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124 lines (85 loc) · 5.82 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (85 loc) · 5.82 KB

UPGRADE FROM v1.8.4 TO v1.8.6

  1. API is disabled by default, to enable it you need to set flag to true in app/config/packages/_sylius.yaml:

        enabled: true

UPGRADE FROM v1.8.3 TO v1.8.4

  1. The sylius:cancel-unpaid-orders command now continues to proceed even if an error occurred. The behavior here is now normal but it leads to a few issues for an upgrade:

    • Product variants with on_hold = on_hand will become available as soon as the uncancelled orders are now cancelled. This could lead to a lot of products on sale which were not previously on sale. This behavior is normal but the Merchant could be used to the previous behavior and could have acted around it.
      Before you upgrade on production you may want to verify the stocks of these products variants:
    SELECT code FROM sylius_product_variant WHERE on_hand = on_hold; -- These products will go back on "available" and may be sold
    • If the merchant is used to this (now gone) bug, then they should be careful about this situation as well: if they worked with the issue and considered that increasing the on_hand value to sale more since some on hand stocks were locked by the on_hold items, they may be in the situation of having more items on hand than the reality.

UPGRADE FROM v1.7.X TO v1.8.0

  1. All consts classes has been changed from final classes to interfaces. As a result initialization of \Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\UserEvents is not longer possible. The whole list of changed classes can be found here.

  2. Service alias Sylius\Component\Channel\Context\ChannelContextInterface was changed from to The later is being decorated by which caches the channel per request and reduces the amount of database queries.

  3. A serialization group has been added to the route sylius_admin_ajax_product_index to avoid an infinite loop, or a time out during this ajax request (previously no serialization group was defined on this route).

  4. We now use the parameter sylius_admin.path_name to retrieve the admin routes prefix. If you used the /admin prefix in some admin URLs you can now replace /admin by /%sylius_admin.path_name%.
    Also the route is now dynamic. You can change the SYLIUS_ADMIN_ROUTING_PATH_NAME environment variable to custom the admin's URL.

Special attention


As we switched to the 3.0 version of Doctrine Migrations, there are some things that need to be changed in the application that is upgraded to Sylius 1.8:

  1. Replace the DoctrineMigrationsBundle configuration in config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml:

    -    dir_name: "%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations"
    -    # Namespace is arbitrary but should be different from App\Migrations as migrations classes should NOT be autoloaded
    -    namespace: DoctrineMigrations
    +    storage:
    +        table_storage:
    +            table_name: sylius_migrations
    +    migrations_paths:
    +        'DoctrineMigrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations'
  2. Remove all the legacy Sylius-Standard migrations (they're not needed anymore)

    rm "src/Migrations/Version20170912085504.php"
  3. Mark all migrations from @SyliusCoreBundle and @SyliusAdminApiBundle as executed (they're the same as legacy ones, just not recognized by the doctrine yet)

    bin/console doctrine:migrations:version "Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Migrations\Version20161202011555" --add --no-interaction


    If you're using some Sylius plugins you'll probably need to handle their migrations as well. You can either leave them in your src/Migrations/ catalog and treat as your own or use the migrations from the vendors. However, it assumes that plugin provides a proper integration with Doctrine Migrations 3.0 - as, for example, Invoicing Plugin.


    Take a look at etc/ script - it would execute points 2) and 3) automatically.

  4. Do the same for your own migrations. Assuming your migrations namespace is DoctrineMigrations and migrations catalog is src/Migrations, you can run such a script:

    for file in $(ls -1 src/Migrations/ | sed -e 's/\..*$//')
        bin/console doctrine:migrations:version "DoctrineMigrations\\${file}" --add --no-interaction
  5. Run bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to apply migrations added in Sylius 1.8

Re-enable product variants and taxons

In the migrations of the 1.8 we add a flag enabled on the product variants and the taxons. This flag is on 0 by default, which leads to an empty catalog and some errors due to products without enabled variants.

To resolve this, you should run these two SQL requests on production:

UPDATE sylius_taxon SET enabled = 1;
UPDATE sylius_product_variant SET enabled = 1;

This could also be done in a Migration as well if you prefer. You can create an empty migration (then you can fill it!) like this:

./bin/console doctrine:migrations:generate


Some translations have changed, you may want to search for them in your project:

  • has been removed.
  • has been removed.
  • has been added instead of the two above.

API v2

For changes according to the API v2, please visit API v2 upgrade file.