(c) 2018-2020 Marek Rychly ([email protected]) and Martin Josefik ([email protected])
- installed Docker
Pull and build required Docker images and start the Docker containers infrastructure based on the images:
cd dist-forensic-digital-data-repo/docker/Environment
docker-compose pull
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Build and install the application modules:
cd dist-forensic-digital-data-repo/app
for I in Communication Persistence DistributedRepository ProducerDemo; do
cd ${I}
./install.sh || break
cd -
Run the application the Distributed Repository:
cd dist-forensic-digital-data-repo/app/DistributedRepository
Run the Producer Demo to test the Distributed Repository:
cd dist-forensic-digital-data-repo/app/ProducerDemo
This work was supported by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic as a part of the project Integrated platform for analysis of digital data from security incidents VI20172020062.