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Public Key Crypto

  • Notice, for $p, q \in \mathbb{Z}$, where $(p, q) = 1$, $\phi(pq) = \phi(p)\phi(q)$
    • Proof -> $(a, m) = 1 \rightarrow \exists b \in \mathbb{Z}_m ab \equiv 1 (m)$
      • Notice, $\exists s, t \in \mathbb{Z}, sa + tm = 1 (m) \rightarrow sa \equiv 1 (m)$
    • $(a, m) = 1 \rightarrow a^k \equiv 1 (m)$, notice, for all $k, (a^k, m) = 1$
      • For $k = 1$ the theorem holds, suppose it holds for $n$, then, consider $sa^{n+1} + tm = a$, then $(a^{n+1}, am) = a$, and $(a^{n + 1}, m) = d \rightarrow d | a$, thus $d = 1$
    • If $(a, m) = 1$, and $(a, n) = 1$, then $(a, mn) = 1$
    • $(k, mn) = 1$, iff $(k, m) = 1$, and $(k, n) = 1$
      • Reverse - above
      • Forward - triv
      • Fix $k \leq mn, k = rm + b$, where $r \leq n - 1$, and $b < m$
        • If $(b, m) = 1$, then $(k, m) = 1$ -> otherwise contra using $(k, m) | rm \land (k, m) | b$
        • Notice if $(r, n) = 1$, then $(k, n) = 1$ (similar argument as above), i.e $l | rm \rightarrow l | n \lor l | m$
        • As such there are $\phi(n)$ choices for $r$, and $\phi(m)$ choices for $b$
  • RSA

    • Features
      • $D: \mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{M}$, $E: \mathcal{M} \rightarrow \mathcal{C}$, where $\forall M \in \mathcal{M}, D(E(M)) = M$
      • $E, D$ are easy to compute
      • Publicity of $E$ does not comprimise $D$
    • Let $N = pq$, then $(m^{ed}) \equiv m (pq)$, where $N, e$ are the public-key, $N, d$ are the private-key
      • Notice $m^{\phi(N) + 1 = k\phi(p)\phi(q) + 1= (p - 1)(q - 1) + 1} \equiv m (N = pq)$, if $(m, n) = 1$
    • Then $ed = k\phi(N) + 1$, in other-words $ed \equiv 1 (\phi(N))$
  • Algorithms

    • Multi-precision numeric package
      • I.e store arbitrarily long numbers using (base as 2^64)
      • Addition / subtraction $O(n)$ where $len(int) = n$
      • Multiplication $O(n^2)$
    • Powering Algorithms

      • Given some $g \in G$, we wish to compute $g^n$
        • Naive: requires $n - 1$ multiplications, i.e $g * g \cdots * g$
        • Faster: $n = \Sigma_i \epsilon_i 2^i$ (where $0 \leq i < log_2(n)$), store $1, g^2, g^4, \cdots$ in memory, then $g^n = \Pi_i \epsilon_i g^{2^i}$
          • This requires only $log_2(n)$ operations
          func Exp(base, exp int) int {
              return exp_(base, exp, 1)
          func exp_(base, exp, accum int) int {
              if exp == 0 {
                  return accum
              if exp % 2 == 0 {
                  return exp_(base, exp >> 1, accum * accum)
              return exp_(base, exp - 1, accum * base)
    • Euclidean Algorithms

      • Typical Algorithm
            func GCD(a, b int) {
                if a < b {
                    a, b = b, a
                if b == 0 {
                    return a
                return GCD(b, a % b)
      • Lehmer
        • ...
      • Binary
    • Euclid Extended Algorithm

      • Let $n, m \in \mathbb{Z}, d = (n, m) \rightarrow \exists s, t, sm + tn = d$
        • EEA - gives the parameters $s, t$ for the bezout's equality above
          func ExtendedEuclidean(a, b int) (u, v, d int) {
              // initialize aux variables
              var (
                  v_1 = 0
                  v_3 = b
                  t_1 = 0
                  t_3 = 0
              // switch if necessary
              if a < b {
                  a, b = b, a
              u = 1
              d = a
              // short circuit if possible
              if b == 0 {
                  return u, 0, a
              for v_3 != 0 {
                  t_3 = d % v_3
                  t_1 = u - (d / v_3) * v_1
                  u = v_1
                  d = v_3
                  v_1 = t_1
                  v_3 = t_3
              return u, (d - a * u) / b, d
  • Basic Defn.

    • Shannon Cipher + Perfect Security

      • Shannon Cipher
        • $\Epsilon = (E, D)$ is a pair of functions, where $E : \mathcal{K} \times \mathcal{M} \rightarrow \mathcal{C}$, and $D : \mathcal{C} \times \mathcal{K} \rightarrow \mathcal{M}$
        • Where the following correctness property is satisfied, i.e $\forall k \in \mathcal{K}, \forall m \in \mathcal{M}, D(k, E(k, m)) = m$
        • In this case $\Epsilon$ is defined over $\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{M}, \mathcal{C}$ -> these define the concrete spaces of objects that the protocol takes as inputs, i.e $\mathbb{Z}_{p}, 2^{256},\cdots$
      • Using the above SC, $\Epsilon$ Alice + Bob communicate securely by secretly sharing $k \in \mathcal{K}$ (their shared key), and communicating $c = E(k, m) \in \mathcal{C}$ in plain-text
        • Concerns
          • Can Eve intercepting $c$ learn anything abt. $m$ without knowing $k \in \mathcal{K}$?
          • Can Eve tamper with $c$, and make the message to Bob un-intelligible?
      • one-time pad
        • Let $\mathcal{M} = \mathcal{K} = \mathcal{C} = 2^L$ (i.e bit-strings of length $L$), and for $m \in \mathcal{M}, k \in \mathcal{K}, c = E(k,m) = m \oplus k$, and $D(k,c) = c \oplus k$
          • Naturally correctness is satisfied, i.e $\forall k \in \mathcal{K}, m \in \mathcal{M}, D(k, E(k, m)) = D(k, m \oplus k) = m \oplus k \oplus k = m \oplus 0^L = m$
      • substitution cipher
        • $\mathcal{M} = \mathcal{C} = \Sigma$, $\mathcal{K} = {f : \Sigma \rightarrow \Sigma: \forall a \in \Sigma, f(f(a)) = a}$, and $c = E(k, m), c[i] = k(m[i])$, and $D(c, k) = m', m'[i] = k(c[i])$
          • Thus $m' = D(k, E(k, m)), m'[i] = k(k(m[i])) = m[i]$ -> correctness satisfied
      • Perfect Security
        • i.e for $c = E(k, m)$ -> how much abt. $m$ can Eve know if she intercepts $c$?
        • Assume that $k \in \mathcal{K}$ is drawn uniformly at random from $\mathcal{K}$, i.e $Pr[X = k] = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{K}}$
        • Want to make it so that attacker's choice of $m$ is independent from $c$
        • Definition

          • Let $\Epsilon = (E, D)$ be a SC. Suppose $k \in \mathcal{K}$ is a uniformly random variable sampled from $\mathcal{K}$, then $\Epsilon$ is perfectly secure if
            • $\forall m_0, m_1 \in \mathcal{M}$, and $\forall c \in \mathcal{C}$, $Pr[E(k, m_0) = c] = Pr[E(k, m_1) = c]$
        • Let $\Epsilon$ be a PS SC, then the following are equivalent
          • $\Epsilon$ is perfectly secure
          • For every $c \in \mathcal{C}$, $\exists N_c$, such that $\forall m \in \mathcal{M}$, $|{k \in \mathcal{K}: E(k, m) = c}| = N_c$
          • For each $m \in \mathcal{M}$, $E(k, m)$ has the same distribution as $\mathcal{K}$
          • Proofs
            • Forward - Suppose $\Epsilon$ is a PS SC, fix $c \in \mathcal{C}$, fix $P_m = Pr[E(k, m) = c]$ notice $\forall m_0, m_1 \in \mathcal{M}, P_{m_0} = P_{m_1}$, and $N_c = P_m |\mathcal{K}|$
            • Reverse - Fix $c \in \mathcal{C}$, and $m_0, m_1 \in \mathcal{M}$, then $Pr[E(k, m_0) = c] = \frac{N_c}{|\mathcal{K}|} = Pr[E(k, m_1) = c]$
            • Fix $k \in \mathcal{K}$, and $c \in \mathcal{C}$, then $\forall m \in \mathcal{M}, Pr[E(k, m) = c] = P_c = N_c / |\mathcal{K}|$
        • One time pad is PS SC
          • Fix $c \in \mathcal{C}$, and $m_0, m_1 \in \mathcal{M}$, then if $k \in \mathcal{K}$ is sampled randomly the probability that $Pr[E(k, m_0) = c] = Pr[m_0 \oplus k = c] = Pr[k = m \oplus c]$, thus fix $N_c = 1$
      • Negligible, super-poly, poly-bounded
        • negligible - $f : \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1 } \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, if for all $c \in \mathbb{R}$, $\exists N$, where $n \geq N \rightarrow |f(n)| &lt; 1/n^c$, i.e $f$ decreases faster than any polynomial in $n$
        • $f : \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is negligible iff $lim_n f(n)n^c = lim_n f(n) lim_n n^c = lim_n 1/n^c lim_n n^c = 0 * lim_n n^c = 0$
          • Reverse - Suppose $lim_n f(n)n^c = 0$,
      • Is $\frac{1}{n^{log(n)}}$ negligible?
        • Fix $c \in \mathbb{R}$, and choose $N &gt; 2^c, log(N) &gt; c$, then $n \geq n \rightarrow \frac{1}{n^{log(n)}} &lt; \frac{1}{N^{log(N)}} &lt; \frac{1}{n^c}$, thus it is negligible
      • Let $\Epsilon = (E, D)$ be SC defined over $(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{M}, \mathcal{C})$, then $\Epsilon$ is PS iff for any $\phi : \mathcal{C} \rightarrow {0,1}$, $\forall m_0, m_1 Pr[\phi(E(k, m_0))] = Pr[\phi(E(k, m_1))]$
        • Forward - Suppose $\Epsilon$ is PS, fix $C \subset \mathcal{C}$, where $c \in C \rightarrow \phi(C)$, then $Pr[\phi(E(k, m_0))] = \Sigma_{c \in C} Pr[E(k, m_0) = c] = \Sigma_{c \in C} Pr[E(k, m_0) =c] = Pr[\phi(E(k, m_1))]$
        • Reverse -
          • Suppose $\forall m_0, m_1, Pr[\phi(E(k, m_0))] = Pr[\phi(E(k, m_1))]$, suppose $\Epsilon$ is not PS, then $\exists c \in \mathcal{C}$ where $Pr[E(k, m_0) = c] \not= Pr[E(k, m_1)]$, and define $\phi(c') = 1 \iff c' = c$ (contradiction)
      • Also equivalent $Pr[M = m | E(K, M) = c] = Pr[M = m]$
        • Apply bayes and that each value is uniformly distributed
      • Shannon's Theorem
        • Let $\Epsilon = (E, D)$ be shannon-cipher, $\Epsilon$ is PS iff $|\mathcal{K}| \geq |\mathcal{M}|$
          • Suppose $|\mathcal{K}| &lt; |\mathcal{M}|$, WTS, fix $k \in \mathcal{K}$, then $\exists m_0, m_1$, where $Pr[c = E(k, m_0)] \not= Pr[c = E(k, m_1)]$ (i.e $m_0, m_1$ under $k$ are distinguishable)
          • Let $S = {D(k, E(k, m)), m \in \mathcal{M}}$, thus, there exists $m_0, m_1$ where $E(k, m_0) = E(k, m_1)$, then consider $Pr[M = m | E(K, M) = c] = Pr[M = m]$
          • Alternatively, fix $k \in \mathcal{K}, m \in \mathcal{M}$, then consider $S = {D(k', c = E(k, m)), k' \in \mathcal{K}}, |S| = |\mathcal{K}| \leq |\mathcal{M}|$
            • Since $(E, D)$ is Shannon-Cipher, $D(k, E(k, m)) = m$, if $m' \in \mathcal{M}\backslash S$, then $D(k, E(k, m')) \in S$ (contradiction), and $c \not= E(k, m')$ (thus $(E, D)$ is not perfectly secure)
    • Computational Ciphers + Sematic Security

      • Shannon's Thm -> $|\mathcal{K}| \geq |\mathcal{M}|$ (space of bit-sequences length of keys > length of messages)
        • semantic security - Force indistinguishability under computationally bounded adversaries (lessen requirement from perfect-security) (also lessen requirement of shannon-cipher? Equality of message probablistic, concurrrently send multiple messages?)
      • computational cipher - Let $\Epsilon = (E, D)$ (definition is analogous to shannon-cipher), $E$ is a probablistic algo.
        • correctness, let $c \leftarrow^{R} E(k, m) \rightarrow m = D(k, c)$
          • Thus CC -> SC, but not vice-versa
      • semantic security
        • For all predicates $\phi : \mathcal{C} \rightarrow {0,1}$, $|Pr[\phi(E(k, m)) = 1] - Pr[\phi(E(k, m')) = 1] \leq \epsilon|$ (where $\epsilon$ is negligible)
      • attack games - Consider a game between $\mathcal{P}$ (adversary), and $\mathcal{V}$ (challenger) multiple rounds of interaction, advantage is probability space that $\mathcal{V}$ incorrectly accepts the final value output from $\mathcal{P}$
      • Semantic Security Attack Game

        • Define two experiments $b \in {0,1}$
        • Experiment $b$
          • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $m_0, m_1 \in \mathcal{M}$ to $\mathcal{V}$
          • $\mathcal{V}$ computes $k \leftarrow^R \mathcal{K}, c \leftarrow^R E(k, m_b)$, and sends $c$ to $\mathcal{P}$
          • $\mathcal{P}$ outputs $\hat{b} \in {0,1}$
      • semantic security advantage - Let $W_b$ be $\hat{b}$ in experiment $b$, then $|Pr[W_b = 1] - Pr[W_0 = 1]|$
        • $(E, D)$ is semantically secure iff $SSadv[\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{E}] \leq \epsilon$ (where $\epsilon$ is negl.)
        • Can consider $\mathcal{P}$ as evaluating any $\phi$ (predicate on $c$)
  • Computational Security

  • New Directions in Crypto.

    • Initially - Key must be known between each user

      • Attacks
      • cipher-text only - Attacker only has cipher text of a message
      • known plaintext attack - attacker has cipher-text + plain-text mappings -> want to determine $S_k$ -> encryption function
      • chosen plaintext attack - Attacker can send own plain-text, and receive cipher-text of that plain-text (hardest to over-come) Alt text
        • Above diagram details conventional (shared-key) crypto. i.e transmitter and receiver have secure channel to communicate key, and open channel to communicate message
    • public-key

      Alt text

      • pk distribution -> signatures, i.e receivers know who the transmitter was that sent message (using only public info)
      • pk cryptosystem -> More complex - Secure channel using only public information -> only transmitter / receiver can verify
      • Definitons
  • problems
    • Suppose Alice / Bob send messages over a channel, where Eve intercepting each bit observes $b$ with prob. $p$, and $1 - b$ with prob. $1 - p$
  • One Way Functions

  • PRGs

  • Computational Security

Proofs, Arguments, and Knowledge

  • Suppose Alice / Bob, have files $a_i \in {0,1}$, $b_i$ and wish to know whether the files are equal
    • Simplest protocol: send all bits, $O(n)$ complexity (arbitrarily large)
  • Simpler protocol, choose $\mathcal{H}$ a set of hash functions, where
    • $\forall x, y, Pr_{h \in \mathcal{H}}[h(x) = h(y) | x \not= y] \leq negl(x)$
  • For example, take $h_r(a) = \Sigma_i a_i r^i \in \mathbb{F}_p$
    • then if $a_i \not= b_i$, $Pr[h_r(a) \not= h_r(b)] = 1 - \frac{n}{p} \leq 1 - 1/n$ (notice, this hash function is not actually secure)
  • If $p_a, p_b \in \mathbb{F}_p[X]$, then $p_a(x) = p_b(x)$ for at most $n$ distinct $x$
    • Notice $deg(p_a - p_b) \leq n$

Definitions + Technical Prelims

  • Interactive Proof
    • Let $f: {0,1}^n \rightarrow \mathcal{R}$, a k-message interactive proof system for $f$, is a probablistic alg. of runtime $poly(n)$, $\mathcal{V}$, and a deterministic prover $\mathcal{P}$, where both $\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{P}$ are given input $x \in {0,1}^n$, and $\mathcal{P}$ computes $f(x)$, each party then alternates sending $m_i$ (the output of some internal state-machine (non-deterministic for $\mathcal{V}$)), then at the end of the protocol $\mathcal{V}$ outputs $0,1$ depending on whether $\mathcal{V}$ agrees that $f(x) = y$
      • Denote $out(\mathcal{V}, r, x, \mathcal{P})$ the outcome of the protocol, according to some random input $r$, notice, we may then determine $\mathcal{V}_r$ as a deterministic algorithm
    • Definition
      • Let $(\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{P})$ be a pair of verifier / prover alg., then
        • completeness - For $x \in {0,1}^n$, $Pr_r[out(\mathcal{V}, x, r, \mathcal{P}) = 1] \geq 1 - \delta_c$
          • Intuitively, given a deterministic prover, this determines the rate of false negatives for any $r$
        • soundness - For any $x \in {0,1}^n$ and any deterministic prover strategy $\mathcal{P}'$, if $\mathcal{P}'$ sends $y \not= f(x)$ at the start of the protocol, then $Pr_r[out(\mathcal{V}, x, r, \mathcal{P}') = 1] \leq \delta_s$
      • and IP is valid if $\delta_s, \delta_c \leq 1/3$
  • Argument System
    • IP where soundness only desired to hold against polynomially bounded prover - computational soundness
  • Intuition
    • Why error tolerance $1/3$?
      • Valid IP can be transformed into IP with perfect Verifier, i.e $\delta_c = 0$
    • Why restrict $\mathcal{P}$ to be deterministic? Suppose $\mathcal{P}'$ exists, where with $p &lt; 1$ prob. $out(\mathcal{V}, x, r, \mathcal{P}') = 1$, then set $\mathcal{P}_r$ (deterministic) as $\mathcal{P}$
  • Schwartz-Zippel
    • Let $\mathbb{F}$ be a field, and $g : \mathbb{F}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, be a non-constant $m$-variate poly. of total deg $d$, then $Pr_{x \leftarrow S^m}[g(x) = 0] \leq d/|S|$
      • Take $S = \mathbb{F}$, then $Pr[p(X) = g(X)] = d/|\mathbb{F}|$, i.e $g - f \in \mathbb{F}^m[X]$, and $deg(g - f) \leq d$
  • Low degree and Multi-linear extensions
    • Notice, given an input set $I = {0, 1, \cdots, n-1}$, and a function $g : I \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_p$, one can construct the lagrange interpolation poly. $f$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$, of degree $n - 1$, where $g(x) = f(x)$
    • One can also construct the low-degree extension, $\tilde{g} : {0,1}^v$, where $v = log(n)$
      • $g$ is multi-linear poly. - that is $deg(\tilde{g}) = v$ (product of $g_x : {0,1} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_p, deg(g_x) = 1$)
        • Lower degree = fewer field mult. = faster evaluation
    • Univariate extension looks like this $P_x = \Pi_{y \in \mathbb{Z}n \backslash x} \frac{X - y}{x - y}$, then $P_x(z) = 0 \iff z \not= x, P_x(z) = 1 \iff z = x$, then $f_g(X) = \Sigma{x \in \mathbb{Z}_n} g(x)P_x(X)$
      • Notice, $deg(f_g) = n - 1$
  • multilinear poly - Let $g(x_1, \cdots, x_n) = \Sigma_i a_i \Pi_i x^{j_i}, j_i = 1$, i.e $g(x_1, x_2) = x_1 + x_2 + x_1x_2$ is multi-linear, $g(x_1, x_2) = x_2^2$ is not
  • extension
    • Let $f : {0,1}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ be a function, then the multi-linear extension, $g : \mathbb{F}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ is an extension, if $g(x) = f(x)$, i.e for $g$, take $x$ as $0_{\mathbb{F}}, 1_{\mathbb{F}}$
      • Extension is distance-amplifying - according to schwartz-zippel, if $f, f' : {0,1}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ dis-agree anywhere, then $g, g' : \mathbb{F}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ dis-agree w/ prob $1 - d/|\mathbb{F}|$ (make size of $\mathbb{F}$ extremely large, and randomly sample evaluations)
      • Utility, if $f, f'$ are the same, then expect $g, g'$ to be the same, otherwise, expect them to differ in $|\mathbb{F}| - d$ points
  • Let $f : {0,1}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ has a unique multi-linear extension over $\mathbb{F}$

    • existence - Let $f : {0,1}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, then $\tilde{f}(x_1, \cdots, x_v) = \Sigma_{w \in {0,1}^v}f(w) \chi_w(x_1, \cdots, x_v)$, where for $w = (w_1, \cdots, w_v), \chi_w(x_1, \cdots, x_v) = \Pi_{1 \leq i \leq v} (x_iw_i + (1 - x_i)(1 - w_i))$
      • $\tilde{f}$ extends $f$
      • $\chi(w)$ is defined as the multi-linear lagrange basis poly.
      • Notice for $\chi_w(w) = 1$, and $\chi(y) = 0$, $w \not = y$
      • Furthermore $\chi_w$ is multi-linear, sum of multi-linear is also multi-linear
    • uniqueness
  • problems

