Module lumos.generator
+Main functions to generate platemaps with lumos.
++Expand source code +
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Main functions to generate platemaps with lumos.
+import math
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import platform
+import pandas as pd
+from shutil import copyfile
+import shutil
+from . import toolbox
+from . import logger
+from . import parameters
+import cv2
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import numpy as np
+def generate_plate_image_for_channel(
+ plate_input_path_string,
+ plate_name,
+ channel_to_render,
+ channel_label,
+ temp_folder,
+ keep_temp_files,
+ '''
+ Generates an image of a cellpainting plate for a specific channel.
+ Parameters:
+ plate_images_folder_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored.
+ plate_name (string): Name of the plate.
+ channel_to_render (string): The cellpainting channel to render.
+ channel_label (string): The label describing the channel type.
+ temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored.
+ Returns:
+ 8-bit cv2 image
+ '''
+ # define a temp folder for the run
+ temp_folder = temp_folder + "/lumos-tmpgen-" + plate_name + channel_to_render
+ # remove temp dir if existing
+ if not keep_temp_files:
+ logger.debug("Purge temporary folder before plate generation")
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True)
+ # create the temporary directory structure to work on images
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(temp_folder)
+ os.mkdir(temp_folder + "/wells")
+ except FileExistsError:
+ pass
+ # read the plate input path
+ plate_input_path = Path(plate_input_path_string)
+ # get the files from the plate folder, for the targeted channel
+ images_full_path_list = list(
+ Path(plate_input_path).glob("*" + channel_to_render + ".tif")
+ )
+ # check that we get 2304 images for a 384 well image
+ try:
+ assert len(images_full_path_list) == 2304
+ except AssertionError:
+ logger.p_print(
+ "The plate does not have the exact image count: expected 2304, got "
+ + str(len(images_full_path_list))
+ )
+ logger.warning(
+ "The plate does not have the exact image count: expected 2304, got "
+ + str(len(images_full_path_list))
+ )
+ "Start plate image generation for channel: "
+ + str(channel_to_render)
+ + " - "
+ + str(channel_label)
+ )
+ # get the filenames list
+ images_full_path_list.sort()
+ images_filename_list = [str( for x in images_full_path_list]
+ # get the well list
+ image_well_list = [x.split("_")[1].split("_T")[0] for x in images_filename_list]
+ # get the siteid list (sitesid from 1 to 6)
+ image_site_list = [
+ x.split("_T0001F")[1].split("L")[0] for x in images_filename_list
+ ]
+ image_site_list_int = [int(x) for x in image_site_list]
+ # zip all in a data structure
+ image_data_zip = zip(
+ image_well_list,
+ image_site_list_int,
+ images_filename_list,
+ images_full_path_list,
+ )
+ # convert the zip into dataframe
+ data_df = pd.DataFrame(
+ list(image_data_zip), columns=["well", "site", "filename", "fullpath"]
+ )
+ # get the theoretical well list for 384 well plate
+ well_theoretical_list = [
+ l + str(r).zfill(2) for l in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" for r in range(1, 25) # e.g. "A01"
+ ]
+ well_site_theoretical_list = [
+ [x, r] for x in well_theoretical_list for r in range(1, 7) # e.g. ["A01", 1] .. ["A01", 6]
+ ]
+ # create the theoretical well dataframe
+ theoretical_data_df = pd.DataFrame(
+ well_site_theoretical_list, columns=["well", "site"]
+ )
+ # join the real wells with the theoric ones
+ data_df_joined = theoretical_data_df.merge(
+ data_df,
+ left_on=["well", "site"],
+ right_on=["well", "site"],
+ how="left",
+ )
+ # log if there is a delta between theory and actual plate wells
+ delta = set(well_theoretical_list) - set(image_well_list)
+ logger.debug("Well Delta " + str(delta))
+ # get the site images and store them locally
+"Copying sources images in temp folder..")
