated_address.cdc
+!from https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/scripts/bridge/get_associated_evm_address.cdc
@@ -300,127 +151,8 @@ Below are transactions relevant to bridging NFTs:
-```cadence title="bridge_nft_to_evm.cdc"
-// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/nft/bridge_nft_to_evm.cdc
-import "FungibleToken"
-import "NonFungibleToken"
-import "ViewResolver"
-import "MetadataViews"
-import "FlowToken"
-import "ScopedFTProviders"
-import "EVM"
-import "FlowEVMBridge"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeUtils"
-/// Bridges an NFT from the signer's collection in Cadence to the signer's COA in FlowEVM
-/// NOTE: This transaction also onboards the NFT to the bridge if necessary which may incur additional fees
-/// than bridging an asset that has already been onboarded.
-/// @param nftIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier of the NFT to bridge - e.g. nft.getType().identifier
-/// @param id: The Cadence NFT.id of the NFT to bridge to EVM
-transaction(nftIdentifier: String, id: UInt64) {
- let nft: @{NonFungibleToken.NFT}
- let coa: auth(EVM.Bridge) &EVM.CadenceOwnedAccount
- let requiresOnboarding: Bool
- let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
- prepare(signer: auth(CopyValue, BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
- /* --- Reference the signer's CadenceOwnedAccount --- */
- //
- // Borrow a reference to the signer's COA
- self.coa = signer.storage.borrow(from: /storage/evm)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow COA from provided gateway address")
- /* --- Construct the NFT type --- */
- //
- // Construct the NFT type from the provided identifier
- let nftType = CompositeType(nftIdentifier)
- ?? panic("Could not construct NFT type from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
- // Parse the NFT identifier into its components
- let nftContractAddress = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractAddress(fromType: nftType)
- ?? panic("Could not get contract address from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
- let nftContractName = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractName(fromType: nftType)
- ?? panic("Could not get contract name from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
- /* --- Retrieve the NFT --- */
- //
- // Borrow a reference to the NFT collection, configuring if necessary
- let viewResolver = getAccount(nftContractAddress).contracts.borrow<&{ViewResolver}>(name: nftContractName)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow ViewResolver from NFT contract")
- let collectionData = viewResolver.resolveContractView(
- resourceType: nftType,
- viewType: Type()
- ) as! MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData? ?? panic("Could not resolve NFTCollectionData view")
- let collection = signer.storage.borrow(
- from: collectionData.storagePath
- ) ?? panic("Could not access signer's NFT Collection")
- // Withdraw the requested NFT & calculate the approximate bridge fee based on NFT storage usage
- let currentStorageUsage = signer.storage.used
- self.nft <- collection.withdraw(withdrawID: id)
- let withdrawnStorageUsage = signer.storage.used
- var approxFee = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.calculateBridgeFee(
- bytes: currentStorageUsage - withdrawnStorageUsage
- ) * 1.10
- // Determine if the NFT requires onboarding - this impacts the fee required
- self.requiresOnboarding = FlowEVMBridge.typeRequiresOnboarding(self.nft.getType())
- ?? panic("Bridge does not support this asset type")
- if self.requiresOnboarding {
- approxFee = approxFee + FlowEVMBridgeConfig.onboardFee
- }
- /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
- //
- // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
- if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
- let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
- /storage/flowTokenVault
- )
- signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
- }
- // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
- let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
- from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
- ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
- let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(approxFee)
- self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
- provider: providerCapCopy,
- filters: [ providerFilter ],
- expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
- )
- }
- pre {
- self.nft.getType().identifier == nftIdentifier:
- "Attempting to send invalid nft type - requested: ".concat(nftIdentifier)
- .concat(", sending: ").concat(self.nft.getType().identifier)
- }
- execute {
- if self.requiresOnboarding {
- // Onboard the NFT to the bridge
- FlowEVMBridge.onboardByType(
- self.nft.getType(),
- feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
- )
- }
- // Execute the bridge
- self.coa.depositNFT(
- nft: <-self.nft,
- feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
- )
- // Destroy the ScopedFTProvider
- destroy self.scopedProvider
- }
+```cadence bridge_nft_to_evm.cdc
+!from https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/nft/bridge_nft_to_evm.cdc
@@ -428,115 +160,8 @@ transaction(nftIdentifier: String, id: UInt64) {
-```cadence title="bridge_nft_from_evm.cdc"
-// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/nft/bridge_nft_from_evm.cdc
-import "FungibleToken"
-import "NonFungibleToken"
-import "ViewResolver"
