Lecture 1
- Computers
- Orignally thought of purely in terms of problem solving (Data structures, complexity of algorithms over those data-structures, etc.)
- Internet -> now humans interact w/ algos / DSs = game theory?
- Difference from pure Game-theory
- Setting -> Internet facilitated interaction = auctions, networks,
- Purely quantitative -> seek hard upper / lower bounds on approximation, optimization problems,
- Adopts reasonable constraints on actors in each game (polynomial-time)
- Computers
Algorithmic Mech. Design
- Optimization problems, where value to be optimized is unknown to designer, must be determined through self-interested participants in game
- How to structure game? Auction -> what is the value of a good -> participants bid on good to determine value
- _self interested behavior yields desired outcome
- Auction Theory
first price auction
- Good is auctioned
- Highest bid is price of good
- Participants incentivized to under-bid (prisoner's dilemma?)
second-price auction
- Good is auctioned
- Second-highest bid is price of good, however, winner is highest bidder
- Participants may as well bid the maximum they are willing to pay for the good'
- Suppose for player
$i$ ,$b_i$ is player i's bid, and$s_i$ is the value of the good to player$i$ ,$\hat{b}$ is the highest price of the other players. If$b_i > s_i$ , then if$\hat{b} > b_i, s_i$ , player$i$ may have just bid$s_i$ (she loses anyway), and the same outcome occurs, if$b_i, s_i > \hat{b}$ , then she will pay$\hat{b}$ (so she may have just bid$s_i > \hat{b}$ ), in the case that$b_i > \hat{b} > s_i$ , she must bid$s_i$ , otherwise she pays more than she would like for the good. - In the case that
$b_i < s_i$
- Suppose for player
- Social Welfare Problem - Good is allocated to individual w/ has the highest subjective value for the good
- To what extent is incentive compatible efficient computation less powerfuil than classical efficient computation?
first price auction
Lecture 1 Reading
prisoner's dilemma
- Two prisoners on trial for crime
$p_1, p_2$ , and each faces a max of$5$ if they lie and the other doesnt, if they both lie they serve$2$ years, if one tells the truth and the other doesn't they liar serves$5$ and the truthful prisoner serves$1$ - Ultimate equillibrium -> both prisoners confess. WLOG
$p_1$ remains silent, in which case, if$p_2$ remains silent he is better off confessing, a similar case holds if$p_1$ confesses - What if time for snitching is greater than time for lying? Then if
$p_1$ is silent, there is an incentive for$p_2$ to remain silent (why would they do more time?)
- Two prisoners on trial for crime
tragedy of the commons
pollution game (extension of prisoners dilemma to multiple players)
$n$ players, each player has choice to pass legislation to control pollution or not. Pollution control has cost of$3$ , each country not polluting adds cost of$1$ to legislation.- Equillibrium -> no players pass legislation to control pollution, for
$k$ players don't pass, cost is$k$ for not passing and$k+3$ for passing, once - Consider case of
$2$ players -> trivial both pay$1$ , consider case of$3$ -> again trivial all pay$1$ (in worst case where all don't pass still pay$3$ ), in case of$4$ players, if you pay$3$ it is cheaper for all others to pay$1$ (max will be$3$ ) and you will pay$6$ , so better for you to pay$1$ - Alternative -> where cost of legislation remains
- Equillibrium -> no players pass legislation to control pollution, for
$n$ players, have to share bandwith of max 1, player$i$ chooses$x_i \in [0,1]$ - Want -> maximize used bandwith, Consequence -> more of bandwith used by all players -> deteriorating connection
- model value for
$i$ , by$max(0, x_i(1 - \Sigma_i x_i))$ - Fix player
$x_i$ , and$t = \Sigma_{j \not= i}x_j < 1$ , then$f(x) = x(1- t- x)$ -> maximize to get$x = \frac{1-t}{2}$ - Then
$x_i = \frac{1 - \Sigma_{j \not= i}x_j}{2}$ , assuming all$x_i$ are equal, one has$x = 1/(n + 1)$ - Total usage is
$\frac{1}{n + 1}(1 - \frac{n - 1}{n + 1}) = \frac{1}{n + 1}^2$ - If total used is
$1/2$ total value is$1/4$ (much bigger) but ppl overuse the resource
- Then
Coordination game
- Multiple stable outcomes
- Routing Congestion
pollution game (extension of prisoners dilemma to multiple players)
Games, Strategies, Costs, and Payoffs
- Consists of
$n$ players, where player$i$ has$S_i$ strategies, and to play, each player chooses$s_i \in S_i$ , notice$S = \Pi_i S_i$ determines the game (i.e the set of all possible combinations of strategies for each player) - For each
$s \in S$ , player$i$ 's outcome depends on$s_i$ , must define preference ordering over outcomes- I.e total ordering that is reflexive + transitive over
$S$ -> relation unique to player$i$ -
weak preference ->
$S_1, S_2 \in S$ , then$S_1 \leq_i S_2$ if$i$ 's outcome is at least as good with$S_2$ as with$S_1$ - Define
$u_i : S \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (notice map$S$ and not$S_i$ as player$i$ must be aware of other players' strategies)
weak preference ->
- Standard form -> define / order outcomes for all players + strategies
- I.e total ordering that is reflexive + transitive over
- Consists of
solution concepts
Dominant Strategy Solution
- If each player has a unique best strategy independent of strategies chosen by other players -> pollution game, prisoner's dilemma
- Let
$s_i \in S_i$ be the strategy chosen by$i$ , and$s_{-1} \in \Pi_{j \not=i}S_j$ be the strategies chosen by the rest of the players- Let
$s, s' \in S$ , then$s is DS, if $ \forall i, u_i(s_i, s'{-i}) \geq u_i(s_i', s'{-i})$, i.e for each player, there is a strategy$s_i$ which maximizes utility regardless of the other strategies
- Let
Vickrey Auction
- Each player
$i$ , has value for item$v_i$ , value for not winning$0$ , value for paying price$p$ ,$v_i - p$ - Game is only one round, bids are sealed bid
- Naive mechanism -> take highest bid is not DS
- Bid is conditioned upon strategies of other players... How to make DS?
