- 1 Feature
- 2 Doc
- 3 Installation
- 4 Guide
support | additional | |
language | java, kotlin | scala |
web | spring, feign, jaxrs (quarkus or jersey) | dubbo |
channels | Postman, Yapi, Markdown | - |
frameworks | javax.validation, Jackson, Gson | swagger |
support following product build version > 173(2017.3)
- IntelliJ IDEA
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
using IDE plugin market
- Preferences(Settings) > Plugins > Browse repositories... > find"EasyYapi" > Install Plugin
restart IDE.
- ExportApi(
1. Open existed Spring Controller File Or Select files or directories from project navigation
You can use by this : "alt shift E(windows)/ctrl E(mac)"
2. Select apis and channel
3. Click [✔️] button or press enter key
- ExportYapi
There are two ways to export api.
1. Open existed Spring Controller File
You can use by this : "Right click in the file -> generate... " or use its shortcuts "[Alt + Insert]/[Ctrl+Enter]" , then
choose the action "ExportYapi"
2. Select files or directories from project navigation
You can use by this : "Click [Code -> ExportYapi] in top"
- ExportPostman
There are two ways to export api.
1. Open existed Spring Controller File
You can use by this : "Right click in the file -> generate... " or use its shortcuts "[Alt + Insert]/[Ctrl+Enter]" , then
choose the action "ExportPostman"
2. Select files or directories from project navigation
You can use by this : "Click [Code -> ExportPostman] in top"
- How to export to postman automatically?
Click [Preference -> Other Setting -> EasyApi]
set postman privateToken
If you do not have a privateToken of postman,
you can easily generate one by heading over to the Postman Integrations Dashboard
- Quick API requests from code
Open existed Spring Controller File
You can use by this : "Right click in the file -> generate... " or use its shortcuts "[Alt + Insert]/[Ctrl+Enter]" , then
choose the action "Call"
- ApiDashBoard
It is easily to export api in current project to postman by dragging
You can use by this : "Click [Code -> ApiDashBoard] in top"
- YApiDashBoard
It is easily to export api in current project to yapi by dragging
You can use by this : "Click [Code -> YApiDashBoard] in top"
- ExportMarkdown(Beta)
There are two ways to export api.
1. Open existed Spring Controller File
You can use by this : "Right click in the file -> generate... " or use its shortcuts "[Alt + Insert]/[Ctrl+Enter]" , then
choose the action "ExportMarkdown"
2. Select files or directories from project navigation
You can use by this : "Click [Code -> ExportMarkdown] in top"