A type checker plugin is identified by a module name, e.g. My.Plugin
. To enable My.Plugin
in your module, use the -fplugin
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin My.Plugin #-}
module My.Module where
Note that if the OPTIONS_GHC
block is located after the module
line or if My.Plugin
is a valid module but not one which provides a type checker plugin, the line will be silently ignored.
It is possible to pass some String
arguments to the plugin using the -fplugin-opt
option. Since there can be more than one occurrence of -fplugin
, each occurrence of -fplugin-opt
must repeat the name of the plugin in order to clarify which of those plugins should receive the argument.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin My.Plugin
module My.Module where
To provide a type checker plugin, My.Plugin
must expose a value plugin :: Plugin
whose tcPlugin :: Maybe TcPlugin
field is set to a Just
module My.Plugin (plugin) where
import Plugins (Plugin(..), defaultPlugin)
import TcPluginM (tcPluginIO)
import TcRnTypes (TcPlugin(..), TcPluginResult(TcPluginOk))
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = defaultPlugin
{ tcPlugin = \args -> Just $ TcPlugin
{ tcPluginInit = do
tcPluginIO $ print args
, tcPluginSolve = \_ _ _ _ -> do
pure $ TcPluginOk [] []
, tcPluginStop = \_ -> do
pure ()
When compiling My.Module
, My.Plugin
's tcPluginInit
gets called, which prints ["arg1","arg2","arg3"]
to the console at compile-time.
Note that My.Plugin
and My.Module
must be part of different packages, or at least different targets, e.g. the library
and executable
sections of the same cabal file.
The expected types of tcPluginInit
, tcPluginSolve
and tcPluginStop
are as follows:
tcPluginInit :: TcPluginM PluginState
tcPluginSolve :: PluginState -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> TcPluginM TcPluginResult
tcPluginStop :: PluginState -> TcPluginM ()
for some type PluginState
that the plugin author can define as desired (in the above example, ()
The workhorse of a type-checker plugin is tcPluginSolve
. Its task is to analyse the constraints it is provided with (Ct
is GHC's type of constraints, which come in three flavours, in order: given, derived, wanted), before returning a TcPluginResult
data TcPluginResult
= TcPluginContradiction [Ct] -- Report that these constraints constitute a contradiction.
| TcPluginOk
[(EvTerm,Ct)] -- Constraints solved by the plugin, with accompanying evidence terms.
[Ct] -- New constraints emitted by the plugin.
That is, the plugin can either report a contradiction (with the offending constraints), or solve some of the constraints (providing evidence for them) while also emitting new constraints. To do nothing, the plugin can return TcPluginOk [] []
GHC's constraint simplifier/solver runs in a loop, simplifying constraints until no further simplifications are found.
Only then will plugins be given the chance to handle the constraints.
If the plugin solved any constraints, or emitted further constraints, this information will then be passed back to the main constraint solving loop. This continues until there are no more constraints to solve, or GHC reaches the maximum number of constraint solving iterations (customisable with -fconstraint-solver-iterations=n
; n=0
for no limit).
GHC keeps track of progress using the notion of inert constraints, on which no further work is deemed possible. Each iteration of the loop attempts to uses the inert constraints to simplify the next work item, until this work item is also inert (maybe even solved). GHC then kicks-out any formerly-inert constraints back onto the work list if the new inert constraint can simplify them.
Two different types of invocation are possible:
- when GHC has finished simplifying [G] given constraints,
- after unflattening [W] wanted constraints.
In the first situation (and only then), the list of wanted constraints provided to the plugin will be empty (and so will be the list of derived constraints).
Note also that GHC's constraint solver can be called for many different reasons, reasons which might not be immediately obvious from the program GHC is attempting to typecheck. One such example is GHC's ambiguity check.
Some typeclasses, like Coercible
and Typeable
, are "magic", in the sense that the compiler discharges those constraints without requiring you to write any instances. You can implement your own magic typeclasses by discharging those constraints inside a type checker plugin.
