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Graphical sensitivity analysis

Kyle Baron 2021-12-15 21:57:53


What I mean by “graphical” is generating simulated outputs with parameters varied across a grid of values and making a graphical display of the results. This is an informal method for visualizing variability in outputs in relation to variability in inputs. It is similar to local sensitivity analysis in that parameters are varied one at a time, but parameters may be varied across the different segments of the parameter space.

This is in contrast to global sensitivity analysis, when all parameters are varied simultaneously across the entire parameter space.

This vignette uses the mrgsolve in coordination with the package package in do local sensitivity analysis.




We’ll perform graphical sensitivity analysis on a 2-compartment PK model.

mod <- modlib("pk2") %>%
  update(end = 24, delta = 0.1, outvars = "CP,PERIPH") %>% 
  param(Q = 12, V3 = 50)

The parameters of the model are

  • CL
  • V2
  • Q
  • V3
  • KA
. Model file:  pk2.cpp 
. $PARAM @annotated
. CL   :  1 : Clearance (volume/time)
. V2   : 20 : Central volume (volume)
. Q    :  2 : Inter-compartmental clearance (volume/time)
. V3   : 10 : Peripheral volume of distribution (volume)
. KA   :  1 : Absorption rate constant (1/time)
. $CMT @annotated
. EV     : Extravascular compartment (mass)
. CENT   : Central compartment (mass)
. PERIPH : Peripheral compartment (mass) 
. #define CP (CENT/V2)
. $PKMODEL ncmt = 2, depot = TRUE
. $CAPTURE @annotated
. CP : Plasma concentration (mass/time)


We are just looking at a single dose for now.

dose <- function(amt = 1000,...) ev(amt = amt, ...)

Graphical sensitivity analysis

First, let’s look at how to do this with the package. As a test run let’s vary CL with 30% coefficient of variation around the nominal value in the model object

ans <- 
  mod %>% 
  ev(dose()) %>% 
  parseq_cv(CL, .cv = 30) %>%

The output is simulated data in long format

. # A tibble: 6 × 7
.    case  time p_name p_value dv_name dv_value ref_value
. * <int> <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>
. 1     1     0 CL       0.549 PERIPH         0         0
. 2     1     0 CL       0.549 PERIPH         0         0
. 3     1     0 CL       0.549 CP             0         0
. 4     1     0 CL       0.549 CP             0         0
. 5     1     0 CL       0.549 PERIPH         0         0
. 6     1     0 CL       0.549 PERIPH         0         0

And we can make a plot of this data

ans %>% sens_plot("CP")

In the plot - Parameters are varied across 2 standard deviations of a distribution with 30% CV (see ?parseq_cv) - We have some parameters with “low” value and some with “high” value - There is a dashed reference line that shows the simulated simulated data with no change in the model parameters from what is currently in the model object

To see the values in the legend

sens_plot(ans, "CP", grid = TRUE)

We can look at multiple parameters, this time with larger CV

mod %>% 
  ev(dose()) %>% 
  parseq_cv(CL, V3, KA, Q, .cv = 50) %>%
  sens_each() %>%

Rather than looking across a certain CV, we can just specify the range

. [1] 1
. [1] 50
mod %>% 
  ev(dose()) %>% 
  parseq_range(CL = c(0.5,2), V3 = c(25,75), .n = 10) %>%
  sens_each() %>%

Or vary a parameter by a “factor” (double / half)

mod %>% 
  ev(dose()) %>% 
  parseq_fct(CL, V3, .n = 6) %>%
  sens_each() %>%

The user can also simulate across a complete grid of values

mod %>% 
  ev(dose()) %>% 
  parseq_fct(CL, V3, KA, .n = 4) %>%
  sens_grid() %>%

Code your own

The package makes it convenient to simulate and plot these results. However, you can also code your own simulations to look at similar types of questions. I’ll use the chunks below to illustrate the workflow. You’ll see that the output isn’t as refined as what you get from, but it can be polished with additional coding.

To do this sort of sensitivity analysis, we use idata_set

idata <- tibble(CL = seq_even(0.5, 2, 4))
. # A tibble: 4 × 1
.      CL
.   <dbl>
. 1   0.5
. 2   1  
. 3   1.5
. 4   2
out <- mrgsim_ei(mod, dose(), idata, carry_out = "CL", output = "df")
.   ID time  CL    PERIPH        CP
. 1  1  0.0 0.5  0.000000  0.000000
. 2  1  0.0 0.5  0.000000  0.000000
. 3  1  0.1 0.5  2.819859  4.611214
. 4  1  0.2 0.5 10.607294  8.510634
. 5  1  0.3 0.5 22.455244 11.788369
. 6  1  0.4 0.5 37.578679 14.524110
ggplot(out) + geom_line(aes(time, CP, color = factor(CL))) + theme_bw()

The code that uses is just a more robust or sophisticated implementation of the code here.