This small website was created to collect and organize tools and documentation relative to Symbian OS. All those files were collected after the official website shutdown.
There are still a lot of missing files and tools. If you have anything that could be helpful don't hesitate to contact me by creating an issue on the github repository.
While not complete, the s60 series SDKs are well garnished. For the other plateforms (s80, s90, UIQ, ^3, ...) there is at least one SDK. More could be added if possible but the most interresting is now the various SDKs that added specific functionnalities (MMS, Audio suite, ...)
A lot of whitepapers published on the nokia website and a lot of Developer Forum Guides are not saved yet. Worse it's actually a lot harder to know what is missing, since no complete list is available to my knowledge. What has been collected is not yet organized but should be in the next few weeks.
If you have any question or suggestion, please create an issue on the github repository.
An immense thanks to freaks_r_us who collected and archived a lot of resources. He/she also saved a lot of community collected tools. I hope to eventually store everything here. Link to the archive
The second huge thanks goes to Artjom Vejsel, who host on his personal website a full mirror of the Symbian Foundation Wiki and of the Symbian Mercurial Repository.
Another big thanks to AppSoft4, who sent me multiple links to application archive, tutorials and other various ressources.
And a final thanks to everyone who helped collect those files when they were originally collected as part of the NGemu project.