Configurable image uploader with preview
- drag and drop with input backup
- image previews
- simple resizing
- events
- minimal
- configurable
Vue.prototype.$http must be define, for automatic uploads to work. info
- install the package
npm install vue-upload-image --save
- import & register the component
import UploadImage from 'vue-upload-image';
// register globally
Vue.component('upload-image', UploadImage)
// or ... register locally
new Vue({
components: {
- add component to page
// html template
<upload-image is="upload-image"
:button_class="'button is-primary'"
// or set Vue instance template property
name: 'component or root Vue instance',
template: '<upload-image :max_files="5" ....></upload-image>',
props: ...,
data: ...
components: {
input_id: { // Id of upload control
type: String,
required: false,
default: "default"
url: { // upload url
type: String,
required: true,
default: null
name: { // name to use for FormData
type: String,
required: false,
default: 'images[]'
disable_upload: { // disable auto uploading
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
max_batch: { // # of files to upload within one request
type: Number,
required: false,
default: 0
max_files: { // total # of files allowed to be uploaded
type: Number,
required: false,
default: 10
max_filesize: { // max files size in KB
type: Number,
required: false,
default: 8000
resize_enabled: { // resize image prior to preview/upload
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
resize_max_width: { // resize max width
type: Number,
required: false,
default: 800
resize_max_height: { // resize max height
type: Number,
required: false,
default: 600
button_html: { // text/html for button
type: String,
required: false,
default: 'Upload Images'
button_class: { // classes for button
type: String,
required: false,
default: 'btn btn-primary'
- Basic look & feel can be adjusted via html/css classes
.upload_image_form__thumbnail [&.bad-size, &.uploaded]
.img [&.show, &:hover]
- Event listeners can be added as such
// or...
methods: {
uploadImageSuccess: function(result){
result[0] // FormData
result[1] // response
uploadImageLoaded: function(image){ || image.file
uploadImageClicked: function(image){ || image.file
uploadImageRemoved: function(image){ || image.file
uploadImageSubmit: function(images){
- upload-image-loaded - [image]
- event is called after an image has been fully loaded & rendered in preview area
- emits an object containing the file name & blob of the image
- upload-image-clicked - [image]
- event is called when an image in preview has been clicked
- emits an object containing the file name & blob of the image
- upload-image-removed - [image]
- event is called after an image has been removed from preview
- emits an object containing the file name & blob of the image
- upload-image-submit - [images]
- event is called immediately after the end user triggers the "submit" action (button_html property)
- emits a FormData object composed of images being uploaded
- batched submissions will emit this event per batch
- can be utilized with disable_upload property for manual uploads
- upload-image-attempt - [FormData]
- event is called prior to an automatic upload to the designated url
- emits a FormData object composed of images being uploaded
- batched submissions will emit this event per batch
- upload-image-success - [FormData, Response]
- event is called after s successful automatic upload to the designated url
- emits a FormData object composed of images being uploaded along with the success response object from the server
- upload-image-failure - [FormData, Response]
- event is called after s failed automatic upload to the designated url
- emits a FormData object composed of images being uploaded along with the error response object from the server
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- All changes must be documented in