vickrey auction
- Highest bidder, wins item, pays price of second highest bid
- Each player
Pure Strategy Nash Equillibrium
- Let
$s, s' \in S$ , one has $u_i(s_i, s_{-i}) \geq u_i(s'{i}, s{-i})$- I.e given a strategy
$s$ , no player$i$ can change their strategy to$s'_i$ and obtain a higher payoff- Can have multiple diff nash equillibria, i.e a DS is a nash-equillibria
- I.e given a strategy
- Let
Dominant Strategy Solution
Selfish Routing
- Can you achieve an optimal solution if all commuters co-ordinate when determining congestion of routes for their commute?
- Worst case, everyone takes
$5 min$ road, although a$6 min$ road is available
- Worst case, everyone takes
- Consider a suburb
$s$ , and train-station$t$ (pigou) -> selfish behaviour may not produce socially optimal outcome- Suppose there are two roads to
$t$ , one skinny and fast, and the other wide + slow - Suppose there are
$n$ drivers, and$x$ choose to take skinny road, where time taken from skinny is$c(x) = \frac{x}{n}$ , and time taken from wide is$1$ - Then if all drivers take the skinny road, the time taken is
$1$ , thus the equillibrium is$1$ in a selfish case - For optimized case, minimize
$n - x - x^2 / n$ , to get$x = n/2$
- Then if all drivers take the skinny road, the time taken is
- Suppose there are two roads to
Braess's Paradox
- Consider suburb
$s$ , and train-station$t$ , and$n$ drivers - Each path has one wide + short road, i.e
$c(x) = 1 + x$ , and the roads are equal, thus an equal number of travellers shld cross - Introduce 0 cost path between them, then, optimal route is to take
$s \rightarrow v \rightarrow w \rightarrow t$ ,- i.e always choose variable path when faced w/ a decision (now the time taken is 2h instead of 1.5)
- Solution w/o cross-road strictly better
- Consider suburb
- Can you achieve an optimal solution if all commuters co-ordinate when determining congestion of routes for their commute?
Lecture Notes
- Four groups
$(A, B, C, D)$ , each with 4 teams- Phase 1: all four teams in each group play each other (6 games) -> top two teams advance to phase 2
- Phase 2: knockout tourny -> winning > losing
- Players want to win medals -> mechanism designer wants players to try
pairing for quarterfinals
- Top team in A plays worse team in C, C -> B, B -> D, D -> A
- A has upset, worst team in tourny is top, best team bottom
- Winners of C want to avoid bottom of A, so try to lose match
- Top team in A plays worse team in C, C -> B, B -> D, D -> A
- Four groups
prisoner's dilemma
- Optimization problems, where value to be optimized is unknown to designer, must be determined through self-interested participants in game
Lecture 2
Nash equillibrium
- Consider
$s \in S$ , then$s$ is a nash-equillibrium, if $\forall i, u_i(s_i, s_{-i}) \geq u_i(s'i, s{-1})$- I.e player's move is uniquely determined from other players' moves, and vice-versa -> who makes the first move?
- If a player is incentivized to make first move, the strategy is DS? I.e optimal move is irrelevant of other player's moves?
- Consider
Mixed Strategy Nash
- pure strategy - Each player deterministically chooses strategy
mixed strategy - Players choose strategies at random, and determine outcome via expected value of strategy + utility of strategy (think of opponents as dice)
- risk-neutral -> Assume players intend to maximize upside, and ignore possible down-side
Nash Thm
- Any game w/ finite set of players + finite set of strategies has nash equillibrium
- Force players to have mixed strategy
pricing game (game w/o nash eq.)
- Two players sell product to 3 buyers
- Each buyer wants to buy 1 unit, w/ max price of 1
- Sellers specify price
$p_i$ that buyers A, C must pay- Buyer B up for grabs, on tie defer to seller 1
- Strategies
- Sellers sell for 1 (naturally will have to sell for
$\geq 0.5$ (otherwise even if they win they make less than 1))- i.e its a race to
$0.5$ ? Yes, players can always undercut
- i.e its a race to
- Other strategy keep at 1
- Infinite number of strategies?
