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Guide: Quickstart to running a node (Ubuntu 16.04)

Brad Kilshaw edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 27 revisions

Install boost library

apt-get update
apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Download and extract nano node

cd ~
tar xvf rai-10.0.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.bz2

Initiate rai_node to generate ~/RaiBlocks

 ./rai-10.0.1-Linux/bin/rai_node --daemon

Press ctrl+c to kill process

Update config.json

vim RaiBlocks/config.json

Change: "rpc_enable": "true" Save and quit

Find the path of the rai_node binary, as well as the user it will be run by

cd ~/rai-10.0.1-Linux/bin/
pwd -P

This should output something similar to: /home/stanley/rai-10.0.1-Linux/bin Write down this path for our service file in a future step

ls -l

This should output something similar to: -rwxr-xr-x 1 stanley stanley 8.9M Feb 16 02:25 rai_node Write down the user and group (in this example, both the user and group is stanley) to the left of rai_node, this should be the same as your username

Create service file

sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/rai_node.service   
sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/rai_node.service   
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/rai_node.service  

Service file

Description=RaiBlocks node service

ExecStart=/home/stanley/rai-10.0.1-Linux/bin/rai_node --daemon #Update this with the link copied from the last step
User=stanley #This user from the last step
Group=stanley #The group from the last step


Start the service

sudo service rai_node start

Enable the node to run on boot

sudo systemctl enable rai_node

Link to rai_node

ln -s ~/rai-10.0.1-Linux/bin/rai_node /usr/local/sbin/rai_node

### Voila!
You should now have a brand new node up and running, and the blocks syncing.

### Check Status
rai_node --debug_block_count
This will show you how far along the node is to syncing the blocks. You can compare this to the current block count at []( to see how far along the syncing process your are