- I want to live a life of learning
- I want to learn mathematics, physics, logic, computer science
- To do so I will have to accumulate wealth to free myself / my family
- Current societal structures place freedom (+ quality of life) at an extremely high cost
- Estimate this cost ~7MM (approx. 1M for general spending) equates to approx. 350k
- Current societal structures place freedom (+ quality of life) at an extremely high cost
- Ways to generate wealth
- Wage-slaving
- Quant Trading (this is the only feasible way IMO)
- Founding (I prefer this)
- Trading?
- Potentially? This would make sense as a general habit (i.e tracking financial markets + movements)
- notice
- I'd prefer to sell a company for 7MM over 5 yrs. rather than wage-slaving + making that over 5 yrs.
- Wage-slaving
- Get to a solid point in analysis
- I.e fundamentally understand concepts necessary to develop expertise in ML
- Also fundamentally understand concepts necessary to understand modern trading strategies?
- Get to a solid point in consensus research
- Mathematics
- Start on topology exercises
- Consensus
- Finish architecture chapter in Van Steen's book
- Got back from work at ~8
- Took nap until 930, showered until 10
- Mathematics (finish topology chapter)
- Consensus (backlog from yday)