Releases: oat-sa/qti-sdk
Allow empty mapEntry mapKey attribute
This bugfix release now soles the bug involving empty mapEntry mapKey attributes. In addition, the MapResponse processor implementation is more robust.
Allow empty mapEntry mapKey attribute
This bugfix release now soles the bug involving empty mapEntry mapKey attributes. In addition, the MapResponse processor implementation is more robust.
Count Item Occurences with or without Items having no Response Declaration
This release update the AssessmentTestSession::getRouteCount method in order to let the client code ask for the number of item occurences for a given test session with or without items having no response declaration.
Count Item Occurences with or without Items having no Response Declaration
This release update the AssessmentTestSession::getRouteCount method in order to let the client code ask for the number of item occurences for a given test session with or without items having no response declaration.
Allow empty string as <value>
This bugfix release allows empty elements to represent an empty string.
Avoid Namespace Clashes for Operators
This bugfix release solves some issues with operator namespaces occurring in rare circumstances.
Case Insensitive Map Entry
This bugfix release solves an annoying issue when mapEntries of mappings are case insensitive. Thanks to @hutnikau for the contribution !
Case Insensitive Map Entry
This bugfix release solves an annoying issue when mapEntries of mappings are case insensitive. Thanks to @hutnikau for the contribution !
PHPDocument loadFromString saveToString
This release focuses on providing the legacy branch the ability to load/save PhpDocument objects from/to strings.
Thanks @siwane for the help!