  • Interactive Proofs

    • Sum-check Protocol

      • Given $v$-variate poly. $g : {0,1}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, prover / verifier want to agree on $\Sigma_{0 \leq i \leq v} \Sigma_{b_i \in {0,1}} g(b_1, \cdots, b_v)$ (sum of evaluations of $g$ across all possible inputs)
        • Given $g$, verifier can evaluate $g$, $2^v$ times (worst-case), prover = verifier
      • protocol
        • Round 0. $\mathcal{P}$ sends $C = H_g$ to $\mathcal{V}$
        • Round 1. $\mathcal{P}$ sends $g_1(X_1) = \Sigma_{x_2, \cdots, x_v \in {0,1}} g(X_1, x_2, \cdots, x_v)$ (univariate)
          • $\mathcal{V}$, checks that $C = g_1(0) + g_1(1)$, and that $deg(g_1) = deg_1(g)$, where $deg_i(g) = deg(g(X_1, \cdots, X_v))$ (in variable $X_1$, i.e fix all other variables to be fixed values in ${0,1}$)
          • $\mathcal{V}$ sends $\mathcal{P}$, $r_1$
        • Round $j$. where $1 &lt; j &lt; v$
          • $\mathcal{P}$ send $g_j = \Sigma_{v_{j+1}, \cdots, x_v \in {0,1}} g(r_1, \cdots, r_{j-1}, X_j, x_{j+1}, \cdots, x_v)$
          • $\mathcal{V}$ checks that $g_{j - 1}(r_j) = g_j(0) + g_j(1)$, and that $deg(g_j) \leq deg_j(g)$
          • $\mathcal{V}$ sends random $r_j$ to $\mathcal{P}$
        • Round $v$
          • Same as $j$, except that $g_v(r) = g(r_1, \cdots, r_v)$
      • intuition
        • Notice, both $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$ agree on value of $g$, thus given $g_1$ from $\mathcal{P}$, and that $g_1(0) + g_1(1) = C$, how to prove that $g_1$ actually is evaluated correctly? $\mathcal{V}$ if doing brute-force, would have to evaluate $2^{v - 1}$ variables in $g$?
          • Instead re-cursively apply sum check, i.e start again with $g_1 = g$, and continue
      • correctness
        • completeness - If $\mathcal{P}$ evaluates $g$ correctly, and sends $C$, the protocol is always correct
        • soundness - Protocol gives false positive with error $dv/|\mathcal{F}|$
          • Notice, if in any of the rounds, $\mathcal{V}$ accepts an incorrect evaluation, then $\mathcal{P}$ can extrapolate the incorrect evaluations to later, rounds (sum-check with $g$ controlled by $\mathcal{P}$), prob that $Pr[g_i(x) = s_i(x)] = deg_i(g)/\mathcal{F}$, thus take union over all rounds to get $dv/|\mathcal{F}|$
    • Application of sum-check: $#SAT \in IP$

      • boolean formula - Formula over $n$ variables, with $2^n$ nodes, and $log(n)$ height. Represented with input in leaves, each parent is product of $\land, \lor$ over children
      • $#SAT$ - Given boolean formul $\phi : {0,1}^N \rightarrow {0,1}$, determine number of satisfying values, in other words, $\Sigma_{x \in {0,1}^n} \phi(x)$
      • Determine extension of $\phi$ and apply sum-check, then $\tilde{\phi} : \mathbb{F} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, $\mathbb{F}$ must be chosen so that the error prob -> $deg(\phi)n /|\mathbb{F}|$ is negligible
      • Determining extension from $\phi$ is arithmetization
        • $x \land y := xy$, $x \lor y := x + y - xy$
    • GKR

      • Notice for $#-SAT$ although the verifier runs in poly. time, the $\mathcal{P}$ prover must still evaluate the sum in time-exponential in the inputs (likely impossible for reasonable size)
      • $\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{V}$ agree on a log-space uniform arithmetic circuit of fan-in two (i.e the underlying boolean formula, leaf-nodes can have more than one parent (can be inputs to more than one parent ))
        • Log-space uniform -> implies that $\mathcal{V}$ can gain accurate under standaing w/o looking at all of $\mathcal{C}$, thus complexity can be logarithmic in $gates(\mathcal{C})$, and logarithmic in $inputs(\mathcal{C})$
        • $\mathcal{P}$ prover complexity linear in $gates(\mathcal{C})$ (significant improvement to $#-SAT$)
      • protocol
        • intuition - Circuit represented as a binary tree, with each top-level being an arithmetic (multi-variate poly.) in the gate-outputs from the level-beneath, goal, prover sends all evaluations, then iteratively applies sum-check at each depth (correctly verify that gate values at each level are evaluated), until the inputs are checked ($O(1)$ check per input by $\mathcal{C}$)
        • $\mathcal{P}$, $\mathcal{V}$ agree on LSU circuit $\mathcal{C}$ -> arithmetic circuit represented as $g : \mathbb{F}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, where $size(\mathcal{C}) = S$, and $d = depth(\mathcal{C})$ (layers), $S \leq 2^d$?
          • $0$ is output, $d$ is input layer, let $S_i$ be the number of gates at layer $i$, where $S_i = 2^{k_i}$
          • $W_i : S_i \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ - I.e a function mapping a gate at layer $i$ to its output
            • Dependent upon the inputs to circuit? I.e actually a ML poly. in inputs $x_i$?
          • Let $in_{i, 1}, in_{i, 2} : S_i \rightarrow S_{i + 1}$, where $in_{i, 1}$ returns the left child of $a$, and $in_{i, 2}$ returns right child of $a$, notice, inputs to gates at $i$ will be at layer $i + 1$
      • Algorithm

        • Protocol has $d$ iterations (one for each layer of circuit)
        • Let $\tilde{W_i} : \mathbb{F}^{k_i} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ -> MLE (multi-linear lagrangian extension of $W_i$), means that it is distance encoding, so $\mathcal{P}$ sends $\mathcal{V}$, $\tilde{W_i}(r)$ for some random $r \in \mathbb{F}$
          • Then $\mathcal{V}$ chooses $r_i \in F^{k_i}$ to be evaluated, and $\mathcal{P}$ sends $\tilde{D_i}(r)$, verifier checks that $\tilde{W_i}(r) = \tilde{D_i}(r)$
          • However, does $\mathcal{V}$ evaluate $\tilde{W_i}(r)$ itself? Requires evaluation at all layers $1 \leq j \leq i$ exponential run-time? No, recursively checks that $\tilde{W_i}$ by reducing to claim abt $\tilde{W_{i + 1}}(r)$ until reduced to claim abt. inputs
        • How to reduce evaluation of $\tilde{W_i}(r)$ to $\tilde{W}_{i + 1}(r)$?
          • $\tilde{W}i(z) = \Sigma{b,c \in {0,1}^{k+1}} \tilde{add}i(z,b,c)(\tilde{W}{i + 1}(b) + \tilde{W}{i + 1}(c)) + \tilde{mult}i(z, b, c)(\tilde{W}{i + 1}(b)\tilde{W}{i + 1}(c))$
          • Notice, above is still a MLE, (composition of addition / multiplication of MLEs from lower layer)
        • Thus apply sum-check to $\tilde{W}_i$
          • i.e start with $f_{r_i}(b,c) = \Sigma_{b,c \in {0,1}^{k + 1}} \tilde{add}i(r_i, b, c)(\tilde{W}{i + 1}(b) + \tilde{W}{i+1}(c)) + \tilde{mult}i(r_i, b,c)(\tilde{W}{i + 1}(b)\tilde{W}{i+1}(c))$
            • i.e at each round sum is over $2^{k + 1}$ values, and takes $2$ rounds (fix $b$, then $c$), then have to evaluate $\tilde{W}{i + 1}(b), \tilde{W}{i + 1}(c)$ (rely on next round, but how to take $b^, c^$ into accout for random value?)
        • Reduce verification to single point, let $l : \mathbb{F} \rightarrow \rightarrow F^{k + 1}$, where $l(0) = b^$, and $l(1) = c^$ (unique), then evaluate $q : \mathbb{F} \rightarrow \mathbb{F} = \tilde{W}{i + 1} \circ l$, $\mathcal{P}$ sends $q$ to $\mathcal{V}$, and checks that for random $r^* \in \mathbb{F}^{k + 1}$, $q(r^*) = \tilde{W}{i + 1} \circ l (r^*)$
        • Next iteration starts with $r_{i + 1} = l(r^*)$
        • GKR -> see gkr.png
          • Round 0: $\mathcal{P}$ sends $D : {0,1}^{k_0} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ (outputs of circuit), $\mathcal{V}$ computes $\tilde{D}(r_0) = m_0$, where $r_0$ is randomly sampled from $\mathbb{F}^{k_0}$
          • Round $0 &lt; i \leq d - 1$
            • Let $f_{r_i}(b, c) = \tilde{add}i(r_i, b, c)(\tilde{W}{i + 1}(b) + \tilde{W}{i + 1}(c)) + \tilde{mult}i(r_i, b, c)(\tilde{W}{i + 1}(b)\tilde{W}{i + 1}(c))$
            • $\mathcal{P}$ claims that $m_i = \Sigma_{b,c \in {0,1}^{k_{i + 1}}} f_{r_i}(b, c) = \tilde{W}_i(r_i)$
              • $\mathcal{V}$ / $\mathcal{P}$ perform sum-check to verify $m_i$, and $\mathcal{V}$ is forced to evaluate $b^, c^ \in \mathbb{F}^{k_{i + 1}}, \tilde{W}{i + 1}(b^*), \tilde{W}{i + 1}(c^*)$
            • then $\mathcal{V}$ determines $l : \mathbb{F} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}^{k_{i + 1}}$, $l(0) = b^, l(1) = c^$, and expect $\mathcal{P}$ to send $q = \tilde{W}_{i + 1} \circ l$
              • $\mathcal{V}$ verifies $q$, by evaluating $q(0) = \tilde{W}_{i + 1}(b^)$ (similarly for $c^$)
            • then round $i + 1$ starts, where $m_{i + 1} = q(r_{i + 1} = l(r^))$, $r^$ is randomly sampled
  • How to transform IP to PVPQ

    • Given an $IP$, $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$, how to construct a publicly verifiable protocol (that is non-interactive)?
    • IP
      • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $m_0$ to $\mathcal{V}$, $\mathcal{V}$ sends $(m_1 \leftarrow M_i(m_i))$ to $\mathcal{P}$ i.e $\mathcal{V}$'s response is application of non-deterministic algorithm (random in variable $M$)
      • What if $\mathcal{P}$ posted trace w/ random evaluations? How to determine that each random value is not dependent upon previous ones chosen by $\mathcal{P}$, if $\mathcal{P}$ knows set of random values.. they can construct solutions before-hand and post incorrect traces
    • example
      • Let $\mathcal{P}$ be a dis-honest prover, and $s$ be the correct poly. that should be agreed on. If $\mathcal{P}$ knows what $r_1$ should be, then $\mathcal{P}$ can send, $g$, where $C = g_1(0) + g_1(1)$, where $g_1(r_1) = s_1(r_1)$
    • Fiat-Shamir Transform
      • hash-chaining - Every random-oracle output is derived from the $\mathcal{P}$ input from prev. round (which is determined from randomness from prev. round recursively)
        • i.e $r_1 = R(i, x, r_{i - 1}, g_{i - 1})$ -> value at $r_i$ uniquely determined by input, prev. randomness, and response from $\mathcal{P}$ to randomness from prev. round
          • I.e prevents $\mathcal{P}$ from guessing forward, and back-propagate to acct. for randomness
    • adaptive-soundness - Security against $\mathcal{P}$ that can choose input to first round (GKR (out-puts of circuit))
  • Computer Programs -> Circuits

    • Given computer program -> turn into arithmetic circuit -> delegate execution via NIP (GKR w/ hash-chaining)
    • Machine Code
      • Random Access Machine -
        • $s$ cells of memory, where each cell stores $64$-bits of memory
          • Can only store data
        • $r$ number of registers, i.e instructions can perform operations on these
        • $l$ instructions, the set of operations that can be performed on registers
    • Circuit Satisfiability Problem

      • circuit evaluation - Given $\mathcal{C}$ (circuit), and $x$ (input), and $y$ (output), prove that $\mathcal{C}(x) = y$
      • circuit satisfaction - $\mathcal{C}$ takes two inputs, $x$ (input), $w$ (witness). Given $\mathcal{C}$, $x$ (input), $y$ (output), prove whether $\exists w, \mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$
        • Sometimes proof that $w$ exists is not enough
        • knowledge soundness - Prover also proves that it knows a $w$
      • Given $\mathcal{C}$, takes two inputs, $x$ (input) $w$ (witness), determine whether $\mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$ (outputs)
        • problem - Given $\mathcal{C}$, $x, y$, determine whether or not there exists a witness $w$, such that $\mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$
      • More expressive than circuit evaluation
      • intuition
        • CE - Given some machine $M$ find a proof that $M(x) = y$
        • CS - Prove that some proof $w$ exists that $M(x) = y$, and show that $M'(x, w) = y$ (show that proof exists, and is correct)
          • Intuitively, knowing that a proof exists, and checking the proof is easier than finding it
      • example
        • Suppose $\mathcal{C}$ is a circuit that evaluates an arithmetic expression over $\mathbb{F}_q$, including $*, +, /$, notice $a / b$ is represented as $ab^{-1}$
          • In arithmetic circuit for $\mathcal{C}$, gates are only +, *, this $\mathcal{C}$ for each divison $a / b$, has to be replaced w/ circuit finding $b^{-1}$ (complex)
        • Instead treat $\mathcal{C}'$ (CSAT) circuit, where witness $w = (e_1, \cdots, e_n)$, where $e_1$ corresponds to the $b^{-1}$ for each $b$ involved in a division $a / b$
        • Now circuit is j multiplication + addition (much less deep), but wider by $len(w)$, for each $e_i$, have a check that $e_i * b_i = 1$
      • Succint Arguments
        • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $w$ to $\mathcal{V}$, then $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$, evaluate GKR on $\mathcal{C}(x, w)$
          • Instead of sending $w$ in full, send $commit(w)$ to $\mathcal{V}$, and have $\mathcal{P}$ open commitment at random points
          • Final step of GKR requires evaluation of $\tilde{u}$ (MLE of $(x, w)$)
    • Transformation (Circuit -> CSAT)

      • Able to transform program in RAM that runs in $T$ time-steps, and uses $s$ memory cells into $log(T)$ depth, and width $T$
      • high-level
        • Specify trace of RAM $M$, i.e $T$ steps, where each step has values of each register in computation ($O(1)$) registers
      • details
        • $\mathcal{C}$ takes transcript of execution of $M$ on $x$ as input, transcript represented as follows
          • list of tuples $(t, m_1, \cdots, m_r, a_t)$
            • $t$ is the current time-step of the machine
            • $m_i$ are the values of the registers of the machine
            • $a_t = (loc, val)$ - $a_t$ is meta-data abt the memory operation perfomed at $t$ (if any)
              • $loc$ is memory location read / written to
              • $val$ - is value read / value written
        • Checks
          • Must check that values in memory are read / written to correctly (memory-consistency)
            • I.e value read is the latest value written
          • (Assuming memory-consistency) Must check that $(t, m_1, \cdots, m_r, a_t) \rightarrow (t + 1, m'_1, \cdots, m'r, a{t + 1})$ follow correctly from state-transition defined by $\mathcal{C}$ (time-consistency)
            • What is instruction is LDUR? BC of memory-operation we can check that this value resulted from last write
        • Circuit construction
          • Represent transition function, as a small circuit that takes $l(i)$ (i.e $i$-th element of list), and checks that $l(i + 1)$ follows correctly (time-consistency)
          • memory-consistency - Order $l(i)$ according to $a_i.loc$, and time, check that for each read $a_t.val = a_{t'}.val$ where $t'$ is the latest time-step at which a write occurred to $a_t.loc$
      • Representing Transition Function

        • For each time-step, have a selector (which instruction $l(t)$) is being executed
        • From there represent configuration at $t$, $C(t)$, as inputs to sub-circuit, and apply instruction sub-circuit on relevant inputs
          • Notice, application of sub-circuit for instruction has size $poly(W)$
      • Representing Memory Consistency

        • Sorting?

          • Revisit
  • Succint Arguments

    • Arguments of Knowledge + SNARKs

      • knowledge-soundness
        • $\mathcal{P}$ establishes that $\exists w, \mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$ exists, and that $\mathcal{P}$ knows such a $w$
      • SNARK - Succint, non-interactive, argument of knowledge
        • I.e knowledge-sound argument for arithmetic circuit-satisifiability
    • First Argument

      • polynomial commitment - Prover commits to a poly. $\tilde{w}$, and later can open to any evaluation of the poly. $\tilde{w}$
      • High-level
        • $\mathcal{P}$ sends commitment $\tilde{w}$ to $\mathcal{V}$ at beginning of the protocol, and executes GKR on $\mathcal{C}(x, w)$
      • What does GKR need to know abt $w$
        • Let $w, x \in {0,1}^n$, can reprsent input $z = x | w$, can construct $\tilde{z}(r_0, \cdots, r_{log(n)}) = (1 - r_0)\tilde{x}(r_1, \cdots, r_{logn}) + r_0 \tilde{w}(r_1, \cdots, r_{logn})$
        • $\mathcal{P}$ only has to open commitment to $\tilde{w}$ at $r_1, \cdots, r_{logn}$
    • What does $\mathcal{V}$ need to know about $\tilde{w}$

      • Notice, final round of $\mathcal{V}$ evaluating GKR on $\mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$
      • Let $z = w | x$, where $len(x) = len(w) = n$, then $degree(\tilde{z}) = 2^{1 + log(n)}$
        • Where $\tilde{z}(r_0, \cdots, r_{log(n)}) = (1 - r_0)\tilde{x}(r_1, \cdots, r_{log(n)}) + r_0 \tilde{w}(r_1, \cdots, r_{log(n)})$
    • Knowledge Soundness

      • witness extraction If $\mathcal{P}$ convinces $\mathcal{V}$ of $\exists w, \mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$, then there exists an efficient $\mathcal{E}$, w/ rewinding access to $\mathcal{P}$ can extract a $w$ satisfying CS
      • extractability of poly. commits
        • commitment scheme, where if $\mathcal{V}$ is able to rewind $\mathcal{P}$'s poly. commit, then it can extract $p$ (i.e $\mathcal{P}$ certainly knows a $p$ from the commitment)
  • Low Degree Tests

    • Form of poly. commitment
      • Not exactly, only works for low-degree MV poly.
    • Given $\mathcal{O}$ (oracle), which gives evaluation of poly. at specified point
    • The LDT guarantees that the commitment has low Hamming-Degree distance from specified poly. $p$
      • i.e $s, p$ agree on $\lambda$ (fraction) of all points
    • Example given $s$, commitment to some $p : \mathbb{F}^k \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, take $l : \mathbb{F}^k \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ (line), and check that $s(l) = p(l)$
  • MIPs / Succint Arguments

    • protocol - Involves $k$-provers, $\mathcal{P}_i$, and $\mathcal{V}$ (PPT-verifier)
      • Transcript defined analogously $t = (\mathcal{V}(r), \mathcal{P}_1, \cdots, \mathcal{P}_k)$
        • $\mathcal{P}_i$ have no interaction w/ each other -> otherwise $MIP = IP$
    • Second Prover?

