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Languages, Relations, etc.

  • An alphabet, $\Sigma$ represents a collection of symbols from which you can construct strings
    • An example alphabet, being ${0,1}$
  • A language $\mathcal{L}$ over $\Sigma$ represents a collection of strings over $\Sigma$
    • An example language being $\mathcal{L}_n = {0,1}^n$ (the set of all integers $< 2^n - 1$)
    • An example string $s \in \mathcal{L}4$, $s = (1011)$, $s$ is equivalent to $13 \in \mathbb{Z}{15}$
  • Rather than expressing a language $\mathcal{L}$ by enumerating all $x \in \mathcal{L}$, we can define $\mathcal{R} : \Sigma^* \rightarrow {0,1}$
    • then $\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{R}} = {x \in \Sigma^*: \mathcal{R}(x) = 1}$
    • Determining whether $x \in \mathcal{L}$ is known as a decision-problem

Interactive Proofs

  • Interactive Proof
    • Let $f: {0,1}^n \rightarrow {0,1}$, a k-message interactive proof system for $f$, is a probablistic alg. of runtime $poly(n)$, $\mathcal{V}$, and a deterministic prover $\mathcal{P}$, where both $\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{P}$ are given input $x \in {0,1}^n$, and $\mathcal{P}$ computes $f(x)$, each party then alternates sending $m_i$ (the output of some internal state-machine (non-deterministic for $\mathcal{V}$)), then at the end of the protocol $\mathcal{V}$ outputs $0,1$ depending on whether $\mathcal{V}$ agrees that $f(x) = y$
      • Denote $out(\mathcal{V}, r, x, \mathcal{P})$ the outcome of the protocol, according to some random input $r$, notice, we may then determine $\mathcal{V}_r$ as a deterministic algorithm
    • Definition
      • Let $(\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{P})$ be a pair of verifier / prover alg., then
        • completeness - For $x \in {0,1}^n$, $Pr_r[out(\mathcal{V}, x, r, \mathcal{P}) = 1] \geq 1 - \delta_c$
          • Intuitively, given a deterministic prover, this determines the rate of false negatives for any $r$
        • soundness - For any $x \in {0,1}^n$ and any deterministic prover strategy $\mathcal{P}'$, if $\mathcal{P}'$ sends $y \not= f(x)$ at the start of the protocol, then $Pr_r[out(\mathcal{V}, x, r, \mathcal{P}') = 1] \leq \delta_s$

Ok... but why

  • Let's say that Alice (the prover) and Bob (the verifier), want to agree on a complicated language $f$
    • Alice has a really good computer, and Bob has a weak one, but Alice and Bob have a secure channel to communicate
    • Alice and Bob can interact via a prescribed IP for $\mathcal{L} = {x \in {0,1}^*, f(x) = 1}$, Alice can do all of the work, and Bob (with sufficient prob.) can agree on $\mathcal{L}$

Graphs + Iso-morphisms

  • A graph $G = (V, E)$, where $V = (v_1, \cdots, v_n)$, and $x \in E, x = (v_i, v_k), v_i, v_k \in V$
    • Intuitively, a graph is a collection of vertices $V$, and a set of ordered pairs (edges) of those vertices $E$ Alt text
  • Two graphs $G_1 = (V_1, E_1), G_2 = (V_2, E_2)$ are iso-morphic, if there is a function $\phi: V_1 \rightarrow V_2$, where $\forall v_1, v_2 \in V, (v_1, v_2) \in E_1 \iff (\phi(v_1), \phi(v_2) \in E_2$
    • In the above example, $\phi(v_1) = v_1', \phi(v_4) = v_4', \phi(v_3) = v_2', \phi(v_2) = v_5', \phi(v_5) = v_3'$