- Sellers sell for 1 (naturally will have to sell for
- Two players sell product to 3 buyers
correlated equillibrium
- Two players at intersection at once
- Crossing = 1, crashing = -100, stop = 0,
- Nash equillibria -> 1 / 2 let car cross while other stop
- Coordinator chooses actions of players
- Two players at intersection at once
- Define
$P : \times_i S_i \rightarrow [0,1]$ , a prob dist, where$p(s)$ is the prob of strategy$s$ being chosen, and$s_i$ is the strategy for player$i$ - TLDR: correlated equillibrium when expected utility of
$s_i$ cannot be increased by switching to a diff strategy $s'i$ $$\Sigma{-i}p(s_i, s_{-i})u(s_i, s_{-i}) \geq \Sigma_{-i}p(s_i, s_{-i})u(s'i, s{-i})$$
- TLDR: correlated equillibrium when expected utility of
Finding Equillibria
Complexity Of Finding Equillibria
Two-person-zero sum games
- Sum (over both players) of payoffs for all strategies is zero (i.e one player wins, other loses)
- Consider
$p, q$ , and$A$ a matrix representing the payoffs for each action, i.e$A : S \rightarrow S$ (linear operator), only need to specify winnings for one player in this case- I.e. consider the matrix representing the amt paid to
$p$ by$q$ , and let$\hat{p} \in [0,1]^{dim(S)}$ represent the probabilities of each strategy for$p$ , and$\hat{q} \in [0,1]^{dim(S)T}$ analogously, then the expected payout is$\hat{q}A\hat{p}$ (i.e expected value of strategies chosen by p (conditioned on q)), product w/ probs of strategies for$q$ - Suppose strategy for
$q$ is known (probability distributions), then the resulting payoff matrix becomes$qA$ , i.e for each strategy of q, the expected payout for$p$ , and$p$ must choose its own distribution to maximize payout - Devolves to linear program as follows
- Consider
$A$ , a matrix mapping$A = Mat(T)$ , where$T \in \mathcal{L}(S_p, S_q)$ , where$S_p$ is the space of mixed strategies for$p$ (i.e a prob distribution over$S_p$ ) - and
$S_q$ is the vector space$\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{S_q}, \mathbb{R})$ , i.e$\hat{q}$ is a mapping from the space of expected values paid from q -> p according to a given strategy chosen to$p$
- Consider
- above-game has a nash equillibrium (if the strategy space is finite)
any choice of strategies from each player determines the other (if in nash-equillibrium)
- Player
$q$ will want to minimize all entries in$pA$ , i.e - i.e choose
$p$ such that$p\cdot A_i$ (i-th row of$A$ ), or in other-words, for each strat chosen by$q$ ,$p$ wants to choose a mixed strategy that minimizes the dot-product (expected-value from strategy) for$q$ - row player chooses strategy, such that $(pA)i = v{i, p}$, choose
$p$ , such that$max_p(min_i (v_{ip}))$ - Maximize profit
- Column player, minimize loss (defined analogously)
- Player
- I.e. consider the matrix representing the amt paid to
Finding Nash Equillibrium
Best Response
- Choose strategy
$s \in S$ , where$s_i$ is strat for$i$ , then have all players iteratively determine $max_{s'_i \in S_i}(u_i(s'i, s{-i}))$ (assumes that other strategies are held static)
- Choose strategy
Best Response
Games w/ Turns
Ultimatum game
- Player
$p_1, p_2$ ,$p_1$ is selling a good (at no particular price), and offers a price to$p_2$ who has value$v - p$ , nash eq.$v$ ?- In multi-turns equillibrium is at
$v/2$ - Game has multiple equillibria (buyer buys at any price under
$v$ ), buyer only buys at$p \leq m$ , etc.
- In multi-turns equillibrium is at
- Player
Ultimatum game
Bayesian Games (games w/o perfect info)
- Players don't know other player' values / strategies
- Bayesian first price
- If not-bayesian,
$p_i$ with highest valuation of item pays second highest
- If not-bayesian,
Co-operative Games
- Games where players co-ordinate strategies?
Strong Nash Equillibrium
- Given strategy
$s \in S$ , players$i \in A$ , can choose strategy vectors$s_A$ (assuming that)$\forall i \in A, u_i(s_{A_i} s_{-A}) > u_i(s_i, s_{-i})$ -
$s$ is a strong nash-equillibrium, if no group$A$ , can change stragegies to obtain a better outcome - stronger than nash-eq.
- Given strategy
transferrable utility
- total value is finite, and shared among
$N$ players, for each$A \in N$ $c(A)$ is the cost (utility) of that group in the game for strategy$s_A$ - Let
$c(N)$ be the total cost, then a cost-sharing is a partition of$c(N)$ among$i$ , such that$\Sigma_i cs_i = c(N)$ - Let
$A \subset N$ , then$A$ is in the core iff,$\Sigma_{i \in A} x_i \leq c(A)$ , i.e leaving$A$ is not beneficial- Strict inequality means that another set is out-of-core
- Let
- Consider
$(p_1, \cdots, p_N)$ (a random ordering of the players), then$c(p_i) = C(N) - C(N-i)$ (marginal cost for player$i$ ), the shapley-core is determined by assigning cost to each player equal to the expected value of their marginal cost over all random orderings
- Consider
- total value is finite, and shared among
Aside (minimax algo)
- Algorithm for determining (maximizing minimum gain) (or minimizing maximum loss) used in two player zero sum game
- I.e solution
- Construct a tree of moves (i.e root is the first player's move, second level are set of third player's moves, etc.)
