The opflex-agent builds with the latest version of openssl (3.x) which causes compatibility issues when FIPS is enabled on the host running opflex-agent. This happens because the leaf filters out the ciphers needed for openssl 3.x to work properly. Until this is fixed on the leaf side the workaround is to run opflex-agent in openssl 1.1 compatibility mode so the connectivity to leaf is not broken when FIPS is enabled on the host running opflex-agent.
Add following configuration in the acc provision input file:
opflex_openssl_compat: true # default is false
Run acc-provision
tool on updated acc provision input file to generate new aci_deployment.yaml
acc-provision -c <acc_provision_input_file> -f <flavor> -u <apic_username> -p <apic_password> -o aci_deployment.yaml
Delete old aci_deployment.yaml and wait till all the pods in the aci-containers-system
namespace are deleted
$ oc delete -f aci_deployment.yaml
$ oc get pods -n aci-containers-system
Apply newly generated aci_deployment.yaml and wait till all pods in aci-containers-system
namespace are running
$ oc apply -f aci_deployment.yaml
$ oc get pods -n aci-containers-system
Enabling this features internally sets environment variable OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/pki/tls/openssl11.cnf
in opflex-agent
noiro@oshift3-ext-rtr:~$ oc exec -it -n aci-containers-system aci-containers-host-2kg44 -c opflex-agent -- env