      • non-adaptivity - $\mathcal{P}_1$'s response to $\mathcal{V}(r)_i$ (message from $\mathcal{V}$ at $i$), cannot depend on $\mathcal{P}_i$'s prev. answers, as $\mathcal{V}$ could have also sent diff. messages to $\mathcal{P}_2$
      • analog is prisoners being interrogated
        • prisoner's dilemma if any of the other provers are truthful, the other lying provers can be detected
      • Let $\mathcal{L}$ be language, $M$ PPT oracle TM for $\mathcal{L}$. Let $M^{\mathcal{O}}$ be the $M$ when given access to $\mathcal{O}$. Suppose if $x \in \mathcal{L}$, $\exists \mathcal{O}, where Pr[M^{\mathcal{O}}(x) = 1] = 1$, and for $x \not \in \mathcal{L}$, $\forall \mathcal{O}, Pr[M^{\mathcal{O}}(x) = 1] &lt; 1/3$. Then there is 2-prover MIP for $M$
        • proof
          • idea - Construct 2-prover MIP w/ perfect completeness, and high-soundness, then repeat protocol
          • 2-prover MIP
            • $\mathcal{V}$ executes $M^{\mathcal{O}}(x)$, and for each $\mathcal{O}(q)$, $\mathcal{V}$ posits query to $\mathcal{P}_1$, for value
              • Final round, $\mathcal{V}$ poses random query to $\mathcal{P}_2$, and cross-verifies w/ $\mathcal{P}_1$'s answer
            • perfect completeness
              • Triv, $\mathcal{P}$, $\mathcal{P}_2$ j respond w/ $\mathcal{O}$
            • soundness
              • If $x \not \in \mathcal{L}$, and $\mathcal{P}$ responds w/ any $\mathcal{O}$, then $Pr[\mathcal{V} reject] \geq 2/3$, otherwise, if $\mathcal{P}_1$ responds w/ diff $\mathcal{O}'(q)$, prob of $\mathcal{V}$ asking
        • intuition
          • $\mathcal{P}_2$ is treated as oracle
            • Only asked 1 query, w/ no-communication elsewhere, thus must return some random value $\mathcal{O}$
          • If $\mathcal{P}_1$ acts adaptively (i.e not as an oracle / circuit), then $\mathcal{P}_2$ will disagree
      • Why non-adaptivity

        • Buys succinctness for NP statements
          • Analogous to protocol for evaluating $\mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$, where $\mathcal{P}$ commits to $\tilde{w}$, and $\mathcal{V}$ executes GKR on $\mathcal{C}$
      • MIP for C-SAT

        • warmup
          • intuition - Use $\mathcal{P}_2$ to function as poly. commit, i.e $\mathcal{P}_2$ functions to make $\mathcal{P}_1$'s response non-adaptive
          • I.e use $\mathcal{P}_2$ to perform a low-degree test of $\tilde{w}$ to ensure that $\mathcal{P}_1$'s response of $\tilde{w}(r)$ was correct
        • protocol
          • summary
            • Let $\mathcal{C}(x, w)$ be C-SAT over $\mathbb{F}$, let $S = 2^k$ be the # of gates in $\mathcal{C}$
              • Let $W : {0,1}^k \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ be a transcript for $\mathcal{C}$ (i.e description of execuction) where $W(b)$, is the $b-th$ gate assignment
            • Let $W$ be the witness for $\mathcal{C}(x) = y$
          • overview
            • $\mathcal{P}_1$ claims to hold $Z = \tilde{W}$ for ${\mathcal{C}, x, y}$
            • Identify $g_{x, y, Z}: \mathbb{F}^{3k} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, where $\Sigma_{a,b,c \in {0,1}^k} g_{x, y, Z}(a, b, c) = 0 \iff Z = \tilde{W}$
              • i.e apply SC to $g_{x, y, Z}$
          • Comparison to GKR
            • GKR executes sum-check for each layer of circuit
              • Prover only making claim about input alone
                • Verifier does not execute circuit, does not have access to information abt. intermediate gates (in single prover)
              • Verifier does not a-priori know the gates of the circuit (CE)
            • MIP executes GKR on all gates at once, how?
              • Proof of CS, take witness as intermediate gates in execution of circuit
              • $\mathcal{V}$ has access to multiple provers, can prod other provers for info abt the intermediate gates
                • Can get the same benefit by having prover commit to transcript, and reveal evaluations later (non-adaptivity)
          • details
            • $add, mult: {0,1}^{3k} \rightarrow {0,1}$ - functions where $add(a, b, c) = 1$, if $a$ adds $b, c$
            • $io : {0,1}^{3k} \rightarrow{0,1}$, where $io(a, b, c) = 1$ if $a$ is input and $b = c = 0$, or $a$ is output, and $b, v$ are children of $a$
            • $I_{x, y} : {0,1} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, where $I_{x,y}(a) = x_a$ or $I_{x, y}(a) = y_a$
          • Construction of $G_{x, y, W}(a, b, c) : {0,1}^{3k} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, where $\forall a,b,c, G_{x, y, W}(a, b, c) = 0 \iff W = \mathcal{C, x, y}$
            • $G_{x, y, W}(a,b,c) = io(a, b, c)(I(x, y)(a) - W(a)) + add(a, b, c)(W(a) - (W(b) + W(c))) + mult(a, b, c)(W(a) - W(b)W(c))$
            • Then for $Z$ (a proposed mLE of $W$), $g_{x, y, Z}(a, b, c) = \tilde{io}(a, b, c)(\tilde{I}(x, y)(a) - Z(a)) + \tilde{add}(a, b, c)(Z(a) - (Z(b) + Z(c))) + \tilde{mult}(a, b, c)(Z(a) - Z(b)Z(c))$
          • Construction of $h_{x, y, Z}$, where $\Sigma_{a, b, c \in {0,1}^k} h_{x, y, Z}(a, b, c) = 0 \iff \forall a, b, c g_{x, y, Z}(a, b, c) = 0$
      • Succint Argument For Deep Circuits

        • Polynomial commit schemes are bottleneck for prover + verifier
        • MIP argument, takes transcript as witness, and only requires evaluation of SC on witness based poly.
        • GKR linear in depth
      • Circuit-SAT -> R1CS-SAT

        • Arithmetic circuit satisfiability -> Form of intermediate representation
        • R1CS -> also form of intermediate representation
        • R1CS
          • Set of $A, B, C \in Mat(\mathbb{F}, n)$, is satisfiable if $\exists, z \in \mathbb{F}^n, (A\cdot z) \odot (B \cdot z) = C \cdot z$ ($z$ is witness)
            • $\odot$ is pair-wise multiplication of entries in vector (Hadamard product)
            • rank-1-constraint - Denote $A_i$ as the $i$-th row of $A$, then $\langle A_i, z \rangle \langle B_i, z\rangle = \langle C_i, z \rangle$
            • rank-1 - Operation only involves single multiplications + additions
        • Any instance of ACS -> R1CS
        • relationship
          • #of rows / columns in $A/B/C$ is ~ #of gates in $\mathcal{C}$ (ACS for a circuit)
          • #of non-zero entries in $A/B/C$ bound-above by fan-in of circuit (matrices are sparse)
          • transformation
            • Let ${\mathcal{C}, x, y}$ be ACS, and $\mathcal{P}$ wants to convice $\mathcal{V}$ $\exists w, \mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$
            • Let $N$ be the #of gates of $\mathcal{C}$ (excluding at depth 0) + $len(w) + len(x)$, i.e $a \in \mathbb{F}^N$ (contains gates + x + w)
            • constraints
              • One for each non-input / output gate, 2 for each output gate, thus matrices are $M \times (N + 1)$ (witness length is $N + 1$), and $M = N + y - w$
              • How to construct $z$, $A, B, C$ s.t $(A \cdot z) \odot (B \cdot z) = (C \cdot z)$, $z$ iff $\exists w, \mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$?
                • Each entry in $z$ represents either $x_i, w_i$ or a gate in circuit, first entry $z_1 = 1$
                • inputs - For $j$-th entry in $z$ ($z_j$), corresponding to $x_i$, constraint is that $z_j = x_i$, i.e j-th row of $A$ is $e_1$, j-th row of $B$ is $e_j$, and j-th row of $C$ is $x_i \cdot e_1$, thus $z_j - x_i = 0$
                • outputs - Same is done for outputs, i.e for $z_j$ capturing $y_i$, capture $z_j - y_i = 0$
                • addition gates
                  • For $z_j$ representing an addition gate between $z_{k}, z_m$ (either inputs or witness), capture $z_j - (z_k + z_m)$
                  • i.e $A_j = e_1$, $B_j = e_k + e_m$, $C_j = e_j$
                • multiplication gates
                  • For $z_j$ representing multiplication gate between $z_k, z_m$ capture $z_j - z_k * z_m$
                  • $A_j = e_k$, $B_j = e_m$, $C_j = e_j$
        • MIP for R1CS-SAT

          • View matrices $A,B,C$, as $f_A, f_B, f_C : {0,1}^{log_2m}\times {0,1}^{log_2n} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, transcript viewed as $Z : \mathbb{F}^{log_2(n)} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, and, $\forall a \in {0,1}^{log_2m}$ (i.e for each constraint) $$g_{A, B, C, Z}(a) = (\Sigma_{b \in {0,1}^{log_2n}}\tilde{f_A}(a, b)Z(b)) \cdot (\Sigma_{b \in {0,1}^{log_2(n)}}\tilde{f_B}(a,b)Z(b)) - \Sigma_{b \in {0,1}^{log_2n}}\tilde{f_C}(a, b) Z(b) = 0$$
          • Polynomial above is $log_2(m)$ variate poly. , and sum over all inputs must be $0$
            • Apply sum-check to the poly.?
            • Slight modification - Must create $h_{A, B, C, Z}$ such that, $g_{A, B, C, Z}$ vanishes on ${0,1}^{log_2(m)}$ iff $\Sigma_{b \in {0,1}^{log_2(m)}} h_{A, B, C, Z} = 0$
  • PCPs and Succint Arguments

    • IP - $\mathcal{P}$ asked questions by verifier, and $\mathcal{P}$ behaves adaptively
    • PCP - proof is $\pi$, i.e static object, that has well-defined responses to each query $q_i$ asked by $\mathcal{V}$, answers are not dependent upon $q_j, j &lt; i$
      • A PCP for $\mathcal{L}$, is $(\mathcal{V}, \pi, x)$, $\pi \in \Sigma^l$
        • completeness - For every $x \in \mathbb{L}$, there exists a $\pi \in \Sigma^l$, where $Pr[\mathcal{V}^{\pi} = 1] \geq 1 - \delta_c$
        • soundness - For every $x \not\in \mathcal{L}$ and each proof string $\pi \in \Sigma^l$, $Pr[\mathcal{V}^{\pi}(x) = 1] \leq \delta_s$
    • MIP -> PCP

      • Suppose $\mathcal{L} \subset {0,1}^*$ has a $k$-prover MIP, where to each $\mathcal{P}_i$ $\mathcal{V}$ sends a single query of size $r_Q$, and response size of $r_A$, then the PCP has length $k * 2^{r_Q}$
        • I.e for each prover, PCP has to accomodate all possible queries that $\mathcal{V}$ could have sent. (NON-interactive?), i.e MIP $\mathcal{P}$ can act adaptively, and lessen problem space to set of questions that $\mathcal{V}$ has asked
        • Prover run-time increase significantly from MIP, verifier run-time is the same
    • PCP -> succint argument?

      • I.e want to have a succint PCP for CS of ${\mathcal{C}, x, y}$
        • With GKR (IP), send PC of $\tilde{w}$, and evaluate GKR on $\mathcal{C}(x, w) = y$
      • Any PCP -> SA
        • Any PCP -> 4 message argument system for all of NP
        • Each communication step (Oracle samples), $O(log(n))$ hash values (merkle-proof?)
        • Applying FS, yields NIP in ROM
      • intuition
        • Prover makes $\pi$ (PCP), and forms merkle tree w/ leaves as evaluations of $\pi$ for all possible evaluations (i.e charaters of string) (COMMIT PHASE)
        • $\mathcal{V}$ simulates PCP-verifier, and requests evaluations from merkle tree at all specified evaluations from PCP-verification
        • completeness - Triv.
        • soundness - Rely on collision resistance, i.e intractable for prover to find collisions, thus if $\mathcal{P}$ sends $C(\pi)$ it is impossible to send $\pi'(q_i)$ for any $i$, unless $\pi'(q_i) = \pi(q_i)$
      • question
        • Commitment to $\pi$, $C(\pi)$ (if it is merkle VC), how to address LDT? For $\pi$
          • I.e $\mathcal{V}$ has no assurance that leaves are all / only evaluations of $\pi$? Choose random evaluation
      • Witness Extraction of PCP / Knowledge Soundness

        • As long as underlying PCP is KS, the FS + succinct PCP is also Knowledge sound, thus it is a SNARK
      • MIP -> PCP

        • Can transform MIP using SC over $h_{x, y, Z}$ (where $x, y$ is input/output, and $Z$ is MLE of transcript), into a PCP, where $\pi$ is set of all possible evaluations of $Z$ (restricted to line),
  • Interactive Oracle Proofs

    • Messages sent from $\mathcal{P}$ are not read in full by $\mathcal{V}$
      • i.e leads to sub-linear time verifier strategies
    • Polynomial IOPs

      • Let $m_i$ be a message from $\mathcal{P}$ that is not read in full by $\mathcal{V}$,
        • $m_i$ represented as string, and $\mathcal{O}$, oracle to give query access to symbols of $m_i$
      • In polynomial IOP, special messages (messages not fully processed by $\mathcal{V}$), represented as poly. $h_i$ over $\mathbb{F}$ w/ max degree $d_i$
        • Poly. usually uni-variate
        • Max degree generally large, For R1CS may be as large as $S$ (prefer to send commitment)
      • Steps for obtaining SNARK
        1. Design poly. IOP for circuit / R1CS-SAT
        2. Replace special messages w/ poly. commitment scheme
        3. Apply FS
      • IP / MIP as poly. IOP?
    • Polynomial IOP for R1CS-SAT

      • Univariate Sum-Check

        • Results in constant rounds (as opposed to $O(log(n))$ rounds in MV-SC)
        • description
          • fact - Let $\mathbb{F}$ be finite field, and $H \subset \mathbb{F}$ a MG where $O(H) = n$, then $\Sigma_{a \in H} q(a) = q(0) * H$
            • Notice, for $\Pi_{a \in H} (x - a) = X^n - 1$, coeff of $X^{n - 1}$ is $\Sigma_{a \in H} a = 0$
              • Thus for $q(X) = X, \Sigma_{a \in H} q(a) = 0$
            • Similarly, for $q(X) = X^m$ where $gcd(m, n) = 0$, let $\langle h \rangle = H \rightarrow \langle h^m \rangle = H$, then $\Sigma_{a \in H} q(a) = \Sigma_{a \in H} (h^m)^j = \Sigma_{a \in H} a = 0$
            • For $q(X) = X^m$ where $gcd(m, n) =d$, $\langle h^m \rangle = H' \subset H$, i.e $h^m$ generates sub-grp of $H$, and $\Sigma_{a \in H}q(a) = (1 + h + h^2 + \cdots + h^d) \Sigma_{a \in H'}q(a) = 0$
            • Thus for $q(a) = \Sigma_i q_i a^{i}$, $\Sigma_{a \in H} q(a) = \Sigma_i q_i\Sigma_{a \in H} a^i = \Sigma_{a \in H} q_0 = q(0)*H$
          • Let $\mathbb{Z}H(X) = \Pi{a \in H} (X - a)$ (poly vanishes on $H$)
          • $\Sigma_{a \in H} p(a) = 0 \iff p(X) = q(X)(X^n - 1) + X \cdot f(X)$
            • Forward
              • Triv
            • Converse
              • Triv
            • Intuition, the same as proving that $p(0) = 0$, i.e $p(X)$ has no constant term
      • Problem
        • For USC, where $\Sigma_{a \in H} p(a) = 0$,
          • Problem of committing to $p(a) = 0$, is triv. prover j commits to some poly. where $q(0) = 0$, how to get around this?
        • Commit to $q(x), f(X)$ (above), and prove evaluations at some random point co-incide
      • Second Problem
        • Why not use MIP for R1CS? Requires $O(log(m)log(n))$ rounds, i.e for each constraint have to send $log(n)$-variate poly.
        • Instead, only send uni-variate poly. that results in constant rounds
      • description
        • Given $A, B, C$ R1CS instance, and $z$ (witness), let $\hat{z}$ be the uni-variate extension of $z$, $\hat{z_A}, \hat{z_B}, \hat{z_C}$ the analogous univariate extensions of $Az, Bz, Cz$
          • Thus $\forall h \in H, \hat{z_A}(h) \cdot \hat{Z_B}(h) = \hat{z_C}(h)$
            • Then $\hat{z_A}\cdot \hat{z}_B - \hat{z}_C = h^*(X) \cdot \mathbb{Z}_H(X)$ ( apply schwartz-zippel and check eval at random)
          • $h \in H, M \in {A, B, C}, \hat{z_M}(h) = \Sigma_{j \in H}M_{h, j}\hat{z}(j)$
        • Checking $M \in {A, B, C}$, let $\hat{M}(X, Y)$ denote bi-variate MLE of $M$, thus $\hat{z}M(X) = \Sigma{j \in H}\hat{M}(X, j)\hat{z}(j)$
          • Then $q(Y) = \hat{M}(r', Y)\hat{z}(Y) - \hat{z}M(r')O(H)^{-1}$, $\Sigma{X \in H}q(X) = 0$
            • Apply univariate sum-check (constant number of rounds)
        • $\mathcal{V}$ has to compute $\hat{M}(r', r'')$ (is this hard?)
    • FRI poly commit

  • ZK via Commit And Prove

  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Arguments

    • Verifier learns nothing from $\mathcal{P}$ apart from validity of statement being proven
      • Existence of simulator - Given inputs to be proved, produces distribution over transcripts indistinguishable from the distribution over transcripts produced when $\mathcal{V}$ interacts with honest prover
    • Let $\mathcal{P}$, $\mathcal{V}$ be a PS, then it is zero-knowledge if $\forall, \hat{\mathcal{V}}$ (poly. time verifier), there exists a PPT $S$, where $\forall x \in \mathcal{L}$, the distribution of the output $S(x)$ is indistinguishable from $View(\mathcal{P}(x), \hat{\mathcal{V}}(x))$ (distribution of all transcripts from execution of $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$)
      • perfect zero-knowledge - $S(X), View_{\hat{\mathcal{V}}}(\mathcal{P}(x), \hat{\mathcal{V}}(x))$ are the same (transcripts determined by randomness from $\mathcal{V}$)
      • statistical zero-knowledge - the statistical distance is negligible, i.e $1/2 \Sigma_{m \in \mathcal{M}}|Pr[S(x) = m] - Pr[View_{\hat{\mathcal{V}}}(x) = m]|$
        • i.e given a poly. number of samples from $\mathcal{L}$, the verifier is unable to determine if the distributions are diff.
      • computational zero knowledge - statistical distance can also be defined as max. over all algorithms $\mathcal{A} : D\rightarrow {0,1}$ ($D$ is random variable), then $|Pr_{y \leftarrow D_1}[\mathcal{A}(y) = 1] - Pr_{y \leftarrow D_2}[\mathcal{A}(y) = 1]|$
    • honest v. dishonest verifier zero-knowledge
      • Above definition, requires existence of simulator for all verifiers $\hat{\mathcal{V}}$ (even malicious verifiers)
      • Can also have honest verifier, i.e works for prescribed verifier strategy
    • plain zero-knowledge v. auxiliary input zero-knowledge
      • If $\hat{\mathcal{V}}$ is dis-honest, and may return responses to $\mathcal{P}$ according to some auxiliary input $x$, and a simulator exists $S(x, z)$ (for auxiliary input $z$), then the protocol is satisfies auxiliary zero-knowledge
      • Distinction of plain v. auxiliary irrelevant after applying fiat-shamir transform
    • Graph Non-Isomorphism Proof

      • graph isomorphism - Let $G_1, G_2$ be graphs, and $\pi : V_1 \rightarrow V_2$, then $G_1 \cong G_2 \iff (e_1 = (v_1, v_2) \in E_1 \iff e_1' = (\pi(v_1), \pi(v_2)) \in E_2)$
      • protocol
        • $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$ begin with $G_1, G_2$
        • Round 1: $\mathcal{V}$ randomly chooses permutation $\pi : {1, \cdots, n} \rightarrow {1, \cdots, n}$ and $b \in {1, 2}$, and sends $\pi(G_b)$ to $\mathcal{P}$
          • Notice $\pi(G_b) \cong G_b$, thus $\mathcal{P}$ if $G_1 \not \cong G_2$ can efficiently determine which of $G_1, G_2$, $G_b$ is isomorphic to
          • Otherwise, if $G_1 \cong G_2$, then $\mathcal{P}$ cannot determine what $G_b$ is, and has $1/2$ chance at guessing
        • Two cases
          • Fix $\hat{\mathcal{V}}$, and $S(x)$ which on graph non-isomprphism correctly sends $b$ to verifier
          • On iso-morphism, randomly sends $b'$ back to $\mathcal{V}$ (using same distribution as $\mathcal{P}$)
      • Not zero-knowledge against dis-honest verifiers
        • $\hat{\mathcal{V}}$ can know that $H \cong G_1 \lor H \cong G_2$, and can send $H$ to $\mathcal{P}$ + random $G_b$ depending on response from $\mathcal{P}$, can learn which $H$ is IM to.
    • Additional Intuition

      • Given axioms + inference rules, and $x$ input, a proof is $\pi = (x, m_0, \cdots, m_n)$, where each $m_i$ is derived from $x \cup_{j &lt; i} m_j$
      • soundness - Can't prove incorrect statements (i.e $x \not \in \mathcal{L}$, but $\mathcal{P}$ convinces $\mathcal{V}$ that $x \in \mathcal{L}$)
      • completeness - If $x \in \mathcal{L}$, $\mathcal{P}$ can prove this to any $\mathcal{V}$
    • Quadratic Residue proof

      • $\mathcal{P}$ + $\mathcal{V}$ know $x \in \mathbb{Z}^_p$, $\mathcal{P}$ knows $s \in \mathbb{Z}^_p$ where $x \equiv s^2 (p)$ (quadratic residue)
      • Round 1. $\mathcal{P}$ sends $r \leftarrow \mathbb{Z}^*_p, r^2$ to $\mathcal{V}$, $\mathcal{V}$ sends $b \leftarrow {0,1}$
      • Round 2. if $b = 0$, $\mathcal{P}$ sends $r$, otherwise $rs$, then $\mathcal{V}$ performs the following check, $z = x^br^2 = p$, where $p$ is the value sent from $\mathcal{P}$
      • intuition
        • soundness - Less than $1/2$ (can be increased by repeating experiment)
          • The case where $\mathcal{P}$ is acting correctly naturally satisfies the above.
          • Suppose $x \not\in QR_n$, and $\hat{\mathcal{P}}$ is not acting according to the protocol
            • If $u^2 = y \in QR_n$ (value sent to $\mathcal{V}$ in round 1.), then if $b = 1$ (prob 1/2), then then if $z^2 = xu^2$, then $(zu^{-1})^2 = x$ (contradiction), so the prover fails
            • If $y \not \in QR_n$, then with prob. $1/2$, $b = 0$, and the prover obv. fails
        • completeness - Triv.
      • Is it zero-knowledge? How to properly define the simulator?
        • $S(x)$ defined as follows
          • Fix $b' \leftarrow {0,1}$, $r \leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_m^*$
          • if $b' = 0$, then $x' = r^2$
  • Schnorr's $\Sigma$-Protocol for knowledge of DLog

