- New classes DetectorGeometry and DetectorPanel as interfaces to 2D pixel area detectors.
- Use of physical units in Diffractors, DiffractofParameters, and DetectorGeometry.
- Compatible with new pysingfel interface.
- Fixed FindHDF cmake utility (Thanks to Andrea Dotti).
- Small improvements in Analysis classes.
- EstherExperiment: A workflow for radiation-hydrodynamics simulations
- Added CrystFEL to external libraries (building simex_platform will download, build, and install CrystFEL as well). Controllable via the DCrystFELPhotonDiffractor flag to cmake.
- Various small bug fixes related to Esther interfaces, enabled minimal working example with the EstherPhotonMatterInteractor.
- Disabled lengthy tests on the CI server.
- Tutorial for PlasmaXRTSCalculator (in the wiki).
- Tutorial for CrystFELPhotonDiffracto (in the wiki).
- Fixed a bug in WPG leading to segfault if wavefront mesh not quadratic shape (nx != ny).
- Various bug fixes in PlasmaXRTSCalculator and CrystFELPhotonDiffractor which were discovered while writing the tutorial.
- FEFFPhotonMatterInteractor: Calculator for the opensource part of FEFF8.5 allowing calculation
of EXAFS spectra for a given sample specification.
- Including more utility functions and new calculators (added since version 0.2) to the reference manual.
- Fixed missing documentation in 0.3.0
- CrystFELPhotonDiffractor for serial crystallography simulation (backengine: CrystFEL.pattern_sim http://www.desy.de/~twhite/crystfel/). Beam parameters can be extracted from wavefront data.
- PhotonBeamParameters to parametrize photon beams.
- XCSITPhotonDetector and XCSITPhotonDetectorParameters for 2D pixel detector simulation. Requires Geant4 and XCSIT being installed, these are not part of the external libraries shipped with simex_platform (partly due to licensing issues). Disabled in the build system by default.
- PlasmaXRTSCalculator reads propagated wavefront data to synthesize scattering spectrum with instrumental broadening.
- XFELPhotonAnalysis for diagnostics of wavefront data stored in native FAST/WPG wavefront format. OpenPMD currently not supported. bin/prop_diagnostics.py added as CLI.
- DiffractionAnalysis for diagnostics of diffraction data. CLI: bin/diffr_diagnostics.py
- Added option for no rotation in SingFELPhotonDiffractor.
- ComptonScatteringCalculator for Compton scattering from plasmas.
- Support for sample structures in xyz format.
- GenesisPhotonSource to describe FELs using Genesis and conversion utilities to convert genesis output to wpg readable format, as well as PIC openPMD data to genesis readable format.
- Conversion from PIC openPMD to simplex FEL code input.
- Adding ocelot electron beam simulation framework and FEL code to external libraries.
- Various tools to steer Esther radiation-hydrodynamics simulations and experiment design.
- Converter for Shadow3 raytracing beams into OpenPMD particle-mesh data. To be used as python script in Oasys.
- Removed random rotation in XMDYNDemoPhotonMatterInteractor since done in SingFELPhotonDiffractor
- Improve MPI parallelization in EMCOrientation
- Make use of units more consistent in PlasmaXRTSCalculator
- Replaced singfel by pysingfel (reimplementation in python, less dependencies on fat libraries like boost, armadillo).
- Exposing most Calculators, Parameters, Utilities, and Analysis objects in SimEx top level module. (>>> from SimEx import SingFELPhotonDiffractor).
- Azimuthal integration of diffraction patterns uses pyFAI.
- Fixing pdb parser to parse large (>100000 atoms) pdbs.
- WPG uses threaded version (openmp) of SRW.
- Ability to process time-independent wavefront data (one slice in frequency space).
- PhotonDiffractors write one single hdf5 file which links to individual patterns.
- Using xraydb (github/scikit-beam/xraydb) for x-ray material properties and atomic levels.
- Automated collection of system variables to setup MPI parameters for parallel backengine execution.
- Various bugs in XMDYNDemoPhotonMatterInteractor
- EMCOrientation: Parallel improvements to create backengine input data photons.dat
- Fixing EMC for new diffr data format.
- Adding parameters cpus_per_task and forced_mpi_command and default handling.
- Adding parallel backengines for high performance backengine execution.
- SimEx single-particle imaging tutorial moved to wiki (github.com/eucall-software/simex_platform/wiki
- New tutorial for usage of Esther rad-hydro simulations
- Demonstration of new diagnostics tools for wavefront and diffraction data.
- Various improvements in docker image generation and usage.
- Added pyqt to dockerfiles
- Added --bind-to none to mpi command
- Updated Docker files