- back-tracking algo
- Two players
- maxizer - maximize minimum win
- minimizer - minimize maximum loss
Evaluation Function
- Algorithm for determining (maximizing minimum gain) (or minimizing maximum loss) used in two player zero sum game
$A$ of divisible goods, and$B$ buyers, for each$i \in B$ ,$m_i$ denotes the amount of money player$i$ has to allocate among purchasing items$s_i \subset A$ -
$i$ interested in maximizing number of goods$a_{j,i} \in S_i$ - Fix prices
$p_1, \cdots, p_n$ of prices of goods, for each$a_{i, j} \in S_i$ , the buyer considering$S_i$ will order$p(a_{i,j})$ and purchase goods up to her market price, this is known as an optimal basket for player$i$
- Define bipartite graph (graph
$G$ , where$V$ has a partition$V_1, V_2$ such that no two$v_1, v_2 \in V_i$ are adjacent)- Let
$G = (A, B, E)$ , define$(i, j) \in E$ if$i \in B, j \in S_i$ , let$a(S) = \Sigma_{j \in S} a_j$ and$m(T) = \Sigma_{j \in T} m_j$ -
$\Gamma(S)$ , where$S \subset A$ , is defined as the set of buyers who are interested in goods in$A$ - i.e
$\Gamma(S) = {i \in B: S_i \cap S \not= \empty }$ - Fix
$a \in S \subseteq A$ , and consider$i \in \Gamma(S)$ , then for$a \in S$ , there exists$j \in B$ , such that$(j, a) \in E$ , and$j \in neighbourhood(S)$
- i.e
- Consider price
$x$ , then$x$ is feasible if,$\forall S \subseteq A, x * a(S) \leq m(\Gamma(S))$ - In otherwords, for each set of goods in
$A$ , a uniform price$x$ enables all buyers to feasibly purchase a basket of goods - If the inequality is tight, each player will be able to get an optimal basket of goods?
- In otherwords, for each set of goods in
- Let
Two-person-zero sum games
Mechanism Design
Social Choice
condorcet's paradox - Social choice does not work when there are more than three values to vote on. I.e 3 candidates
$a, b, c$ , and voters$v_1, v_2, v_3$ , where$a > b > c$ for$v_1$ ,$b > c > a$ for$v_2$ , and$c > b > a$ for$v_3$ , a consistent total order cannot be made over candidates if a majority vote is taken
condorcet's paradox - Social choice does not work when there are more than three values to vote on. I.e 3 candidates
voting methods
- Denote the set of
$A$ of candidates,$I$ of voters, and$L \subset A^n$ the total set of orderings over$A$ , where$l \in L$ defines a total order$l = (a_1, \cdots, a_n), a_i > a_j \iff i > j$ -
social welfare function -
$F : L^n \rightarrow L$ (select total social from all ordering) -
social choice function -
$f : L^n \rightarrow A$ (select a candidate from the set of orderings) (I assume is to be composed w/$F$ ?)
- Denote the set of
arrow's thm
- Let
$F$ be a social welfare fn, then$F$ satisfies unanimity iff,$\forall \lambda \in L, F(l, \cdots, l) = l$ - i,e social choice of identical preferences is the same
dictator - If for all choices
$l_1, \cdots, l_n \in L, F(l_1, \cdots, l_n) = l_i$ (i.e social totla order is order of single individual always)- If no dictator, then ordering is not dictatorship
independence of irrelevant alternatives - For all
$a, b \in A$ social choice of$a \prec b$ depends on$a \prec_i b$ for all$i$ , i.e for all$\prec_1, \cdots, \prec_n, \prec_1' \cdots \prec'_n \in L$ ,$\prec = F(\prec_1, \cdots, \prec_n)$ ,$\prec' = F(\prec'_1, \cdots, \prec'_n)$ and$a \prec_i b \iff a \prec_i' b$ for all$i$ , then$a \prec b \iff a \prec' b$ - I.e final ordering between
$a, b$ is dependent only on the ordering (between alternatives$a, b$ ) for each voter - Lack of this property enables strategic manipulation
- I.e final ordering between
arrow's theorem - Every social welfare function over a set
$A$ , where$|A| \geq 3$ that satisfies unanimity and independence of irrelevant alternatives is a dictatorship -
voting model -
$N = {1, \cdots, n }$ ,$A = {a_1, \cdots, a_n}$ (alternatives),$U$ is the set of all preferences (i.e relations that are transitive, asymmetric, binary), i.e$a, b \in A$ ,$u(a) < u(b)$ or$u(b) > u(a)$ (not both), profiles are$\in U^n$ (i.e assignment of a ranking for each player)-
voting rule -
$f : U^n \rightarrow A$ (assignment of alternative given a set of rankings for each player)
voting rule -
voting model -
- Let
Mechanisms with Money
- Use money to model a voter's preference on alternatives, instead of total-order, define
$v_i : A \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (gives total order plus distance metric)- Also if
$i$ is given$m$ money,$u_i = v(i) + m$ , i.e utility fn is quasilinear - separable + linear dependence on money