+ copyprogressbar = tqdm(
+ data_df_joined.iterrows(),
+ total=len(data_df_joined),
+ desc="Download images to temp",
+ unit="images",
+ colour="blue" if platform.system() == 'Windows' else "#006464",
+ leave=True,
+ disable=logger._is_in_parallel,
+ )
+ for _, current_image in copyprogressbar:
+ # do not copy if temp file already exists, or if source file doesn't exists
+ if not os.path.isfile(temp_folder + "/" + str(current_image["filename"])):
+ try:
+ copyfile(
+ current_image["fullpath"],
+ temp_folder + "/" + str(current_image["filename"]),
+ )
+ except TypeError:
+ # this is thrown when the source file does not exist, or when copyfile() fails
+ logger.warning(
+ "TypeError: from "
+ + str(current_image["fullpath"])
+ + " to "
+ + str(temp_folder)
+ + "/"
+ + str(current_image["filename"])
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.debug(
+ "File already exists in temp folder: "
+ + temp_folder + "/" + str(current_image["filename"])
+ )
+"Copying sources images in temp folder..Done")
+ # get the list of all the wells
+ # We first convert to a set to remove redundant wells (duplicate data because each is represented 6 times, one per site)
+ well_list = list(set(data_df_joined["well"]))
+ well_list.sort()
+"Generating well images and storing them in temp dir..")
+ # generate one image per well by concatenation of image sites
+ wellprogressbar = tqdm(
+ well_list,
+ unit="wells",
+ colour="magenta" if platform.system() == 'Windows' else "#6464a0",
+ leave=True,
+ disable=logger._is_in_parallel,
+ )
+ for current_well in wellprogressbar:
+ wellprogressbar.set_description("Processing well %s" % current_well)
+ # get the 6 images metadata of the well
+ current_wells_df = data_df_joined.loc[data_df_joined["well"] == current_well]
+ # load 6 wells into an image list (if image cannot be opened, e.g. if it is missing or corrupted, replace with a placeholder image)
+ image_list = []
+ for current_site in range(1, 7):
+ img = toolbox.load_site_image(current_site, current_wells_df, temp_folder)
+ try:
+ # resize the image first to reduce computations
+ img = cv2.resize(
+ src=img,
+ dsize=None,
+ fx=parameters.rescale_ratio,
+ fy=parameters.rescale_ratio,
+ interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC,
+ )
+ # normalize the intensity of each channel by a specific coefficient
+ img = img * parameters.channel_coefficients[channel_to_render]
+ # convert to 8 bit
+ img = img / 256
+ img = img.astype("uint8")
+ except:
+ # create placeholder image when error
+ img = np.full(
+ shape=(int(1000*parameters.rescale_ratio), int(1000*parameters.rescale_ratio), 1),
+ fill_value=parameters.placeholder_background_intensity,
+ dtype=np.uint8
+ )
+ img = toolbox.draw_markers(img, parameters.placeholder_markers_intensity)
+ logger.warning("Missing or corrupted file in well " + current_well + " (site " + str(current_site) + ")")
+ image_list.append(img)
+ # concatenate horizontally and vertically
+ sites_row1 = cv2.hconcat(
+ [image_list[0], image_list[1], image_list[2]]
+ )
+ sites_row2 = cv2.hconcat(
+ [image_list[3], image_list[4], image_list[5]]
+ )
+ all_sites_image = cv2.vconcat([sites_row1, sites_row2])
+ # add well id on image
+ text = current_well + " " + channel_label
+ cv2.putText(
+ all_sites_image,
+ text,
+ (math.ceil(25*parameters.rescale_ratio), math.ceil(125*parameters.rescale_ratio)),
+ font,
+ 4*parameters.rescale_ratio,
+ (192, 192, 192),
+ math.ceil(8*parameters.rescale_ratio),
+ )
+ # add well marks on borders
+ image_shape = all_sites_image.shape
+ cv2.rectangle(
+ all_sites_image,
+ (0, 0),
+ (image_shape[1], image_shape[0]),
+ color=(192, 192, 192),
+ thickness=1,
+ )
+ # save the image in the temp folder
+ cv2.imwrite(
+ temp_folder + "/wells/well-" + str(current_well) + ".png",
+ all_sites_image,
+ )
+"Generating well images and storing them in temp dir..Done")
+ # load all well images and store images in memory into a list
+ logger.p_print("Combining well images into final channel image..")
