Query timeseries metrics for an organization.
Query the timeseries for all organizations.
- Only accessible to Super Users.
Query the timeseries store for an organization.
Refresh an org's timeseries metrics by rolling up it's :ref:`Content Timeseries Metrics `endpoints-content-timeseries>`.
List the summary metrics for all organizations. :ref:`Org Timeseries Metrics `endpoints-orgs-get-timeseries>`.
- Only accessible to Super Users.
Get an org's summary metrics by rolling up it's :ref:`Org Timeseries Metrics `endpoints-orgs-get-timeseries>`.
Refresh an org's summary metrics by rolling up it's :ref:`Org Timeseries Metrics `endpoints-orgs-get-timeseries>`.
Get all comparison metrics
Update all comparison metrics
Get just this comparison type
Update just this comparison type
for all orgs.
Compare this Org by all types.
Update all comparison metrics for this Org.
Update all comparison metrics for this Org.
Update comparison metrics for this Org and this type