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File metadata and controls

276 lines (237 loc) · 13.1 KB

The Zoo website is being overloaded with requests. We need to throttle the interactions using a rate-limiting strategy.

We aren't sure which strategy to employ, so we will test some alternatives - recording the activity that gets through using Redis timeseries. (this will allow us to visualize the outcome of each rate-limiting strategy)

Strategy #1 Uniform Rate Limiter

The rule here is no 1 caller is allowed to use a resource more than 1 / defined time-span in milliseconds

Example: bob can buy tickets to the tiger feeding only once every 10 seconds

Implementation: Create a binary String as a gate in Redis for each resource/endpoint we want to protect for each unique caller.

Establish a TTL for the key equal to the time frame we want to track

We will use this naming convention, so we remember what is supposed to happen:


Every time a request is made we check the TTL on the gate to see if it is > 0

If it is greater than zero we do not allow another request

Else - we set the TTL to the time-frame-in-seconds


When a client seeks to access the resource associated with the gate, we check for TTL > 0 and if so, deny the request.

Let's look at how that behavior looks over time by firing many requests against a gated resource and logging the ones that get through as events in a TimeSeries key.

We have our clients call this LUA script to manage the gating logic:

SCRIPT LOAD "if'ttl', KEYS[1]) > 0 then return 0 else'set',KEYS[1],ARGV[1],'PX',ARGV[1]) return'exists',KEYS[1]) end"

Loading the Lua script results in a SHA value being returned that acts as a reference to that same script.

We would then call such a script like this:

EVALSHA c1abd52961929c86bc593c66bc304e9ba5b5990e 1 10000

If we get back a 0 it means we should not continue with our request to the gated resource.> time
1) "1668631508"
2) "791244"> EVALSHA c1abd52961929c86bc593c66bc304e9ba5b5990e 1 10000
(integer) 1> time
1) "1668631515"
2) "574130"> EVALSHA c1abd52961929c86bc593c66bc304e9ba5b5990e 1 10000
(integer) 0> time
1) "1668631525"
2) "94945"> EVALSHA c1abd52961929c86bc593c66bc304e9ba5b5990e 1 10000
(integer) 1

* Upside: Each caller is gated in an even manner according to the time frame supplied

* Downside: If instead callers wanted to burn through a bag of credits where some could be used in a burst - this will not accommodate that behavior

* Downside: If there are hundreds of millions of callers and thousands of gated resources the number of keys will grow to be very large

* Downside: The resource itself is not protected if a gang of callers all happen to pass their gates at the same moment

Strategy #2 Resource Credits-based 'Bursty' (Sliding Window) Rate Limiter

The concept here is the resource allows for X requests by anyone within a certain timeframe.

Once those credits run out, everyone waits until the next timeframe begins.

Example: The tiger feeding resource allows 100 tickets to be purchased every 10 seconds - whoever gets them first wins

Implementation: Create a SortedSet that tracks all requests for the gated resource

For each submitted request, an entry is added to the SortedSet using the timestamp as measured by Redis for both the score and value

When each request comes in, use REMRANGEBYSCORE to remove any records of requests older than:

( [the current time] minus [the allotted time window] )


Count the number of requests that remain in that SortedSet and if it is higher than the defined limit ... reject the request (return 0)

We will use this naming convention so we remember what is supposed to happen:


We have our clients call this LUA script to manage the gating logic:

SCRIPT LOAD "local oneMeansOK = 1 local glimit = 0+ARGV[2] local'TIME')'SET','time{'..KEYS[1]..'}',''..t[1]..t[2]) local fullTime ='GET','time{'..KEYS[1]..'}') local delta = (fullTime - ARGV[1])'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE',KEYS[1],'0',delta) local rcount = ('ZCARD',KEYS[1])) if (rcount == glimit) then oneMeansOK = 0 elseif (rcount < glimit) then'ZADD',KEYS[1],fullTime,t[1]..':'..t[2]) end return oneMeansOK"

Loading the Lua script results in a SHA value being returned that acts as a reference to that same script.

We would then call such a script with args like this:

  1. The number of keys passed in during this invocation
  2. The keyname that will be used to create the SortedSet that tracks the number of resource uses
  3. The time-window measured in microseconds (10000000 == 10 seconds)
  4. The allowed number of invocations for the time-window

SortedSetSlidingWindow> EVALSHA cbff0c5457b4bb3ad718d5f8f147ed70bd6a1d37 1 10000000 3
(integer) 1> time
1) "1668807303"
2) "988345"> EVALSHA cbff0c5457b4bb3ad718d5f8f147ed70bd6a1d37 1 10000000 3
(integer) 1> time
1) "1668807306"
2) "468427"> EVALSHA cbff0c5457b4bb3ad718d5f8f147ed70bd6a1d37 1 10000000 3
(integer) 1> time
1) "1668807308"
2) "411043"> EVALSHA cbff0c5457b4bb3ad718d5f8f147ed70bd6a1d37 1 10000000 3
(integer) 0

When we get a 1 as a response - we can use the protected resource

A 0 response tells us to wait

* Upside: sometimes it is useful to allow bursts of activity up to a limit within a timeframe

* Upside: the granularity for the managed timeframe is finer using a SortedSet

* Upside: One SortedSet key is needed to protect a single resource and can be reused across many distinct clients

* Downside: One client might take up all the available credits for a timeframe

* Downside: Fastest client wins

An expanded solution where both the individual clients and the protected resource are given limits can be seen here:

Below is a shell script that calls Redis TIMESERIES as the protected resource - this is handy because we can then run queries to see when calls get through to the TS keys.