-import "MetadataViews"
-import "FlowToken"
-import "ScopedFTProviders"
-import "EVM"
-import "FlowEVMBridge"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeUtils"
-/// This transaction bridges an NFT from EVM to Cadence assuming it has already been onboarded to the FlowEVMBridge
-/// NOTE: The ERC721 must have first been onboarded to the bridge. This can be checked via the method
-/// FlowEVMBridge.evmAddressRequiresOnboarding(address: self.evmContractAddress)
-/// @param nftIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier of the NFT to bridge - e.g. nft.getType().identifier
-/// @param id: The ERC721 id of the NFT to bridge to Cadence from EVM
-transaction(nftIdentifier: String, id: UInt256) {
- let nftType: Type
- let collection: &{NonFungibleToken.Collection}
- let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
- let coa: auth(EVM.Bridge) &EVM.CadenceOwnedAccount
- prepare(signer: auth(BorrowValue, CopyValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue, UnpublishCapability) &Account) {
- /* --- Reference the signer's CadenceOwnedAccount --- */
- //
- // Borrow a reference to the signer's COA
- self.coa = signer.storage.borrow(from: /storage/evm)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow COA from provided gateway address")
- /* --- Construct the NFT type --- */
- //
- // Construct the NFT type from the provided identifier
- self.nftType = CompositeType(nftIdentifier)
- ?? panic("Could not construct NFT type from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
- // Parse the NFT identifier into its components
- let nftContractAddress = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractAddress(fromType: self.nftType)
- ?? panic("Could not get contract address from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
- let nftContractName = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractName(fromType: self.nftType)
- ?? panic("Could not get contract name from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
- /* --- Reference the signer's NFT Collection --- */
- //
- // Borrow a reference to the NFT collection, configuring if necessary
- let viewResolver = getAccount(nftContractAddress).contracts.borrow<&{ViewResolver}>(name: nftContractName)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow ViewResolver from NFT contract")
- let collectionData = viewResolver.resolveContractView(
- resourceType: self.nftType,
- viewType: Type()
- ) as! MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData? ?? panic("Could not resolve NFTCollectionData view")
- if signer.storage.borrow<&{NonFungibleToken.Collection}>(from: collectionData.storagePath) == nil {
- signer.storage.save(<-collectionData.createEmptyCollection(), to: collectionData.storagePath)
- signer.capabilities.unpublish(collectionData.publicPath)
- let collectionCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue<&{NonFungibleToken.Collection}>(collectionData.storagePath)
- signer.capabilities.publish(collectionCap, at: collectionData.publicPath)
- }
- self.collection = signer.storage.borrow<&{NonFungibleToken.Collection}>(from: collectionData.storagePath)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow collection from storage path")
- /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
- //
- // Calculate the bridge fee - bridging from EVM consumes no storage, so flat fee
- let approxFee = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.calculateBridgeFee(bytes: 0)
- // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
- if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
- let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
- /storage/flowTokenVault
- )
- signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
- }
- // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
- let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
- from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
- ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
- let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(approxFee)
- self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
- provider: providerCapCopy,
- filters: [ providerFilter ],
- expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
- )
- }
- execute {
- // Execute the bridge
- let nft: @{NonFungibleToken.NFT} <- self.coa.withdrawNFT(
- type: self.nftType,
- id: id,
- feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
- )
- // Ensure the bridged nft is the correct type
- assert(
- nft.getType() == self.nftType,
- message: "Bridged nft type mismatch - requeswted: ".concat(self.nftType.identifier)
- .concat(", received: ").concat(nft.getType().identifier)
- )
- // Deposit the bridged NFT into the signer's collection
- self.collection.deposit(token: <-nft)
- // Destroy the ScopedFTProvider
- destroy self.scopedProvider
- }
+```cadence bridge_nft_from_evm.cdc
+!from https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/nft/bridge_nft_from_evm.cdc
@@ -560,128 +185,8 @@ Below are transactions relevant to bridging fungible tokens:
-```cadence title="bridge_tokens_to_evm.cdc"
-// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/tokens/bridge_tokens_to_evm.cdc
-import "FungibleToken"
-import "ViewResolver"
-import "FungibleTokenMetadataViews"
-import "FlowToken"
-import "ScopedFTProviders"
-import "EVM"
-import "FlowEVMBridge"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeUtils"
-/// Bridges a Vault from the signer's storage to the signer's COA in EVM.Account.
