All notable changes to the "nba-ticker" extension will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed bug where a stale command (link) would be left on the status bar.
- Dependency upgrades
setting to skip final scores in the status bar
- Dependency upgrades
- Dependency upgrades
- Stops polling for games when all games are
. This is reset when the calendar day changes.
- Migrated from
- New
Open Game
command to open a game's page from the command palette.
- Dependency updates
- Added additional check to see if the game period has actually started.
- Updated to latest working NBA API
- Fixed broken URLs
- Changed hover default from
- New name and icon!
- Bumped dependencies
- Updated NBA API protocol from HTTP -> HTTPS
- Fixed issue where links were broken for games that hadn't started
- Fixed issue where games that had just started would render as
. This now displays the tipoff time until a valid period [1-4] and game clock is available.
- Bumped dependencies
- Updated default format:
- Updated description
- Updated gif in README
- New hover view shows all games instead of game details (option in settings)
- Bumped various dependencies
- Fixed an issue where empty game "nugget" text resulted in an empty line in the tooltip
- Bump dependencies
- README release version shield
- Fixed minimum poll delay validation
- Bumped project Node version from
- Clicking on the status bar Ticker opens the game in
- Fixed settings & README
- Fixed images on Marketplace page
- Migrated from the balldontlie API to official(?) API
- Updated status
- Huge update to the tooltip with a ton of game and series details
- Bumped Node to
- Bumped Typescript & dependencies to
- Bumped ESLint, Moment, Axios
- Fixed typo in file/module naming
- Fixed typo in settings
- Updated default ticker display format.
- Updated ticker tooltip to show relative time of update (e.g.
"5 minutes ago"
- Setting for teams
- Updated default format separator from
- Setting for poll frequency
- Settings for status bar placement, format, and duration
- Breaking changes to registered commands
- Fixed date to use current date
- Status bar item to display scores
- Command to update scores (no UI)