Graph Non-Isomorphism IP

  • Let's say that Alice + Bob want to agree on the language of graphs that are not iso-morphic to $G_1$
  • Then for some graph $G_2$ (Alice and Bob both know $G_1, G_2$)
    • Alice knows whether $G_1 \cong G_2$, Bob does not
  • protocol
    • Round 1. Bob sends $H \cong G_b$, where $b \leftarrow {0,1}$
    • Alice, sends $b' \in {0,1}$ to bob as follows
      • If $G_1 \cong G_2$ - Alice chooses $b'$ randomly
      • If $G_1 \not \cong G_2$ Alice chooses $b'$ according to which $G_b \cong H$
    • Bob accepts if $b = b'$
  • proofs
    • completeness - If $G_1 \not \cong G_2$ (i.e $G_1 \in \mathcal{L}_{G_1}$), $\delta_c = 0$, i.e Alice is always able to distinguish $G_1, G_2$
    • soundness - If $G_1 \cong G_2$ (i.e $G_1 \not \in \mathcal{L}{G_1}$), $\delta_2 = 1/2$, i.e Alice chooses $b'$ randomly, so $Pr{b' \leftarrow {0,1}}[b' = b] = 1/2$

Interlude to Polynomials + Second Interactive Proof

  • A polynomial $f(x) = a_0 + a_1x + a_2 x^2 + \cdots + a_n x^n$, has degree $n$ (assume $x \in \mathbb{F}_q$, $q$ prime)
    • This means that there are $n$ possible values of $x$ for which $f(x) = 0$ (can prove by induction on $deg(f)$)
  • This means that there are only $n$ possible values $x$, where $f(x) = g(x)$, where $f, g$ are polynomials over ($\mathbb{F}_q$, $q$ prime)
    • Take $h(x) = f(x) - g(x)$, $deg(h) \leq max(deg(f), deg(g)) - 1$, and there are only $deg(h)$ possible values for which $f(x) = g(x)$
    • This means that if we choose $\mathbb{F}_q$ to be large, it becomes very unlikely to randomly find an $x$ where $f(x) = g(x)$
  • reed-solomon codes
    • Given ${x_0, \cdots, x_k}$, the Lagrange Basis Polynomial is the unique polynomial, $P_{x_i}(X) = \frac{X - x_0}{x_i - x_0} \cdots \frac{X - x_k}{x_i - x_k}$, where $P_{x_i}(x_j) = 1$ iff $x_j = x_i$ and $P_{x_i}(x_j) = 0$ otherwise
    • Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial - Given $(x_i)$ (nodes), and $(a_i)$ (targets), $P(X) = \Sigma_i a_i P_{x_i}(X)$
      • unique polynomial satisfying $P(x_i) = a_i$

Interactive Proof

  • Suppose Alice + Bob have $(x_i)$ (nodes), and $(a_i)$ (values), and want to know that they have the same $(a_i)$ values
    • Round 1. Alice + Bob both construct LIP for $(a_i)$ and $(x_i)$ ($P_{Alice}, P_{Bob}$), Bob sends some $r \leftarrow \mathbb{F}_q$ to Bob
    • Round 2. Bob sends $\alpha = P_{Bob}(r)$ to alice, Alice accepts iff $\alpha = P_{Alice}(r)$
  • completeness - If Alice and Bob both have the same $(a_i)$, then $P_{Alice}(r) = P_{Bob}(r)$ (LIP is unique for $(a_i)$), and $\delta_c$ is 0
  • soundness - If Alice and Bob do not agree on $(a_i)$, where $|(a_i)| = k$, then $Pr_{r \leftarrow \mathbb{F}q}[P{Bob}(r) = P_{Alice}(r)] \leq \frac{k}{\mathbb{F_q}}$

Non-interactive Proofs + Fiat-Shamir Transformations

  • What if the IP between Alice / Bob could be a single round?
    • I.e Alice sends Bob $\pi$, and Bob was convinced (with $\delta_c = 0$, and $\delta_s$ as small as possible?)
  • In most IPs, Bob sends Alice a challenge, a random value that determines the rest of the IP
    • Intuitively, this challenge forces Alice to think on his feet,
  • What if each challenge from Bob was generated by Alice?
    • This is not secure, Alice could generate each challenge from Bob, and construct her messages knowing the challenges... :(
  • Fiat-Shamir Transformation