- Also if
second-price auction
- For
$|I| = n$ ,$i \in I$ ,$w_i$ is maximum that$i$ is willing to pay for the item, and$u_i = w_i - p$ , or$u_i = 0$ (if$i$ does not win auction) - Alternatives are
$A = {w_I| i \in I}$ (want to choose social choince over$I$ )- No payment ->
$i \in I$ is encouraged to bid significantly higher than their valuation, however,$w_i$ is not highest - Pay bid,
$u_i = w_i - p$ , where if$p = w_i$ ,$u_i = 0$ (as good as not bidding), then player encouraged to bid much less than valuation
- No payment ->
- Each
$i$ has a dominant strategy, i.e$v_i$ , where $u_i = v_i - max_{j \not = i}(v_j) suppose$v_i > max(v_{-i})$ , then the utility is$max(0, v_i - b) > 0$ , similar result for other case
- For
- Winner is
$max_i(w_i)$ , and$p = max_{ j \in I\backslash winner}(w_i)$ - Proof
$w_i$ be valuations, and$w'_i$ (be manipulation valuation),$u_i = w_i - p$ ,$u'_i = w'_i - p$ , i.e$u'_i \leq u_i$ - If
$w_i \geq w'_i > p$ , when$u_i \geq u'_i$ , if$w'_i \geq w_j > w_i$ , then$u'_i = w_i - w_j \leq 0 = u_i$ - I.e always best to bid
- If
- Winner is
Incentive Compatible Mechanisms
$V^I$ set of possible valuation functions for each player$i$ , i.e$(v_1, \cdots, v_n) \in V^I$ , where$v_i$ is the valuation function for$i$ -
direct revelation mechanism
$f: V_1 \times \cdots \times V_n \rightarrow A$ (social choice fn), and$p_i : V_1 \times \cdots \times V_n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ denoting payment functions
Incentive compatibility (VCG mechanisms)
Incentive compatible mechanisms
- Let
$\mathcal{M} = (f, p_1, \cdots, p_n)$ denote a mechanism, then for every$v, v' \in V$ , denote $a = f(v_i, v_{-i}), a' = f(v_i', v_{-i})$m then $v_i(a) - p_i(v_i, v_{-i}) \geq v_i(a') - p_i(v'i, v{-i})$- Nash equillibrium? I.e changing valuation for any player
$i$ results in a less efficient strategy - I.e consider bid reported is
$v'_i$ , and internal valuation is$v_i$ (bid will always be valuation)
- Nash equillibrium? I.e changing valuation for any player
- Let
social-welfare -
$\Sigma_i v_i(a)$ -
- Given
$v \in V$ ,$f$ maximized social welfare,$f(v_i, v_{-i}) \in max_{a \in A}(\Sigma_i v_i(a))$ - For functions
$h_i : V_{-i} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (where$h_i$ is not dependent on choice of$v_i$ ), for all$v_i \in V_i$ ,$p_i(v_1, \cdots, v_n) = h_i(v_{-i}) - \Sigma_{j \not = i}v_j(f(v_i, v_{-i}))$ - Payment to
$i$ is equal to sum of values to each player from respective allocation, adjusted by some constant function$h_i$ (treated as constant for player) - I.e to maximize payment, maximize
$f$ , which means choosing$v_i$ over$v_i'$ - Choice of
$h_i$ denotes the payment to the mechanism
- Payment to
- Given
- Every VCG is incentive compatible
- Show IC inequality using first hyp. of VCG i.e
$\Sigma_i v_i(f(v_i, v_{-i}))$ is maximal over$v_1 \in V, \cdots, v_n \in V_n$
- Show IC inequality using first hyp. of VCG i.e
Incentive compatible mechanisms
Clarke Pivot Rule
- How to choose the right
$h_i$ ? Have$h_i = 0$ ? Maximize$u_i = v_i(a) - p_i(v_1, \cdots, v_n)$ , but mechanism makes nothing -
Individually Rational
- Players always get non-neg utility, i.e
$(v_1, \cdots, v_n) \in V_1 \times \cdots \times V_n$ ,$v_i(f(v_i, v_{-i})) = v_i(f(v_1, \cdots, v_n)) - p(v_1, \cdots, v_n) \geq 0$
- Players always get non-neg utility, i.e
no positive transfers -
$(v_1, \cdots, v_n) \in V_1 \times \cdots \times V_n$ ,$\forall i, p_i(v_i, v_{-i}) \geq 0$
Individually Rational
Clarke Pivot Rule
$h_i(v_{-i}) = max_{b \in A}\Sigma_{j \not= i}v_i(b)$ -> intuitively (choose the best alternative if$i$ was not involved) could be better?$p_i(v_i, v_{-i}) = max_{b \in A} \Sigma_{j \not= i} v_j(b) - \Sigma_{j \not= i} v_j(f(v_i, v_{-i}))$ - In this case, if
$i$ is winner$p_i(v_i, v_{-i}) = max_{b \in A} \Sigma_{j \not= i} v_j(b) - \Sigma_{j \not = i} v_j(f(v_i, v_{-i})) = v_2(b)$ -> i.e the payment is the second highest bid- I.e alternative maximizing social welfare is winner is not present is
$v_{second}(second \space wins) - 0$
- I.e alternative maximizing social welfare is winner is not present is
- If the player does not win, they pay nothing, i.e social welfare w/o winner is
$v_{winner}(a)$ , max social welfare w/o player is same ($v_{winner}(a)$)
- In other words, players pay diff of outcome w/o their actions, and outcome w/ their actions
VCG with clarke pivot payments makes no positive transfers
- Fix
