diff --git a/sun/sun-ui/src/components/details-view/HotspotsDetails.vue b/sun/sun-ui/src/components/details-view/HotspotsDetails.vue
index 542357a3a..b7fd49060 100644
--- a/sun/sun-ui/src/components/details-view/HotspotsDetails.vue
+++ b/sun/sun-ui/src/components/details-view/HotspotsDetails.vue
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
{{ info.data.name }} - {{info.data.description}}
+ |
+ {{ info.data.description }}
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].code | uppercase }}
+ |
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].duration }} {{ $t("hotspot.days") }}
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].expires | formatDate(true) }}
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].user_name | truncate(12) }}
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].remain_use }} {{ $t("hotspot.max_use") }}
+ {{ $t("hotspot.reusable") }}
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].bandwidth_down }} Kbps
+ {{ $t("hotspot.unlimited") }}
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].max_traffic | byteFormat}}
+ {{ $t("hotspot.unlimited") }}
+ |
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].bandwidth_up }} Kbps
+ {{ $t("hotspot.unlimited") }}
+ {{ vouchersToPrint[i].max_time | secondsInHour }}
+ {{ $t("hotspot.unlimited") }}
+ |
+ |
@@ -1502,7 +1622,9 @@ export default {
locale: this.$root.$options.currentLocale,
smsMaxCount: 0,
- smsMaxCountAdd: 0
+ smsMaxCountAdd: 0,
+ showVoucherPrint: false,
+ vouchersToPrint: []
methods: {
@@ -1931,323 +2053,79 @@ export default {
- printVoucher(voucher) {
- let index;
- for (let i = 0; i < this.vouchers.usable.length; i++) {
- if (this.vouchers.usable[i].id === voucher.id) {
- index = i;
- }
- }
- // update voucher status
- this.hotspotUpdateVoucher(
- voucher.id,
- {
- printed: true
- },
- success => {
- var doc = new jsPDF("portrait", "mm", "a4");
- var halfWidth = Math.round(doc.internal.pageSize.width / 2);
- var fifthHeight = Math.round(doc.internal.pageSize.height / 5);
- doc.setDrawColor(17, 17, 17);
- doc.line(0, fifthHeight, halfWidth, fifthHeight);
- doc.line(halfWidth, 0, halfWidth, fifthHeight);
- var image = new Image();
- var context = this;
- image.onload = function() {
- var values = context.resizeImage(image, 20, 20);
- doc.addImage(
- context.preferences.captive[2].value,
- 2,
- 2,
- values.width,
- values.height
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-desc")[index],
- 50,
- -3,
- {
- width: 55
- }
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-main")[index],
- 65,
- 21
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-valid")[index],
- 1,
- 21
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-max-use")[index],
- 1,
- 29
- );
- doc.setLineWidth(0.3);
- doc.setDrawColor(158, 160, 163);
- doc.line(5, 41, halfWidth - 5, +41);
- doc.addImage(arrow.down, 4, 45, 3, 3);
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-download")[index],
- 8,
- 40
- );
- doc.addImage(arrow.up, 4, 50, 3, 3);
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-upload")[index],
- 8,
- 45
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-traffic")[index],
- 65,
- 40
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-time")[index],
- 65,
- 45
- );
- doc.autoPrint();
- window.open(doc.output("bloburl"), "_blank");
- };
- image.src = this.preferences.captive[2].value;
- },
- error => {
- console.error(error);
- }
- );
- },
- printAllVoucher() {
- var doc = new jsPDF("portrait", "mm", "a4");
- var width = doc.internal.pageSize.width;
- var height = doc.internal.pageSize.height;
- var halfWidth = Math.round(width / 2);
- var fifthHeight = Math.round(height / 5);
- var pageNumber = 15 % 8 !== 0 ? Math.floor(15 / 8) + 1 : 15 / 8;
- var row = 0;
- var cordinates = {
- y: 0,
- x: 0,
- width: 0,
- height: 0
- };
- var image = new Image();
+ printVouchers(voucherList) {
var context = this;
var promises = [];
- image.onload = function() {
- var values = context.resizeImage(image, 20, 20);
- for (var index = 0; index < context.vouchers.usable.length; index++) {
- promises.push(
- new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- context.hotspotUpdateVoucher(
- context.vouchers.usable[index].id,
- {
- printed: true
- },
- success => {
- resolve(success);
- },
