Each row represents a single replay file
id: int, primary key, autoincrements
The unique ID for each run in the database
version: int
The version of the replay file
amplified: bool
Designates if this has the Amplified DLC in Early Access
amplified_full: bool
Designates if this has the Amplified DLC after full release
folder: text
The folder path to the replay
file: text
The file name of the replay
f_hash: int
A unique hash based off of folder, file and character of the run
run_date: int
The date of when the run happened
f_run_date: text
The run date in a pretty format for display
run_type: int
The type of run that the replay represents
f_fun_type: text
The type of run in a pretty format for display
run_time: int
The length of the run in milliseconds
f_run_time: text
The length of the run formatted as the end screen output
seed: int
The integer representation of the seed
songs: int
How many songs were played throughout the run
players: int
How many characters were played in the run, irrelavent because I did not code in co-op
char1: int
The character for player 1
f_char1: text
The character for player 1, formatted for display
char2: int
The character for player 2
f_char2: text
The character for player 2, formatted for display
win: bool
Designates if the run was completed or not
killed_by: int
What you were killed by, not currently implemented
f_killed_by: text
What you were killed by, formatted for display
key_presses: int
The number of keys pressed throughout a run
score: int
The score the run achieved
imported_date: int
The date the run was imported
Each row represents data for a bugged run
id: int, primary key, autoincremented
The unique ID of each bugged run
run_id: int, references run(id)
A reference to the run's id in the run table
bugged_reason: text
The reason the run was bugged
bugged_data: text
The raw data behind the bugged run
Each row represents a specific tag -- not currently implemented
id: int, primary key, autoincremented
The unique ID of each tag
name: text
The name of each tag
color: text
The color of each tag
Each row represents the tag of the a run in the run table -- not currently implemented
id: int, primary key, autoincremented
The unique ID of each run's tag
run_id: int, references run(id)
The run's ID from the run table
tag_id: int, references tag(id)
The tag's ID from the tag table