$(v_1, \cdots, v_n) \in V_1 \times \cdots \times V_n$ , fix$i \in N$ , then$p_i(v_i, v_{-i}) = h_i(v_{-i}) - \Sigma_{j \not= i}v_j(f(v_i, v_{-i})) = max_{b \in A} \Sigma_{j \not= i} v_j(b) - \Sigma_{j \not= i}v_j(f(v_i, v_{-i})) \geq 0$ - And VCG has no positive transfers
- Fix
- If
$v_i(a) \geq 0$ , where$a = f(v_i, v_{-i})$ , then VCG is individually rational$u_i = v_i(f(v_i, v_{-i})) - p_i(v_i, v_{-i}) \geq v_i(f) \geq 0$
- Clarke -> not work well when alternatives have costs
Auction of Single Item
- Exactly the VCG where
$A = {i-wins: i\in N}$ , and$v_i(a) = 0, 1$ if$a = i-wins$ , thus$v_i(a) \geq 0$ , and VCG is no-positive transfers + individual rationality
- Exactly the VCG where
Reverse Auction
- Bidder wants to procure item from seller at lowest cost
$V_i = {v_i(i-wins) \leq 0 \land \forall j \not = i, v_i(j-wins) = 0}$ - i.e Social welfare$max_{a \in A}\Sigma_i v_i(a)$ - To maximize social welfare choose maximal
$v_i$ (i.e seller who will perform task at lowest cost)
- To maximize social welfare choose maximal
- I.e for mechanism to be individually rational -> there must be a negative transfer..
- Clarke pivot rule -> choose second higest payment (still negative) -> implies individual rationality
Bilateral Trade
- Seller and buyer, where
$0 \leq v_s \leq 1$ , and$0 \leq v_b \leq 1$ , i.e$A = {trade, no-trade}$ ,$f(v_s, v_b) = trade \iff v_s < v_b$
- Seller and buyer, where
Multi-Unit Auctions
- Hold auction for
$k > |I|$ items - Combinatorial auction, i.e
$k$ -th bidder pays$k + 1$ -th bid,$A = {S-wins: S \subset I, |S| = k }$ , and$v_i(S) = v_i(a \in S)$ , if$i \in S$ , and$i$ wins item$a$
- Hold auction for
Public Project
- Buying Path in Network
- How to choose the right
DSIC is Individually Rational + Incentive Compatible
- Use money to model a voter's preference on alternatives, instead of total-order, define
Combinatorial Auctions
English (Ascending) Auction
- Auctioneer announces bid increments, bidders drop out iteratively once
$p_a > v_i(a)$ -> winner utility$u_i = p_a - v_i(a) \geq 0$ (i.e immediately after second user drops win)
- Auctioneer announces bid increments, bidders drop out iteratively once
- Derive the VA from the above DS
English (Ascending) Auction
third-price auction?
4.2 - Proof analogous for second-price, losing is
$0$ , and winning is$v_i - v_3 > 0$ -
4.1 - Dominant strategy is to set
$b_i = v_i$ ,, i.e $u(b_i, b_{-i}) \geq u_i(b'i, b{-i})$, consider case where$b_i > v_2 > v_i > v_3$ , i.e$v_i$ spoofs fake higher bid than 'second' highest bid and wins- I.e truthful bidding is not DS
4.2 - Proof analogous for second-price, losing is
Ebay Style Auction
- Have the ability to bid more than once (can't retract bid)
$u_i(a) = v_i(a) - p$ (in this case.. price is second-highest bid?) - Still best strategy is to bid
$b_i = v_i$
- Have the ability to bid more than once (can't retract bid)
- Prove that for every false
$b_i \not= v_i$ , there exists$b_{-i}$ in a second-price where$u(b_i) < u(v_i)$ - For
$b_i < v_i$ , fix second highest bid between$b_i > v_2 < v_i$ , where$0 = u_i(b_i) < u_i(v_i) = v_i - v_2 > 0$ - For
$v_i < b_i$ bidder$i$ over-bids
- For
$k$ identical copies of an item, and$n > k$ bidders, where each bidder receives at most 1 item, what is analog of 2nd price, is it DSIC?- Second price auction for each item, bid is of form
$b_{i,1}, \cdots, b_{i, k}$ , suppose for$i \in I$ , some$b_{i, j} < v_{i, j}$ , induction on$j$ ,-
$j = 1$ -> trivial, this is the standard second price auction, fix$n$ , and suppose that$v_{i, j} = b_{i, j}, j \leq n$ , where$v_i(a_1) > \cdots, > v_i(a_k)$ , then, for$j = n + 1$ , if any of the$j' < j$ wins the auction for$a_{j'}$ , then $v_i(a_j) \geq v'i(a_j)$, otherwise, if $v{i, j} < b{i,j}$, this leads to neg. utility, in the case where$b_{i, j} < v_{i, j}$ this is at most as good, and in some cases strictly worse ($b_{i, j} < v_2 < v_{i,j}$ - Similar case follows for non-neg utility
- Second price auction for each item, bid is of form
- Second price auction, but cost of item is
$c$ , same mechanics but have seller place floor of$c$ -
Dominant Strategy is Truthfulness
- Follows directly from DSIC of second-price auction, i.e
$b_i < v_i$ , where$v_i > v_2 > c$ ,$u_i(v_i) \geq u_i(b_i)$ ,$b_i > v_i > c$ , then$u_i(b_i) \leq u_i(v_i)$
- Follows directly from DSIC of second-price auction, i.e
Incentive Compatible (utility
$\geq 0$ when telling truth)- Never bid above valuation...