+"Loading well images from temp dir..")
+ image_well_data = []
+ for current_well in list(well_list):
+ well_image = toolbox.load_well_image(
+ current_well,
+ temp_folder + "/wells",
+ )
+ image_well_data.append(well_image)
+"Loading well images from temp dir..Done")
+ # concatenate all the well images into horizontal stripes (1 per row)
+"Concatenating well images into a plate..")
+ image_row_data = []
+ for current_plate_row in range(1, 17):
+ # concatenate horizontally and vertically
+ well_start_id = ((current_plate_row - 1) * 24) + 0
+ well_end_id = current_plate_row * 24
+ sites_row = cv2.hconcat(image_well_data[well_start_id:well_end_id])
+ image_row_data.append(sites_row)
+ # concatenate all the stripes into 1 image
+ plate_image = cv2.vconcat(image_row_data)
+"Concatenating well images into a plate..Done")
+ # purge temp files
+ if not keep_temp_files:
+ logger.debug("Purge temporary folder after generation")
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True)
+ return plate_image
+def render_single_channel_plateview(
+ source_path, plate_name, channel_to_render, channel_label, output_path, temp_folder_path, keep_temp_files
+ '''
+ Renders 1 image for a specific channel of a plate.
+ Parameters:
+ source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored.
+ plate_name (string): Name of the plate.
+ channel_to_render (string): The name of the channel to render.
+ channel_label (string): The label describing the channel type.
+ output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image.
+ temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored.
+ keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs.
+ Returns:
+ True (in case of success)
+ '''
+ # generate cv2 image for the channel
+ plate_image = generate_plate_image_for_channel(
+ source_path,
+ plate_name,
+ channel_to_render,
+ channel_label,
+ temp_folder_path,
+ keep_temp_files
+ )
+ logger.p_print(" -> Generated image of size: " + str(plate_image.shape))
+ # save image
+ plate_image_path = (
+ output_path
+ + "/"
+ + plate_name
+ + "-"
+ + str(channel_to_render)
+ + "-"
+ + str(parameters.channel_coefficients[channel_to_render])
+ + ".jpg"
+ )
+ cv2.imwrite(plate_image_path, plate_image)
+ logger.p_print(" -> Saved as " + plate_image_path)
+ return
+def render_single_plate_plateview(
+ source_path,
+ plate_name,
+ channel_list,
+ output_path,
+ temp_folder_path,
+ keep_temp_files
+ '''
+ Renders 1 image per channel for a specific plate.
+ Parameters:
+ source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored.
+ plate_name (string): Name of the plate.
+ channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render.
+ output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image.
+ temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored.
+ keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs.
+ Returns:
+ True (in case of success)
+ '''
+ for current_channel in tqdm(
+ channel_list,
+ desc="Render plate channels",
+ unit="channel",
+ colour="green" if platform.system() == 'Windows' else "#00ff00",
+ ):
+ # get the current channel's label
+ channel_label = parameters.cellplainting_channels_dict[current_channel]
+ logger.p_print(os.linesep)
+ logger.p_print("Generate " + current_channel + " - " + channel_label + os.linesep)
+ render_single_channel_plateview(
+ source_path,
+ plate_name,
+ current_channel,
+ channel_label,
+ output_path,
+ temp_folder_path,
+ keep_temp_files
+ )
+ return
+def render_single_plate_plateview_parallelism(
+ source_path,
+ plate_name,
+ channel_list,
+ output_path,
+ temp_folder_path,
+ parallelism,
+ keep_temp_files
+ '''
+ Renders, in parallel, 1 image per channel for a specific plate.
+ Parameters:
+ source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored.
+ plate_name (string): Name of the plate.
+ channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render.
+ output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image.
+ temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored.
+ parallelism (int): On how many CPU cores should the computation be spread.
+ keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs.
