This proposal is based on the mxcube3 routes/ and the GPhL workflow
NB the dataclasses are Python 3.7 (see manual), but backported to at least 3.6
They are the best way to specify data structures, because they are typed, compact to write and (unlike NamedTuple) support subtyping. They have a todict function for serialisation. The same functionality could be done (more laboriously) with normal classes or with multiple (non-inheriting) NamedTuples. They are used as a good way of specifying functionality, without prejudice to the implementation we shall eventually decide on.
class WorkflowData:
Data specifying of a single workflow
name: str # Workflow identifier
display_name: str=None # Heading/name to display
requires: str=None # requirement for workflow to run
documentation: str=None # Documentation/tooltip
parameters: dict=None # Parameters passed to Workflow engine to set up UI
# May be control parameters or initial values for UI data entry.
# Standard supported types of data, used to widget, datatype, etc., with the corresponding DataClass
# Additional types can be used. E.g. GPhL will have a selection_table type to display and select indexing solutions
STANDARD_DISPLAY_TYPES = {'int':NumericFieldData,
class FieldData:
Data specifying a data entry field for the workflow data dialog
name: str # parameter name
display_type: str # String specifying the kind of data to display. Determines both the data type and the widget to use
display_name: str=None # Label/name to display
value: object=None # (Starting) value of parameter, to display
tool_tip: str=None # Short documentation string, for display or popup
required: bool=False # Is a return value mandatory?
parameters: dict=None # Dictionary for additional parameters
class NumericFieldData(FieldData):
Data specifying a numeric data entry field for the workflow data dialog
unit: str # Suffix for data field, used to show the unit.
upper_bound: float # Upper bound for permitted values
lower_bound: float # Lower bound for permitted values
class StringFieldData(FieldData):
Data specifying a string data entry field for the workflow data dialog
read_only: bool # Is field read-only? Yes/no.
class SelectorFieldData(FieldData):
Data specifying a string selector (e.g. pulldown) data entry field for the workflow data dialog
allowed_values: List[str] # List of allowed string values.
def set_values_map(workflow_engine:str, parameters:Dict[str, object]):
""" Return call from the 'workflowParametersDialog' signal.
Set queried values for workflow engine to parameters dict.
:param str workflow_engine: Name of workflow engine. value one of 'EDNA', 'GPhL'
:param Dict[str, object] parameters: Parameters to pass
def get_available_workflows(workflow_engine:str) -> OrderedDict[str, WorkflowData]:
""" Get available workflow information for workflow_engine.
:param str workflow_engine: Name of workflow engine. value one of 'EDNA', 'GPhL'
:returns: Ordered dictionary of workflow_name and correspoinding WorkflowData
:rtype: OrderedDict[str, WorkflowData]
Functions with the following signatures have to be provided by the specific UI Layer
Signal Name Handler workflowParametersDialog workflow_parameters_dialog
def workflow_parameters_dialog(display_name:str, workflow_engine:str, fields:List[FieldData]) -> None:
"""Triggered when a workflow parameters are queried.
Pops up a query dialog for workflow_engine, which calls set_values_map when done."""