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Launching bots

  • The first startup will be slow!
  • Make sure to mount volumes for persistence. Otherwise, after every restart, you will lose your caches and databases (including users and riot bots).
  • Beforehand, you need to set up all credentials in the .env.light file. After setting them up, execute the following command in the Terminal:
docker compose --env-file .env.light up --force-recreate --build

Wait for the following line to be displayed in the logs:

light-tgbot-1  | INFO:statbox:{'action': 'started', 'mode': 'dynamic_bot', 'bot_name': '<bot_name>'}

Possible performance optimizations, from least to most complicated:

  • Mount to tgbot to cache bot credentials:
    - /usr/lib/stc-tgbot:/usr/lib/stc-tgbot
    - /var/log/stc-tgbot:/var/log/stc-tgbot
  • Mount to ipfs to cache the database and downloaded items:
    - /data/ipfs:/data/ipfs
  • If you have mounted volumes to ipfs, pin the database to IPFS:
    docker compose --env-file .env.light exec ipfs ipfs pin add /ipns/ --progress
  • Host the database directly (requires development experience).