### This file executes 10 second time window tests against the two types of rateLimiters ###
### NOTE this file deliberately fires off twice as many unique clients as the provided number of allowed operations
### Some interesting variance in successful operations occurs 
### This variance depends on the latency involved in each invocation as new connections are established each time
### Play with the arguments and with the TimeSeries queries and see what you can discern

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "!!!     !!!!!     !!!!     No arguments provided!!!   !!!"
    echo "- please provide 2 args as integer values in the following order:"
    echo "[how_many_loops_to_run] [how_many_operations_to_allow_in_10_seconds]"
    echo "Example:  ./ 400 300"
    exit 1
echo "After this Script runs - try the following TimeSeries Query (Using RedisInsight) to see the behavior of the two rate limiters:"
echo "TS.MRANGE - + AGGREGATION SUM 1000 FILTER data=hits"
echo "TS.MRANGE - + AGGREGATION SUM 100000 FILTER data=hits"

### You are expected to edit this file and provide the following reused variables
# the next two are the connection details for your instance of redis:

### the next two are the responses given when you load each of the LUA scripts on your system

#LUASHAZ is the variable for the SortedSet Sliding Window Script:
LUASHAZ=FIXME-make me something like - c2abd52961929c86bc593c66bc304e9ba5b5990e

#LUASHAUF is the variable for the UniForm String-key timeout solution script:
LUASHAUF=FIXME-make me something like - c1abd52961929c86bc593c66bc304e9ba5b5e30e

## The following values are provided as args to this script (do not edit below here)

#### CLEANUP ####
x=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "del" "zew:tigerfeeding:Z{ratelimit}")
x=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "TS.CREATE" "zew:tigerfeeding:Z{ratelimit}" "retention" "0" "LABELS" "data" "hits")
x=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "del" "zew:tigerfeeding:UF{ratelimit}")
x=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "TS.CREATE" "zew:tigerfeeding:UF{ratelimit}" "retention" "0" "LABELS" "data" "hits")

while [ $counter -lt $howmanytimes ]
  #TEST 1 (Using SortedSet Bursty Rate Limiter)
  getThrough=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "EVALSHA" $LUASHAZ "1" "" "10000000" $allowedops)
  if [ 1 == "$getThrough" ]
  x=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "TS.ADD" "zew:tigerfeeding:Z{ratelimit}" "*" "1")
  counter=$[ $counter+1 ]

while [ $counter -lt $howmanytimes ]
  #TEST 2 (Using Uniform Rate Limiter) -- Note that to get to allowedops we need allowedops separate client invocations:
  getThrough=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "EVALSHA" $LUASHAUF "1" $rlkeyname "10000")
  if [ 1 == "$getThrough" ]
  x=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "TS.ADD" "zew:tigerfeeding:UF{ratelimit}" "*" "1")
  counter=$[ $counter+1 ]

while [ $counter -lt $howmanytimes ]
  #TEST 3 (repeat use of SortedSet to show that it stays at the limit regardless of slight delays and bursts)
  getThrough=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "EVALSHA" $LUASHAZ "1" "" "10000000" $allowedops)
  if [ 1 == "$getThrough" ]
  x=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "TS.ADD" "zew:tigerfeeding:Z{ratelimit}" "*" "1")
  counter=$[ $counter+1 ]

while [ $counter -lt $howmanytimes ]
  #TEST 4 (Repeat Use of Uniform Rate Limiter with New userIDs) -- Here we see how clients will gang up and execute more operations if the allowedops value is smaller than the unique number of clients:
  getThrough=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "EVALSHA" $LUASHAUF "1" $rlkeyname "10000")
  if [ 1 == "$getThrough" ]
  x=$(redis-cli -h $host -p $port "TS.ADD" "zew:tigerfeeding:UF{ratelimit}" "*" "1")
  counter=$[ $counter+1 ]

And now for something a bit different...

Coupling Rate Limiting with event/task processing

Request-coupled Leaking Bucket Algorithm:

This version does not depend on time - but rather the speed at which some processor can work through queued requests

Rate Limiting implemented by building a limited length queue/stream:

If we only allow 10 operations in our queue at a time:

  1. Check the length of the stream:

(if we get back > 10 we return 0 indicating too many requests have come in for that resource) 2) If XLEN returns < 10 We can use the XADD command

XADD * request_details "some~values~to~be~parsed~maybe~tilde~delimited"
  1. A separate service removes entries from the stream, parses the request_details, and processes the entry. This allows the processing system
    to decide how frequently new requests can be added.
    If the processing slows down, new requests are dropped. If you can scale the processors, more requests can be served.
SCRIPT LOAD "local oneMeansOK = 1 local glimit = 0+ARGV[1] if ('XLEN',KEYS[1]) == glimit) then oneMeansOK = 0 else'XADD',KEYS[1],'*',ARGV[2],ARGV[3]) end return oneMeansOK"

If the returned SHA value was this: bfe8b5121d88a32644a22fb44b7c1f082515339de

EVALSHA fe8b5121d88a32644a22fb44b7c1f082515339de 1 10 request_details "some~values~to~be~parsed~maybe~tilde~delimited"

NB: The Stream processor in this example would have to delete the entries from the stream once they are completely processed

(they could be written to a second stream or to JSON or Hash objects for search indexing allowing easy reporting on the total set and their outcomes/status)


  • Processor decides rate of processing
  • execution of check is faster than SortedSet (51 microseconds vs 65)
  • allows for complex processing and handles sending request params
  • Processor can utilize Consumer Groups


  • Processor (or helper) needs to utilize Redis Stream API

Variation: Use a LIST instead:

  • Script would check LLEN to get length of List and perform LPUSH
  • processor can RPOP or LPOP entries on whatever schedule it likes
  • Lists do not have the processing guarantees that Streams and consumer groups have
  • More suitable when only used as Rate limiter (find another way to manage args and other state)