    • Schnorr Identification Protocol

    • Solve
      • Prover has knowledge of Dlog of grp. element
      • Prover commits to group element w/o revealing grp. element to verifier
    • Consider set of relations $\mathcal{R}$, where $(h,w) \in \mathcal{R}$ specify set of instance-witness pairs
      • Example, given $\langle g \rangle = \mathbb{G}$, then $\mathcal{R}_{DL}(\mathbb{G}, g)$ is the set of $(h,w)$, where $h = g^w$
    • $\Sigma$-protocol for $\mathcal{R}$ is a 3-message PC protocol, where $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$ know $h$ (public input), and $\mathcal{P}$ knows $w, (h,w) \in \mathcal{R}$
      • Protocol consists of 3-messages, $(a, e, z)$
      • Perfect completeness
    • special soundness - There exists PPT $\mathcal{Q}$, where when given $(a, e, z)$, and $(a, e', z')$ (accepting transcripts), where $e \not= e'$, $\mathcal{Q}$ outputs, $(h,w) \in \mathcal{R}$
      • Useful for witness extraction (proving knowledge-soundness)
    • attempt protocol
      • $\mathcal{R}_{DL} = {(h,w) : h = g^w}$
      • $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$ know $h, g$, $\mathcal{P}$ hold $(h,w)$
      • Attempt (not, specially sound)
        • $\mathcal{P}$, chooses $a \in \mathbb{G}, a = g^r, r \in {0, \cdots, n -1}$, and $z = (w + r)$
        • $\mathcal{V}$ checks that $ha = g^z$
        • Complete
        • Zero-knowledge
          • Take $S(h)$, where $z$ is randomly chosen, and $a = g^zh^{-1}$, i.e $S$ does not have to know $w$, but can still output $(a, z)$ which are randomly distributed ($z$ has same dist. as $a$)
        • For above reason not sound, take $P^* = S(h)$
    • protocol
      • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $a = g^r, r \leftarrow^R {0, \cdots, n - 1}$ to $\mathcal{V}$
      • $\mathcal{V}$ sends $e \leftarrow^R {0, \cdots, n - 1}$ to $\mathcal{P}$
      • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $z =(ew + r)$ to $\mathcal{V}$ checks that $ah^e = g^{z}$
    • Completeness - triv.
    • Soundness
      • Let $(a, e, z), (a, e', z')$ be two accepting transcripts, then $w = \frac{z - z'}{e - e'}$
    • Zero-knowledge -
      • Have to fix poly. time simulator $S$, where $e, z \leftarrow {0,\cdots, n - 1}$, and $a = g^z(h^e)^{-1}$
  • Fiat-Shamir in $\Sigma$-protocols

    • If $(a, e, z)$ is the transcript from a $\Sigma$-P $\mathcal{I}$, and $\mathcal{Q}$ be the NI argument obtained from applying FS, where $e = R(h, a)$
      • Notice, by special-soundness, a witness $w$ can be obtained from $\mathcal{Q}$ by executing twice, contradicting intractibility of $\mathcal{R}$
    • Creating argument of knowledge from $\Sigma$-Protocol via FS

  • Commitment Schemes

    • Two parties, $\mathcal{P}$ (comitter), $\mathcal{V}$ (verifier)
    • binding - Once $\mathcal{P}$ sends $\mathcal{C}(m)$, $\mathcal{P}$ cannot open the commitment to anything else, i.e $\mathcal{C}(m_1) \not= \mathcal{C}(m_2)$
    • hiding - $\mathcal{C}(m)$ shld not reveal any information abt. $m$
    • Composed of algs. KeyGen, Commit, Verify
      • KeyGen -> $(ck, vk)$, where $vk$ is the public verification key
      • $c = Commit(m, ck)$
      • $Verify(vk, Commit(m, ck), m') = 1 \iff m = m'$ (can also come in statistical / computational flavors), i.e $Pr[A|m \not= m'] \leq negl$
    • Commitment Scheme From Sigma Protocol

      • hard relation - Let $\mathcal{R}$ be a relation, then it is hard if for $(h, w) \in \mathcal{R}$, is output by an efficient randomized algo., then no poly. algo. exists that when given $h$, can output $(h, w') \in \mathcal{R}$ (except w/ negl. prob.)
        • I.e no efficient algo. for identifying witness $w$ for instance $h$, wher $(h, w) \in \mathcal{R}$
        • Example, let $\mathbb{G}$ be a finitely generated group w/ order $p$ (prime), and $\mathcal{R}_g = {(h, r): h = g^r}, \langle g \rangle = \mathbb{G}$ (assume DLOG)
      • $\Sigma$-protocol for hard-relation can be used to obtain perfectly hiding, computationally binding commitment scheme
      • Damgard
        • Retrieve CS from schnorr $\Sigma$-protocol
        • $(h,w) \leftarrow Gen$, $ck = vk = h$, i,e $h = g^w$
          • $w$ is considered toxic-waste (i.e must be removed otherwise, binding is not satisfied)
          • Construction of SRS?
        • To commit to $m$
          • Committer runs simulator to obtain $S(h, m) = (a, m, z)$, send $a$ as commitment
            • Notice $S$ (simulator) is specially-HVZK, i.e can also take $m$ (challenge) and generate indistinguishable challenges
        • Verification
          • Send $m, z$, verifier runs $\Sigma$ on $(a, m, z)$
            • Notice, $S(h, m) = (a, m, z)$, where $z \leftarrow^{R} \mathbb{G}$, i.e $a = (h^m)^{-1}g^z$
        • pederson commitments
          • Apply Damgard trans. to Schnorr $\Sigma$ protocol (common params are $\langle g \rangle = \mathbb{G}, \langle h \rangle = \mathbb{G}$)
          • $\mathcal{P}$ wants to commit to $m$, $\mathcal{C} = g^m h^z$ (notice, $g^m$ is also a hiding / binding commitment, $z$ is essentially salt)
          • $\mathcal{P}$ opens via $(m,z)$
      • Properties
        • Perfectly hiding
          • Commitment $a$ is independent from $m$ (challenge)
        • Correctness

        • Computational Binding
          • Special soundness of $\Sigma$, implies that if $(a, m', z'), (a, m, z) \in \mathcal{R}$, then witness extraction is poly. time computable hardness of $\mathcal{R}$ is violated
      • $(h, _)$ (cvk, vrk) can be generated transparently, as long as generator $h$ is chosen, choose $h' \leftarrow^{R} \mathbb{G}$, and no toxic waste exists
    • pederson commitments
      • Additively HM
        • I.e for $m_1, m_2$, where $c(m_1) = (a_1, m_1, z_1)$, and $a_1 = g^{z_1}h^{-m_1}$
          • $c(m_1 + m_2) = a_1a_2 = g^{z_1}h^{-m_1}g^{z_2}h^{-m_2}$
      • how to make PC hide the message? (HVZK)
        • In above protocol $m$ is revealed in opening info... how to open commitment $c$ without revealing $m$?
          • Even better, prove knowledge of opening (but don't open commitment)
        • Goal- $\mathcal{P}$ proves to $\mathcal{V}$, that it knows $m, z$, where $c = g^mh^{z} = Com(m, z)$
        • protocol (notice this is the opening procedure for $\mathcal{C} = PC(m, z) = g^m h^z$)
          • $\mathcal{P}$, $d, r \leftarrow^{R} \mathbb{Z}$, sends $a = g^dh^r = Com(d, r)$
          • $\mathcal{V}$ sends $e \leftarrow \mathbb{Z}$ to $\mathcal{P}$
          • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $(me + d, ze + r)$, and $g^{me + d}h^{ze + r} = (g^mh^z)^e a = c^ea$
  • Masking Polynomials

    • commit and prove
      • $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{V}$ want to agree on $\mathcal{C}(x, w) = 1$, then $\mathcal{P}$ can commit to $Com(w)$ to $\mathcal{V}$, execute $\mathcal{C}(x, w) = 1$
        • $\mathcal{P}$ sends PCs to all $w_i$, and for each multiplication gate in $\mathcal{C}_x$
          • Round 1. Use HVZK opening of $w_i$ to prove opening
          • Round 2. For height $h$, take comms from $h - 1$ if addition add comms, if mult. $\mathcal{P}$ sends comms
          • Final round, use schnorr for ZK knowledge of PC to $y$
    • Adaptations (ZK via Masking Poly.)

      • How to reduce number of commitments to be sub-linear in witness size + multiplicative
        • Commit to $\tilde{w}$ using extractable poly. commitment (FRI, bulletproofs, KZG, etc.)
      • ZK sum-check

  • Poly Commitments from KZG

    • Bilinear pairings
      • Not all curves (grps.) on which the DLP is hard have efficiently computable bilinear pairings defined over them
      • Grp. operations in pairing friendly grps. tend to be slower
    • DDH (Decisional Diffie Helman) - Given $\langle g \rangle = \mathbb{G}$, and $g^a, g^b$ it is hard to determine $g^{ab}$
    • KZG
      • Let $e : \mathbb{G} \times \mathbb{G} \rightarrow \mathbb{G}^t$ be BP, $o(\mathbb{G}) = p$ (prime), and $g \in \mathbb{G}$
      • structured reference string - Let $\tau \in \mathbb{F}_p$ (toxic waste), srs is $g^{\tau}, g^{\tau^2}, \cdots, g^{\tau^D}$ ($D$ is max deg. of poly. committed to)
        • $\tau$ is toxic waste, i.e if $\tau$ is exposed, binding is broken
      • To commit to poly. $q = \Sigma_i a_i x^i$, send $g^{q(\tau)} = \Pi_i (g^{\tau^i})^{a_i}$ (computable via composition of SRS elements)
        • Suppose $q(v) = z$, then $q(x) - z$ has a root at $v$, then $(X - v) | q(X) - z$, and $w(X)(X - v) = q(X) - z$, and $w(\tau)(\tau - v) = q(\tau) - z$ (notice prob. of finding root is $n / \mathbb{F}$)
        • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $g^{w(\tau)}$, $\mathcal{V}$, checks that $e(cg^{-z}, g) = e(g^{q(\tau) - z}, g) = e(y, g^\tau g^{-v}) = e(g^{w(\tau)}, g^{\tau - v})$
      • binding
        • Suppose $q(v) \not= z$, then $w(X) = \frac{q(X) - z}{X - v}$ is not poly. rather rational fn. $w(X) = q'(X)/(X - v)$ (how to compute given only SRS?), i.e need to send $g^{(q(tau) - z) / \tau - v}$
        • Given $\tau$, it is easy to compute ${(\tau - z)^{-1}}$, and then send $c = g^{(q(\tau) - z)^{(\tau - z)^{-1}}}$
        • If $c$ is KZG commitment to $q$, that can be opened to $v, v', v \not = v'$, then SDH is violated
        • intuition
          • binding - If $\mathcal{P}$ can open $\mathcal{C}(q)$ to $v, v', v \not = v'$, SDH is violated
            • that is, $\mathcal{P}$ sent $w(\tau)$, $w'(\tau), q(\tau) - v' = w(\tau)(\tau - z)$, and $q(\tau) - v = w'(\tau) (\tau - z)$, thus $\mathcal{P}$ can solve for $\tau - z$
    • Knowledge Extraction

      • Polynomial Knowledge Extraction
        • Intuitive - For every $\mathcal{P}$ that succesfully answers challenges from $\mathcal{V}$, $\mathcal{P}$ must know a satisfactory poly.
        • formal - There exists $\mathcal{A}$ (efficient adversary) that can extract a $p$ from $c$, that satisfies all openings of $c$ (evaluations)
          • Have to show construction of $p$?
          • Rewinding access?
        • binding - Only shows that openings are unique for queries, how to show that openings are evaluations of poly?
      • first attempt
        • Modify SRS by $(g,g^{\alpha}, g^{\tau}, g^{\alpha \tau}, \cdots, g^{\tau^d}, g^{\alpha \tau^d})$, where $\tau, \alpha \leftarrow \mathbb{F}_p$
        • PKOE (Power Knowledge of Exponent)
          • Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a ppt alg. given access to SRS (modified SRS above), that outputs $g_1, g_2 \in \mathbb{G}$, where $g_1 = g_2^{\alpha}$
          • Then it must be the case that $\mathcal{A}$ constructed $g_1 = \Pi (g^{\tau_i})^{c_i}$, thus $g_2 = \Pi_i (g^{\tau_i})^{\alpha c_i}$
            • Algo. must know $c_i$ to satisfy relation
            • I.e no efficient prover can retrieve $\alpha$ from SRS (thus only way to construct elements w/ given relation is thru SRS)
        • protocol
          • KZG commitment is $(U = g^{q(\tau)}, V = g^{\alpha q(\tau)})$, same check as above for opening w/ $w(\tau), z$, and additional check that $e(U, g^{\alpha}) = e(g, V)$
        • How is it extractable?
          • Guarantees that $U$ is composition of SRS (which are exponents), must be linear, thus it is a poly. :)
        • Extractor
          • Given $U, V, U^{\alpha} = V$, there must be $c_i$, such that $U = \Pi_i (g^{\tau_i})^{c_i}$, thus extract $p(X) = \Sigma_i c_i X^i$
        • Non-falsifiable
          • Given $(g_1, g_2)$, how can challenger verify that $\mathcal{P}$ knows $c_i$? It cannot, no attack game exists to verify
          • All zk-SNARKS for ACS based on non-falsifiable assumptions
    • Generic / Algebraic Group Model

      • AGM
        • Given $g' \in \mathbb{G}$, constructed as composition of known grp. elements $(L_1, \cdots, L_n)$ (thus unmodified KZG in AGM is extractable)
  • Linear PCPs And Succint Arguments

    • Short PCPs for arguments of knowledge (length quasilinear in circuint (witness) size)
    • Can transform to succint argument, by merkle hashing symbols of $\pi$
    • problem
      • Prover still has compute $\pi$ (all symbols) and commit to it (any way for $\mathcal{P}$ to get around this?)
        • Yes, if proof has specific structure (linearity)
    • Linear PCPs

      • $\pi$ represented as function evaluation table $\mathbb{F}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, where for queries $q_1, q_1$, $\pi(d_1 q_1 + d_2 q_2) = d_1 \pi(q_1) + d_2 \pi(q_2)$
      • Proof
        • $\mathcal{P}$ commits to $\pi$ (leverages linearity so that it doesn't have to evaluate all of $\pi$)
        • $\mathcal{V}$ interactively issues queries to $\pi$, and receives openings
        • Can't be rendered non-interactive (no public coin randomness)
      • GGPR (yields snark), w/ proof length of $|\mathbb{F}|^{O(S)}$ + can be turned interactive (SNARK)
      • characteristics
        • If $len(\pi) = L$, then choice of symbol from $\mathcal{V}$ is $log(L)$
          • Represent queries in terms of SRS (at least in commit phase)
          • Each SRS dependent upon circuit being proved (diff. circuits require diff trusted-setup)
    • tools
      • Homo-morphic encryption, i.e $Enc(d_1m_1 + d_2m_2) = d_1Enc(m_1) + d_2Enc(m_2)$
    • Commitment To Linear PCP

      • Let $\pi : \mathbb{F}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$
        • Question: how to commit to $\pi$, and open commitment to queries $q_1, \cdots, q_k$
      • Commit Phase
        • $\mathcal{V}$ sends $(Enc(r_1), \cdots, Enc(r_v)) \in \mathbb{F}^v$ to $\mathcal{P}$
          • $\pi(r) = \Sigma_i d_i r_i = \langle d, r \rangle$, thus $Enc(\pi(r)) = \Sigma_i d_i Enc(r_i)$
        • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $Enc(\pi(r))$ (notice $\mathcal{P}$ does not know $r$ (Enc is Semantically Secure)) (analog of hiding for encryption schemes)
        • $\mathcal{V}$ decrypts $s = Enc(\pi(r))$ to get $\pi(r)$
        • notice
          • What if $\mathcal{V}$ sent $\mathcal{C}(r_i)$ (assume $\mathcal{C}$ is additively HM CS), then $\mathcal{P}$ can compute $\mathcal{C}(\pi(r))$ (how does $\mathcal{V}$ open $\mathcal{C}(\pi(r))$)?
      • Reveal Phase
        • Now $\mathcal{V}$ requests answers to queries $q^{(i)}$, and $q^* = r + \Sigma_i \alpha_i q_i$
        • $\mathcal{P}$ responds w/ $a_i = \pi(q_i)$, and $a^* = \pi(q^*)$
        • $\mathcal{V}$ checks that $a^* = \pi(r) + \Sigma \alpha_i a_i$
      • binding
        • $\mathcal{P}$ after sending commitment must answer all of $\mathcal{V}$'s queries using the same fn. $\pi$
          • Only way to violate, is to know $\alpha_i$, and prover can retrieve $r$ from $q^*$ (violates SS of Enc)?
        • When k = 1

          • Only one query $q$, and $q^* = r + \alpha q$
          • binding
            • If $\mathcal{V}$ sends $q, q^* = r + \alpha q$, and $q, \hat{q} = r + \alpha ' q$, and $\mathcal{P}$ responds w/ $a, a'$ (answers to $q$), then $a = a'$ (otherwise SS of $Enc$ is broken, i.e $\mathcal{P}$ knows $r$)
          • What happens in prover knows $\alpha, \alpha'$
            • Suppose $\mathcal{P}$ gets $q, q^* = r + \alpha q, \hat{q} = r + \alpha' q$, then all $\mathcal{P}$ has is that $\hat{q} - q^* = (\alpha - \alpha')q$, then if $r' = r - cq$, $\alpha + c, \alpha' + c$ satisfy above inequality
            • Thus to identify $\alpha, \alpha'$ (with more than randomly guessing), $\mathcal{P}$ must know smth abt $r$ (i.e some bound on $c$) (violates semantic security of $Enc$)
          • What happens if $\mathcal{P}$ responds w/ $a, a', a \not = a'$
            • Suppose prover responds w/ $a, a^$ from $q, q^ = r + \alpha q$, and $a', \hat{a}$ from $q, \hat{a} = r + \alpha' q$, then $a^* - \hat{a} = \alpha a - \alpha' a'$, and $\mathcal{P}$ has that $q^* - \hat{q} = (\alpha - \alpha')q$
              • Two lin ind. equations in two unknowns, and solve for $\alpha, \alpha'$, thus $\mathcal{P}$ must have known smth abt $r$ SS broken...
      • Linear PCP for ACS

        • Let ${\mathcal{C}, x, y}$, let $W \in \mathbb{F}^S$ be assignment of values to gates in execution
        • constraints
          • Constraints placed on $W$, $W$ is correct execution iff $l = S + |y| - |w|$ constraints
            • For in-gate $a$, $W_a - x_a = 0$
            • Out gate $a$, $W_a - y_a = 0$
            • Add-gate $a$, $W_a - (W_{in_{left}(a)} + W_{in_{right}(a)}) = 0$
            • Mult-gate $a$, $W_a - W_{in_{left}(a)}W_{in_{right}(a)} = 0$
          • Constraints are of form $Q_a(W)$, (poly. in entries of $W$), i.e $deg(Q_a(W)) \leq 2$ (mult is non-linear?)
        • Not all constraints are non-linear :( (get around this via hadamard encoding)
          • I.e take $(W, W \otimes W)$), vector of length $S + S^2$, where $W \otimes W$ represents, $W_i W_j$ (set of all multiplication gates)
          • Defined $f_{(W, W \otimes W)} = \langle \cdot, (W, W \otimes W) \rangle$ (linear functional on $W, W \otimes W$)
        • $\pi$ represents all evaluations of $f_{(W, W \otimes W)}$ (of size $\mathbb{F}^{S + S^2}$)
        • Checks
          • Linearity (must check that $\pi$ is linear)
            • Probe $\mathcal{P}$ with $q_1, q_2$, check that $\pi(q_1 + q_2) = \pi(q_1) + \pi(q_2)$
          • Must check that $\pi$ is of form $f_{W, W \otimes W}$ for transcript $W$
            • $\mathcal{V}$ chooses $q_3, q_4$, and requests $\pi(q_3, \cdots), \pi(q_4, \cdots)$, and $\pi(\cdots, q_3 \otimes q_4)$
            • $\mathcal{V}$ checks that $\pi(q_3, \cdots) \pi(q_4, \cdots) = \langle q_3, \cdots \rangle \langle q_4, cdots \rangle = \Sigma_i W_i q_i^{(3)} \Sigma_j W_j q_j^{(4)} = \pi(\cdots, q_3 \otimes q_4)$
          • Must check all $l = S+ |y| - |w|$ constraints
            • Must check that $Q_i(W) = 0, \forall i$, avoid querying $l$ constraints? Instead make single query
            • I.e choose $\alpha_i$, and expect $\Sigma_i \alpha_q Q_i(W) = 0$, deg 2 ML in $W$, thus Schwartz Zippel insinuates that only $2$ points where poly. can be zero (if not uniformly)
            • Also is linear in $(W, W \otimes W)$, and can be evaluated in single query to $\pi$
        • All queries combined w/ Linear PCP commit / reveal scheme
      • GGPR

        • Above protocol w/ linear PCPs requires PCP len $\Theta(S^2)$, GGPR leads to $O(S)$ (also solves more general R1CS)
        • R1CS
          • Given matrices $A, B, C$ R1CS-sat iff, $\exists z, (A \cdot z) \odot (B \cdot z) = C \cdot z$
            • $A, B, C \in Mat(m \times l)$ (l constraints, $M = S - |w| + |y|$ variables)
            • Can reduce to equation, where $A_i$ ($i$-th row of $A$) $l$ constraints of form $\langle A_i, z \rangle \langle B_i, z \rangle = \langle C_i, z \rangle$
        • goal
          • define $g_z$ univariate poly. vanishing on $H \subset \mathbb{F}$ (multiplicative grp.) iff $z$ is witness to $A, B, C$
        • Protocol

          • $H = {\sigma_1, \cdots, \sigma_l} \subset \mathbb{F}$ arbitrary constants (one for each constraint)
          • Define $\mathcal{A_j}$ (interpolation of $j-th$ column of $A$), i.e $A_j(\sigma_i) = A_{i,j}$, (Sum of Lagrange bases for $A_{i}$)
          • Define poly vanishing over $H$, iff $z$ is witness to R1CS
            • $g_z(t) = (\Sigma_{j \in 1, \cdots, S} z_j \mathcal{A}j(t))(\Sigma{j \in 1, \cdots S} z_j \mathcal{B}j(t)) - \Sigma{j \in 1, \cdots, S} z_j \mathcal{C}_j(t)$
            • Thus for $\Sigma_i$, $g_z(\sigma_i) = (\Sigma_{1, \cdots S} z_j \mathcal{A}j(\sigma_i))(\Sigma{1, \cdots S} z_j \mathcal{B}j(\sigma_i)) - (\Sigma{1, \cdots S} z_j \mathcal{C}j(\sigma_i)) = (\Sigma{j \in S} z_j A_{i, j})(\Sigma_{j \in S} z_j B_{i, j}) - \Sigma_{j \in S} z_j C_{i, j} = \langle A_i, z \rangle \langle B_i, z \rangle - \langle C_i, z \rangle$
          • Proof
            • Notice, $deg(g_z(t)) \leq 2(l - 1)$ (i.e $deg(\mathcal{A}_i) = deg(\mathcal{B}_i) = deg(\mathcal{C}_i) = l - 1$), thus if $g_z(t)$ vanishes on $H, |H| = 1$, $\mathbb{Z}H = \Pi{\alpha \in H} (t - \alpha)$, $g_z(t) = h^(t)\mathbb{Z}_H(t)$, where $deg(h^) \leq deg(g_z(t)) - deg(\mathbb{Z_H(t)}) = l - 2$, thus choose random evaluation and apply SZ
            • $\pi$ consists of $f_{coeff(h^)}, f_{coeff(h^)}(1, r, \cdots, r^d) = h^*(r)$, and $f_z$ s.t $g_z$ can be evaluated as follows, $f_z(\mathcal{A}_1(r), \cdots, \mathcal{A}_S(r) f_z(\mathcal{B}_1(r), \cdots, \mathcal{B}_S(r)) - f_z(\mathcal{C}_1(r), \cdots, \mathcal{C}_S(r))$
        • Non-Interactivity

          • LIP - Linear interactive proof, (results from transformation of linear-PCP), guarantees that all queries answered by same linear fn.