-/// NOTE: This transaction also onboards the Vault to the bridge if necessary which may incur additional fees
-/// than bridging an asset that has already been onboarded.
-/// @param vaultIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier of the FungibleToken Vault to bridge
-/// - e.g. vault.getType().identifier
-/// @param amount: The amount of tokens to bridge from EVM
-transaction(vaultIdentifier: String, amount: UFix64) {
- let sentVault: @{FungibleToken.Vault}
- let coa: auth(EVM.Bridge) &EVM.CadenceOwnedAccount
- let requiresOnboarding: Bool
- let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
- prepare(signer: auth(CopyValue, BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
- /* --- Reference the signer's CadenceOwnedAccount --- */
- //
- // Borrow a reference to the signer's COA
- self.coa = signer.storage.borrow(from: /storage/evm)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow COA from provided gateway address")
- /* --- Construct the Vault type --- */
- //
- // Construct the Vault type from the provided identifier
- let vaultType = CompositeType(vaultIdentifier)
- ?? panic("Could not construct Vault type from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
- // Parse the Vault identifier into its components
- let tokenContractAddress = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractAddress(fromType: vaultType)
- ?? panic("Could not get contract address from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
- let tokenContractName = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractName(fromType: vaultType)
- ?? panic("Could not get contract name from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
- /* --- Retrieve the funds --- */
- //
- // Borrow a reference to the FungibleToken Vault
- let viewResolver = getAccount(tokenContractAddress).contracts.borrow<&{ViewResolver}>(name: tokenContractName)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow ViewResolver from FungibleToken contract")
- let vaultData = viewResolver.resolveContractView(
- resourceType: vaultType,
- viewType: Type()
- ) as! FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTVaultData? ?? panic("Could not resolve FTVaultData view")
- let vault = signer.storage.borrow(
- from: vaultData.storagePath
- ) ?? panic("Could not access signer's FungibleToken Vault")
- // Withdraw the requested balance & calculate the approximate bridge fee based on storage usage
- let currentStorageUsage = signer.storage.used
- self.sentVault <- vault.withdraw(amount: amount)
- let withdrawnStorageUsage = signer.storage.used
- // Approximate the bridge fee based on the difference in storage usage with some buffer
- var approxFee = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.calculateBridgeFee(
- bytes: currentStorageUsage - withdrawnStorageUsage
- ) * 1.10
- // Determine if the Vault requires onboarding - this impacts the fee required
- self.requiresOnboarding = FlowEVMBridge.typeRequiresOnboarding(self.sentVault.getType())
- ?? panic("Bridge does not support this asset type")
- if self.requiresOnboarding {
- approxFee = approxFee + FlowEVMBridgeConfig.onboardFee
- }
- /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
- //
- // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
- if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
- let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
- /storage/flowTokenVault
- )
- signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
- }
- // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
- let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
- from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
- ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
- let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(approxFee)
- self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
- provider: providerCapCopy,
- filters: [ providerFilter ],
- expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
- )
- }
- pre {
- self.sentVault.getType().identifier == vaultIdentifier:
- "Attempting to send invalid vault type - requested: ".concat(vaultIdentifier)
- .concat(", sending: ").concat(self.sentVault.getType().identifier)
- }
- execute {
- if self.requiresOnboarding {
- // Onboard the Vault to the bridge
- FlowEVMBridge.onboardByType(
- self.sentVault.getType(),
- feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
- )
- }
- // Execute the bridge
- self.coa.depositTokens(
- vault: <-self.sentVault,
- feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
- )
- // Destroy the ScopedFTProvider
