enter-the-void.js is a highly customizable jQuery plugin that allows for animation of typogragphy styles on the web.
enter-the-void.js depends on jQuery (> v1.4).
enter-the-void.js should be bound to elements that contains type (headers, paragraphs, spans, etc).
Apply enter-the-void.js to an element on your webpage like so, within a <script>
When you hover on an <h1>
, you'll now see the enter-the-void.js changing the type style. To make a more interesting animation, add an option or two:
randomColor: true,
randomDecoration: true
The following options are available to you:
option | description | default |
weight | alternates the font weight by toggling or selecting at random (a string – ‘toggle’ or ‘random’) | null |
minSize | the minimum desired size for the type (an int) | null |
maxSize | the maximum desired size for the type (an int) | null |
randomColor | randomizes type color (a boolean) | false |
randomDecoration | Random from array of text-decoration rules (a boolean) | false |
interval | the speed of our animation in milliseconds (an int) | 100 |
toggleCase | randomizes capitalization and lowercase of type (a boolean) | false |
minSpace | the maximum desired letter-spacing for type (an int) | null |
maxSpace | the minimum desired letter-spacing for type (an int) | null |
restore | restore the element to its prior state when not hovering (a boolean) | true |
hover | execute animation on hover, otherwise always animate (a boolean) | true |
OKFocus tests JavaScript with Jasmine. After cloning this repo simply run:
$ bundle install
$ rake jasmine