+ Returns:
+ True (in case of success)
+ '''
+ n_cores = min(parallelism, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(n_cores)
+ try:
+ for current_channel in channel_list:
+ # get the current channel's label
+ channel_label = parameters.cellplainting_channels_dict[current_channel]
+ pool.apply_async(render_single_channel_plateview, args=(
+ source_path,
+ plate_name,
+ current_channel,
+ channel_label,
+ output_path,
+ temp_folder_path,
+ keep_temp_files
+ ))
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # does not work: this is an issue with the multiprocessing library
+ pool.terminate()
+ pool.join()
+ return
+def render_single_run_plateview(
+ source_folder_dict,
+ channel_list,
+ output_path,
+ temp_folder_path,
+ parallelism,
+ keep_temp_files
+ '''
+ Renders images for all plates of a run. Compatible with parallelism.
+ Parameters:
+ source_folder_dict (dict): A dictionary of the name of the plates and their respective path.
+ channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render for all plates.
+ output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image.
+ temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored.
+ parallelism (int): On how many CPU cores should the computation be spread.
+ keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs.
+ Returns:
+ True (in case of success)
+ '''
+ runprogressbar = tqdm(
+ source_folder_dict.keys(),
+ total=len(source_folder_dict),
+ desc="Run progress",
+ unit="plates",
+ colour='cyan' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else "#0AAFAF",
+ leave=True,
+ )
+ for current_plate in runprogressbar:
+ # render all the channels of the plate
+ if parallelism == 1:
+ render_single_plate_plateview(
+ source_folder_dict[current_plate],
+ current_plate,
+ channel_list,
+ output_path,
+ temp_folder_path,
+ keep_temp_files,
+ )
+ else:
+ render_single_plate_plateview_parallelism(
+ source_folder_dict[current_plate],
+ current_plate,
+ channel_list,
+ output_path,
+ temp_folder_path,
+ parallelism,
+ keep_temp_files,
+ )
+ print(os.linesep + os.linesep + "Run completed!")
+ print(str(len(source_folder_dict.keys())), "plate(s) have been processed.", os.linesep)
+ return
+def generate_plate_image_for_channel(plate_input_path_string, plate_name, channel_to_render, channel_label, temp_folder, keep_temp_files) +
Generates an image of a cellpainting plate for a specific channel.
+Parameters: + plate_images_folder_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored. + plate_name (string): Name of the plate. + channel_to_render (string): The cellpainting channel to render. + channel_label (string): The label describing the channel type. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + + Returns: + 8-bit cv2 image +
+++Expand source code +
+def generate_plate_image_for_channel( + plate_input_path_string, + plate_name, + channel_to_render, + channel_label, + temp_folder, + keep_temp_files, +): + ''' + Generates an image of a cellpainting plate for a specific channel. + + Parameters: + plate_images_folder_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored. + plate_name (string): Name of the plate. + channel_to_render (string): The cellpainting channel to render. + channel_label (string): The label describing the channel type. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + + Returns: + 8-bit cv2 image + ''' + + # define a temp folder for the run + temp_folder = temp_folder + "/lumos-tmpgen-" + plate_name + channel_to_render + + # remove temp dir if existing + if not keep_temp_files: + logger.debug("Purge temporary folder before plate generation") + shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True) + + # create the temporary directory structure to work on images + try: + os.mkdir(temp_folder) + os.mkdir(temp_folder + "/wells") + except FileExistsError: + pass + + # read the plate input path + plate_input_path = Path(plate_input_path_string) + + # get the files from the plate folder, for the targeted channel + images_full_path_list = list( + Path(plate_input_path).glob("*" + channel_to_render + ".tif") + ) + + # check that we get 2304 images for a 384 well image + try: + assert len(images_full_path_list) == 2304 + except AssertionError: + logger.p_print( + "The plate does not have the exact image count: expected 2304, got " + + str(len(images_full_path_list)) + ) + logger.warning( + "The plate does not have the exact image