            • (2-message)
              • Ask all queries
              • Ask sum of queries (check equality)
          • Protocol (SNARK)

            • Above LPCP protocol is not public coin
              • Relies on priv. key known only to verifier (HM Enc fn.), if made public, then $\mathcal{P}$ is not bound to $\pi$ (how to fix?)
                • SRS!!
              • Make $\mathcal{V}$ public coin, then apply FS
            • Use SRS to get around using additive HM w/ keys unique to verifiers (SRS essentially generates this + toxic waste)
            • Trusted Setup

              • SRS (prover)
                • For each of queries $q^{(1)}, \cdots, q^{(5)}$, SRS contains $(g^{q^{(i)}_j}, g^{\alpha q^{(i)}_j})$ (i.e HM encoding of queries in basis representation ), i.e alternatively have SRS be $1, r, \cdots, r^{l - 1}$ (max degree of $\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{B}, \mathcal{C}$)
              • SRS (for verifier)
                • $g, g^{\alpha}, g^{\mathbb{Z}_H(r)}, g^{\beta_1}, g^{\beta_2}, g^{\beta_3}$
            • Protocol

              • $\mathcal{P}$ sends $(g^{f_z(q^{(1)})}, g^{\alpha f_z(q^{(1)})}), (g^{f_z(q^{(2)})}, g^{\alpha g^{q^{(2)}}}), (g^{f_z(q^{(3)})}, g^{\alpha \cdots}), (g^{f_{coeff(h^)(q^{(4)})}}, g^{\alpha f_{coeff(h^)}(q^{(4)})}), (g^{f_z(q^{(5)})}, g^{\alpha f_z(q^{(5)})})$
                • Where $q_j^{(5)} = \beta_1 q_j^{(1)} + \beta_2 q_j^{(2)} + \beta_3 q_j^{(3)}$
              • $\mathcal{V}$ checks $e(g_1, g_2) = e(g_4, g^{\mathbb{Z}_H(r)})e(g^{(3)}, g)$ (check that $g_z = \mathbb{Z}_H * h^*$)
              • $\mathcal{V}$ checks that $\Pi_{1 \leq i \leq 3}e(g^{\beta_i}, g_i) = e(g_5, g)$ (linearity check PCP -> LIP transform)
                • Notice $\beta_i$ is unknown to verifier, but $g^{\beta_i}$ is known (hence utilization of pairing checks)
              • $e(g_i, g^{\alpha}) = e(g, g_i')$ (check that response is linear comb. of SRS)
            • Assumptions

              • Knowledge of Exponent
                • Similar to PKoE, i.e given $g_i, g_i^{\alpha}$, if $\mathcal{P}$ sends $f, f^{\alpha}$, then $\mathcal{P}$ can explaing $f = \Pi g_i^{c_i}$
              • Poly-power DL is hard
                • Let $r \leftarrow \mathbb{F}_p$, then it is hard to determine $r$ from $g, g^r, \cdots, g^{r^t}$
            • what abt inputs?
          • Zero Knowledge


  • Components of ZK
    • Interaction: $\mathcal{P}$ + $\mathcal{V}$ talk back + forth
    • Hidden Randomization: $\mathcal{V}$ tosses coins that are hidden from $\mathcal{P}$, and embeds this randomness in responses
    • Computational Difficulty: $\mathcal{P}$ embeds in proofs difficulty of some other problem
  • How to achieve non-interactivity
    • Shared randomness?
  • notation
    • efficient non-uniform algorithm: sequence ${T_n}$ of turing-machines, s.t on input $x, |x| \leq n$, $O(T_n(x)) \leq n^c$ (i.e diff. input lengths have diff. TM, and TMs are aware of input lengths)
    • random selector: Random oracle, taking $(s, \mathcal{S})$, where $s$ is a seed, and $\mathcal{S}$ is a set, and outputs $r \in \mathcal{S}$ (i.e $r = RO(s, \mathcal{S})$)
    • Random Selecting algorithm: Turing machine w/ access to $RS$
      • Note strictly more powerful than access to a public-coin / Random oracle, i.e $b_i = Select(x \circ b_{i -1}, \mathcal{S})$ (appears as random coin tosses to algorithm, each draw independent of prev.)
      • Think of hash-chain
    • Quadratic Residuosity
      • $p \in \mathbb{Z}^_x$, iff $\exists q \in \mathbb{Z}^_x, p^2 \equiv q (x)$, let $\mathcal{Q}_x = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{y is QR (x)} \ 0 \end{cases}$
  • GGPR


  • Cryptograhic Pairings

    • DLP - Suppose $G = \langle P \rangle$, then given $Q = aP$, it is intractable to determine $a$ from j $Q, P$
      • Multiplicative grp. of finite field
      • Grp. of points over elliptic curve
    • Alt text
    • DHP - Given $P, aP, bP$ it is intractable to determine $abP$
      • DHP key agreement - Alice generates $aP \in G$, Bob generates $bP \in G$, and each sends their grp. element, shared key is $abP$
        • I.e each is expected to know their own exponent
    • What abt for three parties?
      • I.e $K = abcP$?

        Alt text

      • I.e effectively repeating DHP twice

    • What about a 1 round protocol for DHP w/ > 2 ppl?
      • Bilinear pairings!!
    • Bilinear Pairings
      • let $(G_1, G_T)$ be grps, $G_1$ is a cyclic grp. of prime order (additive), and $G_T$ is a multip. grp.
      • $e : G_1 \times G_1 \rightarrow G_T$ if
        • bilinearity - $r, s, t \in G_1, e(r + s, t) = e(r, t)e(s, t)$
        • non-degeneracy - $e(s, s) \not= 1_T$
      • DLP in $G_1$ -> DLP in $G_T$, fix $P, Q \in G_1, G_1 = \langle P \rangle, Q = aP$, then $e(P, Q) = e(P, xP) = e(P, P)^x$
    • Bilinear DHP
      • Let $e : G_1 \times G_1 \rightarrow G_T$ be a bilinear pairing, then given $P, aP, bP, cP$ compute $e(P, P)^{abc}$
    • Protocols
      • Three-Party one-round key agreement (generalizable to n-party) Alt text
        • Shared secret-key is $K = e(P, P)^{abc}$, Alice $a \leftarrow o(G)$ computes $e(bP, cP)^a$
        • Notice for $n-party$ there must exist pairing over $G_1^{n -1}$ (existence is open-question)
      • Short Signatures (BLS short-signatures)
        • Suppose the DLP is intractable over $G_1$, and $H : {0,1}^* \rightarrow G_1$ is hash fn.
        • Alice priv. key $a \leftarrow {1, \cdots, n -1}$, pubkey is $A = aP$, message $M = H(m)$, signature is $S = aM$, and $(P, A, M, S)$ is DDHP quad
          • i.e $e(P, S) = e(A, M)$
          • Pairings serve as check for DDHP
        • signature aggregation
          • Let $(m_i, s_i)$ signed messages generated by parties $(a_i, A_i)$, aggregate signature $S = \Sigma_i S_i$, $e(P, S) = e(P, \Sigma_i S_i) = \Pi_i e(A_i, H(m_i))$
      • Identity Based Encryption

        • Alice sends $ID_A$ and $TTP$ generates a pub-key for alice derived from $ID_A$
          • What are the criteria composing $ID_A$ that Bob uses to request the pK for Alice?
            • Can be arbitrary, credit-score, etc. policy is up to Bob and TTP for generating the pK
        • Boneh / Franklin
          • Let $e : G_1 \times G_1 \rightarrow G_T$ be BP, $H_1 : {0,1}^* \rightarrow G_1$, $H_T : G_t \rightarrow {0,1}^l$
          • TTP priv-key is $t \in {1, \cdots, o(G_1)}$, $T = tp$ is pub-key
          • Given $ID_A$ (Alices ID string), TTP sends a BLS signature $d_A = tH_1(ID_A)$ to Alice (over secure channel presumably)
          • Bob wishes to transmit $m$, to Alice, Bob fixes $r \leftarrow {1, \cdots, o(G_1)}$, $c = m \oplus H_T(e(H_1(ID_A), T)^r)$
            • Bob sends $(c, rP)$ to Alice
          • Alice verifies by $c \oplus H_T(e(d_A, R)) = c \oplus H_T(e(tH_1(ID_A), rP)) = c \oplus H_T(e(H_1(ID_A), tP)^r) = m$
  • Elliptic Curves

    • Defined over field $K$
      • weierstrass - $y^2 + a_1xy + a_3y = x^3 + a_2x^2 + a_4x + a_6$
    • Hasse's - If $K = \mathbb{F}_q$, then $(\sqrt{q} - 1)^2 \leq |E(K)| \leq (\sqrt{q} + 1)^2$
  • KZG Commitments

    • Merkle proofs form of VC (Vector Commitment), i.e given ordered sequence $(a_1, \cdots, a_n)$, send $c \leftarrow \mathcal{C}$ which serves as commitment to all ordered values, and any value / position can be opened later
    • Polynomial Commitment - Prover commits to a poly. and at any point in the future, prover can open commitment to evaluation of poly. at any point chosen by verifier
      • Hiding - Does not tell what the poly. is
      • Binding - Prover cannot trick verifier into accepting poly. commit for a different poly.
    • Commitment size is a grp. element
    • Proof size is one grp. element (~48 bytes)
    • Verification - 2 pairings + 2 grp. mult
    • Computationally hiding
    • $\langle H \rangle = \mathbb{G}_1, \langle G \rangle = \mathbb{G}_2$, order of grps. is $p$, $e : \mathbb{G}_1 \times \mathbb{G}_2 \rightarrow \mathbb{G}_T$, $[x]_1 = xG, [x]_2 = xH$
      • Pairing serves for multiplication of commitments
    • trusted setup
      • Grps. generally group of points of EC
      • Choose random $s \in \mathbb{F}_q$, and make public $[s^i]_1, [s^i]_2$, $0 \leq i \leq deg(f)$
      • $[x]_i + [y]_i = [x + y]_i$ (additive), commitment also preserved across mult. by scalar (in $\mathbb{F}_q$)
    • i.e $[p(X)]_j = [\Sigma_i a_i X^i]_j = \Sigma_i a_i [X^i]_j$
    • Commitment
      • Commitment $C = [p(s)]_1$
      • Opening commitment?
        • Fix $z \in \mathbb{F}_q$, $p(z) = y$, $q(X)(X - z) = p(X) - p(z)$
        • Then $e([q(s)]_1, [(s - z)]_2) = e(C - [p(z)]_1, H)$
    • Multi-proofs
      • Proving evaluation of poly. at multiple points $(x_0, p(x_0)), \cdots, (x_n, p(x_n))$, create $I(X)$ (lagrange interpolation poly.) for the points mentioned, then $q(s) = \frac{p(s) - I(s)}{Z(s)}$, where $Z(X) = (X - x_0)\cdots (X - x_n)$, $[q(s)]_1$ is opening to commitment
  • PCPs

    • IP - $\mathcal{P}$ asked questions by verifier, and $\mathcal{P}$ behaves adaptively
    • PCP - proof is $\pi$, i.e static object, that has well-defined responses to each query $q_i$ asked by $\mathcal{V}$, answers are not dependent upon $q_j, j &lt; i$
      • A PCP for $\mathcal{L}$, is $(\mathcal{V}, \pi, x)$, $\pi \in \Sigma^l$
        • completeness - For every $x \in \mathbb{L}$, there exists a $\pi \in \Sigma^l$, where $Pr[\mathcal{V}^{\pi} = 1] \geq 1 - \delta_c$
        • soundness - For every $x \not\in \mathcal{L}$ and each proof string $\pi \in \Sigma^l$, $Pr[\mathcal{V}^{\pi}(x) = 1] \leq \delta_s$

    • General-purpose zkps
    • trusted setup
      • Multiple people can participate, once completed once, any kind of poly. can be proven
    • arithmetization
      • Algebraic Intermediate Representation
        • Execution Traces + Constraints
          • Evolution of some computation over time
          • Representation
            • $E \in Mat(T, W)$, i.e a $W$-column, $T$-row matrix, where $W$ is the number of registers, and $T$ is the number of time-steps
              • i.e each column $f_i : T \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ (assignment of registers over time)
            • Must prove that execution trace adheres to certain constraints, i,e for fibonacci ($f_1(t + 2) = f_1(t) + f_1(t + 1)$)
              • boundary contraints
                • assertion, that register $i$ at time $t$ had value $\alpha$, i,e $(t, i, \alpha), f_i(t) = \alpha$
                • Can be used to verify input / output, etc.
              • Transition constraints
                • Poly, where $\forall j \in [T - 1], P(f_1(j), \cdots, f_w(j), f_1(j + 1), \cdots, f_w(j + 1))$
          • Recall that each column $i$, is a fn. $f_i : T \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, this function has a specific structure
            • Let $H \subset \mathbb{F}^*, O(H) = T, H = \langle \omega \rangle$, then $f_i[t] = f_i(\omega^t)$ (i.e each column's value is evaluation of polynomial at specific point in multiplicative subgrp. of $\mathbb{F}$)
          • Expressing constraints via polynomials
            • Suppose that $f_i[t]^2 = f_i[t + 1]$, then $f(X)^2 = f(X * \omega)$, notice $X \in H, x = \omega^t$ (for some $t$)
            • Suppose that constraint is satisfied at $X_1, \cdots, X_n = (\omega^{t_1}, \cdots, \omega^{t_n})$, then $(X - \omega^{t_1}) \cdots (X - \omega^{t_n})|f(X)^2 - f(X * \omega)$
            • boundary
              • $(X - \omega^t)|f_i(X) - \alpha$
            • transition
              • notice, $H = \langle \omega \rangle, O(H) = T$, thus $X^T - 1 = (\omega - X) \cdots (\omega^T - X)$
              • $(X - \omega) \cdots (X - \omega) | P(f_1(X), \cdots, f_w(X), f_1(X * \omega), \cdots, f_w(X * \omega))$
  • Statements

    • Let $\Sigma$ be alphabet, then $L \subset \Sigma^$ is language, $R : \Sigma^ \rightarrow {0,1}$ (i.e $R$ determines what words are in language $L_R$)
    • Separate into two separate languages $\Sigma_I, \Sigma_W$ (one for instances, one for witnesses), where prover constructs instance, for a specific witness, i.e prover sends, $R_w : \Sigma_I \rightarrow {0,1}$, then the verifier evaluates $R_w(I)$
      • i.e in Schnorr, instance is $(a, e, z)$ witness is $w$
  • Presentation

    • Intro to groups, rings, fields, pairings, poly., (elliptic curves?), sigma-protocols, FFT definitions of interactive, non-interactive, zk-proofs
    • Commitment Schemes
      • Pederson
      • KZG
    • Tying all together with PLONK
    • Looking forward to applications (zk-evms)
  • Presentation 1

    • Intro
      • Introduce basic direction of presentation Alt text
        • I.e - Computation -> Witness Generation -> polynomials -> single polynomial commitment -> verifiers read commitment, and can request evaluation at random points
    • Introduce definitions of zk
      • Languages, relations,
      • Interactive Proofs
        • Definition
          • Introduce polynomials?
        • Graph Non-isomorphism
        • Sum-check
          • Example using poly.
          • MLEs
            • Schwartz-Zippel
        • Example?
      • Non-interactive proofs
        • Apply Fiat-shamir transform to sum-check using random-oracle
      • Brief Intro to GKR
        • Intro to Arithmetic Circuits
          • Matrix multiplication example
      • Circuit Construction
      • SNARKs
        • $\Sigma$-protocols?
        • Commitment Schemes
          • Polynomial v. vector commitments
      • Zero-knowledge
        • Definition
          • Simulator Paradigm
        • Quadratic Non-Residue zk-proof
        • Schnorr
          • Brief intro to grp. theory

Pederson Secret Sharing

  • Distribute secret shares to $n$ ppl, where $k \leq n$ can recover the secret, but $&lt; k$ shares retrieve no (shannon info) abt the secret


  • Tying consensus layer security assumptions w/ threshold cryptography to achieve strong mempool layer privacy guarantees
    • Txs encrypted until block-finalization
    • Txs decrypted in order at block finalization
  • ferveo - DKG + TPKE protocol for TM based PoS blockchains
    • ~10ms compute per tx
  • DKG
    • Generates pub-key and $n$ priv-key shares held by set of entities (validators)
  • TPKE
    • For fixed threshold $t$, allows any subset of at least $t \subset n$ shares to decrypt messages encrypted with pub-key generated above
  • alternatives
    • Timelock Encryption - Based on VDF, requires $T$ timesteps to decrypt txs
    • TEE Encryption -
    • Witness Encryption -
  • Techniques + Design Goals

    • properties
      • Information safety: infeasible to decrypt contents of tx prior to finalization of block containing it
      • Execution Guarantee: Once a valid tx is committed to a block, it must be executed
      • Efficiency: Computationally + communication efficient to not limit thru-put + latency of network
    • bottlenecks
      • Number of key-shares linearly increases time for decryption
        • I.e large-validator set = large distribution of tokens = requires larger number of shares to align w/ validator set distribution
    • partitioning
      • Take $\lfloor\frac{power(val_i)}{total_power} * total_shares \rfloor$ (leads to some approximate error), i.e $n$ validators can be mis-allocated
        • Under-estimate stake?
    • public fees
      • Fees are public, i.e don't execute tx before block is committed, so must exhaust all of gas_limit on submission (tx-reversion possible),
      • Simulate txs before submission for approx. gas consumption determination?
    • consensus efficiency
      • Per tx, all priv-key shares must be broadcast for validator
    • maliciously crafted txs?
    • epoched staking
      • I.e must determine shares in advance for each epoch (one DKG round per epoch)
  • Crypto

    • Uses scrape
      • $scrape.Deal(bp, ek_1, \cdots, ek_n) \rightarrow pvss$, where $ek_i = [dk_i]H$, where $ek_i$ are public, but only each $P_i$ knows $dk_i$
        • Randomly uniformly select $f(x) = a_0 + a_1x + \cdots + a_tx^t$
        • $(a_i, \cdots, a_t) \leftarrow \mathbb{F}^t$
        • $F_0, \cdots, F_t \leftarrow [a_0]G, \cdots, [a_t]G$, $\langle G \rangle = \mathbb{G_1}$
        • $A_1, \cdots, A_n \leftarrow [f(\omega_1)]G, \cdots, [f(\omega_n)]G$
        • $Y_1, \cdots, Y_n \leftarrow [f(\omega_1)]ek_1, \cdots, [f(\omega_n)]ek_n$
        • $pvss \leftarrow (F_0, \cdots, F_t, A_1, \cdots, A_n, Y_1, \cdots, Y_n)$
    • verification
      • $scrape.Verify(bp, ek_1, \cdots, ek_n, pvss) \rightarrow {0,1}$
        • Choose uniformly random $\alpha \leftarrow \mathbb{F}$
        • Check $\Pi_{j = 1}^n A_j^{l_j(\alpha)} = \Pi_{j = 0}^t F_j^{\alpha_j}$
          • Poly evaluation at $\alpha$ hidden via pederson commitments
        • Check $\forall j, e(G, Y_j) = e(A_j, ek_j)$
    • Scrape yields a HM additive transcript
  • DKG

