Blend video frames, or images, to make nice visualisations!
step 1) Download repo:
git clone; cd frame_blender
step 2) Prerequisites:
pip install -r requirements.txt
step 3) Run!
python --load_gif examples/example_gif.gif -sf 5
Scripts for manipulating the open browser tabs:
Create an image of blended frames, from various sources:
-v, --load_video
: pass a path to the video file.
-g, --load_gif
: pass a path to the .gif file.
-d, --load_dir
: pass a path to the directory containing a sequence of images.
It is necessary that the images are the same size, and would be useful to also pass the image type:
-it, --image_type
: the default is 'png'
It is possible to limit the number of frames used:
-mf, --max_frames
: by default all frame are used.
In order to skip several frames, pass:
-sf, --skip_frames
: the default is tu use all frames.
Make a gif either from a video file or a sequence of images.
Make a sequence of images either from a video file or gif.
NOTE: Large files require a lot of memory, use with caution!
(TODO) Rewrite as iterators to better manage the memory.