count: expected 2304, got " + + str(len(images_full_path_list)) + ) + + + "Start plate image generation for channel: " + + str(channel_to_render) + + " - " + + str(channel_label) + ) + + # get the filenames list + images_full_path_list.sort() + images_filename_list = [str( for x in images_full_path_list] + + # get the well list + image_well_list = [x.split("_")[1].split("_T")[0] for x in images_filename_list] + + # get the siteid list (sitesid from 1 to 6) + image_site_list = [ + x.split("_T0001F")[1].split("L")[0] for x in images_filename_list + ] + image_site_list_int = [int(x) for x in image_site_list] + + # zip all in a data structure + image_data_zip = zip( + image_well_list, + image_site_list_int, + images_filename_list, + images_full_path_list, + ) + + # convert the zip into dataframe + data_df = pd.DataFrame( + list(image_data_zip), columns=["well", "site", "filename", "fullpath"] + ) + + # get the theoretical well list for 384 well plate + well_theoretical_list = [ + l + str(r).zfill(2) for l in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" for r in range(1, 25) # e.g. "A01" + ] + well_site_theoretical_list = [ + [x, r] for x in well_theoretical_list for r in range(1, 7) # e.g. ["A01", 1] .. ["A01", 6] + ] + + # create the theoretical well dataframe + theoretical_data_df = pd.DataFrame( + well_site_theoretical_list, columns=["well", "site"] + ) + + # join the real wells with the theoric ones + data_df_joined = theoretical_data_df.merge( + data_df, + left_on=["well", "site"], + right_on=["well", "site"], + how="left", + ) + + # log if there is a delta between theory and actual plate wells + delta = set(well_theoretical_list) - set(image_well_list) + logger.debug("Well Delta " + str(delta)) + + # get the site images and store them locally +"Copying sources images in temp folder..") + + copyprogressbar = tqdm( + data_df_joined.iterrows(), + total=len(data_df_joined), + desc="Download images to temp", + unit="images", + colour="blue" if platform.system() == 'Windows' else "#006464", + leave=True, + disable=logger._is_in_parallel, + ) + for _, current_image in copyprogressbar: + + # do not copy if temp file already exists, or if source file doesn't exists + if not os.path.isfile(temp_folder + "/" + str(current_image["filename"])): + try: + copyfile( + current_image["fullpath"], + temp_folder + "/" + str(current_image["filename"]), + ) + except TypeError: + # this is thrown when the source file does not exist, or when copyfile() fails + logger.warning( + "TypeError: from " + + str(current_image["fullpath"]) + + " to " + + str(temp_folder) + + "/" + + str(current_image["filename"]) + ) + else: + logger.debug( + "File already exists in temp folder: " + + temp_folder + "/" + str(current_image["filename"]) + ) + +"Copying sources images in temp folder..Done") + + # get the list of all the wells + # We first convert to a set to remove redundant wells (duplicate data because each is represented 6 times, one per site) + well_list = list(set(data_df_joined["well"])) + well_list.sort() + +"Generating well images and storing them in temp dir..") + + # generate one image per well by concatenation of image sites + wellprogressbar = tqdm( + well_list, + unit="wells", + colour="magenta" if platform.system() == 'Windows' else "#6464a0", + leave=True, + disable=logger._is_in_parallel, + ) + for current_well in wellprogressbar: + wellprogressbar.set_description("Processing well %s" % current_well) + + # get the 6 images metadata of the well + current_wells_df = data_df_joined.loc[data_df_joined["well"] == current_well] + + # load 6 wells into an image list (if image cannot be opened, e.g. if it is missing or corrupted, replace with a placeholder image) + image_list = [] + for current_site in range(1, 7): + img = toolbox.load_site_image(current_site, current_wells_df, temp_folder) + try: + # resize the image first to reduce computations + img = cv2.resize( + src=img, + dsize=None, + fx=parameters.rescale_ratio, + fy=parameters.rescale_ratio, + interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, + ) + # normalize the intensity of each channel by a specific coefficient + img = img * parameters.channel_coefficients[channel_to_render] + # convert to 8 bit + img = img / 256 + img = img.astype("uint8") + except: + # create placeholder image when error + img = np.full( + shape=(int(1000*parameters.rescale_ratio), int(1000*parameters.rescale_ratio), 