    • Requires no trusted party
      • Each validator acts as a PVSS dealer, add all shares together
    • algorithm
      • Each validator $V_i \in ValSet$
        • $V_i$ generates $dk_i$
        • $V_i$ announces $ek_i = [dk_i]H$ on blockchain
      • Each validator $V_i$ runs PartitionDomain
        • Allocates shares to validators in set according to voting-power
      • Each validator $V_i$
        • $V_i$ computes $pvss_i \leftarrow Scrape.Deal$
        • $V_i$ post $pvss_i$
      • Each validator $V_i$
        • For each $V_j \in ValSet, j \not= i$
          • $V_i$ runs $Scrape.verify(pvss_j)$
          • $V_i$ computes $pvss \leftarrow pvss + pvss_j$
        • When $2/3$ by voting power of vals have posted $pvss_j$ exit
      • Liveness dependent upon $1/3$
    • Final pub-key for DKG is $F_0$
  • Encryption

    • Given $Y$ (public key, $Y \in \mathbb{G}_1$), $aad$ (authentication-data (nonce, etc.)) generate a shared secret $S$ (symmetric encryption / decryption key)
      • Generate $(U,W)$ (cipher-text (posted to block-chain)), and $S$ symmetric key used to encrypt tx (AEAD)
    • Given $TPKE.Encrypt(Y, aad)$ to create $(U, W, aad)$ (public), $S$ (secret)
      • Where counter-party with priv-key for $Y$ can recover $S$ from $(U, W)$
      • Let $r \leftarrow \mathbb{F}$
      • Let $S = e([r]Y, H)$
      • Let $U = [r]G$
      • Let $W = [r]H_{\mathbb{G}2}(U, aad)$ ($H{\mathbb{G}_2}$ is hash fn. mapping into $\mathbb{G}_2$)
    • validity checking
  • Decryption Shares

    • Decryption share for $V_i$ for $(U, W)$ is $D_i = [dk_i^{-1}]U$
    • Verification for $V_j$, can be done as follows $e(D_i, ek_i) = e([dk_i^{-1}]U, dk_iH) = e(U, H)$
    • If validator owns multiple shares, only single DS is necessary
  • Tx Decryption

    • $V_p$ selected as block-proposer
    • $V_p$ fills block w/ encrypted txs $(U_i, W_i)$ (PrepareProposal)
    • For each validator $V_i \in val_set$ (ExtendVote)
      • For each $(U_j, W_j) \in Block$
        • $V_i$ check validity of $(U_j, W_j)$
        • $V_i$ computes $D_{i,j} = [dk_i^{-1}]U_j$
      • $V_i$ includes $D_{i,j}$ in block (notice, this is linear in $len(block)$)
    • For each validator $V_i$ (VerifyExtension)
      • For each $D_{k, j}$ from $V_k$ for each $(U_j, W_j)$ in block
        • $V_i$ checks validity of $D_{k, j}$
      • If all of $V_k$'s shares are valid, add vote from $V_k$
    • commit
      • For each $(U_i, W_i)$ in block
        • $V_p$ aggregates $D_{j,i}$ from $V_j \in signers(block)$ into $S_i$, and decrypts $tx_i$
        • Executes, and publishes $S_i$ in block (instead of shares)


  • Network of nodes participating in DKG
  • enables nodes to accept $A$ (condition) for message $ID$, and only produce $D_i$ (decryption share) if $A$ is satisfied

Encryption (not dependent on liveness of lit?)

  • User requests $D$ from lit for access conditions $A$ (block header of next block (or within $n$ blocks)), for $ID = hash(message)$
    • Important, the generation of $D$ (symmetric key) does not depend on Lit val-set (I assume that this process will change as val-set of lit changes, so depends on liveness of lit network)
  • User encrypts tx, ID according to $D$, and posts to chain


  • block-builder presents IDs for encrypted txs to lit
    • Waits for response from lit
  • Proposer waits for txs for become finalized
  • Proposer combines shares to decrypt txs


  • Only broadcast shares $O(len(val_set))$ use identity-based encryption
  • identity based Encryption
    • Pk is determined uniquely from identifying info, i.e TTP generates pbk from pvk + $ID_A$
  • phases
    • Enrollment - validators bond tokens to participate in DKG
    • DKG
      • Vals generate shared pk $spk$, and $msk_i$ (sharded master key) (run every-time keeper set changes)
    • Encryption + commitment
      • Use BF IBE, where $h = ID$ (block-id), and pk is $spk$
      • broadcasts encrypted tx + commitment to tx plain-text (maintain ordering)

Presentation Outline

High Level Overview

  • Problem: stop front-running
  • Potential Solutions
    • Proto-rev, cowSwap
    • SGX
    • etc.
  • Threshold Decryption + DKG
    • DKG + TD
    • Ferveo
      • Considerations
      • Disadvantages
        • One share per tx in block (have to b.c vals can't reveal priv-key shares for risk of running DKG again)
    • Lit


  • Computational Tasks + Models

    • Computational Tasks

      • search problems
        • Intuitively, mapping between instances $x$ (input), to solutions $y$ (output). Problem is to identify set of solutions for given instances
        • Let $R \subset {0,1}^* \times {0,1}^$ be a relation, where $(x,y) \in R$ denotes that $y$ is a solution to $x$ (instance). Denote $R(x) = {y : (x,y) \in R}$ (set of solutions to $x$). Function $f : {0,1}^ \rightarrow {0,1}^* \cup {\bot}$, $f(x) \in R(x)$ if $R(x) \not= \emptyset$, and $f(x) = \bot$ otherwise
          • $f$ finds an answer when one exists, and fails otherwise (never outputs wrong answer) (sound?)
          • Consider $R$, where $\forall x \in {0,1}^*, |R(x)| = 1$ (relations w/ unique soln.), $R(x)$ is a fn.
      • decision problems
        • Determination of set membership. I.e given $\mathcal{S} \subset {0,1}^*$, determine $x \in {0,1}, x \in \mathcal{S}$
          • Can also make analog to search problems, i.e $\mathcal{S} = {x \in {0,1}, R(x) \not= \emptyset}$
        • Solution - function $f : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}$, where $f(x) = 1$ if $x \in \mathcal{S}$, and $f(x) = 0$ otherwise
    • Uniform Models (Algorithms)

      • What is computation (intuitively)
        • Modification of environment (witness / inputs / state, etc.), via repeated application of a simple rule
          • simple - depends on / effects a subset of the environment (active zone)
        • active set is bounded, environment is possibly unbounded (unlimited disk, limited RAM, etc.)
      • Turing Machines
        • Computation can be solved by any model of computer iff it can be solved by turing-machine
        • Definition
          • A turing machine is a 7-tuple $(Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, \delta, q_0, q_{accept}, q_{reject})$
            • $Q$ - finite set of states
            • $\Sigma$ - finite set of input symbols
            • $\Gamma$ - finite ($\Gamma \subset \Sigma$) set of tape symbols, where $\Sigma \subset \Gamma$
            • $\delta : Q \times \Gamma \rightarrow Q \times \Gamma \times {L, R}$ (transition function)
            • $q_0 \in Q$ (start state)
            • $q_{accept} \in Q$ (accept state)
            • $q_{reject} \in Q$ (reject state)
        • intuition
          • environment - Infinite sequence of cells, each containing a symbol from finite alphabet $\Sigma \subset {0,1}^*$
            • Sequence of cells called, tape
            • TM has reference to current position in tape
          • TM also has notion of internal state, i.e $q \in Q$
          • Computation Rule
            • Finite rule, i.e $\delta: \Sigma \times Q \rightarrow \Sigma \times Q \times {-1, 0, 1}$
              • I.e $\Sigma$ (current symbol), $Q$ (current state), $\Sigma$ (new symbol), $Q$ (new state), ${-1, 0, 1}$ (tape movement)
              • New symbol written to current cell before moving forward (does this order even matter?)
        • k-tape TM
          • scratch-pad - Consists of k-tapes
            • each tape Consists of tape-head (read / write symbol from tape)
          • input-tape
            • First tape contains input for machine (read-only)
          • Rules
            • Read $k$ symbols (each at head), read current-state
            • Apply state-transition (new symbols for $k - 1$ write tapes), get new state, move each head
        • definitions
          • time-constructible
            • $T : \N \to \N$ is time-constructible if $T(n) \geq n$, and $M_T$ computes $T$ in time $T(n)$
          • restriction of $\Gamma$ to ${0,1, \square, \triangle }$
            • If $f : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1 }^*$ in $T(n)$ time with $\Gamma$ then $f$ is computable in $4log (|\Gamma)T(n)$ with alphabet ${0,1, \square, \triangle}$
              • each $\alpha \in \Gamma$ can be encoded in $log(\Gamma)$ cells in ${0,1}^*$, transform each work-tape using encoding
                • What states are needed for scanning?
              • Read symbols (how to store symbol?)
                • Must have some delimiter between symbols in encoded tape? nope, j represent in $log_2(|\Gamma|)$ cells
              • Start
                • read $log_2(|\Gamma|)$ cells (from input-tape)
                  • How to store historical symbols? Must encode into state (registers)
                    • I.e for each state in $q \in Q$
                    • Must store whether $\tilde{M}$ is done reading
                    • Must store progress in reading (counter)?
                    • Store $log_2(\Gamma)$ states for each $q \in Q$
                  • Must do this for each tape, i.e $|\tilde{Q}| = |\Gamma|^kQ$
            • Apply transition (have to store symbols read in state)
            • Write back new symbol to each tape
              • intuititon
                • Can map multiple diff. state spaces i.e $\delta(q_1, \cdots, q_n)$ into one via $Q_1 \times \cdots \times Q_n$
            • After reading apply transition to new state
              • For each work-tape, have to write symbol (consists of $log_2(\Gamma)$ steps?)
      • k-tapes to 1-tape
        • Reference OG-transformation
        • Also store each $\alpha_i$ on tape $i$, in $i-th$ spot, i.e $j-th$ symbol on tape $i$, is in $jk + i$-th spot in single tape
          • intermediate states for storing inputs
          • Also have to store each head + move them independently
        • i.e first read + store in state (for each $q \in Q$) the symbols of $M$ in $\tilde{M}$
        • Apply state-transitions (store head movements in state + intermediary state (on path to new state))
          • Update symbols at each head $kT(n)$ steps
          • Sweep back for each tape $k$, and reposition head ($k T(n)$ steps)
          • transition to new state
        • start again
      • bi-directional to uni-directional
        • Transform to 2-tape uni-directional TM
          • Bottom work-tape represents right
          • Top represents left
        • Transition head as necessary
        • Transform from multi-tape to single tape (either OG or AB-transform)
    • Universal Machines
      • TMs $M$ are finite, i.e can be represented as $\lfloor M \rfloor \in {0,1}^*$
        • All strings are TMs, i.e $\alpha \in {0,1 }^*$ is $\forall x, M_{\bot}(x) = 0$ if $\alpha$ is not a valid TM
      • Universal Turing Machine
        • Given as input $(\alpha, x) \in {0,1}^* \times {0,1}^*$ returns $M_{\alpha}(x)$, denote this as $\mathcal{U}$, where $\mathcal{U}(x, \alpha)$ halts in $Tlog(T)$ steps, iff $M_{\alpha}(x)$ halts in $T$ steps.
          • Suppose $M$ is TM, w/ work, input, output tapes
          • Then $\mathcal{U}$ has same input tape (storing $x$), and tape holding description of $M$ ($\alpha$) (including transition fn.)
          • $\mathcal{U}$ has tape holding current state of $M$, work tape holding same contents as $M$
          • and output tape
        • intuition
          • Start
            • Read symbol of input tape, read current state (start-tape), find entry corresponding to current values in transition-tape + output, perform transition on input (move head), $M$-simulation-work tape (write symbol + move head), write output, write new state
          • Next-step
            • Read state, read input, read work-tape, find entry corresponding to current state
              • Notice, transform TM tapes into infinite (to right), (search is finite + well-defined) (each search will take approx. $len(\lfloor \delta\rfloor))$ steps to compute (hence, $CT$ steps?)
            • Transition function determines when machine halts
              • I.e if in accept-state, $\delta$ always stays
        • Transform to single tape via OG-transform
        • What states for $\mathcal{U}$
          • Notice
            • States -> registers
            • tape -> disk (RAM) lookup, etc.
          • states purely used for reading transition fn. / determining output?
            • $q_{compare_i}$ - compare entry at $i$-th input / work tape from $M$ to current entry in transition-tape
            • $q_{exec}$ - accept-state, first stage of transition comparison
    • Church-Turing Thesis
      • A function can be computed by some TM iff it can be computed by some machine of any other (reasonable (Turing complete)) model of computation
      • sanity-check
        • TM can emulate RAM
          • RAM
            • infinite memory cells
            • finite number of registers
            • Program counter (index into sequence defined below)
            • Program - Sequence of instructions selected from finite set
            • Instructions
              • $reset(r)$ - set $r$ to $0$, where $r$ is the index of register
              • $inc(r)$ - increment $r$ (index of register)
              • $load(r_1, r_2)$ - $r_1, r_2$ indices of registers, $r_2$ holds index of memory $m$, value of $m$ is loaded into $r_1$
              • $store(r_1, r_2)$ - Store contents of $r_1$ into $m$ where $m$ is indexed by contents of $r_2$
              • $cond-goto(r, l)$ - $r$ index of register, $l$ index of instruction, if $r &gt; 0$ then jump to instruction $l -1$
          • Conversion from RAM -> TM
            • What is stored on tape?
              • Contents of memory cells (including inputs), notice, only need to store accessed memory
                • All instructions
              • Contents of registers
            • How to represent instructions?
              • Instructions are finite? Append them to language?
              • No represent via state-transition fn. (i.e $\delta$)
            • How to represent state?
              • Program counter
              • Current instruction
                • Stored on tape, access via index into tape
              • Current state
  • modelling efficiency
    • Model efficiency based on number of steps necessary for computation
    • Given $f : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}$, and $M_f$ computing $f$ ($\forall x, f(x) = M_f(x)$) in $T(n)$ time, then $M_f(x)$ takes at most $T(|x|)$ steps to complete
  • Uncomputable funtions
    • halting problem
      • Given machine $M$, determine if $M$ halts on input $x$ (i.e runs in finite steps, and outputs some $y$), define $h : {0,1}^* \times {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}$, where $h(M, x) = 1$ if $M$ halts on $x$, and $h(M, x) = 0$ otherwise
      • The decision problem $(M, x) \in h^{-1}(1) = {(M, x) \in {0,1}, h(M,x) = 1}$
        • Notice here we are conflating $M$ (machine) and $\langle M \rangle$ (machine's description), where $\langle M \rangle \in {0,1}^*$ is a finite-string
        • idea
          • Show that diagonal(diagonalization) of $h$ is not computable, i.e $d : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}$, where $d(M) = h(\langle M \rangle, \langle M \rangle)$
            • i.e running $M$ w/ $\langle M \rangle$
            • Use this to imply that $h$ is not computable
          • To show diagonal is non-computable, define $d' : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}$, where $d'(M) = \begin{cases} 1 & h(\langle M \rangle, \langle M \rangle) = 1, \land M(\langle M \rangle) = 0 \ 0 \end{cases}$
          • Suppose $d'$ is computable by $M_{d'}$, then, $M_{d'}(M_{d'}) = d'(M_{d'})$, suppose $d'(M_{d'}) = 1$, then $M_{d'}(M_{d'}) = 0$ (contradiction). Conversely, suppose $d'(M_{d'}) = 0$, then $M_{d'}(M_{d'}) = 1$ (contradiction), thus $M_{d'}(\langle M_{d'} \rangle)$, and $d'$ is not computable
          • If $d$ is computable, then $d'$ is computable
            • Let $M_d$ be machine computing $d$, then for $d'(M)$, transform $M \rightarrow M'$, where $\phi : M'(x) = M(x)$ iff $M(x) = 0$ , otherwise, $M'$ loops infinitely. Notice, $d(M')$ is computable, and $d(M') = d'(M)$, thus $M_d(\phi)$ computes $d'$
          • Thus $d$ is uncomputable, and $h$ is as well
    • Turing Reductions
      • $f \rightarrow^T f'$, if when given $A_f$ (algorithm computing f), one can obtain an algorithm $A_{f'}$ computing $f'$
    • Rice's Theorem
      • Let $\mathcal{F}$ denote a set of computable partial functions $f : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}$, let $\mathcal{S}_{\mathcal{F}}$ denote strings that define machines computing functions in $\mathcal{F}$.
        • decision problem for $\mathcal{S}_{\mathcal{F}}$ is un-computable. Prove via Turing reduction from $d$
    • Universal Machine
      • TM $M$, s.t given $\langle M' \rangle || x$, outputs $M'(x)$ if $M'$ halts, otherwise undefined
        • TM exists, computes partial function, can make more granular to bound computation, then becomes computable
    • Oracle Machines
      • TM augmented s.t it can pose questions externally
        • TM-reductions using oracle as another TM, write $M^f(x)$, when $M$ is given access to $f$
      • formal def
        • Takes additional tape, oracle tape , and 2 additional states, oracle invocation, oracle spoke
        • Execution
          • $d'$, where $d'(q, m) = d(q, m)$, if $q = invoke$, then $d(q, m) = q', m'$, where q' is spoke, and the oracle tape holds the answer to the query
  • Non-Uniform Models

    • Collection of finite machines (TMs), one for each input length
      • Useful for developing lower bounds on time / space complexity of algo?
      • Possibly infinite description, infinite sequence of finitely described TMs
    • two models
      • Boolean circuits
      • Machines that take advice
    • *boolean circuits
      • description
        • DAG w/ labels on leaves (inputs)
        • gates internal nodes (have in, out-degree > 1) (gates)
        • Sinks (output), have in-degree = 1
      • Operation of BC is computable by TM poly. in input size
      • fan-in: max number of inputs to gates
      • Let $f : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}^m$, can define ${C_i }n$, where $C{|x|}(x) = f(x)$ (non-uniform family of circuits)
        • Uniform family: if each circuit $C_n$ can be computed in time poly. in $n$, and size is poly. in $n$ then $f$ is computable by TM
    • Machines That Take Advice

      • Rather than making circuit size non-uniform (non predictable function of input length), have algorithm take advice, length of which is determined by input size
      • definition
        • Algorithm $A$ computes $f$, w/ length $l : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$, if $\exists (a_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ s.t
          • For each $x \in {0, 1}^*$, $A(a_{|x|}, x) = f(x)$ (taking element $|x|$ of advice sequence)
          • $\forall n \in \mathbb{N}$, $|a_n| = l(n)$
    • Complexity Classes

      • Set of functions $f$, such that $M_f$ computes $f$ and the resource consumptions (tape size, number of steps, etc.) satisfy constrains $T : \N \to \N$, on $T(|x|) \leq \alpha$
    • Problems

      • Prove that any fn. that can be computed by a TM, can be computed by TM that never moves left of tape
        • Suppose original TM moves $n$ units from left of tape, and $m$ units to right, add 2 additional symbols, $L, R$, where the left-most boundary, takes $L$, and rightmost boundary $n + m$ to right, takes $R$. Have sub-query (oracle), that moves to right-limit (notice, will also have to reverse directions after moving to rightmost boundary), and vice-versa for left-most
        • Can also construct via 2-tape?
      • Prove that fn. that can be computed by a single tape TM iff it can be computed by a 2-tape (multi-tape) TM
        • Multi-tape TM
          • $k$ tapes + $k$ independent heads, $\delta(q, x_1, \cdots, x_k) = (q', \sigma_1, d_1, \cdots, \sigma_k, d_k)$
          • Reads and transitions based upon current head positions,
        • Reverse - triv.
        • Forward
          • Simplest case is two, compress multi-tape into single tape as follows, the $i$-th cell of the single tape contains $i$-th cells of multi-tapes (extend alhabet to $\Sigma^m$)
          • Also have to store-head positions + read from head
            • Could also store every possible combination of tapes? How to create computable mapping between states / head positions?
          • Tape also stores indication of which head is on which tape (modifies tape symbols accordingly)
            • One step of single tape, involves finding other heads, marking tapes accordingly, etc.
      • Multi-tape addition
        • 3 heads + 2 states (carry, not carry), write to third state 1, 0 depending on binary addition of inputs ...
      • RAM w/ TM?
        • Multi-tape
          • One for memory
            • Memory holds input?
          • One for registers
          • Instructions are encoded in state-transition fn. ?
            • Also can have tape for instructions + symbol marking current PC?
          • What states are held?
            • Can have sub-states for each of the instructions, i.e identify machine what to do / where in instruction execution it is
      • Let $\mathcal{F}$, $\mathcal{S}{\mathcal{F}}$ be in definition of Rice's Theorem, present Turing reduction of $d$ from HP, to $\mathcal{S}{\mathcal{F}}$
        • I.e $d(M) = h(M, \langle M \rangle) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{h halts} \ 0 \end{cases}$
        • If $A_S$ exists solving $\mathcal{S}_{\mathcal{F}}$, then $A_d$ exists determining $d$.
          • Let $A_S$ be a alg. computing $\mathcal{S}{\mathcal{F}}$, define $f \in \mathcal{F}$, and $f{\bot} \not \in \mathcal{F}$ (i.e not defined on any inputs)
          • Given $M$, transform $M \rightarrow M'$, where $M'$ executes $M(\langle M \rangle)$
            • if $M'$ halts, on $\langle M \rangle$, then output $f(x)$, thus if $M(\langle M \rangle)$ halts, then $M' \sim f$, and $A_S(M') = 1$, and $d(M(\langle M \rangle)) = 1$
      • Post Correspondence Problem
        • Given two sequences of strings in $\Sigma$, $(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_N), (\beta_1, \cdots, \beta_N)$, determine if there is any sequence $(i_j)j$, where $i_j \in {1, \cdots, N}$, where $\alpha{i_1} \cdots \alpha_{i_j} = \beta_{i_1} \cdots \beta{i_j}$
        • Present Turing reduction to $h$ from HP, i.e $h(M, x) = 1$ iff $M(x)$ halts
          • Given $M$, construct sequences of words s.t the only solution to PCP is full sequence of configurations of $M$ on $x$, where $M$ halts, thus $h$ is solved
      • Define TM $M$ to be oblivious if head-movement does not depend on input but input length (i.e for each step, must index all of memory (similar to 1.9))
        • Show that for each $T$ (TC), if $L \in DTIME(T(n))$ ($\exists M_L , steps(M_L(x)) \leq T(n)$), there is oblivious $TM$ that decides $L$ in $T(n)^2$
          • Let $M_L$ be TM for $L$, that halts in $T(|x|)$ steps. Transform to single tape TM via $AB$ transform
            • i.e mark head positions, read head symbols into state (registers), apply state-transitions (move heads independently)
              • Key consequence - Additional complexity moved into state-blowup, for each state (have to store new state for each symbol per-tape, have to store each progress of finding each symbol in state + steps)
          • Can tweak $\mathcal{U}$ to be oblivious
      • Two dimensional TM, each tape is infinite grid, suppose that machine takes $T(n)$ steps (can represent as $T(n)$-tape machine?, and apply AB / OG-transform to single-tape?
  • NP / NP-Completeness