    • EVERY IP CAN BE TRANSFORMED INTO A NON-INTERACTIVE PROOF (and the $\delta_c, \delta_s$ from the IP are retained)
      • I.e a proof that requires only one round of communication (Alice sends Bob $\pi$)
    • hash-chaining
      • Each challenge sent by bob is the output of applying a random oracle seeded by previous messages,
      • I.e $m_1 = \mathcal{R}(x)$ (first challenge is uniquely determined by input $x$ to IP), $m_i = \mathcal{R}(m_{i - 1})$, here $\mathcal{R}$ = sha-256 (or some other shared random oracle)


  • Verifier learns nothing from $\mathcal{P}$ apart from validity of statement being proven
    • Existence of simulator - Given inputs to be proved, produces distribution over transcripts indistinguishable from the distribution over transcripts produced when $\mathcal{V}$ interacts with honest prover
  • Let $\mathcal{P}$, $\mathcal{V}$ be a PS, then it is zero-knowledge if $\forall, \hat{\mathcal{V}}$ (poly. time verifier), there exists a PPT $S$, where $\forall x \in \mathcal{L}$, the distribution of the output $S(x)$ is indistinguishable from $View(\mathcal{P}(x), \hat{\mathcal{V}}(x))$ (distribution of all transcripts from execution of $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$)
    • perfect zero-knowledge - $S(X), View_{\hat{\mathcal{V}}}(\mathcal{P}(x), \hat{\mathcal{V}}(x))$ are the same (transcripts determined by randomness from $\mathcal{V}$)
    • statistical zero-knowledge - the statistical distance is negligible, i.e $1/2 \Sigma_{m \in \mathcal{M}}|Pr[S(x) = m] - Pr[View_{\hat{\mathcal{V}}}(x) = m]|$
      • i.e given a poly. number of samples from $\mathcal{L}$, the verifier is unable to determine if the distributions are diff.
    • computational zero knowledge - statistical distance can also be defined as max. over all algorithms $\mathcal{A} : D\rightarrow {0,1}$ ($D$ is random variable), then $|Pr_{y \leftarrow D_1}[\mathcal{A}(y) = 1] - Pr_{y \leftarrow D_2}[\mathcal{A}(y) = 1]|$
  • honest v. dishonest verifier zero-knowledge
    • Above definition, requires existence of simulator for all verifiers $\hat{\mathcal{V}}$ (even malicious verifiers)
    • Can also have honest verifier, i.e works for prescribed verifier strategy
  • plain zero-knowledge v. auxiliary input zero-knowledge
    • If $\hat{\mathcal{V}}$ is dis-honest, and may return responses to $\mathcal{P}$ according to some auxiliary input $x$, and a simulator exists $S(x, z)$ (for auxiliary input $z$), then the protocol is satisfies auxiliary zero-knowledge
    • Distinction of plain v. auxiliary irrelevant after applying fiat-shamir transform

Interlude to Group Theory + DLP

  • group - Non-empty set $G$ on which a binary operation (group law) $(a, b) \rightarrow ab$ is defined such that
    1. $a, b \in G \rightarrow ab \in G$
    2. $a(bc) = (ab)c$
    3. There exists $1 \in G$, where for all $a \in G, a1 = 1a = a$
    4. $a \in G \rightarrow a^{-1}\in G \land aa^{-1} = a^{-1}a = 1$
  • Group law can be written in two ways
    • Additive groups - $a, b \in G, a + b \in G$
    • Multiplicative groups - $a, b \in G, ab \in G$
  • $\mathbb{Z}_5 = {0,1,2,3,4}$ (additive group)
    • $-2 = 3$
  • $\mathbb{Z}_5^* = {1,2,3,4}$ (multiplicative grp)
    • $2^{-1} = 3, 4^{-1} = 4$, $1^{-1} = 1$
  • Discrete Logarithm Problem (basis of pub-key crypto)

    • Exponentiation in $G$ written, $a \in \mathbb{N}$, $b \in G$, $b^a = b * b \cdots * b (a-times) \in G$ (multiplicative), $b + b + \cdots (a-times) + b \in G$
    • Given $b, b^a \in G$, it is impossibly hard to determine $a \in \mathbb{N}$