1), + fill_value=parameters.placeholder_background_intensity, + dtype=np.uint8 + ) + img = toolbox.draw_markers(img, parameters.placeholder_markers_intensity) + logger.warning("Missing or corrupted file in well " + current_well + " (site " + str(current_site) + ")") + + image_list.append(img) + + # concatenate horizontally and vertically + sites_row1 = cv2.hconcat( + [image_list[0], image_list[1], image_list[2]] + ) + sites_row2 = cv2.hconcat( + [image_list[3], image_list[4], image_list[5]] + ) + all_sites_image = cv2.vconcat([sites_row1, sites_row2]) + + # add well id on image + text = current_well + " " + channel_label + font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX + cv2.putText( + all_sites_image, + text, + (math.ceil(25*parameters.rescale_ratio), math.ceil(125*parameters.rescale_ratio)), + font, + 4*parameters.rescale_ratio, + (192, 192, 192), + math.ceil(8*parameters.rescale_ratio), + cv2.INTER_AREA, + ) + + # add well marks on borders + image_shape = all_sites_image.shape + cv2.rectangle( + all_sites_image, + (0, 0), + (image_shape[1], image_shape[0]), + color=(192, 192, 192), + thickness=1, + ) + + # save the image in the temp folder + cv2.imwrite( + temp_folder + "/wells/well-" + str(current_well) + ".png", + all_sites_image, + ) + +"Generating well images and storing them in temp dir..Done") + + # load all well images and store images in memory into a list + logger.p_print("Combining well images into final channel image..") +"Loading well images from temp dir..") + + image_well_data = [] + for current_well in list(well_list): + well_image = toolbox.load_well_image( + current_well, + temp_folder + "/wells", + ) + image_well_data.append(well_image) + +"Loading well images from temp dir..Done") + + # concatenate all the well images into horizontal stripes (1 per row) +"Concatenating well images into a plate..") + + image_row_data = [] + for current_plate_row in range(1, 17): + + # concatenate horizontally and vertically + well_start_id = ((current_plate_row - 1) * 24) + 0 + well_end_id = current_plate_row * 24 + sites_row = cv2.hconcat(image_well_data[well_start_id:well_end_id]) + image_row_data.append(sites_row) + + # concatenate all the stripes into 1 image + plate_image = cv2.vconcat(image_row_data) + +"Concatenating well images into a plate..Done") + + # purge temp files + if not keep_temp_files: + logger.debug("Purge temporary folder after generation") + shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True) + + return plate_image
+ +def render_single_channel_plateview(source_path, plate_name, channel_to_render, channel_label, output_path, temp_folder_path, keep_temp_files) +
Renders 1 image for a specific channel of a plate.
+Parameters: + source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored. + plate_name (string): Name of the plate. + channel_to_render (string): The name of the channel to render. + channel_label (string): The label describing the channel type. + output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs. + + Returns: + True (in case of success) +
+++Expand source code +
+def render_single_channel_plateview( + source_path, plate_name, channel_to_render, channel_label, output_path, temp_folder_path, keep_temp_files +): + ''' + Renders 1 image for a specific channel of a plate. + + Parameters: + source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored. + plate_name (string): Name of the plate. + channel_to_render (string): The name of the channel to render. + channel_label (string): The label describing the channel type. + output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs. + + Returns: + True (in case of success) + ''' + + # generate cv2 image for the channel + plate_image = generate_plate_image_for_channel( + source_path, + plate_name, + channel_to_render, + channel_label, + temp_folder_path, + keep_temp_files + ) + logger.p_print(" -> Generated image of size: " + str(plate_image.shape)) + + # save image + plate_image_path = ( + output_path + + "/" + + plate_name + + "-" + + str(channel_to_render) + + "-" + + str(parameters.channel_coefficients[channel_to_render]) + + ".jpg" + ) + cv2.imwrite(plate_image_path, plate_image) + logger.p_print(" -> Saved as " + plate_image_path) + + return
+ +def render_single_plate_plateview(source_path, plate_name, channel_list, output_path, temp_folder_path, keep_temp_files) +
Renders 1 image per channel for a specific plate.