    • NP - Class of problems whose solutions can be efficiently verified
      • definition
        • $L \subset {0,1}^*$ is in NP, if $\exists p : \N \to \N$, and $M_L, x \in L \iff \exists u \in {0,1 }^{p(|x|)}, M_L(x, u) = 1$ (i.e poly. sized advice string)
    • relationships
      • $P \subset NP \subset \bigcup_{c \geq 1} DTIME(2^{n^c})$
      • proof
        • $P \subset NP$ - triv. take advice to be $\empty$
        • $NP \subset DTIME(2^{n^c})$, suppose $x \in L \iff M(x, u) = 1$, where $|u| \leq p(|x|)$, then for $x$, enumerate $u$ (there are $2^{p(|x)|}$) such $u$, and evaluate $M(x, u)$
    • Non-Deterministic Turing Machines

      • Alternative def. for $NP$ (non-deterministic poly. time)
      • TM w/ two transition fns. $\delta_1, \delta_2$ (each transition steps randomly chooses one-or-the other)
        • $M(x) = 1$, if on input 1, some sequence of $\delta_1 \cdots, \delta_2$ outputs 1
        • $M(x) = 0$, if every sequence of choices makes $M$ halt (w/o reaching $q_{accept}$)
        • $M$ runs in time $T(n)$ if each input $x$ and all ND choices, $M$ halts in $T(|x|)$ steps
      • NTIME
        • For each $T : \N \to \N$, and $L \subset {0,1}^*$, $L \in NTIME(T(n))$ if $\exists M_L$ s.t $\forall x, M_L(x) = f(x)$, and $M$ (NDTM) runs in time $cT(|x|)$
      • View witness to $M \in NTIME(T(n))$, as sequence of $\delta_i$ such that $M(x)$ w/ the given sequence outputs $1$
      • $NP = \bigcup_{c \in \N}NTIME(n^c)$
        • $NP \subset \bigcup_{c \in \N}NTIME(n^c)$
          • Suppose $L \in NP$, then $x \in L \iff \exists c \in \N, u \in {0,1}^{|x|^c}, M(x, u) = 1$, then transform into $M'$ (NDTM), where on $M'(x)$, at step $i$, $\delta_1$ acts as if $M(x, u')$, where $u'$ is $u$, but $u_i = 0$, and a similar case holds for $\delta_2$. Alternatively, $M'$ takes $n^c$ steps to write down $|u| \leq p(|x|)$, and executes $M(x, u)$ (i.e generate random advice and execute $M$).
        • $\bigcup_{c \in \N}NTIME(n^c) \subset NP$
          • Fix $c \in \N$, Suppose $L \in NTIME(n^c)$, then $\exists M$ (NDTM), s.t $M(x) = 1 \iff x \in L$. If $M(x) = 1$ in less than $T(n) = n^c$ steps, then there exist $|(a_i)n| \leq |x|^c$, where $\delta{a_i}$ is an accepting sequence. Take $M'(x, u)$, where $|u| \leq |x|^c$, where $M'$ emulates $M$ with $\delta_{u_i}$ for step $i$ in computation, and $L \in NP$
    • Reducibility / NP-completeness

      • How to prove that $L_1$ is at least as hard as $L_2$, i.e $M_{L_1} \rightarrow M_{L_2}$
      • reduction
        • Language $A \subset {0,1}^$ is polynomial-time Karp reducible to $B \subset {0,1}^$ ($A \leq_p B$), if t.e $f : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}^*$, s.t $x \in A \iff f(x) \in B$
          • NP-hard - B is NP-hard, if $\forall A \in NP$, $A \leq_p B$
            • $B$ is at least as hard as any other language in $NP$
          • NP-complete - If $B$ is NP-hard, and $B \in NP$
      • theorem
        • If $A \leq_p B \land B \leq_p C \to A \leq_p C$
          • Suppose $A \leq_p B$ and $B \leq C$, then $\exists f_B, f_C : {0,1}^* \leq {0,1}^*$, s.t $x \in A \rightarrow f(x) \in B$, and $x \in B \rightarrow f_C(x) \in C$, thus $x \in A \rightarrow f_C(f_B(x)) \in C$, and $A \leq_p C$
        • If $A$ is NP-hard, and $A \in P$, then $NP = P$
          • Suppose $A$ is NP-hard, and $A \in P$, then fix $L \in NP$, then $L \leq_p A$, as such, $f : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}^*$ exists, where $x \in L \iff f(x) \in A$. Consider $M_L$, where $M_L(x)$ computes $f(x)$, and applies $M_A(x)$, and outputs $M_A(f(x))$, and $M_L \in P$, thus $NP \subset P$
        • If $A$ is NP-complete, then $A \in P \iff NP = P$
          • Converse - Triv, $A \in NP = P$
          • Forward
            • Suppose $A$ is NP-complete + $A \in P$ (apply thm. above)
      • theorem
        • TMSAT is NP-complete
        • $TMSAT = {(\alpha, x, 1^n, 1^t) : \exists u \in {0,1}^n \ni M_{\alpha}(x, u) = 1 \text{ within t steps}}$
          • NP-hard
            • I.e show $f$, such that $x \in L \iff f(x) \in TMSAT$, and $f$ is poly. time constructible
            • Fix $L \in NP$, then $\exists M$ (TM), where $x \in L \iff \exists u \in {0,1}^{p(|x|)}, M(x, u) = 1$, then $f(x) = (\lfloor M \rfloor, x, 1^{p(|x|)}, T(|x|)) \in TMSAT$. How to show that $f$ is poly. time constructible?
          • $TMSAT \in NP$
            • Take $M$ as universal TM, and witness as $u$ for $M_{\alpha}$
            • $n$, $t$ may not be poly. in $|x|$? No actually, always will be $c = 1$ linear fn. of length of input
      • Cook-Levin THeorem

        • Boolean Formulae + CNF

          • let $\phi : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}$, then $\phi(u_1, \cdots, u_n) = \bigwedge_i \pi_i$, where $\pi_j = (\bigvee_i u_i)$ (i.e and of ors of variables), each sub-formula may consist of variable or negation (CNF)
            • If $\exists z \in {0,1}^*, \phi(z) = 1$, then $\phi$ is satisfiable
          • expressiveness of boolean formulae
            • For every $f : {0,1}^l \rightarrow {0,1}$, there is an $l$-variate CNF $\phi$ of size $l 2^l$
              • Let $C_v(u) = v == u$ (notice can be constructed in literal via) $C_v = \bigvee_i \bar{u}i$, let $\mathcal{S} = {u \in {0,1}^l : f(u) = 0}$, $\mathcal{C} = \bigwedge{s \in \mathcal{S}} C_s$
          • Cook-Levin Theorem
            • SAT (set of satisfiable CNF) / 3SAT (set of satisfiable CNF w/ only 2 conjunctions) are NP-complete
              • NP-hard
                • Have to display Karp Reduction for arbitrary $L \in NP$
                • SAT is NP-hard
                  • Fix $L \in NP$, then must construct $f(x) = \phi_x$, s.t $x \in L \iff \phi_x \text{is satisfiable}$
                    • Can use $M_L$ and construct $\phi_x$ s.t certificate for $M_L$ satisfies $\phi_x$?
                  • Notice, $\exists, M_L$, such that $x \in L \iff \exists u \in {0,1}^{p(|x|)}$, thus take $\phi_x = M_L(x, \cdot) : {0,1}^{p(|x|)} \rightarrow {0,1}$
                    • This is incorrect, as transformation is of size $O(2^{|p(x)|})$ (not poly. time constructible)
                  • How to make smaller CNF from $M_L$?
                    • Consider snapshots (i.e state + input / output read), and function mapping snapshot to next snapshot
                    • Transform $M_L$ to be oblivious
                      • advantage, head movement only determined by input-size / step in computation, still $T(M_L) \leq n^c$ (for some $c$)
                      • Let $inputpos(i) \in \Sigma$ denote the input symbol at step $i$
                      • $prev(i)$ denote the last step that the head was at the same pos. as step $i$
                    • Then $z_i = F(z_{i - 1}, z_{prev(i)}, inputpos(i))$
                    • i.e next config. depends on current-state, current symbol on work-tape (determined by prev. configuration ) + input\
                • Must verify relation $z_1, \cdots, z_T$ satisfy above,
            • SAT is reducible to 3-SAT
          • NP
            • Naturally, $u \in {0,1}^*$ is a witness to $\phi$ (evaluation of CNF in poly. time?), length of witness clearly sub linear in size of CNF formulation. Evaluation linear in size of each literal (maximally size of input)
    • Decision vs. Search
      • If $NP = P$, then for $L \in NP$, t.e pTM, $M_L'$ s.t $M_L(x, M_L'(x)) = 1$ (i.e poly. time to output certificate)
        • Show for SAT
          • Suppose $A$ decides SAT, i.e $A(\phi) = 1 \iff \phi \in SAT$, then construct $B$ s.t on $\phi$ (assume as $n$ input), outputs $u$ (satisfying assignment) in $2n + 1$ calls to $A$
            • For each input $i$, call $\phi_i(0) = \phi(0, x_{i + 1}, \cdots, x_n)$ if decidable use $A$ on $\phi_i$ continue
      • Use $f$ (Cook-Levin reduction for $L$), i.e $f(x) = \phi_x$ is poly. time computable, use $A$ + above algorithm to get $(2n + 1)T(SAT)$ time algo. $M$ for generating certificates
      • SAT is downward self reducible
        • Given algo. for solving inputs on length $\leq n$, can solve on inputs of length $n + 1$
  • Alternative Complexity Classes

    • coNP
      • Let $L \subset {0,1}^$, then $\bar{L} = {0,1}^ \backslash L$
        • $coNP = {L : \bar{L} \in NP}$
        • Alternative
          • $L \in coNP$ if $\exists p : \N \to \N$ and PT $M$ (TM), s.t $x \in L \iff \forall u \in {0,1}^{p(|x|)}, M(x, u) = 1$
        • Reductions
          • $L = {\phi : \text{satisfied by all inputs}}$
          • coNP completeness?
            • $L \in coNP$
              • $\bar{L} = {\phi : \exists u \in {0,1}^*, \bar{\phi} = 1}$
            • $\forall L' \in coNP, L' \leq_p TAUTOLOGY$
              • Fix $L' \in coNP$, consider $\phi_x \in SAT \iff x \in \bar{L'}$ (LEVIN transform to SAT CNF), then consider $\bar{\phi_x} \in L$
    • EXP
      • $EXP = \bigcup_{c \geq 0}DTIME(2^{n^c})$
    • NEXP
      • $NEXP = \bigcup_{c \geq 0} NTIME(2^{n^c})$
  • problems
    • NDTM analog of $\mathcal{U}$?
      • Add additional tape $\delta_1$, $\delta_2$, and have transition fn. randomly choose which to apply
        • I.e adapt $\mathcal{U}$ w/ extra tape for $\delta_2$, random transition fn. for $\mathcal{NU}$ determines which transition fns. to reference
      • More efficient?

    • Halting problem NP?
      • Let $Halt = {(\alpha, x) : M_{\alpha}(x) \text{halts}}$
        • Show $NP-hard$
          • Fix $L \in NP$, then define $f : {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}^*$, such that $x \in L \iff f(x) = (\alpha, x) \in HALT$
            • Notice, $\exists M_L$, s.t $x \in L \iff \exists u \ni M_L(x, u) = 1$, then $\alpha = \langle M'_L \rangle$, where $M'_L$ generates all possible $u$, and executes $M_L$, and halts if $M_L(u, x) = 1$
        • Show $NP-complete$
          • Not NP-complete, otherwise halting problem is in $DTIME(2^{n^c})$ and is computable :(
    • $L_1, L_2 \in NP$, $L_1 \cup L_2 \in NP$, $L_1 \cap L_2 \in NP$
      • $L_1 \cup L_2$
        • Let $M_{L_1}$ be the machine s.t $x \in L_1 \iff \exists u \in {0,1}^{p(|x|)}, M_{L_1}(x, u) = 1$, similarly for $M_{L_2}$, thus define $M_{L_1 \cup L_2 }$, which runs $M_{L_1}(x, u)$, and $M_{L_2}(x, u)$ if the first execution fails (poly. time algo. + poly. sized witness)
      • $L_1 \cap L_2$
        • Define analogously
    • Reflexivity of $\leq_p$
      • Notice $\forall L \in NP$, $L \leq_p HALT$, suppose that $\leq_p$ is reflexive, then $HALT \leq L$, thus $\exists f \ni x \in HALT \iff f(x) \in L$, thus taking $M_{HALT}$ to compute $f$ then $M_L$ (taking as DTM in $EXP$), and HALT is computable (contradiction)
    • $NP = coNP \iff 3SAT \leq_p TAUTOLOGY$
      • Forward
        • Suppose $NP = coNP$. Triv...., $Taut \in NP \rightarrow Taut \leq_p 3SAT$ (3SAT is NP-hard), $3SAT \in coNP \rightarrow 3SAT \leq_p TAUT$
      • Reverse
        • Suppose $Taut \leq_p 3SAT$, and $3SAT \leq_p Taut$. Triv, fix $L \in coNP$, then $x \in L \iff f(x) \in 3SAT$, then $M_{Taut}$ which computes $f(x)$, and applies $M_{3SAT}(f(x), u)$ is the TM for NP, vice-versa
    • $P \subseteq NP \cap coNP$
      • $L \in P$, then $\overline{P} \in P$ (i.e use $\overline{M_L}$), thus $\overline{P} \in NP$, and $P \in coNP$
    • Suppose $L_1, L_2 \in NP \cap coNP$, then $L_1 \otimes L_2 \in NP \cap coNP$
      • Where $L_1 \otimes L_2 = {x : (x \in L_1 \land x \not \in L_2) \lor (x \in L_2 \land x \not \in L_1)}$
      • $L_1 \otimes L_2 \in NP$
        • consider $L_1 \cup \overline{L_2}$
          • First execute $M_{L_1}$ w/ witness for $M_{L_1}$ if it exists, or for $M_{L_2}$ w/ witness if it exists, and if $x \in L_2$, then output no
        • Similar case as above
  • Diagonalization

    • Mechanism for separating Complexity Classes
      • i.e construct $M$ in some class $\mathcal{C}$ s.t $M$ gives diff. answer than every machine $M'$ in class $\mathcal{C}'$, thus if $\mathcal{C} = \mathcal{C'}$, then $M_L \in \mathcal{C}'$, however, if $M_L', L' \in \mathcal{C}', M_L' = M_L$ (contradiction)
    • time-hierarchy theorem
      • Allowing TMs more computation time strictly increases set of decidable languages
      • If $f, g : \N \to \N$, and $f(n)log(f(n)) = o(g(n))$, then $DTIME(f(n)) \subset DTIME(g(n))$
        • Let $D$ be the machine where on input $x \in {0,1}^*$, runs $1 - \mathcal{U}(M_x, x)$ for $f(|x|)log(|x|)$ steps (if $M_x$ does not halt in time, then output 0), notice, $L = {x: D(x) = 1} \in DTIME(g(n))$. Suppose $L \in DTIME(f(n))$ then $M$ decides $L$, which on input $x$, runs for $c|x|$ timesteps, Thus $D$ which executes $\mathcal{U}$ coincides with $M$, i.e $\forall x \in L, D(x) = M(x)$, choose $|\langle M \rangle| = n$, then $D(\langle M \rangle) = 1 - M(\langle M \rangle)$ which does not coincide with $M(\langle M \rangle)$
    • space-hierarchy theorem
      • space-constructible fn
        • I.e $f: \N \to \N$, s.t $\exists M_f$, where $M(x) = f(x)$, and uses maximally $f(x)$ memory cells
      • $f, g$ are space constructible, and $f(n) = o(g(n))$, then $SPACE(f(n)) \subset SPACE(g(n))$
        • $\mathcal{U}$ uses constant time space for simulating $M$
    • Non-deterministic Time Hierarchy Theorem
      • $f, g$ are TC, where $f(n + 1) = o(g(n))$
        • $NTIME(f(n)) \subset NTIME(g(n))$
          • Alternatively, show that $DTIME(2^{f(n)}) \subset DTIME(2^{g(n)})$, not necessarily clear that $log(2^{cf(n)})2^{cf(n)} = cf(n)2^{c(f(n))} = o(2^{g(n)})$ (apply deterministic time-hierarchy)
      • Applying results from deterministic Time hierarchy won't work
        • i.e - simulation requires $2^{O(f(n))}$ sims (one for each possible witness), certainly not in $NTIME(g(n))$
      • lazy diagonalization
        • Only have to flip on one output (don't have to determine $\overline{L}, \forall L \in NP$)
        • Goal: Define $D \in NTIME(f(n))$, s.t forall $L \in NTIME(f(n))$, $\exists x \in {0,1}^*, D(x)\not= M_L(x)$ (i.e $D$ differs from all $M_L$ on some input)
        • Define some fn. $h : \N \to \N$, where $h(1) = 2$, and $h(i + 1) = 2^{f(h(i) + 1)}$
          • Assuming $f$ is monotonically increasing, goal is to map intervals $(h(i - 1), h(i)] \to M_i$ (NDTMs running in time $f(n)$)
          • Thus for each possible input,
        • Define $D$ (decision process used for diag.), where on input $x, x \in 1^*$ (otherwise, reject)
          • If $h(i - 1) &lt; |x| &lt; h(i)$ (that one can find such a $i$ is triv.) find corresponding $M_i \in NTIME(f(n))$, and return $M_i(1^{|x| + 1})$, execute non-deterministically, otherwise, reject (notice, shld halt in time allocated)
            • Notice, $\mathcal{NU}$ simulates NDTM $m$ in $Ct$ steps
          • If $|x| = h(i)$, deterministically execute $1 - M_i(h(i -1) + 1)$
            • Notice, execution here takes $2^{O(f(h(i - 1) + 1))}$, thus on input, $|x| = h(i)$ (have to define bounds on g, f, s.t $g(h(i)) \geq 2^{f(h(i -1) + 1)}$)
        • Contradiction follows if $M \in NTIME(f)$, where $M = D$ (notice, take $D(\langle M \rangle)$)
          • Then find $i$, where $M_i = M$ (from above), and execute w/ inputs $|x| \geq h(i)$, then $M(1^n) = M(1^{n + 1})$, thus $M(1^{h(i) + 1}) = M(1^{h(i + 1)}) \not= D(1^{h(i + 1)})$ (contradiction)
        • Have to assume that $f$ is super-linear?
    • Ladner's Theorem
      • Suppose $P \not= NP$, then $\exists$ $L \in NP \backslash P$ that is not-NP complete
        • i.e $L$ is not NP-hard, i.e $\exists L' \in NP$, where $L' \not\leq_p L$
      • $SAT_H = {\phi 0 1^{n^{H(n)}}: \phi \in SAT \land n = |\phi| }$
      • Define $H : \N \to \N$
        • $H(n) = i$, where
          • minimize $i &lt; log (log (n))$, where $\forall x \in {0,1}^*, |x| \leq log(n)$, $M_i$ outputs $SAT_H(x)$ within $i|x|^i$ steps
          • If no such $i$ exists, set $H(n) = log(log(n))$
            • I.e if $SAT_H \in P$, there is some $i$ for which $M_i = SAT_H$, thus, $H(n) = i, \forall n \geq 2^{2^i}$, i.e $H(n) = O(1)$
            • If $SAT_H \in NP$, then $H(n)$ increases w/o bound
      • Proof
        • $SAT_H \in P$
          • Then $SAT \leq_p SAT_H$ (i.e each $\phi \in SAT \iff \phi0 1^{n^c} \in SAT_H$), and $P = NP$ (contradiction)
        • $SAT_H$ is NP-complete
          • Then $SAT \leq_p SAT_H$, i.e there is $f, \phi \in SAT \iff f(\phi) \in SAT_H$. If $SAT_H \in P$, then $|\phi| \rightarrow \infty$ (otherwise, there exists $c$, where $M_i = SAT_H$, and runs in time $c x^c$).
      • Alternative construction
        • Define $L = {x| x \in SAT \land 2 | f(|x|)}$
          • Define $f$. $\exists y, \forall_{x \geq y} f(x) = c$
            • If $c$ is even, then there are infinitely many $x$, i.e $x, |x| \geq y$ where $x \in L$, thus, $L \in SAT$, $L$ is $SAT\backslash$ finitely many $\phi$
            • If $c$ is odd, then $L \in P$, i.e there are only finitely many $x \in SAT, x \in L$, each $x$ can be evaluated in $P$ time
          • Thus must define $f$, where
            • $L \in P \rightarrow 2 | c$, thus $L \in NP$, notice, $SAT \leq_p L$, thus $NP = P$
            • $L$ is NP-complete, then $f$ gets stuck on odd $c$, thus $NP = P$
          • Let $M_i$ be enumeration of TMs where $M_i$, runs in $x^i$ steps, and $g_i$ be poly. reductions to SAT
            • $f(n -1) = 2i$
              • if $\exists x, |x| &lt; log(n)$ where $M_i(x) \not= L(x)$, then $f(n) = f(n - 1) + 1$, otherwise $f(n) = f(n - 1)$
                • Notice if $L \in P$ then some $M_i = L$, thus, this case is reached for some $n$, and $L \in NP$ (contradiction)
            • $f(n - 1) = 2i + 1$
              • If $\exists x, |x| &lt; log(n)$ where $SAT(x) \not = L(g_i(x))$, then $f(n) = f(n - 1) + 1$, otherwise $f(n) = f(n - 1)$
                • If $L \in NP$, then $SAT \leq_p L$, thus there exists some $g_i$ reduction, and $f(n) = c$ (which is odd), thus $L \in P$
          • Use bound of $log(n)$ to ensure that $f$ is poly. time computable?
            • Doesn't really matter anyway, in either case, there is infinite repetition and theorem holds
    • Oracle Machines
      • oracle Turing Machines -****
    • problems
      • Show that the following language $L = {\langle M \rangle : M \text{ runs in time } 100n^2 + 200n }$
        • Let $M$ be a machine deciding $L$, then fix $M'$ where $M'(x)$ takes $100n^2 + 200$ time, if $M(\langle M' \rangle) = 0$, and vice. versa. if not, thus $M(\langle M \rangle) = 1 \rightarrow$ $M'$ does not halt in $100n^2 + 200$ time (contradiction)
        • Construction of $M'$
          • Execute $M$ on $M'$, for each input (only for large enough input)? i.e input of size $T(M(\langle M' \rangle))$ (does not affect over-all runtime)
            • Only need to find single input
      • $SPACE(n) \not= NP$
        • $NP \subset \bigcup_{c \in \N} SPACE(n^c)$
        • Diagonalization?
        • Suppose $SPACE(n) = NP$
          • Choose $L \in SPACE(n) \cap NP$, then fix $M_L'$, which on $x$, for each write to work-tape, pads write w/ $|x|, 1s$ (runtime only increased by factor of $n$), but space used is $n^2$
  • Space Complexity