Dominant Strategy is Truthfulness
procurement auctions
- Sellers compete to sell good to buyer, i.e buyer utility
$u_{purchaser} = v - p$ (i.e minimize price of purchasing good), - Analog to first price
- i.e have sellers report their price (blind), and choose lowest..,
$u_{seller} = p - v_i$ (i.e price will at least be their truthful cost), (want to avoid sellers reporting above truthful cost...)?- Lowest price is cost.. seller's utility
$= 0$ when truthfully reporting (same as if not participating).. incentivize to over-report,- i.e bid epsilon lower than second lowest bid, (NOT DSIC)
- Lowest price is cost.. seller's utility
- Alternative, cost is price of second lowest-bid, (DSIC)
- Proof analogous to first price
- i.e have sellers report their price (blind), and choose lowest..,
- Sellers compete to sell good to buyer, i.e buyer utility
- open ascending single-item auctions
- Still maximize
$v_i - p$ , i.e incentive to never bid true value
- Still maximize
- Sponsored Search Auctions
- Social welfare is defined as follows,
$\Sigma_i v_i x_i$ , where$x_i = \alpha_i$ if$x = a_1, \cdots, a_k$ , or$x_i = 0$ , prove that social welfare maximized if$a_i$ , where$CTR(a_i) = \alpha_i$ is awarded to the i-th highest bidder,- By induction, for
$i = 1$ case is simple (only one asset, maximize by choosing highest valuation), assume that hyp. holds for$i \leq n$ , for$n + 1$ - WTS, maximize $\alpha_{n + 1}v'{n+1} + \Sigma{i \leq n} v_i x_i$, naturally, $v'{n + 1} = max{v_i \not = v_k, k = i \leq n} v_i$
- By induction, for
- Social welfare is defined as follows,
problem 2.1
$n$ bidders, where$v_i$ private (valuation for good), bids arrive 1 by 1- For each arrival..
- If the item hasn't been sold, auctioneer posts price
$p_i$ , and accepts$b_i$ - If
$p_i \leq b_i$ , the item is sold to$b_i$ , otherwise item remains unsold, and bid departs
- If the item hasn't been sold, auctioneer posts price
- For each arrival..
$b_i < v_i$ underbid -> sale price is same if$v_i > b_i > p$ , otherwise, if$v_i > p > b_i$ ($u_i(b_i) = 0 < u_i(v_i)$),- Overbid, i.e
$b_i > p > v_i$ ,$u(b_i) \leq 0$
- Overbid, i.e
- Utility
$\geq 0$ for truthful bids? Yes, sale price always$p \leq v_i$ , thus$u_i = v_i - p \geq v_i - v_i = 0$
- Suppose, for all
$i$ ,$b_i = v_i$ , if valuations and order of$v_i$ , are arbitrary, then there is no deterministic online auction that always achieves social welfare at least$c > 0$ times the highest valuation- Fix
$c > 0$ , and valuations$(v_i)_{1 \leq i \leq n}$
- Fix
problem 2.2
- Suppose
$S \subset I$ of bidders collude, under what conditions can they maximize the sum of their utilities by colluding
- Suppose
Weaker Constraints than Quasi-linearity for DSIC of second price?