Schnorr Protocol for ZK of DLOG

  • $\mathcal{P}$ (Alice) and $\mathcal{V}$ (Bob) agree on a group element, $g \in G$, and $h = g^w$ (Alice knows $w$, Bob does not)
  • protocol
    • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $a = g^r, r \leftarrow^R {0, \cdots, n - 1}$ to $\mathcal{V}$
    • $\mathcal{V}$ sends $e \leftarrow^R {0, \cdots, n - 1}$ to $\mathcal{P}$
    • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $z =(ew + r)$ to $\mathcal{V}$ checks that $ah^e = g^{z}$
  • Completeness -
    • $g^z = g^{ew} * g^r = ah^e$, thus $\delta_c = 0$
  • Soundness
    • Trust me its low :)
    • Proof requires definition of a $\Sigma$-protocol (this will be defined in part 2.), largely what I want to show here is an example of a simulator
  • Zero-knowledge -
    • Have to fix poly. time simulator $S(h)$, where $e, z \leftarrow {0,\cdots, n - 1}$, and $a = g^z(h^e)^{-1}$
    • Notice, transcript of protocol between $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$ on $h$ is $(a, e, z)$ where $\mathcal{P}$ generates $a = g^u$ at random, $\mathcal{V}$ generates $e$ at random (selection is independent)
    • Alternatively $S(h)$ generates $e, z$ at random,

Arithmetic Circuits

  • Binary-tree-esque structure, where leaves are the inputs to the circuit, nodes are either multiplication, addition gates, or output gates

Circuit Satisfiability

  • Recall that $\mathcal{L} = {x \in \Sigma^* : \mathcal{C}(x) = 1}$
    • One way to define language, is for $\mathcal{P}$ to prove the circuit evaluation of $\mathcal{C}(x) = 1$, then $\mathcal{V}$ knows that $x \in \mathcal{L}$
      • This leads to much deeper circuits (height of binary-tree) -> bad for reasons to come
    • Instead can consider instaces of circuit satisfiability
      • Instead of proving evaluation of circuit, $\mathcal{C}(x) = 1$
      • Prove instance of circuit-satisfiability for $\mathcal{C}$, which is
        • there exists a witness $w$, such that on $x$, and $y = 1$, $\mathcal{C}'(x, w) = y$ (where $\mathcal{C'}$ is instance of circuit-satisfiability)
    • IP for $\mathcal{C'}$ (IP for circuit-satisfiability of $\mathcal{C}$) can satisfy knowledge-soundness
      • This intuitively means, that if $\mathcal{V}$ accepts on the IP, then $\mathcal{P}$ knows a witness $w$
  • How are these different?
    • Suppose that Alice + Bob, have a hash-fn $h : \Sigma^* \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_q$, and a desired output $y$,
    • circuit-satisfiability - proof only guarantees existence of witness $w$, where $h(w) = y$
      • The IP for this proof is trivial, the input-space is infinite, but the output-space is finite (there are infinitely many witnesses)
    • knowledge-soundness - Not only does this prove that a witness exists, but it also proves that $\mathcal{P}$ knows a witness $w$


  • Using GKR + a polynomial commitment scheme we can get a SNARK for any instance of circuit-satisfiability
    1. $\mathcal{P}$ publishes commitment to MLE of $x | w$ (intuitively, $\mathcal{P}$ has committed to a specific witness, but hasn't shown $w$ in full)
      • Succint - the opening commitment size is signifincantly smaller than $w$
    2. Evaluate GKR on $\mathcal{C}(x,w)$ (Non-interactive)
      • Notice, $\mathcal{V}$ only needs to open commitment to MLE of $x | w$ at $log(len(x) + len(w))$ points
  • How to get ZK?
    • Can use specific form of polynomial commitment (KZG), to fully hide the witness $w$
    • $\mathcal{P}$ has created an IP for circuit-satisfiability of any circuit $\mathcal{C}$ while hiding the witness $w$!!!
  • How does a ZK-rollup work?
    • Public input $x$ is the set of transactions (or commitment to them)
    • Private input is execution trace of transactions (likely generated by the sequencer)
      • Notice, the verifier on the DA does not have to know abt. these
    • proof that $\mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$ (where $y$ is resulting state-root), is posted to + verified on the rollup contract on the DA
  • Why use a ZK-SNARK?
    • witness (execution-trace) is huge, sending this is costly, we want this to be as small as possible so it can fit on the blockchain