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150 lines (122 loc) · 6.83 KB

#Certs (Complete tasks (when certs expire) before building VCell)

#(TLS/SSL website for (, Look in Dockerfile-api-dev under ENV block (key-value pairs defining TLA keystore and password)

ENV dbpswdfile=/run/secrets/dbpswd \  
    jmspswdfile=/run/secrets/jmspswd \  
    keystore=/run/secrets/keystorefile_20220105 \  

Look in docker\swarm\docker-compose.yml
--look in services->api->secrets to find which secrets are used (matches values defined above)

    file: ${VCELL_SECRETS_DIR}/vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.txt
    file: ${VCELL_SECRETS_DIR}/vcellapi-beta_20220105.jks

#---------- BEGIN Create SSL certificate for VCell API docker service (view as markdown source, not preview)
See C:\Users\frm\Desktop\NewCerificates\certs_2022 look in {vcellroot}\docker\swarm\ for var iable definition "VCELL_SECRETS_DIR=xxx" e.g. VCELL_SECRETS_DIR=/usr/local/deploy --Copy "vcellapi-beta.jks" and "vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.tx"t into ${VCELL_SECRETS_DIR} on each node(host) of the swarm

// //Create SSL certificate for VCell API docker service //

Start digicert on windows->SSL->'Create CSR' create csr (do not use previous cert as template because it may have challenge phrase)->

type SSL commonname subjectAlternativeName Organization University of Connecticut Department UCH City Storrs State Connecticut Country USA KeySize 4096

->Generate->Save csrFile.txt

Email csrFile.txt to [email protected] as an attachment The VCell project needs to renew it's expired SSL web certificate...

Rich Peoples will upload the csrFile.txt to InCommon and receive back a xxx.p7b certificate which he will send to you Save the .p7b file to local disk In DigiCert->import->.p7b filename->certificate will be imported

In DigiCert click newly imported cert->Export Certificate-> Yes export private key pfx format, include all certificates...-> password->Use text found in vcell-node1:/usr/local/deploy/vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.txt-> Save vcellapi_cam_uchc_edu.pfx

In windows command prompt: cd to directory where you save .pfx file, give command keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore vcellapi_cam_uchc_edu.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore vcellapi-beta_20210125.jks -deststoretype JKS New Desitnation password Use text found in vcell-node1:/usr/local/deploy/vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.txt Source Password Use text found in vcell-node1:/usr/local/deploy/vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.txt //Copy (gitbash cmd-line) new java keystore file from Windows to all hosts scp ./vcellapi_cam_uchc_edu.jks vcell@{vcellapi-beta,vcell-node3,vcell-node4,vcellapi,vcell-node1,vcell-node2}:/usr/local/deploy/vcellapi-beta_20220105.jks

//Check .jks on vcellapi and vcellapi-beta /NOT PART OF DEPLOYMENT/ (see Find Alias Name keytool -v -list -keystore ./vcellapi-beta_20220105.jks->Copy Aliasname (e.g. 27097e574ce44806b1c7974adc57bce1) Generate .p12 file keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore ./vcellapi-beta_20220105.jks -destkeystore foo.p12 -srcalias 27097e574ce44806b1c7974adc57bce1 -srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12 New Desitnation password Use text found in vcell-node1:/usr/local/deploy/vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.txt Source Password Use text found in vcell-node1:/usr/local/deploy/vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.txt

Generate .pem file openssl pkcs12 -in foo.p12 -out foo.pem pem passpharase Use text found in vcell-node1:/usr/local/deploy/vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.txt Copy .pem file to the host you want to test on scp ./foo.pem vcell@{vcellapi,vcellapi-beta} ssh to vcellapi or vcellapi-beta and run openssl https server openssl s_server -cert /tmp/foo.pem -accept 44330 (watch console output for connections info) Use web browser from other computer, goto https://{vcellapi,vcellapi-beta}

//Make changes to vcell code for new secret before deploying see github/vcell/masterBranch commit 95252f455347f349842810e788a3d86a8d576e06, update VCell src with new vcellapi-beta_20210125.jks name docker/build/Dockerfile-api-dev docker/swarm/docker-compose.yml

//After deployment //View certificate file in running Docker api container ssh vcellapi-beta sudo docker stack ps vcellalpha | grep I running Find HOST api container is running on ssh api container HOST (e.g vcell-node3, vcell-node4 or vcellapi-beta) sudo docker ps to find container id of running api container sudo docker exec -it apiContainerID /bin/bash cd /run/secrets keytool -v -list -keystore ./vcellapi-beta_202201015.jks

#---------- END Create SSL certificate for VCell API docker service (view as markdown source, not preview)

#"Microsoft authenticode" and "Apple developer" codesigning (to prevent install4j from being rejected on windows clients) Look in Dockerfile-clientgen-dev under ENV block (key-value pairs defining codesigning certs, keystore and keystorepassword)

ENV winCodeSignKeystore_pfx=Expecting_this_to_be_defined_runtime_for_winCodeSignKeystore_pfx \
    macCodeSignKeystore_p12=Expecting_this_to_be_defined_runtime_for_macCodeSignKeystore_p12 \
    winCodeSignKeystore_pswdfile=Expecting_this_to_be_defined_runtime_for_winCodeSignKeystore_pswdfile \
    macCodeSignKeystore_pswdfile=Expecting_this_to_be_defined_runtime_for_macCodeSignKeystore_pswdfile \

Look in for definition of

    -e winCodeSignKeystore_pfx=/buildsecrets/VCELL_UCONN_MS_2017.pfx \
    -e winCodeSignKeystore_pswdfile=/buildsecrets/VCELL_UCONN_MS_2017_pswd.txt \
    -e macCodeSignKeystore_p12=/buildsecrets/VCELL_APPLE_2015.p12 \
    -e macCodeSignKeystore_pswdfile=/buildsecrets/VCELL_APPLE_2015_pswd.txt \
    -e Install4J_product_key_file=/buildsecrets/Install4J_product_key.txt \
    -v ${VCELL_DEPLOY_SECRETS_DIR}:/buildsecrets \

Reaseon these are also stored on cluser nodes for convenience when generating Install4j See Sophon to create winCodeSignKeystore_pfx(windows) and macCodeSignKeystore_p12(Mac) and he will give me a keystore password for each keystore to be place in winCodeSignKeystore_pswdfile and macCodeSignKeystore_pswdfile (freetext) look in {vcellroot}\docker\swarm\ for variable definition "VCELL_DEPLOY_SECRETS_DIR=xxx" e.g. VCELL_DEPLOY_SECRETS_DIR=/usr/local/deploy --Copy "vcellapi-beta.jks" and "vcellapi-beta-keystorepswd.tx"t into ${VCELL_SECRETS_DIR} on each node(host) of the swarm