For example, suppose we define a nullary typeclass and a definition which requires it:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module My.Nullary where
class MyNullary
requireMyNullary :: MyNullary => ()
requireMyNullary = ()
If we try to call requireMyNullary
from a function which does not itself require MyNullary
, we get a No instance for MyNullary
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin My.Plugin
module My.Module where
import My.Nullary (requireMyNullary)
unit :: ()
unit = requireMyNullary
We can get ghc to accept this code by writing a plugin which discharges the wanted MyNullary
constraints it encounters:
module My.Plugin (plugin) where
import Class (Class(className, classTyCon))
import FastString (mkFastString)
import GHC.TcPluginM.Extra (lookupModule, lookupName)
import MkCore (mkCoreConApps)
import Module (mkModuleName)
import Name (Name, mkTcOcc)
import Plugins (Plugin(pluginRecompile, tcPlugin), defaultPlugin, purePlugin)
import TcEvidence (EvTerm(EvExpr))
import TcPluginM (TcPluginM)
import TcRnTypes (Ct(CDictCan), TcPlugin(TcPlugin, tcPluginInit, tcPluginSolve, tcPluginStop) , TcPluginResult(TcPluginOk)
import TyCon (tyConDataCons_maybe)
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = defaultPlugin
{ tcPlugin = \_ -> Just $ TcPlugin
{ tcPluginInit = pluginInit
, tcPluginSolve = pluginSolve
, tcPluginStop = \_ -> pure ()
, pluginRecompile = purePlugin
pluginInit :: TcPluginM Name
pluginInit = do
myNullaryModule <- lookupModule (mkModuleName "My.Nullary") (mkFastString "my-package")
lookupName myNullaryModule (mkTcOcc "MyNullary")
pluginSolve :: Name -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> TcPluginM TcPluginResult
pluginSolve myNullaryName _ _ = go
go :: [Ct] -> TcPluginM TcPluginResult
go [] = do
pure $ TcPluginOk [] []
go (ct@(CDictCan _ class_ _ _) : _) | className class_ == myNullaryName = do
let myNullaryClass = class_
dictTyCon = classTyCon myNullaryClass
Just [dictDataCon] = tyConDataCons_maybe dictTyCon
pure $ TcPluginOk [(EvExpr $ mkCoreConApps dictDataCon [], ct)] []
go (_ : cts) = do
go cts
In pluginInit
, we first lookup MyNullary
in the My.Nullary
module in order to obtain its internal name. Later on, in go
, we compare internal names in order to make sure we only discharge our MyNullary
constraint, and not e.g. some other constraint which also happens to be called "MyNullary". We then discharge the constraint by returning it along with the relevant evidence: a dictionary providing an implementation for all the methods of the typeclass. Since MyNullary
has zero methods, we can do this by using mkCoreConApps
to apply the dictionary's data constructor to zero arguments.
We can ignore the rest of the Ct
s; if they are still relevant after ghc has figured out all the consequences of the simplification we provided, we'll be given another chance to examine them.
In source Haskell, constraints appear to the left of =>
arrows, and correspond to information that is synthesized by the constraint solver and implicitly passed around.
Examples include:
- typeclass constraints such as
Eq a
, - equality constraints such as
a ~ b
, - quantified constraints.
Constraints come in three different flavours:
[G] Given: we have evidence for this constraint,
[W] Wanted: we want evidence for this constraint,
[D] Derived: any solution must satisfy this constraint, but we don't need evidence for it.
Examples include:- superclasses of [W] class constraints,
- equalities arising from functional dependencies or injective type families.
Let's take the example of the Eq
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
The full type signatures of Eq
and (==)
Eq :: Type -> Constraint
(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
Here Constraint
is the surface-Haskell type of constraints. Consider what happens when a function requires the constraint Eq a
f :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
f x y = ( x == x ) && ( y == y )
The Core
for this function is:
f = \ @a ($dEq :: Eq a) (x :: a) (y :: a) -> ( (==) @a $dEq x x ) && ( (==) @a $dEq y y )
That is, the constraint Eq a
is satisfied by passing an explicit typeclass dictionary to f
, which is here named $dEq
. This dictionary is then handed to (==)
, which simply accesses the field of the record Eq a
corresponding to the typeclass method (==)
of Eq
In this case, we see that the evidence for a typeclass constraint is a dictionary for this typeclass; that is, a record of the typeclass methods. For typeclasses with a single method, this record is moreover a newtype.
Haskell has two different notions of type equivalence:
- nominal equivalence: two types are the same, e.g.
. - representational equivalence: two types have the same representation,
e.g. one is a newtype around the other (such as
andSum Int
In source Haskell, a ~ b
is a nominal equivalence between a
and b
, whereas Coercible a b
is a representational equivalence.
The evidence for a type equality a ~ b
is a coercion from a
to b
: the Haskell function
f :: forall a b. ( a ~ b ) => a -> b
f x = x
results in the Core
f = \ @a @b ($d~ :: a ~ b) (x :: a) ->
case eq_sel @Type @a @b $d~ of
( co :: a ~# b ) -> x `cast` ( Sub co :: a ~R# b )
Here eq_sel
unwraps the coercion $d~
, giving an unboxed nominal coercion co :: a ~# b
. This coercion is downgraded to an unboxed representational coercion Sub co :: a ~R# b
, which is then used to perform a type cast.