- destroy self.scopedProvider
- }
+```cadence bridge_tokens_to_evm.cdc
+!from https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/tokens/bridge_tokens_to_evm.cdc
@@ -689,121 +194,8 @@ transaction(vaultIdentifier: String, amount: UFix64) {
-```cadence title="bridge_tokens_from_evm.cdc"
-// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/tokens/bridge_tokens_from_evm.cdc
-import "FungibleToken"
-import "FungibleTokenMetadataViews"
-import "ViewResolver"
-import "MetadataViews"
-import "FlowToken"
-import "ScopedFTProviders"
-import "EVM"
-import "FlowEVMBridge"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
-import "FlowEVMBridgeUtils"
-/// This transaction bridges fungible tokens from EVM to Cadence assuming it has already been onboarded to the
-/// FlowEVMBridge.
-/// NOTE: The ERC20 must have first been onboarded to the bridge. This can be checked via the method
-/// FlowEVMBridge.evmAddressRequiresOnboarding(address: self.evmContractAddress)
-/// @param vaultIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier of the FungibleToken Vault to bridge
-/// - e.g. vault.getType().identifier
-/// @param amount: The amount of tokens to bridge from EVM
-transaction(vaultIdentifier: String, amount: UInt256) {
- let vaultType: Type
- let receiver: &{FungibleToken.Vault}
- let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
- let coa: auth(EVM.Bridge) &EVM.CadenceOwnedAccount
- prepare(signer: auth(BorrowValue, CopyValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue, UnpublishCapability) &Account) {
- /* --- Reference the signer's CadenceOwnedAccount --- */
- //
- // Borrow a reference to the signer's COA
- self.coa = signer.storage.borrow(from: /storage/evm)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow COA from provided gateway address")
- /* --- Construct the Vault type --- */
- //
- // Construct the Vault type from the provided identifier
- self.vaultType = CompositeType(vaultIdentifier)
- ?? panic("Could not construct Vault type from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
- // Parse the Vault identifier into its components
- let tokenContractAddress = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractAddress(fromType: self.vaultType)
- ?? panic("Could not get contract address from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
- let tokenContractName = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractName(fromType: self.vaultType)
- ?? panic("Could not get contract name from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
- /* --- Reference the signer's Vault --- */
- //
- // Borrow a reference to the FungibleToken Vault, configuring if necessary
- let viewResolver = getAccount(tokenContractAddress).contracts.borrow<&{ViewResolver}>(name: tokenContractName)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow ViewResolver from FungibleToken contract")
- let vaultData = viewResolver.resolveContractView(
- resourceType: self.vaultType,
- viewType: Type()
- ) as! FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTVaultData? ?? panic("Could not resolve FTVaultData view")
- // If the vault does not exist, create it and publish according to the contract's defined configuration
- if signer.storage.borrow<&{FungibleToken.Vault}>(from: vaultData.storagePath) == nil {
- signer.storage.save(<-vaultData.createEmptyVault(), to: vaultData.storagePath)
- signer.capabilities.unpublish(vaultData.receiverPath)
- signer.capabilities.unpublish(vaultData.metadataPath)
- let receiverCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue<&{FungibleToken.Vault}>(vaultData.storagePath)
- let metadataCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue<&{FungibleToken.Vault}>(vaultData.storagePath)
- signer.capabilities.publish(receiverCap, at: vaultData.receiverPath)
- signer.capabilities.publish(metadataCap, at: vaultData.metadataPath)
- }
- self.receiver = signer.storage.borrow<&{FungibleToken.Vault}>(from: vaultData.storagePath)
- ?? panic("Could not borrow Vault from storage path")
- /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
- //
- // Calculate the bridge fee - bridging from EVM consumes no storage, so flat fee
- let approxFee = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.calculateBridgeFee(bytes: 0)
- // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
- if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
- let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
- /storage/flowTokenVault
- )
- signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
- }
- // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