- error => {
- reject(error);
- }
- );
- })
- );
- if (index % 10 === 0 && index !== 0) {
- doc.addPage();
- row = 0;
- cordinates = {
- y: 0,
- x: 0,
- width: 0,
- height: 0
- };
- }
- doc.setLineWidth(0.3);
- doc.setDrawColor(17, 17, 17);
- // Left column
- if (index % 2 === 0) {
- doc.addImage(
- context.preferences.captive[2].value,
- 2,
- cordinates.y + 2,
- values.width,
- values.height
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-desc")[index],
- 50,
- cordinates.y + -3,
- {
- width: 55
- }
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-main")[index],
- 65,
- cordinates.y + 21
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-valid")[index],
- 1,
- cordinates.y + 21
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-max-use")[index],
- 1,
- cordinates.y + 29
- );
- doc.setLineWidth(0.3);
- doc.setDrawColor(158, 160, 163);
- doc.line(5, cordinates.y + 41, halfWidth - 5, cordinates.y + 41);
- doc.addImage(arrow.down, 4, cordinates.y + 45, 3, 3);
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-download")[index],
- 8,
- cordinates.y + 40
- );
- doc.addImage(arrow.up, 4, cordinates.y + 50, 3, 3);
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-upload")[index],
- 8,
- cordinates.y + 45
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-traffic")[index],
- 65,
- cordinates.y + 40
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-time")[index],
- 65,
- cordinates.y + 45
- );
- doc.setDrawColor(17, 17, 17);
- if (index % 10 === 8) {
- doc.line(
- halfWidth,
- cordinates.y,
- halfWidth,
- cordinates.y + fifthHeight
- );
- } else {
- doc.line(
- 0,
- cordinates.y + fifthHeight,
- halfWidth,
- cordinates.y + fifthHeight
- );
- doc.line(
- halfWidth,
- cordinates.y,
- halfWidth,
- cordinates.y + fifthHeight
- );
- }
- // Right column
- } else {
- cordinates.x = halfWidth;
- doc.addImage(
- context.preferences.captive[2].value,
- cordinates.x + 2,
- cordinates.y + 2,
- values.width,
- values.height
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-desc")[index],
- cordinates.x + 50,
- cordinates.y + -3,
+ for (var index = 0; index < voucherList.length; index++) {
+ promises.push(
+ new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ context.hotspotUpdateVoucher(
+ voucherList[index].id,
- width: 55
+ printed: true
+ },
+ success => {
+ resolve(success);
+ },
+ error => {
+ reject(error);
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-main")[index],
- cordinates.x + 65,
- cordinates.y + 21
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-valid")[index],
- cordinates.x + 1,
- cordinates.y + 21
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-max-use")[index],
- cordinates.x + 1,
- cordinates.y + 29
- );
- doc.setLineWidth(0.3);
- doc.setDrawColor(158, 160, 163);
- doc.line(
- cordinates.x + 5,
- cordinates.y + 41,
- cordinates.x * 2 - 5,
- cordinates.y + 41
- );
- doc.addImage(arrow.down, cordinates.x + 4, cordinates.y + 45, 3, 3);
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-download")[index],
- cordinates.x + 8,
- cordinates.y + 40
- );
- doc.addImage(arrow.up, cordinates.x + 4, cordinates.y + 50, 3, 3);
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-upload")[index],
- cordinates.x + 8,
- cordinates.y + 45
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-traffic")[index],
- cordinates.x + 65,
- cordinates.y + 40
- );
- doc.fromHTML(
- document.getElementsByClassName("voucher-time")[index],
- cordinates.x + 65,
- cordinates.y + 45
- );
+ })
+ );
- row++;
- cordinates.width = cordinates.y;
- cordinates.y = fifthHeight * row;
- doc.setDrawColor(17, 17, 17);
+ Promise.all(promises)
+ .then(function() {
+ console.log("done");
+ })
+ .catch(function(err) {
+ console.error(err);
+ });
+ }
+ this.vouchersToPrint = voucherList;
+ this.showVoucherPrint = true;
- if (!(index % 10 === 9)) {
- doc.line(halfWidth, cordinates.y, width, cordinates.y);
- }
- }
+ setTimeout(async function() {
+ context.printDiv('voucherPrint');
+ }, 500);
+ },
+ printDiv(div_id) {
+ $('body').html($("#"+div_id).html());
+ scroll(0, 0);
+ var context = this;
- Promise.all(promises)
- .then(function() {
- console.log("done");
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- console.error(err);
- });
+ window.onafterprint = function(event) {
