To reach the broadest of communities, our TOPS team seeks to form equitable partnerships with academic institutions, non-profits, professional societies, and other government agencies. When working with others to build a vibrant equitable community, we define our goals and objectives for groups of community partners, focusing on the roles the community partners serve and potential ways we can collaborate. We co-create thoughtful calls of action and together develop a shared understanding and determine appropriate collaborations that will benefit all parties.
Image courtesy of The Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement via |
Here are some ways we collaborate and communicate with communities:
Participate in webinars at community meetings
Co-create a forum with diverse voices/perspectives
Co-create articles of success
Develop podcast with the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), a technical society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Collaborate with communities focused on historically underrepresented groups
Promote open science in High Priority Publications, through a roadshow (virtual if necessary) to brief editorial boards of top science publications, publishing pieces in high priority publications - scientific and popular media forms, and write Op-eds in key publications
If your community is interested in working together, please contact us.