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Guide: Quickstart to running a node (Ubuntu 16.04)

Nightshade edited this page Apr 12, 2018 · 27 revisions

Install boost library

apt-get update
apt-get install libboost-all-dev

(Optional) Build and Install boost v1.66 instead (Ubuntu repo has v1.58)

tar --bzip2 -xf boost_1_66_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_66_0
sudo ./b2 install

Download and extract nano node

cd ~
tar xvf nano-11.2.0-Linux.tar.bz2

Initiate rai_node to generate ~/RaiBlocks

 ./rai-11.2.0-Linux/bin/rai_node --daemon

Press ctrl+c to kill process

Update config.json

nano ~/RaiBlocks/config.json

Change: "rpc_enable": "true" Save and quit

Find the path of the rai_node binary, as well as the user it will be run by

cd ~/rai-11.2.0-Linux/bin/
pwd -P

This should output something similar to: /home/stanley/rai-11.2.0-Linux/bin Write down this path for our service file in a future step

ls -l

This should output something similar to: -rwxr-xr-x 1 stanley stanley 8.9M Feb 16 02:25 rai_node Write down the user and group (in this example, both the user and group is stanley) to the left of rai_node, this should be the same as your username

Create service file

sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/rai_node.service   
sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/rai_node.service   
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rai_node.service  

Service file

Description=RaiBlocks node service

ExecStart=/home/stanley/rai-11.2.0-Linux/bin/rai_node --daemon #Update this with the link copied from the last step
User=stanley #This user from the last step
Group=stanley #The group from the last step


Be sure to remove the comments (the parts starting at #) as they may cause problems.

Start the service

sudo service rai_node start

Enable the node to run on boot

sudo systemctl enable rai_node

Create a symlink to rai_node to easily access later

ln -s ~/rai-11.2.0-Linux/bin/rai_node /usr/local/sbin/rai_node


You should now have a brand new node up and running, and the blocks syncing.

Check Status

rai_node --debug_block_count

This will show you how far along the node is to syncing the blocks. You can compare this to the current block count at to see how far along the syncing process your are