+ // show "Go back to Hotspot Manager" button in Firefox
+ var browser = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+ if (browser.indexOf('firefox') > -1) {
+ $("body").prepend('');
+ $("#goBack").click(function(){
+ location.reload();
+ });
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ location.reload();
+ }, 2000);
+ } else {
+ location.reload();
- doc.autoPrint();
- window.open(doc.output("bloburl"), "_blank");
- image.src = this.preferences.captive[2].value;
+ window.print();
+ },
+ printVoucher(voucher) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.vouchers.usable.length; i++) {
+ // print vocuher only if it's usable
+ if (this.vouchers.usable[i].id === voucher.id) {
+ this.printVouchers([ voucher ]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ printAllVoucher() {
+ this.printVouchers(this.vouchers.usable);
exportCSVVoucher() {
var voucherRows = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.vouchers.usable));
@@ -2517,6 +2395,93 @@ textarea {
background: #c8eb79;
+@media print {
+ @page {
+ margin: 15mm 10mm;
+ }
+ .pagebreak {
+ break-after: always !important;
+ page-break-after: always !important;
+ }
+.voucherPrintContainer {
+ width: 210mm;
+ padding: 5mm;
+.voucher-print {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 49%;
+ border: 0.2mm dashed gray;
+ padding: 2mm;
+ vertical-align: top;
+.voucher-print-logo {
+ width: 22%;
+ float: right;
+.voucher-print-hs-title {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-size: 5mm;
+ margin-bottom: 3mm;
+.voucher-print-code {
+ font-weight: 800;
+ font-size: 6mm;
+.voucher-print-data {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 30mm;
+ font-size: 3mm;
+.width-100 {
+ width: 100%;
+.width-75 {
+ width: 75%;
+.voucher-print-q1 {
+ width: 3mm;
+ border-bottom: 0.3mm solid black;
+.voucher-print-q2 {
+ padding: 0;
+.voucher-print-q4 {
+ border-top: 0.3mm solid black;
+.padding-left-2 {
+ padding-left: 2mm;
+.padding-left-2-2 {
+ padding-left: 2.2mm;
+.border-left {
+ border-left: 0.3mm solid black;
+.line-height-5 {
+ line-height: 5.5mm;
+.align-top {
+ vertical-align: top;
.label-dateFilter {
margin-right: 10px;
diff --git a/sun/sun-ui/src/filters/filters.js b/sun/sun-ui/src/filters/filters.js
index 687009917..fa325c644 100644
--- a/sun/sun-ui/src/filters/filters.js
+++ b/sun/sun-ui/src/filters/filters.js
@@ -69,6 +69,16 @@ var Filters = {
adjustPage: function(value) {
return Math.ceil(value);
+ },
+ uppercase: function (value) {
+ return value && value.toUpperCase()
+ },
+ truncate(value, maxLength) {
+ if (value.length > maxLength) {
+ return value.substring(0, maxLength) + '...';
+ } else {
+ return value;
+ }
diff --git a/sun/sun-ui/src/main.js b/sun/sun-ui/src/main.js
index 60f6ac1e9..cffeece32 100644
--- a/sun/sun-ui/src/main.js
+++ b/sun/sun-ui/src/main.js
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ Vue.filter("secondsInHour", filters.secondsInHour);
Vue.filter("formatDate", filters.formatDate);
Vue.filter("formatDateShort", filters.formatDateShort);
Vue.filter("adjustPage", filters.adjustPage);
+Vue.filter("uppercase", filters.uppercase);
+Vue.filter("truncate", filters.truncate);
// init Vue app
new Vue({
diff --git a/sun/sun-ui/src/styles/main.css b/sun/sun-ui/src/styles/main.css
index b95d6fd93..40c5877f5 100644
--- a/sun/sun-ui/src/styles/main.css
+++ b/sun/sun-ui/src/styles/main.css
@@ -458,6 +458,17 @@ a {
width: 38% !important;
+@media print {
+ .layout-pf.layout-pf-fixed body {
+ padding-top: 0 !important;
+ }
+.go-back-to-hotspot-manager {
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-bottom: 60px;
.datepicker-input {
width: 100%;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wax/utils/utils.go b/wax/utils/utils.go
index 0f8360bcb..b35a4f130 100644
--- a/wax/utils/utils.go
+++ b/wax/utils/utils.go
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ func HotspotHasValidSubscription(hotspotId int) bool {
func GetVoucherByCode(code string, hotspotId int) models.HotspotVoucher {
var hotspotVoucher models.HotspotVoucher
db := database.Instance()
- db.Where("binary code = ? AND hotspot_id = ?", code, hotspotId).First(&hotspotVoucher)
+ db.Where("binary code = ? AND hotspot_id = ?", strings.ToLower(code), hotspotId).First(&hotspotVoucher)
return hotspotVoucher