Lecture Notes
DSIC (dominant strategy incentive compatible)
- Set
$b_i = v_i$ maximizes utility (incentive compatible) -
Dominant Strategy - Never lose money by truthtelling, i.e for
$v \in V$ ,$u_i(v_i) \geq 0$
- Set
DSIC (dominant strategy incentive compatible)
Social Choice
Lecture 3
Implementation in Dominant Strategies
Games with Strict Incomplete Information
- How to model behaviour of players when they do not know what the actions / preferences are of the other players
- independent private values - Utility of player depends entirely on private info, does not depend on information from others (valuation independent of other valuations)
- Strict Incomplete Information - No probablistic information in model
model (IPV + SII)
$|I| = n$ (players), -
$\forall i \in I, X_i$ (the set of actions for$i$ ) -
$\forall i \in I, T_i$ (set of types for$i$ ), where$t_i \in T_i$ denotes the private info that$i$ has $\forall i \in I, u_i : T_i \times X_1 \times \cdots \times X_n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$
- Characterization of player
$i$ is determined by a function from$T_i \rightarrow X_i$ (i.e how does the private info affect action) -
$i \in I$ , strategy:$s_i : T_i \rightarrow X_i$ -
$s_1, \cdots, s_n$ is ex-post nash if for$t_1, \cdots, t_n$ , one has that$s(t_1), \cdots, s(t_n)$ are in nash equillibrium for$t_i$ , i.e fix$t_1, \cdots, t_n$ ,$s(t_i) = s_i$ , then $u_i(s_i, s_{-i}) \geq u_i(s'i, s{-i})$ (notice utility is determined by$T_i$ ) - Let
$s_i \in S_i$ , weakly dominant strategy, then$\forall t_i \in T_i$ , $u_i(t_i, s_i(t_i), x_{-i}) \geq u_i(t_i, x'i,x{-i})$, the profile is then$s_1, \cdots, s_n$ - Given some information, regardless of the other choices action profiles,
$s(t_i)$ is the most obv. choice -
Dominant strategy eq. - I.e
$s \in \Pi_i S_i$ ,$s_i$ is a WDS
- Given some information, regardless of the other choices action profiles,
- Let
$s_1, \cdots, s_n$ be an ex-post nash of a game$X_1, \cdots, X_n, T_1, \cdots T_n; u_1, \cdots, u_n$ . Define$X'_i = {s_i(t_i)| t_i \in T_i}$ , then$s_1, \cdots, s_n$ is a DS in the game w/ profile space$X'_i$ - Fix
$t_i \in T_i$ , then$u_i(t_i, s_i(t_i), s_{-i}(t_i)) \geq u_i(t_i, s_i'(t_i), s_{-i}(t_{-i}))$ , notice as$j \not=i, x_j = s_j(t_j)$ , one has that$\forall t_{-i} \in T_{-i}$ , $u_i(t_i, s_i(t_i), x_{-i}) \geq u_i(t_i, x'i, x{-i})$, and$s_i$ is weakly dom.
- Fix
- Each player has private function mapping,
$T_i \times A \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ , i.e valuations are determined by private info,$v_i(t_i, a)$ , WTS$F:T_1 \times \cdots \times F_n \rightarrow A$ that aggregates preferences. Define-
outcome fn -
$a: X_1 \times \cdots \times X_n \rightarrow A$ (chooses an alt. in$A$ ) -
payoff fn -
$p: X_1 \times \cdots \times X_n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (payoff fn. to pay players)- i.e - to determine offset for valuation of allocation at each player
outcome fn -
- Type space:
$T_1, \cdots, T_n$ (available private info for each player) - Action space:
$X_1, \cdots, X_n$ (actions that players can take (bids, etc.)) - Alternatives:
$A$ - Valuation fns:
$v_i : T_i \times A \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ - Outcome fn:
$a: X_1 \times \cdots \times X_n \rightarrow A$ - Payment fns:
$p_i : X_1 \times \cdots \times X_n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ - utilities:
$u_i(t_i, x_1, \cdots, x_n) = v_i(t_i, a(x_1, \cdots, x_n)) - p_i(x_1, \cdots, x_n)$ -> utility is quasilinear fn of value
- Type space:
- Questions: What is the difference between incentive compatibility & nash-equillibrium?
- Incentive compatibility -> any allocation generated from deviation from internal valuation is worse
- Nash-equillibrium ->
$x_1, \cdots x_n$ a set of strategies, deviating from$x_i$ for any player gives worse utility
social choice function -
$f: T_1 \cdots \times \cdots T_n \rightarrow A$ - If for some
$s_1, \cdots, s_n$ (dominant strategies), for all$t_1, \cdots, t_n, f(t_1, \cdots, t_n) = a(s_1(t_1), \cdots, s_n(t_n))$ - Notice then the mechanism can be defined by
$f : T_1 \cdots \times T_n \rightarrow A$ + payments and valuations?
- If for some
ex-post equillibrium
- If for some
$s_1, \cdots, s_n$ (ex-post equillibrium) for all$t_1, \cdots, t_n, f(t_1, \cdots, t_n) = a(s_1(t_1)), \cdots, s_n(t_n)) = a(s_1(t_1), \cdots s_n(t_n))$
- If for some
Revelation Principle
- IF there exists a mechanism that implements
$f$ in DS, then there exists an IC mech. that implements$f$ . The payments to the players are the same in either case
- IF there exists a mechanism that implements
- Each player has private function mapping,
Incentive Compatible Mechanisms
- Natural social choice fn -> maximize social welfare
$f(x_i, x_{-i}) = max_a \Sigma_i v_i(f(x_i, x_{-i}))$ -
Incentive Compatibility
- Mechansim
$\mathcal{M} = (f, p_i), f : V_1 \times \cdots \times V_n \rightarrow A, p_i : V_1 \times \cdots \times V_n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ , is Incentive Compatible iff it satisfies the following conditions for every$i$ , and everfy$v_{-i}$ - In VCG pivot rule,
$p_i = \Sigma_{j \not= i} v_j(a') - \Sigma_{j \not=i} v_j(a)$
- In VCG pivot rule,
$p_i$ does not depend on$v_i$ , only depends on$f(v_i, v_{-i}) = a$ (i.e the alternative chosen), i.e$p_i(v_i, v_{-i}) = p_a, a = f(v_i, v_{-i})$ - The mechanism optimizes for each player. Ie
$\forall v_i, f(v_i, v_{-i}) = max_{v_i \in V_i, a = f(v_i, v_{-i})}(v_i(a) - p_a)$ ,
- Mechansim
- Natural social choice fn -> maximize social welfare