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  • Heap

    • Stored as an array,
    // node in the heap is analogous to an array index 
    type HeapNode interface {
        Parent() HeapNode
        LeftChild() HeapNode
        RightChild() HeapNode

    type heapNodeImpl struct {
        i int

    func (h heapNodeImpl) Parent() HeapNode {
        // parent is node / 2
        return heapNodeImpl{
            i: h.i >> 1

    func (h heapNodeImpl) LeftChild() HeapNode {
        return heapNodeImpl{
            i: h.i << 1 

    func (h heapNodeImpl) LeftChild() HeapNode {
        return heapNodeImpl{
            i: h.i << 1 + 1

    // can be ordered (min/max-heap)
    type Heap[T comparable] interface {
        // capacity
        // number of nodes in heap
  • Properties

    • max-heap
      • For each node $i$, $A[Parent(i)] \geq A[i]$
    • min-heap
      • For eahc node $j$, $A[Parent(i)] \leq A[i]$
  • Height - number of edges on the longest down-part path from node to a leaf
    • Number of elements $[2^{height}, 2^{height + 1}]$
  • max-heapify


  • Minimax

    • Goal, given two players $p_1$, $p_2$, with a
      • For each step in game (WLOG assume $p_1$ goes first), the maximizer $p_1$, chooses the largest value among the set of steps that $p_2$ (the minimizer can play), on even steps the $minimizer$ chooses the minimum the maximizer's moves
      • i.e, the function takes a set of terminal steps, and a boolean of whether the player is a maximizer
          // given a set of terminal scores, and whether the final turn is made by the minimizer / maximizer 
          func minimax(scores []int, maximizer bool) int {
              // leafs must be power of 2 (perfect binary tree)
              if !IsPow2(len(scores)) {
                  return -1
              // base-case 
              if len(scores) == 1 {
                  return scores[0]
              // minimaxed_scores is the scores chosen by the min/max imizer
              minimaxedScores := make([]int, 0)
              // every entry in the array represents a leaf
              j := 0
              var fn func(int, int) int
              for i := 0; i < len(scores); i += 2 {
                  if maximizer {
                      fn = min
                  } else {
                      fn = max
                  minimaxedScores = max(scores[i], scores[i+1])
              return minimax(minimaxedScores, !maximizer)
          func isPow2(exp int) bool { 
              if exp == 1 {
                  return true
              if exp % 2 != 0 {
                  return false
              return isPow2(exp >> 1)


  • Divide
    • Divide the problem into sub-problems, where each sub-problem is a smaller instance of the larger problem
  • Conquer
    • Conquer the sub-problems by solving them recursively, or directly
  • combine
    • Aggregate the solutions to the subproblems into a solution to the larger problem at hand


  • InsertionSort
    • Takes incremental approach
      • For each element in the array at index i, insert into the proper place in arr[:i+1](go)
  • MergeSort
    • Takes divide-and-conquer approach
    • Divide array into two sub-arrays, sort each array, and merge components together
      • Merge(A, p,q,r)
        • Where $p \leq q &lt; r$, and A[p:q] sorted, A[q+1:r] sorted
        • Merges A[p:q] and A[q + 1:r] into a sorted list
      • Div + conquer algorithms take $$T(n) = a(T(n / b)) + D(n) + C(n)$$
      • If the prob is divided into $b$ chunks, and division of the problem takes $D(n)$, and combining of the probs takes $C(n)$
  • recurrence - Function defined by the function on smaller inputs
    • substitution method - Guess bound, and use mathematical induction to prove guess, i.e $T(m) \leq f(n)$, and prove via induction
    • recursion-tree method - Create tree where each node has the constant time value of the recursion step, and sum (usually will be some log. times the constant time step)
    • master method
      • Provides bounds for recurrences of form $T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)$
    • Maximum Subarray Problem

      • Given a timeseries w/ price data, find a pair of points, $t_1, t_2$, where $t_1 &lt; t_2$, and $p(t_2) - p(t_1)$ is maximized
      • Solution, transform array of prices into price-changes -> now problem is find the sub-array with the maximal positive price-change
        • Can find this problem recursively
          • Find maximal sub-array in arr[low:mid] and arr[mid + 1 : high]
          • then merge both sub-arrays
    • Solovay-Strassen

      • Perform weird way of dividing matrices, leading to soln with $T(n) = 7T(n/2) + n^2$ (trick, realizing that shorting recursion tree pays off) (do more matrix additions instead of widening recursion tree)
    • Substitution

      • Generate function $f(n)$, and prove that $T(n) \leq f(n)$ for all $n$ by inducting on $n$
      • Can also use algebraic manipulation
        • $T(n) = 2T(\sqrt{n}) + lg n$ -> tricky b.c of exponents in $n$, change $n \leq 2^m$ (approximate n by a power of $2$)
          • then $m = log_2(n)$, and $T(2^m) = 2T(2^{m/2}) + m$
          • Have $S(m) = T(2^m)$, then $S(m) = 2S(m/2) + m$, them $S(m) = mlogm$, and $m = lg n$, then
          • $T(n) = S(m) = mlgm = lg\space mlg\space lg\space m$
    • Recursion Tree

      • Each node represents cost of step (without recursive steps)


  • Two ways of representing
    • adjacency list - For each vertex list other vertices connected
    • adjacency matrix - Useful for densely connected graphs (not wasting space on sparse graphs) Alt text
  • Questions
    • Given an adjacency list representation of a graph, how long does it take to compute the out-degree (resp. in-degree) of every vertex?
      • Directed graph -> sum of lengths of each $\Sigma_{v \in V} len(adj[v]) = |E|$
        • For non-directed $2|E|$ (each edge in $adj(v)$, is also in $adj[u]$ )
      • Simple
        • out-degree $len(adj(v))$
        • in-degree
          • For adj. matrix -> $O(V)$
          • For adj. list -> $O(V^2)$ (for each other vertex, search thru all possible edges)
      • Consider adj-matrix of complete bin-tree on $7$ vertices (7x7) matrix for only 5 edges -> much simpler to store adj. list representation
      • Let $G = (V, E)$, then $G^T = (V, E^T)$, where $E^T = {(v, u) : (u, v) \in E}$, i.e directed graph w/ edges reversed
        • For adjacency matrix -> compute matrix transpose $O(V^2)$ operation
        • For adjacency list -> similar complexity
  • BFS + DFS

    • BFS

      • Given graph + source vertex, computes min distance to each other vertex
      • Produces breadth-first tree with $s$ (source vertex) as vertex
        • Discovers all vertices at distance $k$ before discovering vertices at distance $k + 1$
      • shortest paths
        • Let $\delta : V \times V \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}$ denote the shortest number of edges traversed between $\delta(u, v)$
          • $s, u, v \in V$, where $\delta(s, u) = n$, and $(u, v) \in E$, then $\delta(s, v) \leq \delta(s, u) + 1$
        • BFS computes shortest paths from $s$ to $v \in V$ for all $v$, by induction on each recursion,
          • For first time, $n = 1$ -> trivial, for $u \in V, (u, v) \in E$, $\delta(s, u) = 1$
          • Suppose holds for all $u \in V, \delta(s, u) \leq n$ -> follows from above thm
    • DFS

      • Same as BFS but exhaust children first
    • Flows