    • Let $S : \N \to \N$, and $L \subset {0,1}^*$, then $L \in SPACE(S(n))$ (resp. $L \in NSPACE(S(n))$) if $\exists M$ a $TM$ (resp. NDTM) s.t execution on $x$ takes at most $c |x|$ tape cells
      • All branches of NDTM halt
      • $S$ must be space constructible, i.e $\exists M$ (TM) computing $S$ requiring $S(n)$ tape cells (at most)
        • Analog to TC bounds, i.e TM can understand bounds it is operating under
    • $DTIME(S(n)) \subset SPACE(S(n))$
      • TM can re-use tape-cells, any TM / NDTM can only access one tape cell per time-step
    • $DTIME(S(n)) \subset SPACE(S(n)) \subset NSPACE(S(n)) \subset DTIME(2^{S(n)})$
      • Configuration Graphs
        • Sequence of objects, where each object contains
          • Contents of all non-blank tape entries
          • state + head pos.
      • Configuration Graphs
        • Each node is configuration, edges between configurations reachable via single step of $\delta$
          • DTM has out-degree 1
          • NDTM has out-degree 2
    • Let $G_{M, x}$ be the CG of a space-$S(n)$ machine $M$ on input $x, |x| = n$
      • Does it matter if $M$ is TM or M?
    • $G$'s nodes can be described in $cS(n)$ bits
      • i.e given alphabet $\Sigma$, then $c = log_2(|\Sigma|)$ (convert alphabet into bits)
      • State + head map to constant size bit string?
        • Max number of states?
    • $G_{M, x}$ has at most $2^{cS(n)}$ nodes
      • Triv. $2^{cS(n)}$ combinations of configurations (possible cycles in configuration graph?)
    • $$NSPACE(S(n)) \subset DTIME(2^{S(n)})$$
      • Construct configuration graph in $2^{(O(S(n)))}$ time (size of CG bound above), and search for path from start to accept
  • $$NP \subset PSPACE$$
    • Notice, $3SAT \in PSPACE$, where $n$ is size of $\phi \in 3SAT$ execute $\phi$ on all $x \in {0,1}^k$ ($\phi$ is over $k$ variables).
      • Notice $3SAT$ is NP-complete, thus if $L \in NP$, then there exists $f$, s.t $x \in NP \iff f(x) \in 3SAT$
    • Use same idea for $L \in NP$, take $M_L$ and execute $M_L(x, \omega)$ for each possible witness, erasing $\omega$ after checking
  • Space Hierarchy Theorem

    • If $f,g$ are spac -constructible where $f(n) = o(g(n))$, then $SPACE(f(n)) \not \subset SPACE(g(n))$
  • Randomized Computation

    Probablistic Turing Machines

    • Analogous to TMs for NDTMs / DTMs
    • Probablistic Turing Machine
      • TM w/ $\delta_0, \delta_1$ transition fns. take each w/ prob. 1/2, thus on $x$, PTM $M$ has $2^{T(|x|)}$ outputs each w/ equal prob.
        • Define acceptance via. prob of ending in accepting state.
        • NDTM simply needs single possible accepting state
    • BPTIME / BPP
      • Let $L$ be a language and $T: \N \rightarrow \N$, then PTM $M$ decides $L$ in $T(n)$ time if, it takes $T(n)$ steps (regardless of any sequence of choices of $\delta_i$), and $P[M(x) = L(x)]geq 2/3$
        • $BPTIME(T(n))$, $BPP = \bigcup_{c &gt; 0} BPTIME(n^c)$
    • $P \subset BPP \subset \bigcup_c DTIME(2^{n^c})$, $BPP \not \subset NP$ (possible $x\not \in L$ w/ certificate)
      • Create DTM which generates $\delta_i$ choices at $T(n)$ steps, and executes PTM $M(x, \delta_i ...)$
    • examples
      • Finding median (sort + index) $O(nlog(n))$ time (Merge-sort)
        • Can use BPP algorithm for $O(n)$ time
        • Given $(a_1, \cdots, a_n)$ find $k$-th largest element, median is $\lfloor n/2 \rfloor$ largest
          • Randomly choose $a_j$ in list, Let $A_{&lt;} = {a \in (a_i), a &lt; a_j }$
          • If $|A_{&lt;}| &lt; k$
            • Find $k - |A_{&lt;}|$-largest element of $A \backslash A_{&lt;}$
          • Otherwise
            • Perform same algo. on $A_{&lt;}$
        • complexity
          • Take $T(n) = max(T(k, a_1, \cdots, a_n))$ (i.e time complexity for lists on len $n$)
          • Then $cn$ is complexity of search step (linear time)
            • Recursive steps on lists len $&lt; n$ assume $10cn$ time (recursive assumption), thus
        • $T(n) \leq cn + \frac{1}{n}(\Sigma_{j &gt; k} j + \Sigma_{j &lt; k} T(n - j))$ (apply recursive assumption and simplify)
      • Primality Testing
        • Given $N \in \mathbb{Z}$ want to determine if $N$ is prime

    One Sided / Zero-Sided Error

    • two sided error
      • $M \in \mathcal{BPP}$, where $x \in L, M(x) = 0 \land x' \not \in L, M(x') = 1$
        • i.e possible false negatives + positives
    • one sided error
      • Most BPTIME $M$, will output $M(x) = 0 \iff x \not \in L$ (never false positive), but prob of $M(x) = 0 \land x \in L$ (i.e prob of false negatives)
      • Known as $RPP$
        • $x \in L \rightarrow Pr[M(x) = 1] \geq \frac{2}{3}$
        • $x \not \in L \rightarrow Pr[M(x) = 0] = 1$
      • Thus $RP \subset NP$ (i.e no certificates for $x \in L$)
      • $RP \subset BPP$
      • $coRP = {L : \overline{L} \in RP }$
    • PTMs that never err
      • Always output correctly, but $T_{M, x}$ is random variable describing time taken over random choices of $M$ on $x$, then $T(M) = E[T_{M,x}]$
    • $ZPP = RP \cap coRP$
      • Forward
        • $L \in ZPP$, then $L \in RP \cap coRP$, i.e take $M_L$
          • And $x \in L \iff Pr[M_L(x) = 1] = 1 \geq \frac{2}{3}$ $ZPP \subset RP$
          • Then for $\overline{L}$ take $\overline{M_L}$, i.e $x \not \in \overline{L} \rightarrow x \in L \rightarrow M_L(x) = 1 \rightarrow \overline{M}_L(x) = 0$
      • Reverse
        • $L \in RP \cap coRP$
          • Then $M_{RP}, M_{coRP}$ exist, have $M = \overline{M_{RP}} \lor \overline{M_{coRP}}$
            • i.e $x \in L \rightarrow M_{coRP} = 0 \rightarrow M(x) = 1$
            • $x \not \in L \rightarrow M_{RP} = 0 \rightarrow M(x) = 0$

    Randomized Reductions

    • reductions
      • Language $B$ reduces to $C$, i.e $B \leq_r C$ if $\exists$ TM $M$, where $\forall x \in {0,1 }^*, Pr[B(M(x)) = C(x)] \geq 2/3$
        • I.e $f$ analog in deterministic reductions is now probablistic

    Interactive Proofs

    CRS (Blum, Feldman, Micali)

    • Zero-knowledge proof -> replaced by common random string
    • components of proof
      • Interaction
      • Hidden Randomization
      • Computational Difficulty
    • Verifier utilizes Interaction + Hidden randomization -> Force non-adaptivity of prover
      • Prove global properties (rather than local (can be forged))
    • Prover utilizes Computational Difficulty
      • Prevent Verifier from learning anything
    • Indistinguishability


    • Use PCPs to construct Interactive-proofs for NP, verification in time poly-log in input size
    • Use ECRHs (extractable CRHs) instead of random-oracles to enable knowledge-extraction. i.e given $h(w)$ there exists an algorithm to determine $w$
      • SNARGs of knowledge (SNARKs)
      • possible knowledge extraction of PCP (witness) to NP TM $M$
    • QSPs
      • Characterization of NP that allows construction of efficient SNARKs w/o PCPs
      • Span Programs
        • SP over field $F$ consists of $t \in F^m$ (target vector), ${v_1, \cdots, v_n} \in F^m$, and partition of indices $\mathcal{I}{free}, \mathcal{I}{labelled}$
          • Further partition of $\mathcal{I}{labelled} = \bigcup{i \in {0,1}^n} \mathcal{I}_i$
        • Computes $f : {0,1}^n \rightarrow {0,1}$, if $\forall u \in {0,1}^n$, $t \in \mathcal{I}{free} \bigcup{i} \mathcal{I}_{i, u_i}$
      • QSPs
        • $Q$ over $F$, contains two sets of polynomials $\mathcal{V} = {v_k(x) : k \in {0, \cdots, m}}, \mathcal{W} = {w_k(x) : k \in {0, \cdots, m}}$, and $t \in F[X]$, and partition of indices $\mathcal{I} = {0,\cdots, m}$, into $\mathcal{I}{free}, \mathcal{I}{labeled} = \bigcup_{i \in \mathbb{Z}n , j \in {0,1}} \mathcal{I}{i, j}$
        • for $u \in {0,1}^n$, let $\mathcal{I}u = \mathcal{I}{free} \cup \bigcup_{i \in \mathbb{Z}n} \mathcal{I}{i, u_i}$
          • $Q$ computes $f : {0,1}^n \rightarrow {0,1}$, iff $\forall u, f(u) = 1$, $\exists (a_1, \cdots, a_m), (b_1, \cdots, b_m)$, where $a_k = b_k = 0, k \not \in \mathcal{I}u$, s.t $$ t(x) | (v_0 + \Sigma{k = 1}^m a_k v_k(x))(w_0 + \Sigma_{k = 1}^m b_k w_k(x))$$
          • I.e target vector is in ideal generated by $v_k, w_k$

    Quadratic Span Programs

    • Construction of QSP $Q$ for function $f$
      • Given $C$ circuit supposedly computing $f$, can construct SP that verifies an assignment of $C$'s wires (a la NP-deterministic verifier)
        • Notice, SP has non-free vectors for internal wires of $C$, i.e it does not compute $C$ rather it checks its computation
      • I.e given assignment of internal wires that are non-conflicting, $S$ checks that the assignment is valid for given input
    • construction of SP (circuit-checker)
      • Let $f : {0,1}^n \rightarrow {0,1}$, where $C_f$ has $s$ gates, let $\phi : {0,1}^{n + s} \rightarrow {0,1}$ that given an assignment of $C$'s wires (i.e value at each gate) is valid (i.e results from the input $u$)
      • Suppose that gates in $C$ come from finite set $\Gamma$ (eg ${AND, OR, NAND, XOR, \cdots}$), suppose that for each $g \in \Gamma$ there is SP $m'$ that determines given input / output assignments, if they are consistent, i.e $m(x_1, x_2, x_3) = 1 \iff x_1 \land x_2 = x_3$
      • Given $C$, and $m_i$ ($|\Gamma|$ possible SPs), there is SP $S$ computing $\phi$ of size $s * m$ (for each gate need sub-SP)
      • construction ($N = n + s$)
        • assumptions
          • Each gate $g \in gates(C)$ has two inputs $g_l, g_r \in {0,1}$, and output $g_0 \in {0,1}$ (also used as indices of assignments in input to $\phi$), notice is $g$ is a feeder into $g'$, then $g_o = g'_l$ (i.e there is a wire between them)
            • let $m^{(g)}, d^{(g)}$ denote the rows / columns of $S_g$, i.e $|\mathcal{I}{free} \cup \mathcal{I}{labeled}| = m$, ($m$ possible vectors) $S_g$, and $\mathcal{V}_g \subset F^{d^{(g)}}$ (each vector has dimension $d^{(g)}$)
        • $S = (t, \mathcal{V}, \mathcal{I}{free}, \mathcal{I}{labelled})$
          • $|\mathcal{V}| = \Sigma_{g}m^{(g)}$, and $\mathcal{V} \subset F^d, d = \Sigma_g d^{(g)}$
          • Can view $\mathcal{I}{free} \cup \mathcal{I}{labelled}$ as a $m \times d$ matrix
            • Each $S_g$'s vectors will be composed of first $m^{(g)}$ rows, and $d^{(g)}$ columns (i.e $S$'s matrix is sparse)
          • Consider the sub-matrix of $S$, for $S_g$, consider $\mathcal{I}{free} \cup \mathcal{I}{labelled} = \bigcup_{i \in {g_r, g_l, g_o}, j \in {0,1}} \mathcal{I}_{ij}^{(g)}$
        • For $S$, $t = t^{g_1} | \cdots | t^{g_s}$
          • If $v_k \in \mathcal{I}^{(g)}$, then $\hat{v}_k \in \mathcal{I}_S$, is $v_k$ but holding $0$s in all columns of $S$ not owned by $g$
        • Proof
          • Take $x, \phi(x) = 1$, then for each $g \in C$, with input $x_{g_l}, x_{g_r}, x_{g_o}$, there is a lin comb. of vectors in $\mathcal{I}{free}^{(g)} \cup \mathcal{I}{g_l, x_{g_l}}^{(g)} \cup \mathcal{I}{g_r, x{g_r}}^{(g)} \cup \mathcal{I}{g_o, x{g_o}}^{(g)}$ that equals $t^(g)$, taking the combination over all of these combinations yields $t$
          • Similarly if $\phi(x) = 0$ there is no such combination...
      • Translation of SP to polynomials
    • construction of QSP (Consistency Checker)
      • Since the QSP is computing $f$, it must be the case that the interior wires can be used as free vectors (how to ensure that choice of free vectors is internally consistent w/ circuit)?
        • QSP checks consistency of free vectors (i.e internal wires)
      • Let $S = (t, \mathcal{V} = (v_1, \cdots, v_m), \mathcal{I}{free}, \mathcal{I}{labeled})$
        • suppose $S$ has dimension $d$, fix $r_1, \cdots, r_d \in F$, set each $\hat{v_k} \in F[X], deg(\hat{v_k}) = d -1$, where $v_k(r_i) = v_{k_i}$ (i.e LGP on $r_i$), let $t(x) = \Pi_i (x - r_i)$, and $v_0(r_i) = -t_i$, then $S_{poly} = (t(x), \mathcal{V} = (v_0, \cdots, v_m), \mathcal{I}{free}, \mathcal{I}{labeled})$
          • Where $S$ is sat iff $\exists (a_1,\cdots,a_m)$ where $t(x) | v_0(x) + \Sigma_k a_k v_k(x)$
            • i.e $v(x) = v_0(x) + \Sigma_k a_k v_k(x) = p(x) * \Pi_i (x - r_i)$, suppose $S$ is satisfied by $(a_i)$, then $-t + \Sigma_k a_k v_k = 0$, thus $\forall r_i, v(r_i) = v_0(r_i) + \Sigma_k a_k v_k(r_i) = 0$, and $t(x) | v(x)$
      • consistency checker
        • Why do we need this?
          • Double assignment, let $\mathcal{I}{i0}, \mathcal{I}{i1} \in \mathcal{I}{labelled}$, then for $\exists k_1 \in \mathcal{I}{i1} a_{k_1} \not =0, \forall k_0 \in \mathcal{I}{i0}, a{k_0} = 0$
        • weak version, single assigment from either set
        • Fix $L$, let $\mathcal{I}_0 = {1, \cdots, L}, \mathcal{I}_1 = {L + 1, \cdots, 2L }$, let $\mathcal{I} = \mathcal{I}_0 \cup \mathcal{I}_1$
          • Consistent, fix bit $B$, ${a_k}, {b_k}$ are consistent if, $a_k = b_k = 0, \forall k \in \mathcal{I}_{\overline{B}}$ (i.e a_k, b_k are assigned non-zero values in same partition of $\mathcal{I}$)
          • Non-consistent
            • $\exists k_0 \in \mathcal{I}0, k_1 \in \mathcal{I}1, a{k_0} \not= 0, a{k_1} \not= 0$, and $\exists k, b_k \not = 0$
            • $\exists k_0 \in \mathcal{I}0, k_1 \in \mathcal{I}1, b{k_0} \not= 0, b{k_1} \not= 0$, and $\exists k, a_k \not = 0$
      • construction (for single wire)
        • Fix $L' = 3L - 2$, select $\mathcal{R}^{0} = {r_1, \cdots, r_{L'}}, \mathcal{R}^{1} = {r'1,\cdots, r'{L'}}$, and $\mathcal{R} = \mathcal{R}^0 \cup \mathcal{R}^1$, let $t(x) = \Pi_{r \in \mathcal{R}} (x - r)$
        • Consider ${a_i}, {b_i}$, checker is
          • $t(x)$, $\mathcal{V} = {v_k(x) : k \in \mathcal{I}}$, and $\mathcal{W} = {w_k(x) : k \in \mathcal{I}}$, where $$ t(x) | (\Sigma_{k \in \mathcal{I}} a_k v_k(x)) (\Sigma_{k \in \mathcal{I}} b_k w_k(x))$$
          • Forall $v \in \mathcal{V}, \mathcal{W}, deg(v_k) = deg(w_k) = L' + L -1$
            • For $k \in \mathcal{I}_0$, $v_k(r) = 0, \forall r \in \mathcal{R}^0 \cup {r_1^{(1)}, \cdots, r_L^{(1)}}$, except $v_k(r^{(1)}_k) = 1$
              • $w_k(r) = 0, \forall r \in \mathcal{R}^{1} \cup {r_1^{(0)}, \cdots, r_L^{(0)}}$, and $w_k(r_k^{(0)}) = 1$
          • For $k \in \mathcal{I}_1$, $v_k(r) = 0 \forall r \in \mathcal{R}^{(1)} \cup {r^{(0)}1, \cdots, r^{(0)}L}$, and $v{k - L}(r{k -L}^{(0)}) = 1$
            • $w_k(r) = 0, \forall r \in \mathcal{R}^{(0)} \cup {r_1^{(1)}, \cdots, r_L^{(1)}}$ and $w_{k - L}(r^{(1)}_{k -L}) = 1$
        • Checks to consider?
          • Two assignments of same series in conflicting wires

          • Two assignments of diff series in conflicting wires
          • Non-conflicting assigment


    • definitions
      • Assume $F$ is field of prime order, i.e $\mathbb{Z}$ mod prime-ideal
      • $\mathbb{G}_1, \mathbb{G}_2, \mathbb{G}_t$ grps of size $r$, and $e$ is efficiently computable + non-degenerate pairing $e : \mathbb{G}_1 \times \mathbb{G}_2 \rightarrow \mathbb{G}_t$, $g_1 \in \mathbb{G}_1, g_2 \in \mathbb{G}_2, e(g_1, g_2) = g_t \in \mathbb{G}_t$
      • Algebraic Group Model