+Parameters: + source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored. + plate_name (string): Name of the plate. + channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render. + output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs. + + Returns: + True (in case of success) +
+++Expand source code +
+def render_single_plate_plateview( + source_path, + plate_name, + channel_list, + output_path, + temp_folder_path, + keep_temp_files +): + ''' + Renders 1 image per channel for a specific plate. + + Parameters: + source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored. + plate_name (string): Name of the plate. + channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render. + output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs. + + Returns: + True (in case of success) + ''' + + for current_channel in tqdm( + channel_list, + desc="Render plate channels", + unit="channel", + colour="green" if platform.system() == 'Windows' else "#00ff00", + ): + # get the current channel's label + channel_label = parameters.cellplainting_channels_dict[current_channel] + + logger.p_print(os.linesep) + logger.p_print("Generate " + current_channel + " - " + channel_label + os.linesep) + + render_single_channel_plateview( + source_path, + plate_name, + current_channel, + channel_label, + output_path, + temp_folder_path, + keep_temp_files + ) + + return
+ +def render_single_plate_plateview_parallelism(source_path, plate_name, channel_list, output_path, temp_folder_path, parallelism, keep_temp_files) +
Renders, in parallel, 1 image per channel for a specific plate.
+Parameters: + source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored. + plate_name (string): Name of the plate. + channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render. + output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + parallelism (int): On how many CPU cores should the computation be spread. + keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs. + + Returns: + True (in case of success) +
+++Expand source code +
+def render_single_plate_plateview_parallelism( + source_path, + plate_name, + channel_list, + output_path, + temp_folder_path, + parallelism, + keep_temp_files +): + ''' + Renders, in parallel, 1 image per channel for a specific plate. + + Parameters: + source_path (Path): The path to the folder where the images of the plate are stored. + plate_name (string): Name of the plate. + channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render. + output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + parallelism (int): On how many CPU cores should the computation be spread. + keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs. + + Returns: + True (in case of success) + ''' + + n_cores = min(parallelism, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(n_cores) + + try: + for current_channel in channel_list: + # get the current channel's label + channel_label = parameters.cellplainting_channels_dict[current_channel] + + pool.apply_async(render_single_channel_plateview, args=( + source_path, + plate_name, + current_channel, + channel_label, + output_path, + temp_folder_path, + keep_temp_files + )) + + pool.close() + pool.join() + + except KeyboardInterrupt: + # does not work: this is an issue with the multiprocessing library + pool.terminate() + pool.join() + + return
+ +def render_single_run_plateview(source_folder_dict, channel_list, output_path, temp_folder_path, parallelism, keep_temp_files) +
Renders images for all plates of a run. Compatible with parallelism.
+Parameters: + source_folder_dict (dict): A dictionary of the name of the plates and their respective path. + channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render for all plates. + output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + parallelism (int): On how many CPU cores should the computation be spread. + keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs. + + Returns: + True (in case of success) +
+++Expand source code +
+def render_single_run_plateview( + source_folder_dict, + channel_list, + output_path, + temp_folder_path, + parallelism, + keep_temp_files +): + ''' + Renders images for all plates of a run. Compatible with parallelism. + + Parameters: + source_folder_dict (dict): A dictionary of the name of the plates and their respective path. + channel_list (string list): The list of the channels to render for all plates. + output_path (Path): The folder where to save the generated image. + temp_folder_path (Path): The folder where temporary data can be stored. + parallelism (int): On how many CPU cores should the computation be spread. + keep_temp_files (bool): [dev] Whether or not the temporary files should be kept between runs. + + Returns: + True (in case of success) + ''' + runprogressbar = tqdm( + source_folder_dict.keys(), + total=len(source_folder_dict), + desc="Run progress", + unit="plates", + colour='cyan' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else "#0AAFAF", + leave=True, + ) + for current_plate in runprogressbar: + # render all the channels of the plate + if parallelism == 1: + render_single_plate_plateview( + source_folder_dict[current_plate], + current_plate, + channel_list, + output_path, + temp_folder_path, + keep_temp_files, + ) + else: + render_single_plate_plateview_parallelism( + source_folder_dict[current_plate], + current_plate, + channel_list, + output_path, + temp_folder_path, + parallelism, + keep_temp_files, + ) + + print(os.linesep + os.linesep + "Run completed!") + print(str(len(source_folder_dict.keys())), "plate(s) have been processed.", os.linesep) + + return