- let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
- from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
- ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
- let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(approxFee)
- self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
- provider: providerCapCopy,
- filters: [ providerFilter ],
- expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
- )
- }
- execute {
- // Execute the bridge request
- let vault: @{FungibleToken.Vault} <- self.coa.withdrawTokens(
- type: self.vaultType,
- amount: amount,
- feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
- )
- // Ensure the bridged vault is the correct type
- assert(vault.getType() == self.vaultType, message: "Bridged vault type mismatch")
- // Deposit the bridged token into the signer's vault
- self.receiver.deposit(from: <-vault)
- // Destroy the ScopedFTProvider
- destroy self.scopedProvider
- }
+```cadence bridge_tokens_from_evm.cdc
+!from https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/tokens/bridge_tokens_from_evm.cdc
diff --git a/docusaurus.config.js b/docusaurus.config.js
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--- a/docusaurus.config.js
+++ b/docusaurus.config.js
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ const config = {
docs: {
beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins: [
+ require('./src/plugins/code-reference'),
{ theme: 'nord', lineNumbers: true, showCopyButton: true },
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--- a/package.json
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@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"dotenv": "16.0.3",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.8.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.2.1",
+ "node-fetch": "^3.3.2",
"postcss": "^8.4.31",
"prettier": "^2.8.7",
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..779f1f13d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/code-reference.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit';
+import fetch from 'node-fetch';
+const VALUE_STARTS_WITH = '!from ';
+const githubReplace = /^(https:\/\/)(www.)?github.com\/(.+)\/blob\/(.+)/;
+const getUrl = (nodeValue) => {
+ const url = nodeValue.replace(VALUE_STARTS_WITH, '').trim();
+ return url.replace(githubReplace, '$1raw.githubusercontent.com/$3/$4');
+const plugin = () => {
+ const transformer = async (ast) => {
+ const promises = [];
+ visit(ast, 'code', (node) => {
+ if (node.value?.startsWith(VALUE_STARTS_WITH)) {
+ const url = getUrl(node.value);
+ if (!url) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const fetchPromise = fetch(url)
+ .then((res) => {
+ if (!res.ok) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Failed to fetch code from ${url}: ${res.statusText}`,
+ );
+ }
+ return res.text();
+ })
+ .then((code) => {
+ node.value = code;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error(err);
+ node.value = `Error fetching code: ${err.message}`;
+ });
+ promises.push(fetchPromise);
+ }
+ });
+ await Promise.all(promises);
+ };
+ return transformer;
+export default plugin;
diff --git a/src/plugins/insert-info-tags-loader.js b/src/plugins/insert-info-tags-loader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a930d3a095..0000000000
--- a/src/plugins/insert-info-tags-loader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = function (source) {
- const infoBannerMessage =
- 'For Cadence 0.42 go to [Legacy Docs](https://legacy.developers.flow.com/)';
- // Function to check if a page content contains "cadence" code block
- const containsCadenceCodeBlock = (content) => {
- return content.includes('```cadence');
- };
- // Function to insert :::info::: tag into content
- const insertInfoTag = (content) => {
- const infoBanner = ':::info\n' + infoBannerMessage + '\n:::\n';
- // Check fof front matter
- if (!content.startsWith('---\n')) {
- // Insert :::info::: tag at the beginning of the content
- return infoBanner + content;
- }
- // Split the content into front matter and body
- const [frontMatter, ...body] = content.split('---\n').slice(1);
- // Insert :::info::: tag after front matter
- return `---\n${frontMatter}---\n${infoBanner}${body.join('---\n')}`;
- };
- // Check if the content contains a "cadence" code block
- if (containsCadenceCodeBlock(source)) {
- // Insert :::info::: tag
- return insertInfoTag(source);
- }
- // Return the original content if no changes are needed
- return source;
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